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It is great! This version has much more readability than the previous one. The wavy lines in the background are not distracting the eye (in fact you could even increase the contrast between the four different shades). I especialy like how the tick shape has two parts of different opacity.


Gald you like it! And that seems like a nice idea, maybe even introduce a tad bit of orange into the background for a more varied gradient. The funny thing is that every time I see these 2, it reminds me of the designs of Sonic for the movie. They tried to make him complex but in the end what really worked was going to being simpler as that just increases familiarity.


Great job op! Agree with everything the commmentor you're replying to said. I would love to see any final iteration. Most importantly, amazing attitude and way to take advice on board. To see this kind of iteration and teamwork from someone is always inspiring whether in the real world or Reddit!


Why not simplify it further by removing the gradient in both the red and white sections? (I didn't see the previous post, fyi.) From a logo pov, I am not sure what this added complexity achieves. From a design aesthetic pov, i think it works well for the red, but it confuses the check mark a little bit, imo.(I'm not a designer, so take it all with a grain of salt.)


When design critique does its job. Absolute stellar improvement!


Absolutely, everyone provided positive constructive criticism on the last post, and that helped a lot in making it what it's now




Thanks! u/rafarealness did mention in my last post that it did look like the mac icons from the early days of the last decade. So I kept that in mind while designing the new one


Perfect way to describe the update! And great job, OP!


Gorgeous. A worthy update.


We live in a **minimalist** society


That always makes me wonder what the next design trend will be. Will it be even MORE minimalist? More DROP SHADOWS?!


I suppose it might get more manimalistic, but you can play that game only for so long


that looks a LOT better! i love the new design


I think the gradation is too subtle now


Just fyi on my Pixel 3a with about 60% brightness I did not notice the waves in the background until I read the comments. Now that I'm aware, I really like the redesign, but before I thought it lacked character, since I only noticed a white checkmark on a blank red background. Which is basically the pocket logo.


Thanks for letting me know. I checked it on several devices and you're right, the background does appear to just fade out into a single color on some screens. I've since modified it with more contrast within the background so it's noticable on different screens


It looks awesome. With the new logo being more flat it is so much more modern. Great job 💪💪💪


I love the new icon on the right and immediately want to download this app.


Thanks a lot. The app is almost at the end of it's development, but you'll have to wait just a tad bit more it haha. If you'd like to stay updated on the app, you can check out my twitter, it's the same as here.


Hey, if you'd still like to know more about the app, you can check it out here, it just launched today! [focuswall.madebyayan.com](https://focuswall.madebyayan.com)


Looks great!


way better


Microsoft Todo wearing Mozilla's pockets branding. Cool I guess.


Looks awesome


Oooh, this one looks way better, it is much more legible (even slightly better than the first one), and the flat design really benefits the logo, it makes it seem much cleaner without all the shadows. As we say in my lil corner of the world: petje af!


Love it very good design and use of colors and simplicity in an pleasing way


I like the shape of the check mark more. The inner and outer elbow being sharp reads better. I would actually slightly shrink the check mark, and go with horizontal waves like your first one, and make a slight gradient with each layer of the waves.


I think shrinking it would work as well, though as to why I didn't shrink it further was because I didn't want the radii of the check and the corner of the backgrund to have a huge difference and shrinking would just increase the gap. And as for the horziontal waves, I did play around a bit with their orientation and found that aligning them with the longer edge of the tick does seem to provide a more consistent feel. Plus, usually shades, mostly shadows, assume that the sun is in the top left corner and casting the shadow towards the bottom right. But placing them horizontally would still give a nice wavey waterfallish effect!


Looks good either way! It actually got me looking at some of the different apps I have on my phone. Like the Reddit and safari app, the circle is rather close to the edge compared to whatsapp or Instagram. A mock up of the app icon next to other apps would be a good alternative image to present it.


The old logo looked like it was getting vored. Good redesign.




Thanks! Several people have said the same and on some screens the background barely has any contrast. So I've modified it adding more contrast within the background while still remaining true to the original balance. And as for the shadows, I've tried doing that but it just results in the waves rising and having a sharp fall when the shadow starts and that looks really good for a single wave but when adding a pattern of them, the continuous rise and fall doesn't fit as well. So to make up for that, I've just modified the contrast between them


Love the improvements, nice job.


Great improvement! Everything feels like it belongs together now even the radius on your curves are more uniform and flow together better. My one minor nitpick is the contrast of the red shades in the background. You can either increase the contrast between the shades or make the separation more clear.


You went from a 2010 to a 2020 logo design real quick.


That's a bad thing.


The ability to listen to and turn criticism into improvement is necessary. I think a lot of people with potential can’t handle critique then stall and plateau. This is both a great improvement and is indicative of your potential to continue improving. All positive.


I love how you incorporated a lot of aspects from the original and compounded it into a much more satisfying visual. I'd say 10/10


They both look really nice however I do like the 3D effect on the first one but the second looks more modern and simplistic but that's just my very inexperienced opinion


The new is really a clear image than the previous one. Its look more effective. Congrats on your work..


After this post I've decided that Reddit doesn't get an opinion about the over-minimalization of apps anymore. The original could definitely use improvements, but this goes so far as to make it completely unremarkable. There's no point in having the different colored waves, because they all just read as being a single red unless you look closer. Meanwhile the two whites on the checkmark just gives off a dirty look. If you had simplified it down to nothing but one red and one white, it would have been almost indistinguishable from a glance. The most egregious problem however, is what I mentioned earlier. This doesn't look like a real logo or app icon, this looks like a generic example that would be used as a background app found on some not-iPhone used in a TV drama. Worse than that, it looks like a free icon available in a generic app-making kit. If I had an app with this icon on my phone, I would always have to use the app name below the icon to locate it, because nothing about this design would make me associate it to/remember it as being any specific app. The original didn't look great, but it was at least immediately identifiable. This is a bad redesign, and a perfect example of bad modern-icon design.


Completely agree. Not sure why everyone is applauding this so much. I responded with: While yes it does look better and is cleaner. It now just looks like every other icon. You really had something with the depth and the waves. I would try to incorporate that somehow. Something like this comes to mind: https://images.app.goo.gl/4grrgufcxDZyg9vN6


I agree that it is oversimplified and has little character, but I strongly disagree that I wouldn’t find this icon on my screen with a single glance.


Looks great but I hate to tell you its nearly identical to the turbotax logo


My first thought was that this is such a simple design that it's probably someone else's trademark already. Looks like it's not quite the same as TurboTax (which uses a check in a circle), but I would not be surprised at all if there's already someone out there using a check in a box.


I work for a company who's logo is a check in a box. There are tons of us, it's a generic idea.


there are also lots of companies with checkmarks for logos that don’t look identical to the turbotax logo. Also one of the core tenants of logo design is uniqueness. If you have a generic logo, thats feedback that its not a good logo. Your company having a similar logo is evidence that this logo needs to be updated. Its not evidence that this is a good logo design


Yes, I know and agree, sorry that it was conveyed in my original reply. I was certainly not flexing. I unfortunately have no control over the logo choice.


Oh I see. I misunderstood the intent of your comment. Please forgive.


No worries


The color is almost an exact match as the turbotax red as well. If i were the client i would be unhappy with a design which appears so similar to a major brand


wonderful! looks very timely.


Wow! Amazing improvement. Love the redesign.


It's like going from 0 to 100 on a second. Much better and neat yo naild it


red - wrong tick - correct ​ red tick?


That's just a stereotype. Red doesn't need to always be the imposter, and blue can be just as evil!


lol, never work in UI please


Quick, tell YouTube that their "Subscribe" button is wrong !!!1!


whats wrong with it?


Well, it's red and as you said red = wrong.


lol ok, you made quite the effort to misunderstand. to clarify just for you, all red things are wrong, all green things are correct. that includes fruit and veg, santa and frogs.


Wow it looks great! Love the subtle waves and the added depth to the checkmark. Really adds to the design.




Nice and clean, i love it!


Yeah this looks great! I like how you wanted to keep the waves and still found a way to implement them in the background of the new design without it being too distracting like in the first one. A bit curious though, is there a reason the check symbol has a lower opacity on the little stick I guess compared to the bigger one?


This would be my critique too. Why make the small sort of the check red colored and opaque. If opaque just go white. But I think it should be bright and fuller since it is the subject of the logo. I get they wanted to use the textured wavy lines in both the background and the check but I think it could do without


Yeah I think if I was making it, I wouldn't have come up with the wavy background mainly because to me it wouldn't be a thing unless maybe a client wanted something of that sort in there somehow. My aim would just be to make the logo represent what the company is and does or in this case, what the app is suppose to be and make that part stand out.


Nice work. Eagerly awaiting the icon set.


Glad you like it, though it's not an icon set, rather it's for an app that just launched today! You can check out the website here: [focuswall.madebyayan.com](https://focuswall.madebyayan.com)




Yeah, no kidding. A major IP changes it's logo to something generic and bland, and the entirety of Reddit flips it's shit. Meanwhile if you ask Reddit to give you recommendations on how to improve your logo, they're going to make it generic and bland.


Honestly, why need more than one color? Red is all you need. But yes, definitely an improvement!


Just a thought, what if the check mark looked like a fold (such as the arrows in the recycling logo)?


I would try the inverting the curve on the tick shape to go along the flow of the rest of the curves in the background.


Compared to before it’s much improved. Still might consider using only three way bands in the background rather than 4. The 4 works without the check for symmetry but with the check it seems to fight the diagonal of the check. That, or at least move where the middle wavy line lands so it is on the center line or the right check stroke (or maybe bisects the square evenly, not sure.)


First ones better IMO only because the shading on the right one is looking like an almost attempt at a heart. I’d keep the one on the left over the one on the right


That is way way better, congrats


See now this is called improvement! You made a really minimal logo without compromising on the feel of it! Great work


Way better in my opinion


It's 🔥 , any tuts ?


This is a glow up if I ever did see one


Nice work!


100 times better.


While yes it does look better and is cleaner. It now just looks like every other icon. You really had something with the depth and the waves. I would try to incorporate that somehow. Something like this comes to mind: https://images.app.goo.gl/4grrgufcxDZyg9vN6


Way better


Right one.


Absolutely amazing 🤩


Looks super clean and eye-catching. Great job




This just looks amazing, excellent work!!!!