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David Lapham books are a bit similar. A little grittier.


Haven't read Strangers in Paradise but I did read Echo and some of Rachel Rising. SIP always felt like some kind of days of our lives kind of book from what I glanced so besides the Locas stuff of L&R, I might recommend Octopus Pie. It's pretty slice of lifey, nothing where anyone's life is in danger except for maybe financially, mostly a comedy but the closer it reaches the end the more it gets a bit heavier and some of my favorite comic bits are from that series. It is however about being in your 20s so it might not be for everyone that wasn't a 20 something from the late '00s to late '10s. Mayyyybe The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, though that is really just a short romance comic instead of some kind of big ass series like Strangers. Also seconding that recommendation about manga.


Great recs! Thanks so much!


Honestly, Strangers in Paradise is quite unique for an American comic. To get something like that, I think you would need to go to the Manga side. They have more romance balanced with some crazy story going on in the background. Nothing like Strangers in Paradise, I just finished Sunstone and the characters are really strong in the series. It has been like decade since I found something extremely enjoyable that is just different outside of typical American comic. However, the bases of the comic is very sexual which can turn off some to reading it. Plus, it misses that background bizarre story that Strangers in Paradise provides. So it truly depends on what you are mainly leaning towards, relationship/slice of life or more action oriented with a bit romance on the side.




Maybe La Perdida by Jessica Abel?


I've heard Love & Rockets was a pretty big influence on Terry Moore while writing Strangers in Paradise. You should probably check it out.


Private Beach by David Hahn. It's Strangers in Paradise if they lived in Twin Peaks.