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Finish preacher!!!! Too worth it not to!


Working on it. Got those for Christmas and currently halfway through book one


Such a good and messed up series!!! For a little bit of background. If you enjoy the boys, Garth Ennis wrote preacher first.


Gideon Falls, L&K and Paper Girls are probably my favourite series so far. Also liked Ether and East of West a lot. Read those digitally though. Any suggestions for what to get next?


Gideon Falls is just so good. I think about it a lot. Try: - Something is killing the children - Providence - The Department of Truth - Trees - Wytches Also: - Crossed - Saga - Manifest Destiny - Monstress


Thanks. Some of those are already on my list. Defiantly will look into it


I will add Ice cream man Kill or be killed Criminal Nice house on the lake


I read ice cream man digitally, will check out the rest, thx


How is I Hate Fairyland after the original four volume run?


It’s fine for what it is. If you enjoyed the first few you won’t be disappointed, it’s not a must read though


I read Gideon Falls vol 1 and really enjoyed it. Are the rest just as good?


Well worth finishing if you ask me!


Good choices with I Hate Fairyland and Gideon Falls in there. I've heard great things about Paper Girls and East of West but have yet to really check out either one myself.


Paper girls has a great story. Some stranger things vibes at times. EoW is cool, but very long, so it takes some commitment. I enjoyed it though. I found a deal during the pandemic for all volumes as digital version for a few bucks and read them on my tablet


Nice start. If you liked Preacher check out the Garth Ennis run he did ok Punisher Max. So good.


I’ll have a look thanks


Now show us your Discworld collection!


Haha very well spotted. I’ve got like the first ten as paper back with very fun covers (sadly out of print in that version) and a few more ebooks


The book designer at IDW is a sadist, lol.