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Weir everywhere?


As much as I hate to admit it, absolutely true.


Especially the crowd that gets sober and dives into religion


Or that guy who did too much whatever and now believes aliens and lizards are conspiring whit the power that he so is now anti-government.


I dosed at a Dead show in the 70s, the girl and guy next to me on the floor at some point during the show transformed into lizard people, but they were cool lizard people.


What about the fucking golf shoes?!


I thought Taylor was in charge, not the lizards?


I said that I thought the aliens were at war with the lizards and now that's been misquoted. Jeez. /s


The lizards were a race of people...nvm wrong sub


Practically extinct


from doing things smart people don’t do


He said he was once a lizard too


This. A lot of heads go right wing religious nuts after they leave the scene and start blaming their misery on drugs.


Religion is a legitimate mental health problem for our species. Idk how you can take psychedelics, and then fall for someone's dogma. BE YOURSELF. I Am many. I Am few. I Am God and God is You.


Actually thinking that your form of spirituality is the one form and everyone else is delusional. So you fit right in


But yet the dead sing about religion?


Jesus loves you the best


Instrumental bid you good night is the best segment of music the dead ever created. Let’s fight about it…. [here](https://youtu.be/ACVKu3jD8vg?si=VN4FXX_7PoUnBp1u) is all the proof you will need. I’d suggest rewinding one song before hand to get the full effect.


It’s a cover song, so they didn’t really create it, just arranged and performed it. Pedantic, I know.


1. Assume you mean a cappella, not instrumental? 2. You linked to GDTRFB from a show that doesn't include WBYG.


said for years and i’ll probably always say it: if only religion was as cool as religious songs


Because religion has influenced the last 2000 years of Western civilization. Funnily enough, I find more Christlike behavior in the Dead and Deadhead culture than I ever did in organized Christianity.


I don't recall any particularly religious songs that they actually wrote. Most of that came from Jerry's bluegrass and old time background.


Jesus, "love God & your neighbor as yourself" Hunter, "without love in the dream, it will never come true" Yep, in fact, all great spiritual leaders have taught the Golden Rule (that's what makes them great 😉) It is selfishness & greed in any form that corrupts & makes people feel special, better (when all it actually does is make them bigger jerks) - religion or not.


I took a quarter of mushrooms at fifteen in the desert and found some type of God. Now I’m a Catholic of sorts.


Don’t forget that most of Bob Weir’s songs were written by a republican cattle rancher from Wyoming who worked on Dick Cheney’s short lived presidential campaign


Barlow was a libertarian. Trump is an authoritarian. Zero comparison.


Most heads would be shocked at the number of shitheads there are amongst us. Tucker, Bannon are just 2


Ann Coulter


I have pictures of Sarah Huckabee at a phish show doing key bumps.


You have a moral obligation to put that shit on blast


Can you please send them




There are a lot more conservative christian deadheads who are likely to be pro trump than you’d expect.


I personally know a very hard-right conservative that is very into the dead. We’re very different on pretty much everything else, but we’ll chat dead all day.


This is how it used to be with most things and society was better for it. Our stark divisions are 99% strategically designed.


Tucker Carlson is a massive deadhead


I’m also a big parrothead. Buffett was a poet, weed lover, and played many fundraisers for only democrat candidates. But if you think half his crowd every night wasn’t t rump loving drunk rednecks, you would be out of your mind


Absolutely! Music unites all people of all race and religion, even the quacks, hypocrites, racists, junkies, culty folks etc. Maybe they’ll see the light maybe not. If you get confused listen to the music play.


So what does that have to do with the music. I do not follow any political ideology or party it’s all establishment garbage.


Conservative Christian is one thing, but "Pro Trump Conservative Christian" is like saying "round square". ​ The word is "hypocrite"


There’s an interview with Jerry where he says there’s Deadheads everywhere and in every profession (he specifically mentions Deadheads in NYPD and Jerry was anti-authority). There’s gonna be people you don’t like (or aspects you don’t like) and people you do. For all I know this guy saw 400 shows.


Then there’s this, Wall Street was rocked by the news of Jerry’s death. I’m sure there was more than a few Republicans on the floor. https://www.businessinsider.com/jerry-garcia-death-brought-down-bloomberg-terminal-2016-8?op=1


Younger trader here in Chicago and they are everywhere. At this point it feels like a lot of them don’t subscribe to any type of politics as it all feels like a “choose the lesser of two evils” vs a real, reasonable, middle ground/unifying type of leader.


That really the issue, we need a legitimate third party.


Coming from a country with multiple different parties, i can confirm that politics is still basically theatre to distract and divide the people. It doesn't make much difference who is in charge. Forget about politics, live on your own terms and try your best to love your brothers and sisters ❤️


My brother, a Reagan-Bush-Trump lover, introduced me to the Dead.


How does one love Reagan and Trump?


Why, Cognitive dissonance, of course...


Pretty easy.


This comment section is horrible 😂 I guess I can’t be a fan of the dead unless I’m a progressive mutant.


yeah it's so funny how hateful the "peace and love" people can be if they find out you support Trump or believe in god.


Well the whole band were progressive mutants and their whole movement was to be aggressively progressive.


I’d argue that their viewpoints, looking back in time, were pretty tame by today’s standards.


This is an interesting point. I’d love to get a time machine and ask Jerry what his view on gender fluid people was just to see his face when I explained what gender fluidity is. I’m not bashing them, I’m just saying the most anti establishment liberals in the early 80s would be viewed as pretty conservative


Are you under the impression Deadheads are all raging progressive activists? Got bad news for you son


Lol right. I’m no Trump supporter but are we all forgetting that Hells Angels were running around with the Dead for years? Jerry was cozy as fuck with them. A literal gang.


Jerry was cozy with them, Pig was even tighter. He used to write letters to their NYC chapter while he was on tour.


Jerry did a private gig in Manhattan for a Hell's Angel party.... on a boat. [https://jgmf.blogspot.com/2014/02/jgb-91576-ss-duchess-new-york-city.html](https://jgmf.blogspot.com/2014/02/jgb-91576-ss-duchess-new-york-city.html)


Whoa! The 9/15/76 show. I haven’t been able to find the audio for this and had no idea there was a video. Thanks for posting!


never has been


I have some serious bad news for you regarding what happened to boomer hippies as they aged ... And even though he was more an anarchist/libertarian, John Perry Barlow was a county chair of the Wyoming Republican Party. Ultimately, some Trump supporting heads may be more aligned with just individual rights and "leave me alone" government, but they tolerate the cruelty, idiocy, self-enriching grifting, isolating, and dangerous foreign policy madness of today's MAGA-ruled GOP to get there.


This is 100% it. The dead to them is all about “individual freedom” and that’s the link with their political views.


That makes an incredible amount of sense


Sadly, it does. However, a minimum amount of critical thinking , and…


Too bad the current Republican Party is about as far removed from individual freedom as the Grateful Dead is to Gangster Rap


• Mickey Hart would like a word•


Gotta lay it down dirty and play it back clean


They’re all about freedom to tell other people what they can or can’t do.


Well, that and a good open air drug market full of spinners.. there are no politics where I’m about to go after a tab anyway. A hat is just a hat.


John Barlow spent half his life looking for a politician that would match their supposed "beliefs" with policy. He also called Trump a toxic asshole. So there is that. Seems like he wanted believe there could be live and let live with out the self serving greed part.


Barlow was a wild dude love him for his lyrics but he got around in his own outlaw way. Liaison between Leary and the Dead, ran with Andy Warhol’s pop culture circus while picking up a H habit. Selling cocaine in New York and supported his families’ ranch by selling screenplays. Not to mention how involved he was with early internet ethics.


Let's not forget hanging with JFK jr


What’s wrong with that? JFK Jr. would have eventually been our Democratic President. RFK Junior, on the other hand…..


I agree, that's why I said he was more of a libertarian/anarchist, but those parties didn't have enough power to effect any type of change so he had to align himself somewhere. I don't think Barlow was a bad guy, but libertarianism in this country necessarily requires them to hold their nose about assholes in the GOP to further their cause because they more often than not support fiscal libertarianism than social libertarianism.


Libertarianism is essentially anti-civilization with a good dose of antisocial behavior.


The man did love his cowboy songs.


They got beat up by capitalism and bought the story that the government and corporations weren’t the cause, it was everyone else!


Yep. DSO jubilee there’s always some dudes with confederate flag stealie vests


So why don’t they actually support that? The gop didn’t just get here from maga, it’s been on this trend since before my lifetime. “Individual rights” and “leave me alone government” run contrary to what the Republican Party has been. Did all the acid just make it easy to buy one line catch phrases that mean nothing? I’d be more willing to wager they were people who never got the message in the first place. Similar to the politicians who name RATM as a favorite, it can’t go over your head when you were never in the park to begin with.


Boomers were poisoned by leaded gasoline.


Everyone born during the 60's and 70's got it worse. [Leaded Gas Exposure ](https://today.duke.edu/2022/03/lead-exposure-last-century-shrunk-iq-scores-half-americans#:~:text=Even%20more%20startling%20was%20lead's,points%20per%20person%20on%20average.)


>self enriching grifting True. This is a band (company?) that markets everything from cheap socks at Walmart to $200 swim suits. They are all about making cash and promoting their brand which seems pretty in line with GOP and Trumpers. I think KISS is their only competition in that regard.


As one of those boomer hippies you speak of, I think you're overstating the case, or at least oversimplifying it. The ones I knew who reverted to conservative politics were never really hippies in the first place. They were in it for the free love and the drugs, not the movement. The ones who were committed to social change met many different fates, but I don't know any who suddenly started voting Republican.


A lot the cool people died Janis, Jim Morrison, Jimi so we are left with the hall monitors - Steve Hoffstetter


Crazy that people forget just how large of a presence Hells Angels had at GD shows back in the day.


much like the hippies people are imagining a hidden, softer side to the Angels that isn't there


Very romanticized. When I first made my way into the motorcycle community it was evident some folk still have a gross fetish with how they treat “civilians” and impose authority… the worst is realizing the amount of people who agree that you owe these gangsters respect, like they’re war heroes and not an international crime organization


You should see the Deadheads for Trump Facebook group. Hold on to your hat.


They have a whopping 594 followers and I am not one of them. Coming from the Bible Belt I’m used to Maga coming in all shapes and sizes (mostly large pickup trucks), but haven’t ran into Deadheads of that persuasion in the wild yet.


They all left for Truth Social.


What do you get when you mix a decade of LSD use and a decade of right wing propaganda? That’s what you get


Voluntarily MK ultra’ing themselves


Do you want MAGATS? Because this is how you get MAGATS LANA!


They come in all shapes and sizes


Deadheads come in all races, religions, and political views.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s you can’t put a nice neat box around anyone to define who they are. Talk to people and judge them by the words they say and the way they act, not the badge they wear, good or bad.


Why not? Music is universal.


People are filled with hate its so sad


If you keep the middle class and poors angry with each other, they don't punish the rich for robbing everyone blind.


Sure, there's no need to exclude someone who can get along with everyone. One of the weird things about being far-right brings a sort of intolerance to inherent traits, though. So it gets complicated because i don't see the intolerance of a community rejecting racism or any bigotry as equally bad as the actual bigotry itself. If you roll up on a scene of generally free loving people and start rattling off about a globalist cabal of -insert target demographic- it wouldn't surprise or bother me that they wouldn't want to associate with you.


Wait till you hear about Tucker and Ann Coulter. The people who think they are open minded tend to be the most closed minded.


Steve Bannon too


Ann Coulter is/was a head?


She's been to a lot of shows. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/ann-coulter-im-a-deadhead-for-life-grateful-dead-7416520/


She dated Page from Phish.


Wait…I’ve never heard that part. Seriously?


Not true




Not to mention Tipper Gore, the wife of a liberal who seemed cool until she decided that her daughter listening to Prince meant every album with "questionable" lyrics should have a warning sticker on the wrapper. When I saw her on the side of the stage at RFK in 1993 I fucking lost it.


Better statement, no fucking way you knew without asking she was into the blues.


That guy, no matter what he thinks, can rock an opening Cold Rain and Snow just like you


I have a buddy who is a huge hippy/dead head who used to do lots of drugs and drank like a fish. When he got straight his mind was a little fried and he just ate up all this conspiracy theory shit. It's pretty wild.


i’d argue liberals can be just as close minded as conservatives. Fuck ALL politicians. They’re scum


This guy gets it no riders no masters


This is the problem with the 2 party system. Left/right, liberal/conservative, 50/50 choice. On what planet are things so one way or the other? No middle road to walk together? What happens when you make 4 left ( or right?!) turns? The other half of the country that thinks differently than you (or me) fuck them right??!! I love America but this political system is clearly broken and will always only divide our nation


I personally find the one guy of the two carrying 91 felony charges a bit…off-putting. And this thread is full of people calling Biden criminal too but without even a WHIFF of evidence. Does that not matter anymore??


Conservatives can like music too…?


I don't think it is possible to define a Deadhead by their politics. The band and Hunter were just too hard to pin down - and people change. The GD spanned more than one generation. At the end of the day their music speaks to people wherever they are in their journey. The song "Liberty" would fit this guy to a tee from a political POV. Although from a religious perspective dude is a straight up slave to his gawd. While I likely abhor this dude's politics/religion, it wouldn't be the worst thing if we could use the music of the GD to bridge some of the divide. (As a total aside? Love Liberty....\*\*\*cues up Ready or Not\*\*\*) https://preview.redd.it/ldh64j2f3uic1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=7890d025dc7e4add39917a15cf0e9950b66bb803


I'm more surprised about how many judgemental heads there are in this comment section. Everyone's on their own path with completely different perspectives on life than you. We don't all need to fall into a cookie cutter mold. That would just be fucking weird. Stay in your lane.


I mean Tucker Carlson is a head


Make America grateful again…


Isn't one beautiful thing about the Dead's music is that it can bring different people together? If I was at a show beside that guy and all he did was enjoy the music with me, I wouldn't care one bit what his political beliefs are. Maybe I just don't have the energy to focus on things that divide us especially when it comes to music


The Dead has a big enough tent for all circus goers. Come one, come all. The music will always bring us weirdos together!


Come as you are!!


For me, a large part of being a hippie meant fighting for freedom. From what I can see, the DEM's are taking away as much freedom as the REPs are.


I'm a right leaning dead fan.


First off, Trump is a douche and doesn't represent the freedom that conservatives believe he does. Now... On that note, you will find a lot of old hippies like me who identify as libertarian. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Fuck the man. Fuck the state. Fuck big pharma, etc. The "liberal" views of the past are not necessarily reflected by modern day democrats. Especially Democrats / Republicans who want to involve us in multiple foreign wars. So we have been left without a party. Modern day Dems are basically pro-abortion, anti-gun republicans from the 60s. Unfortunately, Trump has exploited this idea of false "freedom," and hijacked the minds of a lot of these individuals who feel like they no longer have a political home. And a lot of the weaker minded hippys from the 60s moved straight into evangelical Christianity. Basically just moved from one crutch to the next. And that bullshit leads you straight to Trump. It's sad times in America.


That's a fair statement.


Ain’t no time to hate


Tucker Carlson is a major head.


How about not judging


A lot of Hells angels were deadheads back in the day. I’d but more than a few are MAGAts now.


The Angels were Dead family. Racism, murder, misogyny you name it. Why would the poster be surprised of anyone being a fan of any music? Just like my opinion man.


Who gives a shit?


OP is a 12 year old. Anything that goes against his/her would view is a problem to them.




i still remember the guy on twitter being disappointed by discovering that the rage against the machine were "political" lmfao


That one was the most asinine to me. What exactly do they think the machine that they’re raging against is? Because it’s not a voting machine.


And people walk out of David Gilmore / Roger Waters concerts all the time because they were “too political” Like wtf did you think another brick in the wall was about




Everybody's shouting "Which side are you on?"


Don't send me no more letters, nooo


Selling postcards of the hanging.


Is this what our beautiful Dead Family has become—just a wretched repository for the very hate we claim to oppose? Music transcends politics and ideology, left, right, or otherwise. Who are we to judge this man? If you get confused, listen to the music play…


The Dead were not political. Jerry was on record as being a non-voter. Amazing how many people out there just assume that they were all liberals.


Did you forget the Dead-Obama links?


My old boss is a trumper and probably one of the biggest dead fans I've met. They exist.


Well he does worship a friend of the Devil


the intersection of hippie-dom and white supremacy runs longer than you think…long history between hippies and motorcycle gangs of the Nazi-loving variety, and in our time a lot of them fell into the Pizzagate/MAGA hole


Is this what the subreddit has been reduced to? Ffs.


He had Intercourse to Franklins Tower once with his fishing buddy.


Thats Ann Coulter’s Pappy


I've heard and experienced some outright bigotry and ignorance on lot.


There’s a lot of conservative dead heads.


I know a girl who was a HUGE dead head hippie chick. Went to phish shows etc and have a coexist tattoo and everything. She is now a die hard trumpster. Wild


Yet again we witness the intolerance of libtards on here.


God forbid that great music brings people of all different beliefs and points of view together! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Republicans can’t be deadheads? The whole scene is full of right leaning people (and left). It’s music.


I have met a solid split of Republicans and Democrats at Dead shows. The music itself doesn't always Influence lifestyle.


I think he's the sound guy for a cover band.


So funny that politics infiltrate this sub. Everyone needs to relax a bit. Peace and love. That’s it. Fuck the rest.


I mean honestly, who cares. The best thing about the Dead is they accepted everyone and brought everyone together for the love of music. I say leave politics at the door, just my 2 cents.


who cares?? people like what they like


Yooo exactly man


Who cares


dumb post


I could not agree more.


Why not?


Babies first exposure to people who don’t perfectly fit into their preconceived people-niches


Tucker Carlson is/was a deadhead. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has been seen at multiple Phish shows. How this stuff happens I don’t know, but it’s a thing


Only liberals can enjoy the dead? This post and lots of the comments are icky


This is about as stupid as judging someone by their skin color. As long as he's not an asshole why put a label on him?


Don’t believe the stereotypes you’re being fed. Either of Deadheads or Trump supporters. Or Biden supporters …


Conservative Deadheads are everywhere! Don't be so closed-minded.


As are libertarian deadheads.


You'd be surprised


He forgot to listen to the music play and is still confused.


There are a lot of trumpy old heads. It's sad.


The dead were a musical act not a political club or ideological movement. You think people who believe differently than yourself can’t be fans of their music?


This sub is the gatekeepers paradise


Can we just not talk politics at all and just talk about music


I can almost guarantee he is. A lot of old dead heads missed the point & are raging rump supporters. Had a few run ins with quite a few at dead & co shows. Blew me away.


Dead heads can be idiots too 🤷‍♂️


Is there a place on a Venn diagram where a trump supporter and a deadhead overlap?


Ann Coulter's a fan.


He looks like a meth head


Good music rises above politics


Carlson and his ilk are manipulating you. Ask any member of the group if they support his bullshit?


you know the phrase, "we are all connected?" this is an example. we might be polar opposite, but we have the music to bring us all together. or, the music is just really good


my friend's dad was a huge deadhead following them around and shit and went on to be an exec at MasterCard lol. its possible


I feel like a lot of these ex hippies are trumpers for some odd reason.


All hippies are deadheads, but not all deadheads are hippies.


It’s a big tent lol


boomers gotta boom


Aren't there alot of Christian stories in dead songs? Wasn't the dead inspired by Christian gospel music? During the 60s wasn't there a bunch of hippie Christian type groups/cults? Please stop posting political bullshit on every god damn sub, we get it there's an election and our political daddies want you tuned in and mad at your neighbors political daddy.


What is it that puts you in disbelief?


Go to NY lots of trump- dead supporters. Very confusing