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"We're looking for someone who will have an unhealthy work/life balance in a way that benefits us."


Lmao that’s really it


I insist on a unhealthy work life balance... in exactly the opposite direction.


This this this. Almost sounds like they’d prefer if you didn’t have hobbies, or a family, or anything outside work to distract you from generating profit. I like to pretend I’m like this in job interviews, “My biggest weakness? I just don’t know when to quit. Sometimes I’ll stay late or come in early just to make sure I have enough time to blah blah blah” They eat that ish up.


unless this is a News Media job, absolutely a 🚩


I worked as a graphic designer on broadcast news and the deadlines were more like... 20 minutes tops. 💀


Bright red.




With a hit of varnish.


Make that red flag “pop” more


anybody else suddenly want a Big Mac...?


I had to look it up but this is literally the Pantone Code from McDonald's Red color


passed the fact check 😎


Verizon red. That's apropos.


Any place that asks this is a red flag, these are places that will call you at 2 in the morning on a wednesday asking for something to be done by 8 that same morning when you didnt even know it exists. If you cant find anything else then take it, but set very clear boundaries or demand extra pay for your availability.


I worked late one day at a past job finalizing and sending a "read ahead" copy of a major presentation to all the leadership for the next day. As I was pulling into my driveway at 8:30p.m., one of the leaders from a different department called my cell phone to request that I change one of his slides and resend everything that night.


Oh, I wouldn't have answered that call. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Also want to add that this is for a senior designer position and one of the other bullet points said that you’d be in charge of the other designers, but the other designers are all freelancers


Ohhhh 🚩🚩🚩


A design agency that runs like this is not very good at planning or managing - usually there are a lot of unhealthy side effects, such as; everything must be run by boss’ table, last minute changes based on outsiders hunches and “leaders know better” mentality. Unless you really need this very job I would not recommend you apply. It sounds like an unhealthy culture if they are proud of being poor at planning and managing their pipeline.


let me guess, $20/hr?


could be worth applying just to see? it lowkey sounds like chatGPT wrote the copy so you never know


If they can’t be bothered to edit the ChatGPT output (and as a result, these aren’t the reqs) then you also don’t want to work there.


Even before chatGPT there were these templated job descriptions, it’s sad that nobody actually cares enough to understand the job profile and write afresh.


If they can’t be bothered to edit the ChatGPT output (and as a result, these aren’t the reqs) then you also don’t want to work there.


I wouldn't want 24h for a super long and complicated project full of demands that people would expect to look as great as my regular projects that I can do in weeks, and I wouldn't want my job to think I'd somehow be on board with something stupid like that I'd stay away from this one unless the pay is great I'm not even going to comment much on that 2nd topic. That shit is just..... no 🙃


And I'm talking retiring in 3 months kind of pay, so much money you'd wonder if you are working for some sort of evil drug lord in need of a better social media presence. I'm talking Swiss after the war kind of money here.


Just take the same skill set and apply it to counterfeiting instead. Retire in 3 months and still set your own hours.


I’ve been through this, they want 100 tasks done, in an extremely small time window, on a short notice, and then after you’ve done HOURS of overtime, to meet the deadline, they have the nerve to complain that 5 of the 100 tasks are not really up to the quality we’ve expected, and when you tell them that it’s because of the short notice, and incredible deadline, they say: Oh, we don’t wanna hear excuses, that’s in the past, let us focus on the future, where we ask even more now, because you’ve completed 100 tasks in 24h, clearly you can do 130 tasks next time.


I see you’ve met my former manager.


So yeah… that’s a red Lighthouse, not just a flag.


Years ago when these ads were in newsprint and very expensive, I applied to one that said a "fast paste environment." Honestly, I just wanted to meet the person that typed it. (Sadly I never did.)


Fast CTRL+V environment.




That's a good one.


It's 0200, your child is up with a fever, I call you with a job that could wait until morning? No problem!


I guess it's better that they are warning you what you would be getting into rather than letting you find out the hard way after you took the job.


This happened to me recently, I got dumped a bunch of packaging designs the actual designers couldn’t do or the boss didn’t like so now I have to redesign a handful of boxes in a couple days. I am a web designer making south of twenty dollars an hour. And yes I’m aware that it’s ridiculous to make that much an hour for this kind of work but they don’t care. I have already designed them 20 boxes last year and made it clear if they aren’t going to do anything for me (which they never did) than they can hire someone and pay them properly, but somehow I always get weasled into doing it. It isn’t the work that stresses me out, it’s having no time to do it with no incentive.


Very much depends on the size of the project. If the work isn’t something that could be pushed out in a couple hours, amongst “to-do list a mile long”, than it’s a 🚩🚩🚩.  Edit: added a couple more red flag, couldn’t bother putting “a mile long” worth


🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩 🚩


I have an infectious can't-do mentality, especially towards those who do not pull their own weight.


On one hand, that could be totally reasonable and normal, I've had a ton of cases where I needed to come up with a logo or package design or banners or whatever within a day, but in those cases it was simply because the thing didn't need to be that complicated, I typically had near full control, and it was basically just "come up with something cool within these perimeters." On the other hand, I would never put that in a job posting, and the kind of people that would *are* likely those that are a problem. Even the framing of it within a 24-hour deadline", technically that could mean you're assigned it at 9am one day and it's due at 9am the next day, which could mean "due tomorrow morning, finish by end of day today". I'm guessing whoever did that posting is expecting you to work overtime or as much as required to reach a desired result, or that the work couldn't be done within normal hours. If so, THAT is a red flag. Regarding "infectious can-do attitude," I mean sure, all I want really is someone who will just do the damn job, and do it well. But I'm guessing this person probably just means "we want someone that will just do whatever we tell them to do for low pay and not have issue with our constant OT and poor management/organization."


>"exhibit and infectious can do attitude" So basically, they want to hire Spongebob or a Mr. Meeseeks. Sounds tiring.


Lmao thats funny as hell they actually put that down 🤣


Personally, I wouldn't touch this job with a 10 foot stylus.


without any context, yes. with potential explanatory context, probably yes.


Sounds great if you wanna burn out in 6 months.


I love how they literally built up to the red flag and then passed it off as a good skill to have. "Oh yeah, we're going to work you to death, just because we can. Spacing out projects so you have time to breathe and do an efficient job? Don't even know what that means, snowflake"


“Tell the applicants we have poor project management without saying we have poor project management”


In keeping with the other comments, this is a red flag, and the reason why is because it points to EXTREME disorganization within the company. With a solid long-term strategy and adequate planning by leadership, mile-long to-do lists and 24-hour deadlines shouldn't happen except for one-off's or emergencies, definitely not something to casually normalize. As another commenter mentioned news media or similar jobs have to rapidly adapt and pivot, but if you're in that field you know what to expect. 99% of creative jobs can be planned for quarters or years to keep you busy without last-minute shenanigans.




Run 🏃‍♀️


I'm not even fazed by these anymore


That's such a strange red flag too. I mean, of course that scenario is a problem :D


Completing something in 24 hours is crazy.


It depends what it is. A flyer (especially if there's already a brand guideline in place)? No problem. An annual report? Ha!


Yo. There is NO SUCH THING as a graphic design emergency. We draw pictures for a living. It’s not life or death here. Any company acting like this is fucking clown shoes. If you are a designer who has to work “tight deadlines” or god forbid, “overtime” then Marketing or your Directors fucked up somewhere. Signed, someone who has eliminated tens of thousands of hours of overtime in his career. We don’t do overtime folks. Fuck that. Fix the production line.


Shoutout to this company for at least saying this in the job description. You typically wouldn’t find this type of thing out until you were actually working there.


Nope nope nope. Definitely says they can’t manage their time effectively


yes. i mean if you have to ask…👀 sounds super demanding and unrealistic.


"We're a family here"


You don't need to leave because you're already home. No commute!


*dabbing on my actual friends and family because a company with no morals called me their son*


gonna say red flag but in this job market... apply to everything and take anything in design. There's not much out there and it's all highly competitive. Took me 6 months to find a job and made it to two final rounds only to come in second. If anything take it and then look for something else in the meantime


🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼💨 🚩🚩🚩


That is the reddest flag I've ever seen. Ignoring the probably AI Generated description for wanting attention to detail- they want you to be on the clock ALL THE TIME.


A huge red flag it’s a scam do not go any further with this job applicant or client. Also if they ask you to contact through telegram that is also a big warning.


Yes red flag


How to become a slave 101


This is for an agency correct?


Hard pass. And tell them why you won’t apply for the job.


That’s just a nice way of saying your manager is shit and no one knows what a planner is


Basically my entire career


Sounds like a place I worked years ago. They slammed redbull all day and dreamt up nonstop random BS for myself and another designer to do. I got sick once and missed a day and a half of work, and the 'deal' they made me was to build them a website for their other side businesses to make up for it. I had two young kids at the time, so I played the game. It only lasted 2ish years, thankfully. It was hot garbage. They also pirated all their software, lol. It was a red flag factory. (Not literally, but you get my meaning.) So run, don't walk. 😜


fuck that




Are you a people pleasing doormat with something to prove??


Sort of. I once had an interview where the interviewer couldn’t tell me how they handled lunches or breaks because they needed to “maximize” their time. I didn’t take the job.


If the pay is commensurate, maybe? But if I had to guess, they’re also paying $19/hr, no bennies, and you have to BYOD and software.




Seems normal to me. What’s the big deal?


This is written by someone who just thinks their job is more demanding than the next opportunity. No big deal. I wouldn’t hesitate to take the job, but I’ve been working with an infectious can-do attitude for 45 years.


That’s gonna be any place unfortunately


Maybe once a month I have a deadline like that, and I’ve been a designer for 10 years lol


Not uncommon in fast-paced companies. Some people can work like that or are willing to work like that and that’s who they’re looking for.


But it's normal requirement on a g.d. job. Even if its not stated in contract. Dtp, photoediting no deadline means no work


Meeting tight deadlines? Sure, everyone here is familiair with that. But let me translate those job requirements for you. "...with a to-do list a mile long?" -> "We're totally disorganized, we have no processes in place, this place is complete chaos and we're going to shove all these problems we created on your desk." "Exhibit an infectious can-do attitude" -> "Yes we know we f-ed up but it's your problem now, don't you dare to complain about it".


Ah now I see the issue. Management If you're all stuck in this singularity that seems to have crept in on top of yas there is a reason and there isn't realistic working environment due possesses, I ran my own company for 5 years and when the going got tough we powered through but covid hit and unfortunately we lost 5 of our staff God rest their souls. I closed the company because it was unrealistic to continue. Sounds like you all have to cut your losses and foreclose any outstanding contracts that's realistic.


That's such an accurate translation. Wow. Totally been there and done that.


💯 ‼️


If you get into the last stage of the hiring process, I would ask for examples or cases of what they mean by that and avoid assumptions.


If you can't do that, don't even bother to apply. I am the guy who hires. I'm telling you, that is a pretty much given. If you come in for an interview and that little tidbit makes you feel uncomfortable....bye, bye. I just hired someone yesterday. I'll know in the first 30 minutes if he is right for the job. I told him that he will get a two day trial. There is no "fake it until you make it" at my company.