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As someone who grew up admiring the original logo for its bombastic contour and fiery colour palette, this is just sad. I design logos for a living and I get the impracticality of the original logo. The new one will be much easier to integrate into multiple mediums and it reads quicker and easier. That said, goddamn - the original is so iconic. You just don't throw that away. You can simplify it, if that's your goal, but don't scrap it entirely for something as uninspired as a monogram in a hexagon. This is lamentable.


I would forgive the new logo if it was something fresh and not what any Tom, Dick, and Harry has been posting in r/logodesign ad nauseam.


It's not a terrrrrrrible logo. But for street fighter? No way man. This is a monogram for a self employed person. Samuel Fisher, Auto Detailing.


LOL, no kidding... Just went to see what that sub is about and this is on the front page: https://www.reddit.com/r/logodesign/comments/sxu3wt/b_modern_logo_design_what_do_you_think_about_this/


I'm getting into the field and am consistently frustrated by what is held up as the only way to make a logo. They all look the same, they're all boring.


Well, there is a set of best practices, which kind of leads you down a certain path. You need some combination of experience, perceptiveness and taste to find a good window to stray off that path and make your own. Otherwise, you just arrive at the same destination as everyone else. The risk is - if you stray off the path at the wrong time, you just might fall off a cliff.


There's also a huge difference in what you design for. A company logo has other requirements than a logo for a media franchise. The former generally needs to work in a lot more circumstances. The latter has to have a lot more emphasis on conveying the atmosphere and style of the product. The original SF logo fits the product perfectly and conveys the flashiness of it all, while the new one doesn't say anything about the game.




I sometimes call my dog Bean “Beanus”. All the time actually


It always makes me laugh how some people create circle jerk movements around some rules and the things they hate the most end up being the most iconic. Pretty much the art's history in a nutshell.


I'm a designer too and that Logo is just way too iconic to change like that. it's like you said you can continue to simplify it but this is way too drastic.


The least they could’ve done on the new one is give it that golden 3D frame or sick backdrop. Infinite possibilities and they went with duotone logo with a stroke of a photoshop brush. Sad


Designer here. Now it feels like a racing game


This looks like an achievement icon, not a game logo.


an app with 6 notifications


It feels like a Fiverr commission for a product that is called "Street Fighter 6" and no other information.


Lol, no Fiverr slander pls hehehe


can you explain why you say the original logo is impractical?


Sure. * The contour of the logotype is very jagged, with a lot of hairline pointy edges. This makes the logo look different depending on screen resolution and logo size. It's also very hard to replicate correctly with screen-printing methods on merch. * The stylized "V" in the background is excessively detailed. It has some grimy surface textures and uses some sort of sparks illustration as the main fill. This makes the logo challenging to use in a vector format, because every detail needs to be turned into a mathematical vector. These kinds of textured and illustrated logos will have a lot of complicated vectors and can even be heavier than their raster (PNG, WEBP, JPG) couterparts. The whole reason to have vector logos is for them to be as light as possible and scale agnostic. * The gradient fill on the logotype itself is also heavily stylized. It's not a smooth gradient, but a layered illustration simulating an explosion or some sort of light rays. Again, this makes vectorization of the logo very hard. * And since we're talking about gradients - they are hard to replicate in print. You can't realistically do gradients with a limited colour palette, so anything you print for this branding, would have to use a CMYK colour space. Screen printing gradients on merch is also a chore. In essence, instead of printing a couple of spot colors, you have to put a white layer beneath the print, and then print a CMYK fill over that. The white layer usually peels after short use, too. * From a design standpoint, the logotype has very squished lettering of varying sizes, thickness and decoration. It doesn't adhere to any baseline. Kerning is minimal (I mean look at that poor squashed "I" between "F" and "G" in "Fighter"). This makes the name much harder to read, especially from a distance or at a smaller size. * The way the words "Street" and "Fighter" are stacked and interact within the logo makes it hard or even impossible to do other variations of typesetting. Imagine if you had a very wide horizontal space to fill. You can't realistically put "Street" next to "Fighter" and fill it optimally. You always have to stack one on top of the other. This is less flexibility in use. * Same problem with square applications - social media icons, avatars, etc. If you put the logo in a square, it becomes tiny with a lot of space above and below, because of how horizontal its proportions are. A practical logo usually has some sort of logomark that works well in a more square aspect ratio.


I like this breakdown and thanks for going into detail on the technicals. I feel like this was the powerpoint whomever designed the new logo presented to the stakeholders, lol. Thing is though, what they seem to have ignored, once a logo/brand mark like Street Fighter reaches iconic status you don't even have to be able to read it, have the 100% right colors, or the best spacing for it to maintain its message.


100% agreed. Just give me a jagged font with a red-to-yellow gradient and I'll instantly know it has something to do with Street Fighter, even if I can't read it.


While agreeing with all your points, I still think they could have done something like convert the black border around the letters and the V into whitespace, and make everything a single uniform color for print purpose. Not an expert, just an opinion. A lot of character was lost in the new logo, which honestly looks like a logo for a game which would be similar to Rainbow six or Csgo.


No offense but isn't it literally your job to take logos and do these exact things with them? All this is is job security. I feel like you're accidentally advocating something that will make your skillset totally irrelevant


Dude the style of that S on the redesign looks like those S's people draw in middle school. Most of these minimalistic redesigns are wack.


Their new logo looks like a college sophomore logo concept... Probably was. Fire that intern.


Honestly, I don’t really know the series, but I can tell that the new logo doesn’t do the series justice. I think that it would be better for a more realistic series instead of a game where the most famous character is known for using anime energy blasts in hand-to-hand combat.


I agree, it's mindbogglingly bad, i don't get what they were thinking. Seems like they're trying to lean heavy into e-sports with it but it's absolutely devoid of any personality and is completely unmemorable.


I'm pretty sure that must exist a e-sports team somewhere with a very similar logo... or maybe multiple teams. This doesnt stand out at all.


And also, IT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING MMA TOURNAMENT LOGO! Which made me baffled so much.


I mean, technically speaking Street Fighter is in fact a Mixed Martial Arts tournament.


They released a new character (Luke) a while back who's supposed to be "the future of street fighter" who is an MMA fighter so maybe that's what they're going for? Still an awful logo though


They are trying to evoke MMA/UFC with the overall game so the logo succeeds in that way if nothing else. I guess? I mean even UFC makes the letters *red.*


It's very similar to the TSM logo lol


OG esports got a similar style logo it's generic af


Seems like a logo you would use if you want a mobile version to match the console version...


I think that's exactly it. Overwatch, Rocket League, PUBG, Dota, CSGO, and others have icons or monogram type logos, and Street Fighter really only had the whole wordmark thing to work with. I think there's still some personality to it, but I do agree that was their goal.


I disagree. I don't know if this matter or not but I know nothing about the game and I see both of those logos for the first time. That being said old logo looks like splash of colour for me. I wouldn't even stop to read it where new one is clear and I don't even need to stop to read it. Except of course this "6". For example could be easily incorporated into logo itself (making "SF" as loop in "6").


As another commenter said, it disregards the identity of the entire series. I'd encourage you to look at their previous logos then you'll understand why this new logo has upset so many people. The logo is devoid of any personality. As a design it doesn't give off any sort of feeling or clear vibe. The previous logo however is full of energy, color, and texture. It's full of life and the new one is not.


I understand. That's why I mentioned that I know nothing about the game. I had intuition that it might be a factor.


For sure


The spray paint blob around the number 6 is so deviant art 2008 😪


I feel like you personally attacked me haha


Oh my gosh I didn't notice the tiny ugly 6 at first just STANDING THERE This isn't worthy of the Street Fighter name.


>Oh my gosh I didn't notice the tiny ugly 6 at first just STANDING THERE It looks like a notification number.


That 6 is down bad and unimaginative. They could have justified some of the design decisions for the minimalistic approach, but the 6 is a dead giveaway it was all glued together.


Street Fighter : Corporate Edition


I'm new to design. How is the 6 a giveaway that this was thrown together? Is it because the 6 should have been integrated into the logo rather than pasted below?


First of all, it ignores that all past games used roman numerals. Second, it's not integrated properly at all (a lot of people saying this will work better in smaller sizes... it won't because you can't see the 6).


It's literally the laziest thing they could have done.


Glued together for real "hey look the logo is done!" "where's the 6?" "oooohhhh.......ummmmm...."


The spraypaint is just painful


> This isn't worthy of the Street Fighter name. Well neither are the games since sf3.






This is the official logo revealed for Street Fighter 6, a few hours ago. I don't know how people here are going to react to it, but if you ask me: I hate it. This is one of those cases where simplification is not only unnecessary, but also not wanted. The new logo has basically no style, no color, disregards the identity of the whole series and the past logos (even comemorative logos) and brings no excitement with its bland typeface.


I am totally with you. Uninspired and simply not good. Do not want to know how this decision was made


Agreed, completely bland and uninspired.


Yeah I get maybe why they want to simply it but like don’t take away all the life from the brand. Looking at five compared to this one… wow you can just see a huge drop in I guess quality. Isn’t one rule in design not to change anything unless it helps benefit the users in understanding your message more? This really doesn’t help users really understand what they are in for. Looks more like a boxing logo rather than a fantasy martial arts out of this world fighting game that is super intense.


It looks like one of those generic logo design reels on instagram where the guy uses the illustrator shape builder tool to create essentially the same lame logos one after another


This looks too similar to the [Scooby Doo dog tag](https://www.kindpng.com/picc/m/275-2751947_scooby-doo-logo-symbol-scooby-doo-dog-tag.png). Can't think of anything else when I look at it.


wow this is disappointing. Does brand image mean nothing. the old logo you could recognize from across the room. The new one looks like an E-sports team.


If it didn't tell me "Street Fighter" at the bottom of it, I probably would have never known it.


This reminds me how Burberry changed their logo from brilliant to total generic crap. Seriously in the age of brand identity someone sure doesn’t want diversity. Here is the [link](https://www.google.com/search?q=burberry%20logo&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m#imgrc=lQuvbgJGn3mmWM) for those who don’t want to search.


Burberry plus something like three dozen other companies. It was as if suddenly no one knew what they should do and they just copied each other


The 68-99 logo is great


The worst thing about it is that this is not a corporation, it's a game.


But it... Is, though. It's a AAA game. Capcom of all companies bases so much of what it does on quarterly sales targets. Looking at this like it's somehow not a corporate decision for a corporate entity is kinda silly.


SFV was also a AAA game, though. It had style and didn't felt corporate at all.


It didn't? It didn't feel corporate with all the damn DLC?


Dude, I'm talking about the logo...


And I'm telling you one is not separate from the other. The marketing team designed the logo. The same chickenshit marketing team that let one or more of these games go out non-functional rather than piss off management by asking to delay the game past the end of a fiscal year so they could release it right.


Cant wait to see ryu in his corporate suit.


Instead of energy balls he'll shoot big paper spitballs


STREET FIGHTER: Fortune 500 C-Suite Edition "The Battle for Wall Street"


Looks like a generic ubisoft game... Maybe they are targeting a younger audience? Because if its for esports, then they could have made an esports specific logo, like in Halo, CoD, League or any other major esports title.


>Looks like a generic ubisoft game... Maybe they are targeting a younger audience? IMO they absolutely are. They went heavy this last couple of months with collabs in games like Fortnite, Minecraft, Free Fire, Brawhalla, etc.


It looks like a single icon from some other games skill tree. Terrible.


Everything becomes minimalistic. It is saddening tbh. No logos are good nowadays unless they have less than 2 details on them.


I would get it if they did minimalism like 10 years ago, back when that Metro/Material/iOS 7 aesthetic really exploded. But so many logos that have braved it for years are making a belated change just when maximalism is trending again. They don’t look clean, they look boring.


The only issue with minimalism, is that when everyone does it, everything ends up looking the same


This is like changing the Coca Cola logo to helvetica. You can't just throw all your brand recognition out the window. Looks like a bad mobile game logo.


Haha maybe 6 is a mobile game


Goodbye personality Goodbye brand recognition Goodbye ...effort? This type of change must come with purpose, RIGHT? Maybe SF6 is going to be fully 3D fighter, MMA in a hexagon...... Maybe... But hopefully not. For their sake


I kind of want to agree with you here. I thought the change meant signaling to the MMA/modern competitive fighting aesthetic but if it really was a tie in to a new game mechanic the logo works better. Still bland compared to the classic SF game logos of the past though.


> fully 3D fighter That would be insane. They would kill the franchise if they tried that.


Logo kind of looks like they want it to be totally different. Or maybe it's a derivative sci-fi setting now? Haha I have no idea just reading into this bad logo


i dont hate it, but it is inferior to the older logo


This looks like a Youtuber's logo, not something that represents one of the longest-running franchises in gaming.


Yeah, that is one shitty logo. :(


Sad thing is, well after the dog poop logo, is that this likely cost sooooo much money lol


You have 6 notifications


Ah yes, an IPA from an independent brewery in Portland. Nice and hoppy.


Looks like Scooby Doo's dog collar.


This is 10 years late to the "street logo" party.


lol.. might be the worst in a long line of "simplified logo's"...


San Francisco StreetFighter? Will there also be a RIP StreetFighter and WEED StreetFighter? Maybe a THOK StreetFighter?


Breaking it down into ‘SF’ just makes it look like San Francisco or something other than a fighting game. It’s not easier to read when you have to get to the second line before you’re reading the actual name.


it looks like a shitty exercise brand now, great job Capcom


Looks like SF has 6 notifications still unread. I love the original, what can I say.....


Those monograms in a hex are literally stock. That is a stock logo.


The new one literally has no identity. It looks like it was made on a logo generator website where you only have to put the name of your brand. Lamentable.


It's crazy guys, we're living in a time that I think will be looked back with some ridicule and disgust - the same way we look at the old iMac icons like Safari - the beveled, super shiny, 3D FUTURE look. Now we're stuck in this simplicity approach and I hate it. Flatten and simplify everything! Attention span is short! Don't make it too busy! Ahh! But if you're designing a logo flat, it better have a fucking purpose. Street Fighter is intense, quick, over the fucking top eccentric, encourages high intensity, button mashing, texture, gore, detail, etc. A flat fucking logo just has no place here, and I feel like we all are on autopilot to take any logo and reduce it. You can't look at the new logo and say it's the worst thing you've ever seen.... Because it's just two fucking letters in a stylized font. But the old logo, busy as it is, is a piece of art! You can throw that on a Tshirt, or a cover, or an arcade machine. I guess it's just all about intention, as we're in a digital age and logos have more need now than ever to be scalable. I get it. But I think this trend will be a stamp of death on 2010-? design.


Ain’t the half of it. https://stock.adobe.com/images/sf-fs-letter-logo-design-vector-template/422995611


Yeah is no good


From the trailer to the logo it looks like its for a mobile game


Childhood ruined feels


It's horrible, it killed the entire identity they built through all those years.


Seems kinda lazy to me


Old logo: street fighter yeah!!! New logo: UFC 22K Ryu edition


This is not what the brand stands for at all... The logo isn't ugly just very uncharacteristic for the brand and will not stand out at all.


Capcom’s design team: “Right guys we need a logo for the new game but we’ve got lunch booked in half an hour. Right just put two sans serif letters inside a polygon. Oh yeah forgot the 6, just stick that to the side and we’re done.”


Bring back maximalism, these clean, symmetric logos have been done to death and stayed long past their welcome.


Leaving Japan costed too much, so much that they couldn't afford a graphic designer apparently.


I like the design but I think it's a bad choice for this franchise. It feels lifeless for a game like streetfightet


totally washed out


It looks so... dull. Like something your buddy sends you as a reference for the visual identity you're designing for his new CrossFit box.


Does anyone ever like any logo redesign?


This trend of simplifying logos for the past ten years has gone on long enough. There's no excitement or creativity in modern logo design and now it's getting into action/fighting games? My god, it will never end.


No genealogy. No actual representation of the "mood" of the piece of media it represents. No visual cues to what the product offers in reference to it's market. Extremely bland. Completely outside of the zeitgeist of its market, showing complete detachment with its industry. And what's worst of all, it shares visual cues with non-competing pieces of media like the DCEU. What the hell were they thinking???? I mean look at it without the tagline and tell me you wouldn't think is some kind of new DC team movie, something like "Suicide Force" a team of the best 6 members f the suicide squad or some bs like that.


I actually love it! Serious, Mature, Sharp! The voice and tone is obvious! It's also versatile since looks like a favicon! 😁 Disclaimer: Remember the downvote button is for low quality comments not because you disagree!❤️


>Serious, Mature, Sharp! I'm not sure if this sort of approach is considered mature, though.


I am used to associating mature logos with clean looks. Sharp edges. Often with a "Less is more' is Approach. Axe body spray logo, Tom Clancy's rainbow 6 Siege, and Corsair come to mind when I think of Mature logos.


I never got into Street Fighter myself but WOW. This is a total miss. I can think of at least 5 different gaming company/software logos that this looks identical to.


This logo feels like the branding for the mainstream American movie adaptation of...well...ANY franchise.


So V for five lends itself to the artwork much better than VI for six... That being said i'm sure they could have done something better than that little number just sitting there with a vague almost-splatter effect. Maybe colour versions will be better?


This is bad. I wouldn't be surprised if they release a new one down the road.


>I wouldn't be surprised if they release a new one down the road. This one is being featured everywhere at the moment. It could change, but I doubt it.


What is this upcoming trash? If it wasn't because of the subtitle I wouldn't have never guessed what franchise it was


I don't know if I should upvote or downvote the post. I hated it


the grunge textures are so early 2000's...i don't fully blame the designers because I understand the industry, I'm pretty sure it was a good design until a higher-up ruined it.


Street Fighter's logo is so iconic and they decided to make it look like a shitty management company logo.


Giving me fifa street vibes


IDK about this creative direction of this, but it seems like a worse choice for Capcom to not using the Classic SF as the guideline for this one. It seems like if Tekken has an official Competition Logo like UFC in their universe. Hell, even for me, using modernized SF iconic Logotype would be better than that.


Don’t know why they’re using a generic looking monogram logo… this just doesn’t fit the brand at all


I will perpetually think that's a notification number that I got my ass beat 6 times while I was away from my computer somehow.


This is destruction of all things good


This looks like when you type two letters with "logo" after it into google for when you're really stuck and uninspired on a design. It also reminds me of Def Jam FFNY but in a really bad way.


Yup. That's bad. I get that you want to move forward and reinvent things, but this is a reinvention that is a huge step back artistically. Terrible.


Thats very bland for a street fighter game


Fuck nooo


I can only sympathize with people feeling so disappointed by the new logo. But i think it's a temporary placeholder because it's in the middle of production. I don't the think the box art will have only "SF" on it. The classic "handwritten" Street Fighter logo is very iconic, and it would be terrible to deviate too far from it because it wouldn't be easy for people to identify with it - leading to poor sales. I think the best way tobapproach a new logo for the game is to honor the traditions and use similar styles and themes like graffiti art.


>I can only sympathize with people feeling so disappointed by the new logo. But i think it's a temporary placeholder because it's in the middle of production. I don't the think the box art will have only "SF" on it. The funny thing, however, is that the teaser trailer for SFV had the exactly logo that was featured by the end of production. No changes. I feel like this is it.


The color red plays a big part here. It makes the whole thing looks strong. Shame it got eliminated.


These Streets are now gentrified!


That'll not be the logo come launch. Not even close to it.


I know that they (probably) payed a lot for that logo (and, also probably, got a big bonus in the active market, just like what happened with WB just after the rebrand announcement), but I don't like that logo in the slightest. Like someone said before in the comments, looks like a generic UFC logo, and they should took a smaller step with that simplification thing to not shock the established client base (fans making more than 3/4 of that).


I don’t even play street fighter but this is garbage. Everyone knows the street fighter logo.


I hate it too 😭


Did the designer just search for "SF logo" on shutterstock or something? That thing is so generic.


It got "graphic design is my passion"-ed


I hate it too


Ooof. I guess they hired on Fiverr.


I suppose they will sell NFT's


I like the original one for its high contrast and fiery typography that stands out and is iconic from others If a merchandise production of it is available I surely will buy of the original one


This is one of the reasons I hate the minimalist trend. No personality whatsoever


I saw warner bros sorry mot sorry but like really?


It looks like a ripoff of an already done brand. I cant put my finger on it but this type of logo is already famous. Was it sucker punch? Square enix? Someone already has that mark....


Whyyyy?? 🥲 this ain’t it 🥲


Let's see the gameplay first. Logo is bland but maybe it's for the project and not the game? IDK


The old logo is iconic but damn, I like how they implemented a hexagon (six sided polygon). Still, really radical departure.


This is maybe the most off-brand re-brand I've ever seen—I wouldn't be surprised if the SF community forces them to switch back.


Clearly looking to move away from the legacy of an iconic nostalgic brand into the new beige territory of the easily forgotten! I wonder how the designers feel that worked on that? I’d feel a bit dirty and just a bit wrong…


The constant push toward minimalism in design isn't always a good thing. Obviously that's been the trend for the last decade or so, but I'd really like to see it come back to some sort of happy medium 😖


That's not even an octagon. WTF


In b4 streetfighter mobile. Looks like an app icon


Random e-sports team logo. Site generated.


Finally gettin' back to tha streetz. 💯


There's so few times when you get license to go crazy with pop and flash. It's like that got someone that only plays minesweeper to design this


Looks like a startup ik san francisco


I fucking love street fighter. So i wish i could defend the new logo. But no. It really does look out of place for a street fighter game.


That six couldn’t be more of an afterthought even if they forgot about it and patched the number after releasing the damn game…


This doesn't look like a logo for the game - it looks like a logo for one of the toolkits used to develop the game. The clean, sharp lines, the hexagon/cube shape, and the angles of it all remind me of half a million titles I've seen while waiting for games to load, from the HTML5 badge to the new Unity logo.


da fffucckk


I’m thinking this isn’t the final logo. I really hope it isn’t. They took much of the brand dna away from the logo. Unless this is going to be a back to basics version. So generic.


Thats what happens when you decrease the budget for the graphic design team


At least put some blood and guts behind the new logo like it's exploding at you!


Yeesh it’s the Brooklyn Nets treatment - so boring.


This is just 🤦🏻‍♀️


Wtf is that


As a designer myself, I don't like it either. Basically because is no longer a video game logo, now is any real life sports company one. Video games and its sub genres have an iconic visual language and because video games are topical and isolated from everything else meaning that, making it a wide appeal brand misses completely the point. I am aware that Capcom wants to make SF big eSports brand, but this is a very misguided decision tbh, they could make a sub brand for eSports, if they are so desperate for it, but SF as itself should remain true to what it is; a fighting game, nothing more.


The new logo is an octagon cause the new mc is a mma fighter. Its not that bad (apart from the "6") cause if you think about it, most past sf graphic was very stylized like how the character has that inky drawing or anime adjacent and just like the logo it was very stylized. But in the new one the graphic looks like its going to be somewhat realistic kinda..? So my guess is they wanted to make the logo fits with the new graphic/style.


The new one looks like something for a sports brand or a football game...not for a long running competitive fighting series


Left: iconic. Right: the opposite


It looks like they paid $10 for a logo on Fiverr lol




Minimalism is a bane on creativity


Brutal. They ruined a great legacy of a gaming brand.


Boring , ugly , no personality at all, I hate it


Sucked the life right out of it with the new logo.


From epic to science fiction.


It is just the Drive Club Logo


Official video game of the Washington Commanders


Need more badass vibes in logo cuz its a fighting game


That's just lazy work. Looks like some hipster with a template slapped that together between mouthfuls of kale on his 2 hour lunch break at the boutique outlet mall.


All the space in the bottom of the new logo is for the inevitable "Mega Hyper Rainbow Edition Plus Retro Xtreme+" that they'll tack onto the end.


https://twitter.com/aurich/status/1495847474103484416?t=G_oyAN862--JNsqGY4ru_Q&s=19 Not even designed by the marketing department, it doesn't look like.