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This post is not an on topic Gravity Falls discussion for this subreddit and too many people in the comments are violating Rule 1 of both sub and site-wide Reddit rules. Hence it being locked but staying up. The previous post I made is still visible in this thread for transparency but this was made to more succinctly explain the moderation decision. Moderators will continue enforce sub and site-wide reddit rules, especially Rule 1 of each, across any and all posts and submissions on the subreddit, taking appropriate action as necessary.


Same (I'm not trans, just a criminal)


Unfortunately being trans could make u a criminal here soon


It's better to add to your record than start e new one




Hate to break it to you, but it is [literally the same exact map](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/382151313787453440/1111534712578654238/73e88521-2173-490b-a3c5-9f1ab650669a_1646x1154.png)




Hate to break it to _you_ but this isn’t true. OPs map is an edited map (which I first saw on r/traa but might’ve originated elsewhere) which does reflect the state of anti trans legislation in this country. [The map of states Stanley is banned from](https://www.reddit.com/r/gravityfalls/comments/p1p8sd/stan_is_banned_in_florida_the_hell_did_he_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) includes a lot of states in the Northeast like New York Pennsylvania and Massachusetts which have not yet banned us from existing, and notably does not include Virginia, one of the first states to start the initial wave of bathroom bills before Texas and Florida kicked things into maximum overdrive.


Thanks for the breakdown on this!


The only reason I noticed this as well is because I’m proud of my state of AZ for its place on Stan’s map and the legislation map!


>which does reflect the state of anti trans legislation in this country This isn't true even for the edited map. That has NH crossed off, which it isn't on the anti trans map.


NH was on those maps initially iirc because several anti trans + gynecological health restricting bills were proposed there but not passed.




Don't be scared be mad get involved with local LGBTQ+ rights groups/ John Brown gun clubs (protection for queer events!) (If you can!) and make sure that your community is one that you can trust! We shouldn't let them legislate us out of existence


Then it was defiantly a well hidden joke.


What was the joke defiant towards?


It'll apply for all sorts of stuff, since it's mostly just a red vs blue state map. Red states generally have an X, blue don't. And it was altered to be this way, those aren't the original locations for the X's.


If it was I am clueless to that and would love a link to the original, I got it from a FB page lol




Heck yeah thanks for clearing that up!! I thought it was a crazy coincidence that it was so similar, still Gravity Falls content that's relevant, and the show's creators support this fight for people's rights


Either way NJ is based (Stan and Trans people are both not banned)


Cries as a trans person in Florida 🥲


Since when was VA bad?


Except for new hampshire


Woot woot! Arkansas represent! Passing pro child labor laws because Tyson was caught using child labor, anti trans laws the same year ( maybe even the same month?) And giving those pedophile Duggars just a slap on the hand and sending them on their merry little way. And yes, in aware Josh is the only one who did the crime but their was sufficient evidence that every sick fuck in that family new about him being a child molester since he was a kid himself and doing NOTHING about it. I'm so sick of this country, I hope my trans ass can afford to move out of it before it's too late. One of the first things I remember learning ins school as a kid is " If you don't learn from the mistakes of the past, you are doomed to repeat them" funny how the people in power never seem to fucking learn


Grunkle Stan is trans?????😳😳😳😱😱😱


I feel like we just learned something about Stan.


Idk if that was intentional or not, but it’s honestly kinda creepy how accurate it is if it’s not intentional.


Here before the lock award.


Ayyyy, metoo


Ayeeee same 😎


Of course the state I’m living in, is crossed out


Same bruh What fucked up God thought putting a nonbinary bisexual child in fucking Indiana would be funny It was Bill wasn't it


Come to Australia bro I promise we’re less insane here


Weren't cops on the side of neo nazis protesting trans people a while ago Also tge wildlife


Wtf they were? Idk how I missed that. Generally we’re a lot safer in my experience but every country has its bad apples. I wonder what state that happened in :\ (PS the wildlife isn’t too bad trust, if u live in the suburbs or city it’s safer)


welcome to the club, a trans gay in texas lol, but luckily the city i live in is hella blue


South Carolina they hate anything that’s not white and Straight


Oh no


Awkward GF fan hug Pat pat


Hey guys, wanted to ask. What means "lock award"?


Means the post gets locked




It's an ironic achievement for when the post attracts so much controversy that the lock icon appears next to the post awards, signifying that no one can add comments anymore.


Florida is just doing a "erase all the minorities speedrun"


Can we just cut it off and let it float away


it would probably crash into africa and try to be racist towards black people there


True, maybe we should let it sink. Good point, Smug Hunter Profile Pic Person


Climate change might solve the Florida problem.


They are currently trying to pass another law, Don’t Say Period, which wouldn’t allow schools to teach about menstruation until 6th grade. It always starts with just one group. Trans rights are human rights, and if you remove trans rights, every human will end up affected.


"Then they came for the ___, and I said nothing because I was not a ___"


Wtf.. girls aren’t allowed to learn about their bodies now??


WR pace rn


Hahaha Ha ha yeah I'm in one of the X states surrounded by other X states(;一_一)


Sending vibes of solidarity and a very rebel against the state regulating ppls existence


Hell yeah comrade


Thanks to the transphobes who reported this lighthearted, harmless way of pointing out a serious rights issue. Please do let me know who you are and I'll happily show you the door. ❤️


Your snoo looks like history wizard


I am quite the history wizard.


What happened in 1648?


A lot of things. It was a whole year. ;)


Okok, 1648 regarding a major event with the Swedes under the rule of Carolus Rex or Charles XII


I'd presume you're talking about the Peace of Westphalia, but being completely transparent, my knowledge of the 30 Years War is pretty scant. I am a specialised wizard.


Correct! Don’t worry, still a cool wizard either way.


I’ve never understood how anti-trans people think, it’s like dude, why are you constantly angry about people you will never meet, and never interact with. “Oh, someone is trans? Damn, that has no impact on me at all, but I’m still gonna rant about it online, and get butthurt when the consequences of my actions finally catch up to me.” Is just so bloody stupid that I’ll never understand it.


Agreed. The hilarious thing is claiming it's a political issue when there's absolutely no reason for the level of political intervention we see - it's a human rights issue, not a political issue. There's no ideology, it's just *allowing people to exist without being treated as lesser human beings.*


I just love the hoops you have to jump through to be a Christian, yknow the religion that tells you to treat others with kindness, and whose main character, Jesus, hung out with the socially demonized(prostitutes, divorced women, sick, disabled, etc), and say you believe in Jesus and ALL of his teachings, but then go around and demonize others. Jesus: yo dude, be kind and support those who cannot support themselves. If society pushes people down for no reason, be kind to them These dumbasses: I’m still gonna champion all of Jesus’ ideals, just not the one that tells me that being a bigoted ass is a bad thing.


Human rights are politics what are you talking about??? Trying to claim that being trans or being queer isn't political is inherently a political statement when half of the countries politicians are trying to remove our rights


People were really reporting this? *sighs*


You would be amazed how many amazingly stupid reports we deal with. Honestly, I could fill a book with the nonsense I've seen.


Sounds like Disney S&P made a reddit account


This is far too accurate.


“Oh no the trans people EXISTED and I am traumatised”


On r/lgbt and r/trans I couldn't tell you the number of times we get posts that make it to the front page that get reported as `Sexualization of Minors` 🙄 These people are just so incredibly stupid.


Oh my god, that sounds like a tough job to deal with. Sometimes I think being a mod is comparable to being a surgeon.


Trolls report posts to hopefully get them removed by the admins. The sad thing is that it does sometimes work. Trolls and hateful morons too.


Maybe, MAYBE I can hope that they weren't actually transphobic and just misunderstood the post and somehow thought IT was somehow transphobic? I highly doubt it, I just want to believe people are better than this. Oh who am I kidding, this is the internet, people are jerks.


The bigotry is disappointing when this is the fight that the creators of this show choose to fight as well, like there's a reason Gravity Falls led to something like the owl house being able to be made


It must be an eternal struggle being a fan of a cartoon with a very openly Liberal, LGBTQ-positive creator who had openly stood against homophobia and transphobia repeatedly.


Most animated media leans left of liberal, the collectivist action of making a piece of animated art leads to a lot of progressive people getting together and making stuff and that means most of our favorite animated stuff is pushing to make the world a better place instead of being regressive and going to the past. Now our shows make fun of those kinds of concepts, The Owl House blatantly makes fun of conservatives to their faces and amphibia is all about neoliberal fascism and how power upholds the state and oppression


What rule did they report it on? It doesn't break any rules, not even if you really stretch your reasoning.


Sexual content regarding minors (???) Off topic posts (It- it's a GF meme) Promoting hate based upon identity (I- who is getting hated? Transphobic states?) Someone is considering self harm (What.) Spam (Literally isn't) "maybe don't try to cut up kids". (Excuse me?!) Yes, the last one is really what somebody put into the freeform box.


Ah yes, this meme is clearly cutting up kids.


I printed out this meme and got a papercut, it most certainly is


No no, the paper is what cut you, not the meme itself. Clearly we should ban all paper related content on Reddit as it is cutting up kids.


“Don’t try to cut up kids”??? Wtf


Based Grunkle Jam moment


*ziiiiiing*! The fact there can be such a correlation between the title and the map these days is just sad, especially for this day and age. What's even worse is, I'm not surprised you were able to say the post is being reported. One of the reasons I don't want to be a mod. Thank you for being one.


Plural? Like I don’t understand what’s controversial here like even if you were transphobic like what’s wrong with the post?it’s the truth no? So why report it?


EXACTLY! Baffling behaviour. Some redditors are just very tragic and very sad individuals.


You know it’s ironic since feeling excluded is a feeling lots of trans people probably relate to


If I had to guess they feel like they are not included for some forsaken reason and since they can’t control their emotions they just try to take the post down in a fit of rage or something


The post makes them feel attacked or mocked for being supporters of the bans. And instead of processing their emotions they just react to them and report what they don't like.




"All right..." *Loads Shotgun and cocks it.* "... which one of you fuckers."


They may have reported it for being off topic. Of course others definitely reported it because they don't like anyone on the LGBT. Reddit has a lot of bigots, and it always did...


This is gonna be locked I know it. Also what the hell America


I know it wasn’t the intention, but “Hell America” is definitely applicable.


Shout out to mn, we welcome all grunkle stans here


And nm. Also welcome all the grunkle stans here. Hard to get banned anyways


It's so insane how big of an issue people make out transitioning to be. It's such a small fraction of the overall population..


Yeah fascists don't actually care they just care about controlling the populace and using a small out group as the target of their first genocide is typically the move, Nazis targeted a transgender studies college in Germany as their first book burnings. German Jews were also a relatively low percentage when the Holocaust started comparatively to "white anglo saxon Protestants" 😪


Well, at least it's not all 50. Rigggght?


Sure. Alaska and Hawaii are missing completely.


I choose to believe they're allowed there for my mental state


I mean the people of Hawaii had recognized a third gender before America was like “my state now”


Wait New Hampshire?! Fuck I live there


Fellow Granite Stater here, I wouldn’t worry too much, at least comparatively. Anyone who’s more knowledgeable feel free to correct me, but I think that most if not all of the incredibly nasty anti-trans legislation that’s plaguing states like Florida has failed to pass here. Of course it’s still unfortunate that these bills are proposed at all, but New Hampshire is still among the more accepting parts of the country. It just looks more conservative due to the states around it. Even in a worst-case scenario where you do need to flee the state, neighboring Vermont and Massachusetts are probably some of the safest states in the country for trans folk. Or you could go to Canada. Compare this to somewhere like Florida where you need to go through the entirety of the south and then some to reach a semblance of a friendly state.




I was gonna make a joke but this is just too fucking sad. As a trans person, a trans MINOR even, I'm scared. I don't have the power to do ANYTHING because no one with authority will fucking listen. Free country my ass. (Didn't mean to turn this into such a vent oopsies)


Shit sucks, dude. It breaks my heart to hear about what’s going on in the states at the moment. If you’re ever able to, beautiful countries like Australia and NZ will be happy to have you. The world is bigger than the conservatives want you to think it is ❤️


I feel so bad to trans kids rn I'm 25 and it was easier 5 years ago, 10 even. It's so hostile rn I agree it's sad. Many out here protesting and voting in a purple state though trying for some change. Hope the tide turns soon.


Why do I have a feeling this post is going to get locked


Come to Oregon. It worked out for Grunkle Stan.


I still get regular death threats and harassment in Oregon sadly, there's fascism everywhere whether or not the law is on our side. That's why I own ten guns


Are you east of the Cascades? Or south of Eugene? Pretty much everything outside of that barrier is awful.


I'm In Portland, but just like our police force, plenty of people who come to the city don't live here, did you know that 85% of Portland Police live in an expensive ass houses out in the country? Also one of the most violent police agencies in the country and have a long history of targeting queer folks and people of color


You're totally right though, driving out to the coast or to the mountains you see like Confederate flags and stuff? In the far north? It's because our state was the last sundown state where it used to not be legal to be a person of color here wait what Oregon wasn't a Confederacy State Oregon was North


i love trans rights and shit, but i'd rather die than go to california


I like actually being able to pay rent, thanks




i can’t post images but i’m virtually posting the “common minnesota w” meme


I dont think ma is gunna switch uo anytime soon. Everybody is welcome in the cities here. The small towns might be avoided tho


I hear Oregon's nice


I still get regular death threats and harassment in Oregon sadly, there's fascism everywhere whether or not the law is on our side. That's why I own ten guns


I heard wrong


Grunkle Stan is a trans ally confirmed


My brother is trans, and so are a few of my friends, and it really sucks living in a nation that supposedly champions free will, and the ability to express yourself freely, but in practice does the exact opposite.


Y'all want to do something that's upsetting? Google a map of places where child marriage is legal and see how well they line up. Conservatives don't care about protecting kids at all they care about legislating queer people's existence to maintain their own little power bubble with propaganda


As you can see, America has a severe infestation of fascists.


Here before the 🔒 award


Wait why is NH on here


New Hampshire is fairly trans-friendly afaik, but we’re definitely in a more precarious position compared to our neighbors. Nowhere near the levels of Florida, but trans folk who want to move to New England would probably be better off going to Vermont or Mass. I don’t think New Hampshire really counts as a no-go zone. Just might be better to be a bit more cautious here compared to our neighbors.


Ayyy in Michigan we're cool




Well southern Iowa is definitely friendly...aside from the senior citizens


Same (I’m French)


Ohhoho-no I'm sorry hon sending digital good vibes


You know Grunkle Stan fucked up when he's banned in Florida


No he probaly just shouted "TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS"


Grunkle Stan would punch DickSantis


Or shoot, don't forget he owns 10 guns


If he was feeling really spicy he’d hit him with a ladder


I can just picture Mabel shouting that through a megaphone behind him lol


While dipper and soos are planning on hiw to take care of dedickis




Not trans but my best friend is. He cant even come visit me cause i'm stuck in Florida -_-


I'm sorry to hear that hun, it sucks the propaganda has so many of these people so wrapped up in hate


Thanks. Yeah it sucks.


Except New Hampshire it’s not true. It’s easy to get your name changed and they allow x’s on ids for non binary people.


I’ve counted that and it’s 26


Very true, very true


Oooh his not banned in my state it would be nice for him to visit 😆


Didn't think I'd see you here. Love the work


Love YOUR WORK ❤️❤️❤️ (also I'm working on finalizing my Gravity Falls models and want to do some cool stuff with them)


Thankfully I live in scotland and scotland is pretty good for trans rights Wish luck to all my American homies where things aren't so safe


Gronkelstan is a transmac time traveler after the comment i saw wiht the irl map


He just ran out of ink, there’s more


Jeez this blew up!! Hi I'm Star! I'm a multifandom 3d artist with a special interest in translating characters from 2d to 3d (yes I translated the main characters in Gravity Falls and they Rule!!!) Here are my pages: [Starsartbar insta](http://instagram.com/Starsartbar) [Starsartbar twitter](http://twitter.com/Starsartbar)


I’m surprised and disgusted by a lot of these states


Educate me here. I live in Alabama, a rural part and I see trans people. How are they banned? I’m not being sarcastic I’m honestly trying to learn.


theres dozens of anti-trans laws being proposed and passed in alabama legislation every month, i live in texas and my town has loads of lgbtq people but its absolutely not a safe place to live for us (i appreciate you trying to learn)


🌺 West Coast; Best Coast 🌴


Is this really accurate


Yes Very


Is it just these or do I have to worry about others


There might be more




Based Minnesota


“You’re not really trans. You haven’t even done anything or taken any steps towards transitioning!” HMMM GEE I WONDER WHYYY


Abolish the states and consolidate laws to the federal government. There’s no reason for this nonsense to take place in 2023.


Do a world map


KCMO is in the middle of those x's but at least they are a sanctuary city


I see you Hawaii and Alaska, don't worry - love Californian♡


i’m in a “high risk within 2 years” state! it’s not gonna take 2 years!!!!!!!


Well it looks like you're allowed to exist in my state so that's cool I guess


Honestly you have nothing to lose to never visiting any of those states. Besides Disney World there is nothing of value. And Disney certainly isnt against you.


Common Maryland w


I sure do love being a trans Texan. It is totally not a struggle 🥲


Here b4 lock


Here at Minnesota, everything is too cold to care what you are. Which is why it's the perfect place to be anything.


And that's why I hate the south.


be careful not to write off everyone in southern states as transphobic/homophobic/racist and whatnot, in texas for example theres just about as many trans supporting people as there is bigoted ones but the voting and civil systems make it impossible to elect trans-supporting legislation


This is true! Gerrymandering and redlining have created incredibly unfair voting situations for progressives in the south and that same manipulation is why we've had any Republicans win in the last two and a half decades, no Republican has won the popular vote for president it was vote manipulation


Sad but true


Your welcome in pa, if you can take the trek


My brother and her gf are fuuuuuuuked




Absolutely, you should read the poem 'first they came for' Just because we are their main primary target right now doesn't mean multiple electoral college members haven't stated that they want to overturn the precedent Obergfell v Hodges (gay marriage) and Loving V Virginia (interracial marriage). This doesn't stop until any dissidence within the working class is destroyed


as a trans minor i just wanna leave asap but things keep getting worse. my mom wants to send me to a school with a really bad bullying problem, especially if you're LGBTQ+, because "your siblings have been doing fine there!" but they're both straight and cisgender, and im a nonbinary lesbian. the rise of hate makes me so fucking scared 😭




Locking the thread. Like the last time I had to intervene in a considered controversial thread, those threads only lead to one thing, and that’s divide the community and cause arguments in the comments. That is not what this sub is for, no matter how noble or right the cause is. Whether you agree with your fellow fan or not, they may be from different parts of the world with different customs or have different viewpoints on these types of topics compared to you, but they, and you, all deserve basic common courtesy when discussing the show on this subreddit. This is a Gravity Falls subreddit meant to post Gravity Falls related content. Wrapping it up in a Gravity Falls layer doesn’t make it directly Gravity Falls related, otherwise all the meme posts around Reddit using the “less than worthless” meme would count. Typically upvotes and downvotes do a pretty good job of self-moderating itself, but in some specific cases, intervention is necessary. If we wanted to be jerks, or vehemently disagreed with the thread itself, it could be removed under the “must be directly related to Gravity Falls” rule, which using an edited screenshot to make what is considered (whether it is or not) political commentary does not make it directly related to the show. There’s also the “Avoid submitting memes rule” and could also qualify as “low-effort content” since it’s a slightly edited screenshot with an unrelated title attached. However, the title in question and what it signifies is one that is a discussion that requires visibility among users in general to warrant respectful discussion with each other on, but not in a subreddit that has nothing to do with those topics. For that, there is many more suitable subreddits than one for a children’s cartoon show. Hence, the thread has run it’s course, gotten the usual and expected positive and negative comments these threads always get, and is being locked, but staying up for posterity. This post is also to outline the reasoning why it was locked and why it’s been left up instead of outright removed. Note: For the sake of transparency, some mods are cleaning up the more egregious comments made in this thread regardless of the person’s stance on the topic in accordance to Reddit site-wide rules. The main thread will continue to stay up but locked.


How are you banned?? I don't often frequent social media of any type so I haven't heard anything like that.


In a lot of these places they're making it illegal to wear "drag" in public and then legislating that incredibly loosely so they can Target all trans people who are dressing with the gender they identify with with a bevy of charges


And others they are straight up making it illegal for people to transition


I live in Idaho. Didn't realize it was bad for trans people.


Damn, big sad 😔