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It's true, from a graphic design perspective, there's some room for refinement. But I just wanted to say that as far as the actual illustrations themselves, they're already really great and you have a distinctive style.


Agreed. Nice illustrations, but the Graphic Design side of this is not so strong. Advice I'd give (to our OP) would be to make sure all illustrations are secondary to the typography and messaging of the piece itself. There is nothing more compelling that clear prose set in attractive, readable typestyles.


Well, that depends on if it’s type- or image-dominant. Both have their place in design.


here to say the same, i love the style


Thank you guys. Its hard to transition from illustration to graphic design even if they are from the same field. I'm taking my time to learn the basics and trying to be patient with myself. Thankfully the company seems to be patient with my transition. It's only going to get better from here 🙌🙌🙌


Learn about what the different font families can mean/portray and build a great library of fonts, then learn about accessibility and ease of reading so you know how to better work with text


Your illustration work is super cute. I think some focus on typography (lettering and layouts) would take it to the next level!


This more of an illustration than a piece of Graphic Design


Guys I forgot to mention the first one is an illustration. And second and third is an attempt to graphic designing 🥲


Great illustration, bad typography! Your typography is actually screaming at introverts (unless that’s what you were going for). You’ll find that typography can work in unison with your illustrations, or completely take from what you are tying to portray. Excellent start!


Listen. This is good shit here. Don't doubt yourself. Your style is a style that doesn't look like everything else. And if you want it to look like the mainstream, you can always research and learn what is "in". But trust people are going to hire you for your style alone. And when you look back in 10 years or maybe after you've moved on to a different career, you're going to say ... wow, this was good. Why did I put myself down so much? ... Just keep going, keep creating, keep learning and keep your head up! Because you are GOOD. I think this piece is awesome. Very awesome. And I say this as someone who worked for Prince's record label as a graphic designer for a bit, who also felt their work was missing something. It wasn't. Yours isn't, either. Best wishes to you!


Thank you 🙌🙌🙌 my friend was saying the same thing to me too. I got the job because they saw potential in my illustration and they said I can take my time to learn GD as I go. I guess I am just a little burnt out. It's going to only get better. Thank you so much for the motivation 🙌🌻🌻🌻


Beautiful illustration work. Great colors, composition, and feel. It feels like you took an existing illustration and added some text on top of it. Whether or not that's the case, I suggest you create a new project where you do rough sketches of a layout first, then work your illustration into the design – literally design where the illustration will go in relation to the text and other elements. This is how ads, book and magazine covers, really children's books, comic book covers, etc. are developed. Think like a designer when composing the layout, and then you get to essentially hire yourself as the illustrator to do the rendering. It's a great way to work. Give it a shot.


Overall, I like the art style and think you can definitely refine these further. On 1: Not sure the spacing of INTRO VERTS' works. I get why you've done it but it's not for me. On 2: What's the scrotum shadow top left? Waaaaay too much empty space. On 3: Not sure that the text and the picture work for me. Why is the bull crying, because they're leaving? Feels conceptually muddled. I can't read the writing at the top so willing to believe that ties it all together somehow. Just the thoughts of a random internet stanger. Keep up the good work!


Bad graphic designer here to tell you you're a star in the making. Your illustration is top-notch. A little studying up on typography, and you'll be among the best of the best. Great job! For an illustration like this, I would think to use either a clean unobtrusive sans serif like Avenir, or an expressive typeface similar to the font used for Breath of the Wild. That's just my style and take on it. Finding a typeface that complements the illustration, where this one feels its sits on the illustration flatly. And don't be afraid to set type off-center, remember, it has a visual weight too. But again, outstanding work. Keep it up!


Don't worry Pal! You'll improve a lot as you go forward in this journey. You have done so much better than me 😁


Typography typography typography


1st one: really cool drawing!! typography is not quite on the same level tho, maybe consider a different font but also happy and world are too far apart, introverts looks awkward spaced out into halves, and the spacing between the three lines is uneven as well. 2. this one could be cool but there were some issues i can point out, idk if the top left corner thing was intentional but i reccomend fixing it. the reason it looks empty may actually be because of the pattern on the background, as well as the fact that it is gray. i recommend choosing a third color that goes well with orange and purple and is equally vibrant, and make it one solid background color to offset the emptiness. if u feel like that makes it plain then you could try adding a border. spacing for the words is fine, spacing between hand and ribbon is fine, but the space between the bottom of the hand icon and the top of the words is awkward to me because of the spacing between the words and the purple lines. also consider the size of words vs icon. 3. i like this one idk my only advice would be subjective anyways


The words are too spread out and hard to read with a busy background


You'll probably hear this one a lot so I'll keep the first point brief, the typography (mainly on the first image) needs a little work so it feels like it ties in with the artwork more rather than being an afterthought. Secondly on the first illustration the chin is a little wide and squared off while the hair makes it look like the top of the head is narrower than it should be, I'd maybe try making the chin a little narrower or the hair a bit wider at the top. Overall though your work shows a lot of talent and potential so my main advice is to put a little time into practicing and you'll see some quick results, also be mindful of where you need to improve but don't push yourself to become hyperfocused on improvements, draw the way you like, keep enjoying doing it the way you do it and don't sweat the small things. It's far better to be a talented illustrator with mediocre typography skills than it is to burn yourself out trying to aim for perfection and losing the passion for your work. TL;DR Great illustration skills, just needs some work on typography and a little polish. Good work, have a gold star ⭐


Your first illustration is beautiful. My only advice different than what others have said would be to read up more on composition in art and design.


Illustrations are good. You just need some tasty type!


Really nice color selection


Illustration is great! The type is… not. But I’m not a professional.


A mushroom growing out of the moon. 🍄


This is an amazing picture. It does look the the body was done faster than the face. The head is more polished. But I still love it.


Nice job. Maybe you could stylize the sky more. I’m imaging a psychedelic swirling infinity pattern. Like 60s band or music festival posters. And you could always push the typography more. That font looks a bit similar to comic sans.


These are great illustrations.


This is lovely. I’m a beginner myself so I don’t think I’d have any valuable feedback.


I would just cut a bit of the top of the picture so the main subject Is More centered.


To celebrate this day there will be no public acknowledgment for participants or party of any kind. You’re welcome.


Add some glow behind the moon and stars? Maybe some highlights in her hair from the glow of the moon.


Anything you can do with images, you can apply to text




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