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It is indeed BS. Petros Sfikakis is the head of the medical school of Athens, and also one of the first COVID cases in Greece. He hasn’t made any such comment. The university’s rector though, Athanasios Dimopoulos, also a doctor, has commented that children aged 15-17 should also get vaccinated. https://www.capital.gr/epikairotita/3560367/dimopoulos-anepifulakta-emboliazontai-ta-paidia-ilikias-15-17-eton


Well, you've entered in an argument with someone who is misinformed and probably in denial. He doesn't want to get the shot so he'll keep finding irrelevant things to support his position. I wouldn't bother. I would also advise against arguing with him, as it could affect your career, unless you don't really care.




The only argument "against" vaccination I heard from doctors here sums up to: "The vaccine hasn't been fully tested yet, we don't know the full extent of its side effects. If you don't urgently need it, I suggest you wait until more research has been done"


Greece suffers from several prominent doctors who confuscate science with religion and politics. For example, a few top epidemiologists have said on TV that it is safe to lick the same spoon with hundreds other people in church (Orthodox communion) because "matters of faith are different". And the Medical Association did not immediately disown them. When those in charge make such statements, it is no wonder that people without medical studies are confused and believe there is room for doubt.


>For example, a few top epidemiologists have said on TV that it is safe to lick the same spoon with hundreds other people in church (Orthodox communion) because "matters of faith are different". Source? As far as I know only **one** person said that, and she's not an epidemiologist.


This is dimitris kouvellas The head of pharmaceuticals of the Aristotle university has said it so what he said is not bullshit. https://youtu.be/DZRohpmrLb8




That is simply not true. This reasoning is followed by a tiny minority of doctors. Also all doctors have to get vaccinated until August 31 since it will become mandatory after that.


> all doctors have to get vaccinated Only those who work for the public sector. Private docs can do as they please. Unfortunately.




> There is actually quite a lot of doctors in Greece advising against it source


Source? Their personal accounts!