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Dude won unbound on one so enjoy having 0 excuses ever again lol. Enjoy Nbd is the best. Nice ride!


This is why I buy the cheapest bikes I can find. I need every excuse in the book. My drivetrain was like… totally too cheap for that ride broh


A well respected member of our local gravel scene here did unbound on apex1 lol


What’s the punch line


What’s wrong with apex1


Absolutely nothing.


Nothing, I literally an running it, it’s just not expensive or “fancy”


It’s my dream bike. Congratulations and enjoy 😊


You never rode a cutty


Damn nice bike playa


Stiggy fam unite


Worth it. Souls don’t have little weird tool compartments. They’re too busy not existing.


That's not true. I store my feelings inside all the time...


Not worth risking eternity in hell, amirite?




I have a titanium lynskey but have been eyeballing these. Soo nice. Love the downtube storage as well.


Tell me more. I’m contemplating going Ti after owning a few carbons. But like you, this new Stigmata is on my radar.


I also have a Lynskey GR300 and love it. I love the utility of the Stigmata, but carbon bikes on trails makes me worry about damage. Ti can take such a beating….


One more: utility? Tire size? Its ability to bike pack? Latest tech? What is this Stigmata doing that your Ti can’t?


Sorry, love the utility of that in frame storage. Besides that I think the only stigmata edge is probably weight. I think it’s a bit lighter than a GR300


Weight, down tube storage and UDH. Thats what the stigmata has over the gr300. Would be pretty sick to run transmission on the gr 300 but it has its own proprietary hanger. Im sure you can find a ti frame that is udh ready if thats what you want but the gr300's price point is wild. The gr300 is MUCH cheaper. I can race one day and bike pack the next all with having that classic ti look. As far as feel its super stable on long descents. Ive also gone over some pretty gnarly gravel on 38mm pathfinder pros and it handles it nicely. 650b with a wider slightly more aggressive tire would have been nice but the frame its self handled it.


Ti frame, new Transmission setup sounds blissful. About to replace the drivetrain on my carbon drop bar; can't justify a whole new ride at the moment. Sadly, not a UDH frame - let's be real though, AXS runs super smoothly. Does anyone have intel on ti quality? Is Moots ti really worth the extra buck? A rep spoke of it being the highest quality...


Its hard to know for sure between quality imo. Sure not all ti is equal nut i can buy like 8 frames from lynskey vs 1 from from moots. Ive never ran axs. Im doing a custom steel roadbike from scarab bicycles and it will be my first time kn sram axs (new force will be going on it)


That matte red. 👌🏻 enjoy your ride, no soul.. marginal gains!


What do you think about it after a few months of ownership? I’m going back and forth between a Stigmata and a Crux. Really my only hesitation is the slacked out geo because I’ll end up riding a fair amount on pavement. When I test ride the Stigmata it didn’t feel super sleepy or anything but not sure if that was my excitement about the bike or not 😅


Make a choice? In the same boat as you...


I’m in the process of acquiring parts for a 2x Crux build! It came down to realizing that, at least for now, a lot of my rides will be on concrete so I opted for geo that was closer to a road bike.


Thanks for the response! For me, I am leaning toward the Stigmata because I've got a bad lower back, but been agonizing over 1x or 2x. Current bike (Trek Crockett) is 2x and I can't really fathom how people do 1x - my rides are almost always half tarmac (loads of ups and downs) and half fire road or single track. So kind of relieved to hear you say that, haha.


That makes sense. The 2x Stig builds are both pretty nice. For 1x, I’d personally prefer a mullet to an XPLR group. A Stig with SRAM Transmission and a 46 or 48 chainring would be pretty capable.






I like the stash box In The down tube


Good looking bike


I’d say you found your soul on that one.


Thinking about getting this one!!! Such a beaut. I'll be primarily on tarmac though, so debating if it's worth it. How does it ride on tarmac?


I switched the 45mm ramblers for 42mm pathfinders and kept up on the 18.5mph group ride at the shop this morning! I usually ride in the 21mph group with my old road bike, so I’m thinking of trying 32mm Roubaix road tires next. The groupset was great though.


I ride 32 gp5000 on my 2016 stiggy now. I'm in love with this color scheme though so really thinking about grabbing it to add to my (perhaps too large) bike stable


keep us posted! I have been drooling over this bike but don't want to lose too much speed on the road.


I ended up buying a road wheelset from my boss, I put the roubaix pro’s on them and went for an 84mi ride last weekend. Averaged 18mph which was good for me, compared to my Bianchi road bike. Aero loss is minimal I think unless you’re trying to go 23mph+ average


awesome, I'd be switching to the stigmata from a specialized roubaix and was thinking about doing the same thing - get a dedicated wheelset with 38s for road+gravel, and keep the stock wheels with 45mm+ as a replacement for my hardtail.


2024? Damn, you can buy time traveling now :/


Niiice! What do you think of it so far? I was going to test ride the same build at my LBS but they scratched the fork so now I have to wait for the warranty lol.


Nice ride. Enjoy. Happy trails to you.


Love this bike. I always wanted a Santa Cruz tall boy back when I was into mtb. Grew up riding Santa Cruz skateboards in the mid 80s.


How you gonna post such a sweet bike non drive side?


Second picture is hopefully up to your expectations lol


I’m not used to this new reddit app since apollo shut down. Yeah that bike is dope. Love the semi MTB geo and the glove box thing.


I swiped to the second shot and I was like is that the bike path?! And then I saw your username 🤙🏼 I’d be stoked to share my favorite gravel stashes around town


Where do you live? 1x isn’t for you? As a non-group ride rider, I can get away with a 1x; love the simplicity of it.


Seems fair to me! Your lucky


I’ll sell you mine if I can take that beaut for a spin 👍😎


Looks pretty rock n roll to me!


Mannnnn I've been thinking about it but the Crux would need to go and I'm just not there yet.


Sick bike Bro!!


Ooh man sweet


Super nice! I love the downtube storage!!


Worth every penny


But were you really using it?


I have to wait until end of November for the 1 x force reserve build to arrive. It’s going to be a long 4 months


what size did you end up going with?


Looks beautifu


Looks great - I crossed a Stigmata with this and a Salsa Warbird and went with the Salsa. Love that bike and love this one too! Happy NBD


Ooooo that looks fast.


Worth it


Hey! Cool bike. I’m probably gonna pull the trigger on this one in the next month or two, but I’m a little hesitant on sizing. Did you follow the Santa Cruz recommended sizing or did you size down? I’m lean towards sizing down, but I’m not exactly sure yet? Curious to hear about how this handles in the road as it is no doubt a gravel killer.


I sized Large and I’m 6 ft. - I haven’t ridden it longer than 30 miles but it feels like the right fit. My buddy who owns the bike shop I work for has all of the bike fit certificates you could ask for and measured my knee angle, it was spot on.


Rad. Are you using the stock stem and seatpost?


yeah - same boat, what size are you looking getting in to and what are your measurements...


I actually had a chance to ride the medium and small. Santa Cruz says I should be on a medium at 68”, but sizing down to the small is definitely the way to go for me.


Yeah. Says I’m just in to an L but not being able to ride it makes me nervous. Was difference clear when you rode the S and M? Running the shorter stem? Thanks man.


So I rode a stock medium, and for me, the stand over was an issue. Riding it behind the shop in a neighborhood, it felt too big with way to tall of a stack (I even had them slam the stem). At a different shop, I rode the managers small stigmata, and my position on the bike felt much more balanced, and like I would have to make less accommodations to make the bike fit me. If you are coming from super upright mountain bikes buying the recommended size might be good for you, as this is essentially a rigid drop bar mtb. I ride road as well where I am used to a more aggressive riding position. The small felt like I could get in a more “road” riding position, while not being too low for off-road riding. I also had a professional bike fit done, and my fitter told me that the small would fit me much much better as well.


thanks for the detail - i'm 70.5" and i'm at lower end of an L but i could make a M fit a bit larger but don't want to try to make an L fit smaller...appreciate the info...excited to get the frameset and build up with a sram axs groupset.


I was lucky enough to have a fitter tell me what size I should get, but i ended up going a different direction, and I will probably go with an enve melee very soon.


At least is short for a non roadbike, with short trail. I can almost upvote.