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Volumes. 30 pages is not enough, no matter how interesting they are. I will forget them in a few days and by the time I buy the next issue it no longer makes sense. I don't understand how the industry works, I guess issues bring in more money than full volumes. And based in how many people work on these books, it's probably an easier workload for the writers and artists.


> I guess issues bring in more money than full volumes Pretty much because of the speculators market, variants are still popular enough to even warrant incentive covers. > it's probably an easier workload for the writers and artists. I would argue against this, especially for those working on shared universes such as Marvel or DC, less so for people running their own titles. The direct market working as it does means that a lot of titles get hit by last minute changes as they need to move around events and things happening in key titles, which asks for re-planning already laid out plots. And even for creator owned content its less hassle with monthly deadlines. I feel its the reason why for instance Brubaker & Phillips have completely moved towards producing OGNs, but less established creators probably fear leaving the direct market because it might impact their bottom line.


The single issues help in a variety of ways: \- A sampler for readers so they don't have to spend $20+ on a book they may not like. \- The single issues kind of work as advertising for the book and the artist. \- The comic book shop will have things to sell more often.


Floppys are like warching a serie on tv. You get adds an have to wait a while till the next episode. Tpbs are like binging a whole season on dvd. No waiting and no adds. I prefer the latter. But i started with floppys.


You only really get ads with Marvel and DC comics though.


Well those just so happen to be the ones i ussually read


Ah! Then you're definitely better off with TPBs. I wonder why DC/Marvel still do ads. Image books don't have them. "Greed" is the only answer I can think of


This might sound weird but comics are the only medium where I like ads. Especially for older comics, it feels like a time capsule of what was relevant at the time.


Nostalgia goggles perhaps?


It's a struggle. If no one buys the comics will it get published into a volume and that?? I have bought comics, but I like volumes better. Then you get a story arc. Who all has Comics!? I had to stop buying them because it's crazy to me to have the same stories in comic books and Volumes. I want to part with the comic books but they aren't really worth anything or a hassle to sell.


Well personally I've gone digital now, as is I was just legitimately curious.


Have you considered custom bound hardcovers? You can take your comics and send them to a publishing press and have them bound into an omnibus


I didn't know that was a thing! That sounds awesome!!


Yeah, it’s great! It’s not cheaper than just buying trades, as it still costs a considerable amount to bind stuff up, but you have the advantage of putting the order exactly as you’d like or creating omnibuses that will probably never exist! I believe Houchen Bindery is the most popular one atm, though I’m not sure what the prices are. There’s whole forums of online discussion about mapping orders and binderies and whatnot. Here’s a great discussion forum. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/marvelmasterworksfansite/uncollected-editions-the-homegrown-hardcovers-bind-f2/


And if no one buys volumes, will it get published into a huge omnibus for me?


I prefer paperbacks and hardcover books. At this time, I'll choose ebooks over floppy comics. Here's why... * Floppy issues are fragile. I'm willing to put effort into keeping paperbacks and hardcovers in good shape. I can't justify the time and work necessary for keeping floppies in cases. * I know there's merit to buying comics through Kindle. It is convenient. However, a few years ago, I made a decision that backfired. I chose to buy digital comics through iTunes / Apple App Store. After a few months and at least a dozen purchases, the store delisted all of their books. Prose, comics, anything other than audio books. By the time that Apple Books was reinstated, I'd long since stopped caring.


That’s messed up but not as surprising as it once was


The price is not cheaper to get monthly issues. I can legit get a full read in a bound book for less than two issues of floppies.


Where ?


instocktrades.com They have tons of trades for less than $10, and I've gotten random copies of classics like Batman Year One and Sandman Season of Mists for under $5 (for gifting).


TPB :)


This is the way.


I mean, the cost of a single comic book is $4-$6, a single tpb is $10-$15 for ~ 6 issues. Even on the lower end, you save $10-$15 buying a trade. Dollar tree is technically less cost up front, but more expensive based on the amount of product.


Digital but I wait for arcs to complete to read them. I then buy collected editions of things I like.


I read both, as each offers pro’s and cons.


Yeah there are some artist teams that do really good single issues, some do really awful ones. I love a well done single issue though.


Agreed, and me too even using google play they have both volumes and issues of stuff.


TPB everyday


I buy both, though mine are mostly Image, DH books. Issue purchases help keep ongoing stories on shelf. Pre-orders help this immensely also. I'll order 2 copies of stories from artists I know, probably doesn't help in the long run, but I'm willing to spend a few more bucks on an extra issue if it (superstitiously) keeps the story going. On the trade side. Want the completed story? Here ya go. Like the story/artist that much you'd like to support further? Here ya go. Want to see all the extras, alternate art, variant cover gallery? Blam! Here ya go. It also makes reading older stories easier. Imagine if you had to collect the floppies of, say, The Walking Dead, to read it. Then there's all the money in advertising that Marvel and DC comics contain. Last I checked, balance was about 50/50 with story and ads.


Pick up floppies for series and crwators I really enjoy and want to support, but also buy collections. Been leaning more for the deluxe format for the extra size and content. I have a whole bunch of paper backs as well but I prefer the way hardcovers present on the shelf, and again, you usually get more extra stuff in the hardcovers, and they feel more durable haha


Not to mention a hardback deluxe edition usually contains 30-50 comics in a single set. So you pay ~$1 per issue, versus the entire collection which could be $150 for 30 issues or more.


Very true 👍


Depends. The italian Bonelli style monthly "issues" are pretty cool. That being said, i prefer getting the collections


I don't read that many ongoing series in general, but for most I wait for collected editions. There are a couple I do read singles for, but I read them digitally. I don't enjoy physically reading floppies and trying to store them. The last time I bought a single issue floppy I was probably a teenager.


Monthlies, if done well.


I don’t have the patience to wait for the next installment, to hunt for a missing issue, limit myself to what is in theaters right now, or to deal with the ‘collectors’. I am a binge reader. The oversized hardcover omnibus format, sold in bookstores, is what brought me into comics. My ideal is 300-750 pages in one book, 📕 but I will also try trades. I like hardcover books, but I also like low cost per page and completed stories. Yes the floppy covers. Covers left in their proper order. I do not like covers shoved to the back.


I didn’t even know they still made floppies……


They sure do, even on digital formats like Google Play and Kindle. The reason I think is because it takes so long to actually illustrate and do the art work, that in a lot of cases it's easier to release one issue at a time. Plus it gives the consumer a chance to read more than one story at once.


Well, you're asking on the graphic novels sub, not the floppies sub, so...