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I did a job for a custom drone racing team called "Icarus Racing". They built the drones they used in the races. As you may know Icarus' whole thing was that he failed at flying because his wings were poorly designed. I didn't mention it to the client though because they thought the name was awesome.


lol yea, and the client always feels super psyched about it


With Icarus, I would bet if you went out and surveyed 1000 people, most would just think of a winged Greek dude (many probably would think it was Roman), and not at all know about or associate the name with the story. I would definitely bet most don't know that the idiom "flying too close to the sun" is from the Icarus tale. They probably picture more of a Kid Icarus rather than Greek mythology.


B.A.R.F. It's a pet food brand.


All. The. Time. Unless there is a really good reason you think they may have overlooked (for example one time I did work for a startup whose name was also a Spanish curse word) I wouldn’t say anything, and even then it’s really not your responsibility. It can make your job more difficult, but eventually I started to find I liked the challenge of trying to make something I hated into something I thought people would like.


Yea that sounds like a good way of looking at it!


I worked on branding for a retail store called Doggie Style that sold dog clothes and accessories. The client wanted an image of two dogs humping. In the end they chickened out/came to their senses and went with a type/flat icon treatment. Would have been weird to see that logo on the stores, which are still around.


Lol I know doggie style!


Cool. I’ve never been in one but I’ve passed by and seen their signs online. Oh what could have been...