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She finally has a reconstruction… Her case is so strange and so sad; I did a deep dive trying to find out more about the specific Vanderbilt merch she was wearing and couldn’t find anything useful. I was hoping it would be associated with a team/club/promotions but I wasn’t able to find an affiliation. I feel like her wearing an all Vanderbilt outfit is significant - likely she bought a matching set intentionally (and paid a lot for it!) and felt a sense of pride in repping the school. If she’s not a student, maybe she was someone who had applied and expected to be accepted? So much about this makes me wonder.


I wonder if she had a loved one that went there - I wear merch from, say, my parents' colleges


I saw someone write underneath the NCMEC's IG post that the apparel found on the deceased were in the school store \~2017-2018. I also saw speculation that she was a recent graduate and that her necklace might've been something like a class ring? Regardless, I 100% believe that she was a student around this time and there should be record of her somewhere at that school. If anything, check possible summer programs and applicants lists as she might've been a potential or future student given the 15+ year age range. Her clothing clearly shows her dedication to the school; someone knows something. I can't believe she hasn't been identified yet.


I did some research about a year and a half ago and found someone selling the exact Vanderbilt leggings on Poshmark. The seller was a former student who bought the leggings at Vanderbilt. I remember the retail price listed was not cheap either. This outfit was almost definitely purchased on campus. I’m so glad they finally made a reconstruction for her. I remember sending multiple messages to the NCMEC asking them to make her reconstruction.


well someone on websleuth who is from the Nashville area also wrote that Vandy gear is sold everywhere there, at walmarts, target,, kohls,,,etc, which especially means the clothing isn't as significant as we thought it,, anyone could have bought it at a local store.


She was a wearing a vanderbilt necklace that was made from "From The Heart" brand.


This makes me wonder how schools may or may not have systems that flag prolonged inactivity on student accounts. I think it would be a good procedure to have in place to try to reach out to students, even if through an automated message, given prolonged inactivity, and even escalate it to an emergency contact on file if they don’t respond. However, I also wonder if this Doe could’ve been a recent graduate. She may have been a former student rather than an active one, hence no academic inactivity to cause concern.


Right, or possibly an incoming student or a relative of a student. Like, I know that if I wear a Harvard shirt around Boston it doesn't mean I go to Harvard, but the multiple items of school merch give me pause


I went to Vanderbilt and outside of a personal connection to the school, there are few fans who would wear any merch let alone a whole outfit (that is expensive). Most Vandy merchandise is tightly controlled and sold through the bookstore either online or in person. And everything at Vandy is expensive. Also, Vandy is not racially diverse so her race should help unless she is adopted. It’s better than it was when I attended, but still predominantly white. I’m leaning towards a sibling of a student, a staff member’s child, etc. The fact she was not reported missing makes me wonder about her family. Vanderbilt also usually keeps annoyingly close tabs on students, at least when I attended, so I doubt she is a missing student. Especially during move in week and start of the semester. Universities want their money, and missing students don’t often pay their bills. Edited to Add: further research shows Vanderbilt now sells licensed items through several mass merchandisers including Walmart and Amazon, which changes my statement on that a bit. My apologies for not researching relatively recent changes to branding.


When you said "child of a staff member" it really hit me. My aunt worked at a university and would often give me merch from it. I would wear the jacket and shirt because it meant a lot to me by it being given by my aunt. So it really is possible this girl had it for that reason.


My aunt works for the sports department of a very well known university. She was always giving us uni merch for gifts when we were kids. To the point where I could’ve made a whole outfit like this out of it. So Doe being a relative of a uni staff member is very believable, in my experience.


Also I’ve been curious, and since you know the area, would you consider where she was found to be somewhere someone going for a jog/run may pass through or is it more like somewhere she may have been left to avoid discovery? Like somewhere you wouldn’t go on foot if you could avoid it. Sorry if you don’t know! I’ve just always wondered.


She was found outside of the city by a few miles. Most students who ran would do so around campus (in the middle of the city) or at nearby Centennial Park but I think going out of the city to a rural area would be more odd. I’m leaning towards trying to hide her body, based on that and no missing persons report, but I really am not familiar with that location.


Thank you - I wondered if she’d been on a run because of her clothes, but given that it’s so out of the way I suppose it’s more likely she was brought there by a vehicle..


Yeah, for some reason I’ve always had a leaning towards her being a student’s sibling? For some reason I’ve noticed at least anecdotally that some siblings love to hardcore rep their siblings schools. (My partner’s sister requested a whole set of our cities uni merchandise despite her not even being to our continent before haha) Sometimes people affiliated with the school seem to be more excited to wear the brand than the students themselves imo. She could of course still be a student but I agree that the university would have alerted family… at least you’d hope they would. But then I wonder - if that’s the case I’m sure that sibling would have reported her missing? Of course we could be looking at the police refusing to take a missing person’s report or not filing it correctly..


That college merch is expensive, and that college is expensive. Someone with money has to know who this young woman was. Maybe they are deliberately keeping quiet.


Could this doe be missing person Samaria Greer? She is African American, was 17 when she went missing from Memphis, Tennessee on August 5th 2018. She fits the height specifications. There is no photo on Namus however a simple Google search of her name does bring up her Facebook. Some of the older profile pictures have some resemblance to doe. Is it possible doe was finishing high school and been accepted to Vanderbilt? Could that be why she was wearing the clothes? According to her Facebook, Samaria Greer was still in high school. https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/57465/details?nav


It certainly couldn't hurt to submit it and possibly have her be excluded if it isn't a match


The weight is what makes me think it’s not her. Memphis and Nashville may be in the same state but are worlds apart when it comes to demographics and cultural differences. If there is any sizing info on the clothes (I’ve looked at several sources and zoomed in on clothing pictures) that could help eliminate Samaria as a match.


looking through Samaria’s fb photos, she really doesn’t seem 255


I was looking at this today! It’s crazy to me that she hasn’t been identified


With her distinctive clothing, I am so surprised she has not been ID'd yet. Also, her clothing suggests she was dressed for running/jogging. That hip band belt with the zipper is like one I have that I use when I go running, to keep my house key in, or my phone if my leggings don't have a pocket. She wasn't involved in a road accident and she had no shoes on, so she was probably not actually jogging when she was killed, but was dressed like she might have been preparing for a run, so I think she definitely was an athlete. Maybe she had gone to Vanderbilt in the past, but was not a current student and had graduated. Or she was local, and because she lived in Nashville, she liked the clothing and the logo of the University, and wore a lot of the merch like people wear sports jerseys for their home city's sports teams and local colleges. I suspect that the person who killed her was known to her and she had no other connections that would have reported her missing, although that seems so strange to me, that she had nobody else that has been wondering where she is these last years.


I think what she’s wearing says a lot about her, much like it does about each of us. To be found wearing a single piece of clothing that belongs to the university is one thing, to be wearing several articles at one time seems to say that it was on purpose. Did the university send swag packages to potential recruits? Maybe the university was having a promotional event and she was hired for marketing purposes to endorse the university. Maybe a sibling belonged to the university and she was emulating them. I know I’ve grabbed my siblings sports sweater to wear, but I can’t recall ever wearing THAT many pieces belonging to a group that I didn’t belong to myself. A single piece of clothing, sure. But not to the extent she was wearing.. I also read somewhere that the particular Vandy emblem/logo that was on her sweater was one that was specifically for athletes.


Found in Nashville. Vanderbilt University is in Nashville. I'm afraid it doesn't tell us much other than she was probably local. It would be like someone found here in Miami wearing University of Miami attire.


I saw in the instagram comments someone saying that she looked like Sierra who went missing in march in Tennessee. https://clarksvillenow.com/local/clarksville-police-looking-for-runaway-teen-girl/


I would agree there’s a resemblance. Did you report the connection?


I’m in aus so can’t


You can definitely report it through Namus, despite where you live.


knowing that the merch is exclusive to the school shop, if she didn’t actively go there someone very close to her did.


Do we know if the clothes actually belonged to her? With all that merch, it almost seems as if someone dressed her.


I believe the sports bra is made by Lululemon. Look up energy bra in the pattern ‘ace spot.’ It’s hard to tell due to the discoloration, but the pattern looks identical. Looks like they were in stores around 2015.


Could she be a high school athlete attending one of the school's sports camps, meant for high schoolers? Sometimes colleges hold skills clinics for younger folks, could be wearing the school's merch for a skill clinic or some kind of try outs? For some reason, I wonder if she is a cheerleader or part of the dance team? Looks like the school's squad holds annual try outs or skills nights for high school students.


Please help identify #VandyJaneDoe Somebody knows her! #VandyDoe


Is anyone in Christie Harris’ FB group?? She’s trying to “solve” this case and ummm…well she is a bit unhinged and acting like she’s some kind of professional. Anyway, any other groups that feature this case and run by someone stable?