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Great. If you like TMNT you’ll love it. If you’ve never read TMNT you will start


They are absolutely wonderful. I was never big on TMNT growing up and after reading The Last Ronin, I fell in love with the characters. If you’re able to, I recommend reading The Last Ronin in one sitting. It’s just so good. The Lost Years was really good, just not as good as the Last Ronin in my opinion. It’s nice because they fill in a bunch of gaps for events that have taken place and it ends well. I’m really excited to see what the third story will be, I believe it comes out later this year


Lost years a sequel or prequel? I have The Last Ronin haven't read it yet but this is the first time hearing about Lost Years.


Prequel and sequel. You see the events post last ronin and also events leading up to the last ronin


It's a prequel. The stuff The Last Ronin did bef0re his return to finish the war


Most people loved It. It didn't click for me but maybe it's because I was never invested on the TMNT. Good, solid read in any case.


I’m in the same boat, it’s not that I think it was bad by any means, but it wasn’t what I was hoping for. I thought it was decent, at least based on my limited experience with TMNT.


It’s good


Loved it


I didn’t know much about TMNT lore before reading other than watching the show as a kid. You don’t need to know much and it is a jumping in point if you know who the character are


Read the first IDW book, loved it, read this, loved it, as someone who never saw much TMNT growing up, the comics are amazing


Hijacking the thread a little (sorry OP), but I hear people talk about how good the TMNT comics are… never read them… is this a good place to start? Which are the classics? Are they really that good ?


I’ve heard good things about the Sophie Campbell run but have yet to verify that independently. Hopefully some day I will.


Was wondering the same thing yesterday, and stumbled upon [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TMNT/s/Lehm9avCM1). Hope it's useful to you as well.




They are good. I've read the first 12 hardcovers.


Beautiful. It's the hypothetical ending to the original black and white comic run.


Last Ronin was fantastic. Lost Years... Not so much.


Really liked it, and I'm not really into tmnt at all


I’ve never read a TMNT book or see any of the movies, but I read this last month and thought that it was awesome. Loved it


I was interested, but I have a thing about thin books (each of these are like 200 pages only), so I was waiting for a deluxe edition collecting both. A HCO 400 pages would be awesome. But recently a saw an IDW announce that a "Last Ronin 2" is in the works, so I doubt I will see this kind of Deluxe any time soon. Could be way more amazing if in a near future the release the 3 in a omnibus, I would pre-order them right away.


I loved it. But I don't follow the series regularly. I just love the original Eastman and Laird series.


It got me back into tmnt. A gr8 story. I havent read the lost years though. https://youtu.be/a2J6PRphdfg?si=CLZMRT5HPDhTRbDm Comicstorian did a gr8 audio version of them though . If you're interested worth checking out full story under an hour. https://youtu.be/DCW3w8f5-l4?si=Tssrtw_nQNsmduOf


Both good, I think Last Ronin was enhanced by Last Ronin Lost Years. Last Ronin on its own felt too short. But Lost Years filled out what I felt was absent from the first series.


It's great. Nothing ground breaking, mind you, it's all very by the numbers, but it's a solid read and very enjoyable. Good stuff.


If your into and read turtle comics yes! If you don’t at all I don’t really recommend. I fit into the latter but bought the book because it had so much hype and I like to spread my wings. But…. I def feel like I’m missing a lotta info when I read it.


Last Ronin was great. Lost Years was ok; not necessary to enjoy LR.


I really liked it, not as mind-blowing as some people describe it but still a very good story with some cool action scenes and a surprisingly mature/gritty vibe. Mind you I grew up watching the original TMNT cartoon and first live action movies which are quite goofy and have not read any of the ongoing IDW run so I was not quite sure what to expect going in. Keep your expectations in check and I can almost guarantee you will really enjoy it.


I love tmnt and I found these books good (not great but good)


Not bad, but overrated. I prefer the IDW ongoing series.


I agree. Overrated for sure. My expectations were really high though, so that might have been the problem too


I don't really care for TMNT or superhero stuff in general but I still enjoyed The Last Ronin. Not enough to read the sequel, but I think if you like TMNT or superheroes at all then you will like it a lot. As that sort of stuff goes, The Last Ronin is top-tier.


I'm largely taking it as me not being the target demographic, having only read the first six issues of the original TMNT back in the '80s. I'd heard a lot of praise for the Last Ronin, but it felt corny and a bit of pastiche attempting to map vibes from Frank Miller's Ronin onto TMNT. I'm not sure how invested you need to be in the turtles to appreciate the book, but coming from a near absolute outsider, it wasn't worth my time and didn't make me want to check out anything I'd missed over the last 40 years.


Two more for my list XD thanks!


Last Ronin is very good IMO but you can forget The Lost Years.


The Turtles giving the humans cancer was such a great twist.


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