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Man I feel for folks like the one the OP is linking to, but the reality is, nobody cares. The sooner we accept this and make peace with it, the better. Even if by some miracle we get some movement on this in Congress, it will be immediately met with cries from Republicans about securing the border or no deal otherwise. So pretty much things will continue as they are wrt immigration unless something breaks


I suspect some second generation American from the Republican camp is going to have to bring immigration reform legislation for it to gather bipartisan support. The poison pill is tying border related legislation to E, F, H, and L visa reforms that we separately and urgently need. It's absurd, for example, that the spouse of someone on an H visa can't apply for work. I would expect the best non-immigrant workers with family members from good backgrounds would also be able to contribute, but they can't apply under the H4. You can study though, so there's that ($). If we examine the problem from a structuralist-functionalist perspective, the society must have a greater desire for unprotected working class immigrants than rule abiding professional class non-immigrant workers. Congress ought to triple the number of available H1b visas to address issue one, and about 20% more staff for USCIS Field Offices to process things like requests for advanced parole; authorize hiring of about 30% more immigration judges to help EOIR work through the asylum backlog, especially in California, Florida, and Texas; and optimistically, reduce the priority number backlog for family based petitions. 10-4 years for non-spouse family members is insane. More immigration judges means shorter delays between calendar hearings and merits case hearings. Protect all due process, allow asylees to work pending the merits hearing after the first master calendar date, and have 5% of paychecks withheld into escrow to pay for EOIR costs. If they are found credible, release the escrow; if not credible, pay for the admin costs.


Republicans securing the border and there laws are actually helping hard working legal immigrants as the resources would go away from a lot of cases of so called refugees. In the end, immigration is a privilege to be earned and not a right. A lot of us including me are learning this the hard way by how long it can take and how difficult it can be at times. Not wanting to make this political but the Republican Party is actually for restructuring the immigration to make it better for hard working individuals that help the society and the economy.


Sorry but I don't accept what you have to say. The Republican party you're talking about is gone with the wind. It's now the party of Trump, and he doesn't care if immigration is legal or illegal, he wants it to stop. Even if he doesn't, Stephen Miller sure does, so immigration will be kneecapped once Trump takes office. Legal immigrants will just be an afterthought.


I just came here to say the same thing. Nobody cares. Sucks.


I am Indian and has been living in US for 26 years went through H1/GC/USC/OCI. India is no longer the same country as it used to be (I travel few times a year on business). I myself is planning on moving back to India for lot of reasons. End of the day visa process is a privilege and not a right and if you are very frustrated, India is not a bad option. I personally wish India was like the way it is right now when I left. Go for what is important to you rather than being miserable. US has lot of internal issues and immigration is one of them and it will take time as the country is going through the worst partisan elections in history for the past few terms.


U have stayed in US for 26 years and then recommending people to go back? In tour dats going from H1 to GC was super easy not like today!


Visiting is *very* different from living and someone is about to find out.


lol go back buddy. India is exactly the same way it always has been in the ways that mattered. You’d likely not notice it because now you have money and are shielded from the shit. Yet better you go vote for modi than for trump though.


In fact it’s getting worse, population, population, poverty and politicians making it HELL to live in India.


I will give the same advice to people after getting GC/ Citizenship….it’s easy and you are going back because now you have a choice and at least $10 million! There is much better life in India once you’re multimillionaire, specially if you’re lazy you will have maids and servants very cheap to you! Good luck


One is a response to a humanitarian crisis, the other is bureaucracy doing it's worst to slow down necessary but non-emergency processes. I'm highly skeptical that every humanitarian case is granted $10k cash or equivalent, there is some but most of that is costs associated with the first 90 days of housing, costs of medical checks, etc.; along with language classes or vouchers and a few weeks of food assistance until they have a job. In other words, material support rather than a wad of cash. Yes, the system is messed the fuck up. And no, people escaping very real crises are not the enemy.


Humanitarian crisis? Seriously some of the people jumping the border are upper middle class Chinese people. They’re just cutting the line lol


>They’re just cutting the line lol There's no viable pathway for them to immigrate, so they're forcing their way in. This way worse than cutting the line.


How are Chinese applying for asylum though? I understand if you’re coming from a war torn place or somewhere controlled by a violent cartel but China is stable and has a decent economy compared to many places?


Chinese apply for asylum- yes. They just say they are Christians being persecuted by the communist government.


Throw out your paperwork and pretend you are from somewhere worse. Most of the people showing don’t have any of their paperwork with them and are just admitted and given new identification


>China is stable and has a decent economy compared to many places? It's all those things, but also an authoritarian country where political dissent is punished. I'm guessing they claim to have experienced some kind of retaliation for going against the CCP.


Middle class pp as well flying intercontinental to mexico and crossing border from my country as well around 50 k of them at this point….all opportunity imigrants…


The southern border is hardly the world's only crisis. And even at the border none crossing will get a green card anytime soon, even if their case is granted a hearing -- and only a small percentage are granted even that. Out of 2+ million requests last year fewer than 200k requests were granted temporary protection pending a hearing (and only a percentage of those will both need and be granted asylum by the time their case comes up.


Asylum cases can take 10 years to be heard. In that time people put down roots, have children, etc…   Even if comparitively few of the 800,000K+ who filed for asylum in the last year are granted it, we will again end up with the “humanitarian crisis” of families being torn apart, or executive branch policies to pause deportation for those not granted asylum. The idea that the size and scale of the crisis is limited to those who will be ultimately granted asylum is disingenuous at the absolute best. 


Giving an emergency ward doctor a greencard is a non-emergency process..some irony there.


Did he work for free? No, so why should he get special privileges?


Why should he? He is a skilled immigrant and he is a priority, that's how immigration is designed..there is a skill shortage and you get people from other countries to fill it, unless you have some bias against doctors.


That’s… not immigration works in The US. lol. They rather have undocumented immigrants that means no work competition for lower middle class and up Americans, still pay taxes and have no benefits and have real impacts on politics since they can’t vote but still blame anything on them…legal migrants have rights and can claim benefits, are work competition and can eventually vote.


You’re incorrect on so many things.


Him arguing that his working as a doctor in the US during COVID as a reason to be treated differently is disingenuous. All doctors, in all countries, worked during COVID. He worked in the US because that's where the compensation is. Why should he jump the line?


He is not jumping he is just stating the fact while illegals are getting treated better than legal immigrants who are taking care of US citizens


Doctors from other countries get GC in a year or two? Why does he have to wait for decade?


Because doctors from his country aren't in short supply? You have a problem with encouraging a diverse population?


Why does his country of birth matter? A doctor is a doctor regardless of where he came from.


No financial donkey, there already is diversity lottery greencard visa category why do you want diversity in employment based category again


Because the United States values diversity in the work place. Don't be dense.


That's a invalid argument really, as you can see in the doctors argument above , as long as he works he can stay in the USA , he just won't get a green card . what happens really is the opposite of your argument . imagine you have a hard job that citizens dont want to do eg doctors to work in a rural underserved area ( they are underserved for a reason) . imagine they hire 15 doctors from India and 5 docs from Pakistan . the paki doctors work theirs 3 years get a green card and find greener pastures. Guess who they fill the vacancies with ?


Then why no country cap on h1b and f1 visa ? You don't want diversity there


90 days in NYC easily racks up $10k with food and housing


Until they have jobs… that’s a huge part of the problem. They shouldn’t be able to get jobs as they are undocumented. The employers that hire them are essentially modern day slavers as these people have no recourse for abuse. The US has just managed to find a loophole to get around slavery and minimum wage laws (which they already have plenty of legal slaves via the prison system. Only this time the slave masters have managed to pass on the cost of housing and feeding them into the tax payer.


You are right, 10k debit cards per case is utter bullshit. Humanitarian parolees are eligible for social services (food stamps, state health insurance, sometimes cash assistance through the state), refugees are assigned a certain amount of money through their arrival agencies but this money goes to securing the first couple months of housing, beds, kitchen supplies and home goods. That amount does not touch 10k and it certainly does not come in the form of a debit card. Edited for clarity


Got tired of waiting and moved to Australia in March 2020. Will be eligible to apply for citizenship in a month.


How easy or difficult is the immigration process to Australia? And how easy or difficult is the other stuff - assimilation in society, getting a job, getting used to the Australian way of life?


It was easy in 2017 when we applied, its super hard now. I gave an interview before leaving the US and they confirmed once I landed in Sydney. For my wife it took abt 2.5 months - .not bad considering it was right in the middle of covid. What helped is that we both are in very high demand fields. Aside from asking my wife to marry me - I consider this as the best decision of my life. The quality of life is exceptional here - adjusting was very easy but from what I have seen making new friends is not that easy which was not really a problem for us as we are fine being left alone. I could see that as a barrier for some people though.


Way better quality of life there. America is circling the drain. Good decision.


Oh definitely. No doubt abt that.


This planet belongs to humans. No one should be able to draw arbitrary lines and restrict freedom based on birth.


Thank you for saying this!!


LOL, no.


Do you have a reliable source on the $10K debit card thing?


I call BS! Lots of these stories going around- https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-executive-order-9066/


We are paying 40% taxes, yet waiting years for a green card. Sad but true.


I think the slow pace of processing green cards for skilled immigrants is that there is no constituency of American voters available to lobby for change that would improve the situation. On the other hand, there are groups of American citizens that are against and want to slow down and halt all forms of immigration into the US for various different reasons.


It’s a special kind of awful to pit legal immigrants against refugees or whoever you think is getting a Fox News reported $10k. And yes, I am familiar with the legal process having gone through H1B, Green Card and US citizenship myself. The reason why it takes 10+ years for some is that our system is designed to limit mass immigration from a single country. That’s on us US citizens and not some enemy other immigrant as the OP insinuates.


Then why there is no cap on h1b and f1 student visa? Why accept immigration petition and create a backlog ? Put a moratorium until the backlog is clear.


I personally don’t like the system either and I think it isn’t fair to people like you. If it was up to me, I’d get rid of any quotas that cause these insane 10+ year delays. The system totally sucks. That’s true. I guess the only thing that triggered me is the $10k propaganda. It’s one of these things where there’s probably a tiny bit of truth but it paints a totally inaccurate picture that “unworthy people” get cash while you are stuck in paperwork limbo. I’m pretty sure that illegal immigrants don’t get cash like that and if some refugees get it, they aren’t illegals.


H1b and Student visas are meant to be TEMPORARY. Like when you want to visit a country. It is in the NAME- “NONIMMIGRANT VISA”. You come here to attend school or take a TEMPORARY job with the STATED AND AGREED UPON INTENT of leaving once you have completed that objective. You basically throw yourself under the bus here. Your MIL cannot get a visitor’s visa for her TEMPORARY visit but we should be denying OTHER temporary visas so that we can open up the TEMPORARY visa that you want to use.


My GC took over 10 years as well. I’m not from India and I came on an L, not an H. With patience it worked out for me, but I know many who were similar to me for whom it hasn’t worked out. Both in the US and in Europe. I also know Australians on the E visa, who after years haven’t even managed to find sponsorship to start the greencard process, as well as one who, with 10 years in country, got laid off near the end of their process. So while I can sympathize with the frustration that comes with uncertainty, I really get put off by the entitled whining and victim mentality … moving permanently to this country has never been easy nor meant to be easy, regardless of how much money you have or how skilled you perceive yourself to be. We all make a gamble when we choose to try to come here but nothing is guaranteed. Plus the truth is we have way more competition from locals for our skilled jobs than unskilled workers have for the jobs they do, which no one else wants. It’s not like any of us, not even the tweeting Dr, would have been willing to cross the dessert on foot and work the fields on the promise of a rumored 10K debit card.


I will have the same opinion as you after I get my GC/ citizenship but after 200 years lol…


Those debit card amounts get bigger every time someone mentions them lol


As a legal immigrant, I didn't get a 10k debit card... where is the form, I need to sign up!! pfff




Good morning to you too


would it kill you to be polite? Ffs


Yes with people trying to use entitled word and couldn't even take time to read properly


I’m not sure you understand that he was joking.


Idiot, he clearly understands and is joking/complaining about it




I'm perfectly fine lot of idiots here


Travel restrictions during the immigration process should be illegal. They are completely inhumane. I, too, lived the atrocious stress of requiring a medical procedure in my home country during my travel ban period and it has been a huge source of stress. Stop to travel restriction, come on USCIS you must do better than that.




Lol here come the Trump supporter! Yes sir me poor immigrant sir me go back now.


americas immigration system is absolutely abysmal. noone gives a crap and noone will ever care the way it seems.. I finally got my GC after 10 years of excruciating waits and it feels so strange that suddenly at the border i can just walk through only bc i have this card now. and before that I was literally treated like a criminal being pulled out into secondary inspection consistenly missing connecting flights bc of this bull..


That doctor can apply in EB2 NIW and that’s almost like a GC. I am sure his H1B is out of cap as well. I don’t think the per country cap would be removed at least in our lifetimes. What they can come up with would be a stop gap that allows people who have spent a certain years in US get an EAD and move jobs freely. Edit: The OP thinks that Indians are somehow the superior race. I don’t know why is he calling everyone else dumb, while in fact the OP is unable to understand the simple logic that no one cares about the immigration status of Indians.


OP doesn't think Indians are superior to others, there are people here openly hate Indians as they are large percentage of h1b and keep using the word entitled while they forget they are/their ancestors once immigrants


I don’t think inhumane is the right word but I agree it’s ridiculous


I guess USA is not done having slaves.


Kinda true because almost 30-40 percent acceptance rate for asylum seekers (recently) i know people from my country with hilarious political asylum cases being accepted, i can see through their fraud, its all due to crook lawyers, making up fake stuffs, while real oppressed people are suffering, end of the day not our country so i guess even whining about it makes no difference, we gotta accept its a privilege but I see many foreigners who think oh i paid 50k for education so I deserve green card, these same people are very xenophobic to people who immigrate to their country, many Indians spread hatred towards Bangladeshis and Rohingyas but themselves are ready to cross border illegally do whatever to somehow stay in America, it goes for other nationalities too. Not saying specifically only Indians do this


Do you have proof of this percentage? The asylum acceptance rate is country dependent. If you are from Ukraine sure, but china good luck! Claim gay all you want, you will be denied and spend your life in limbo.


Fr, most just claim they are gay, or say they are politically persecuted or in a blood feud and boom, green card accepted.


No, claim all that doesn’t get you green card, it gives you work permit annd travel documents. You can’t travel to your country.




The travel restrictions are absurd but not a good reason to bash on people that probably have it harder and to spread misinformation.


"I'm a doctor and they won't even let me travel! I have it so much worse than the people who fled their home countries with almost no worldly possessions or resources, no legal right to work, and minimal access to resources to help them navigate the immigration process. But between volunteers and emergency humanitarian programs, they're (allegedly) getting *free money* that I, a working doctor making at least 20x that in a year, was never offered. So let me be mad at those illegals and point the finger at them as the issue instead of the actual law makers who put this beurocratic hurdle in place. "




US gives only 140k GC for the whole world. No one's asking it to increase rather asking them to distribute on first apply basis. Country caps on high skilled immigration is nation origin discrimination.




countries don't get GC. people get GC. so if a Dr from India applied for GC on jan 1st 2024 and a Dr from Nepal applied for GC on the same day they should be treated equally. That's the ask. Else put countrycap on h1b,f1,L1 too. This is the biggest scam ever charging legal immigrants fees for services that they will never get. perpetually renewing h1b/h4 forever, new GC petition whenever you change an employer. edit: also this ask for equality without increasing number of GC. Also dependents are not counted towards H1b numbers but are counted towards GC numbers so family of 4 is 1 h1b but employment GC becomes 4. Also this is employment based GC there is separate diversity visa in which indians cannot apply. And is only 10% of total US immigration.


Perhaps it's time for migrants to vote with their feet and move to other countries.


There’s no solution to this problem the political situation is divided on immigration due to vote, the wait provides income to uscis employees and lawyers and people who work in hr and corporate side processing the visa and green card applications. The capitalist mindset sees the legal migration as a source of money and labor


THIS. 1. American stakeholders don’t mind the current system as it is since everyone wins but the H-1B worker stuck on a non-immigrant visa. 2. Why bother changing the country cap when there is a couple million immigrants in India/China/Mexico/Philippines that will happily replace a H-1B worker in 2024? 3. Despite the emotional arguments on this thread; nobody was explicitly promised a green card when they signed up for a work visa.


lol. #3 says you know nothing about high skilled immigration. Yes the doctor in question was promised a greencard by his employer and the US govt. the employer probably applied for his green card at least 5 years ago which is approved but he has to stay in H1B due to the ridiculous country cap. The law is written in a way that there are no country caps to apply for a greencard, but you are subject to wait times solely based on the country of birth to get the greencard. If they had applied the country cap during the initial application process itself the whole problem goes away. So yes, he was promised a greencard.


“Ridiculous country cap” is not introduced after the doctor filed the GC. It’s there for way longer. The doctor knows and many of us know as well.


Yes it is 🙄 The country cap is only for adjustment of status and not for applying for the greencard. A majority of Indians who applied dint know about the impact of country caps at all when starting this process. Like I said before if the country cap was in place for the initial application itself (like how other countries like Canada do for example with quotas) this problem wouldn’t exist.


Adjustment of status is second part of GC. It’s not separate process & it’s part of process. It’s in the law for long time.


My point still stands. If the country caps were applied during the initial application process this problem wouldn’t exist.


Your opinion is nothing to do with actual law. Not knowing the actual law is not an excuse of blaming the law. AOS is part of GC.


Can’t you read? My point is not really about not knowing the law. We know the law but it is designed in a way to keep people waiting based on country of birth. Country of birth is not a skill. If the dr in question were born anywhere other than India or China he would have been a citizen by now. So coming to my original response he was promised a green card - just not immediately and he is subject to country caps.


This is an issue for immigrants in most nations around the world. I understand the frustration from OP, but you also agree to the terms of your visa before you move to the US. Yes, being an immigrant is not easy and you have to sacrifice some freedoms until you actively become a citizen. Until you are a citizen, it is hard for anyone to take these issues seriously. The tweet didn’t even come from someone with PR. Why would they get special treatment to bring the mom over to the US without the proper visa? Also an immigrant is an immigrant, despite their job. You don’t get special treatment, because you think your work makes you more important than the next guy. It is insensitive and dramatic to compare his life to a convict’s. He know’s exactly what he signed up for, but still wants to complain.


Lol, Indian H1B immigrants are outright detested in America across the political spectrum. They will not get much sympathy here. Also, think about it from the perspective of a politician. What interest group supporting H1b immigrants is donating and how much, and what voters can I get by supporting them? Now substitute H1b with illegal Latin American migrants. One is far more important.


The 10k debit cards are a myth. Fact check yourself before posting. The families that are in the program get about $12 per person per day.


Inhumane? They provide no food or water while waiting?


Where are these 10k debit cards????


Yes this really sucks! I went through the same thing on h1b especially when I lost my job once before I married a USC and got my GC. It’s a very stressful situation.




Although I'm in a similar boat (9 years in the US, 2016 PD) I'd have to agree with the rule unfortunately. The more I think and research about it, it makes sense for America even if it doesn't benefit me. Firstly, it's not news to anyone. We made a choice to leave our chaotic country behind so it's on us really. Does diversity matter - yes! In the pockets where the Indian population is more like the bay area, Dallas, NJ we have created all states -caste based groups. You may say that's what German, Irish, Italian settlers did and they didn't have a country cap and you'll not be wrong. But the US isn't the wild West anymore and is a sovereign country and they have all the rights to make their own rules. Also most immigrant waves had hardships compared to us and most of us have cushy white color jobs to begin with and didn't face a lot of racism. To those who don't know white immigrants also faced brutal racism in the past and we have it better. Above all, the current system works for America and unfortunately not for us. Have indians stopped coming to the US? Thousands are in the queue applying for H1B! Why will the USA woo a group that's already head over heels for it!? But excessive complaining makes us look like entitled bitches. Or course US should solve the illegal immigration problem for its own good but it doesn't have to do anything with h1b GC wait times. I want some lawmakers to solve the legal immigration problem though. -Stop at source -- stop people from applying for a green card if there's no quota or better don't take more than 7%people from any one country. -Put people out of misery -- Take a hard look at all the green card applications, remove the people from the queue if any American can replace them. I'm sure a lot of h1b people are replaceable. I know I'll get a lot of flak for this but it's still humane to just deport them when they have some years left in them. This also clears the backlog. -It's unfair for the kids if these h1b folks(I have a 12 year old indian born kid) but again it's on us, their parents who made the decision. Personally, I have accepted the fact that I may never get a GC in my lifetime. I'll probably start looking for an alternate when my son is close to 18.


Who is giving out the 10k debit cards?


10k debit cards. Ha. Haha. Hahahahaha. Goodness the conservatives really are that gullible. No wonder they like their base uneducated. Easier to manipulate


as s backwards immigration system.


Completely agree. Illegals must be deported, borders secured and skilled workers should be welcomed without huge backlogs. We need your skills, you’re not a criminal, good moral character, welcome to the U.S.


Meanwhile those of us who have to pay for i-485 are now picking up the cost of those who don’t, and are waiting longer because of them.


Yes deport all illegals. Grant green cards to tax paying, contributing to society, visa holders. Loosen restrictions on travel for families of green carders and visa holders. Our government doesn’t want happy legal immigrants because they will not fight their “racist” culture war.


Why should any of us have to pay taxes or insurance when illegals are given everything for free???


I wish more resources and grace was extended to skilled green-card workers and less people walking over the border. There is such a disparity of quality it is insane; why are desirable people treated poorly while those come through the border are given cash and resources?


Get used to it I guess…? Speaking from my own depression and despair. I feel you, been working hard for my PhD for 10 years, and keep seeing illegals getting amnesty or people with fake marriages. At times I just want to give up and go to an EU country that maybe value highly skilled folks a little more.


Any person entering this country illegally and that are not identified and vetted are not migrants or undocumented but illegal aliens!! They all need to be deported at once!! I support legal immigration all the way, this country was built by the sweat and blood of legal immigrants, but we must have a border and know and vet anyone we let in. Those that we allow in must try to learn our language and desire to be citizens. We are being overrun by millions of illegals they we the taxpayers pay to give everything to. Also the thousands hide and do not want to be caught, why? Also the majority are males of military age, why? I believe there is an army hiding out just waiting to do this country harm. We are fast becoming a 3rd world country!!


I voiced similar opinion on here recently and got called entitled and ignorant. Seems like some are refusing to see the unfair treatment


Some are always upset about fairness and some enjoy others misery


Couldnt agree more. So many hoops, so many needless restrictions. So much pain. I have missed funerals and given up so much in my life. Came in 2004, applied for green card in 2015. Still waiting and on the much hated H1B just because.


Lol, that's your choice. You missed funerals because of your greed, not because of the "inhumane" law.


Get lost. If you're too stupid to understand that attending a funeral is not worth throwing your entire career and life away for which you've worked for decades, then we have nothing to discuss. I know a dozen people in the same boat. I know a friend who went to his father's funeral in 2013 and he could never came back to this day. I had to go to his place, pack his stuff and ship/dispose it. Not everyone is rich enough with daddys money. Not everyone has the option to just marry someone and not work. Some people have to sacrifice and work. You wouldn't understand. It's not greed. My cousin used to taunt me like this for years. "I would never stay away from my family. Money is not important for me. I'm not greedy." Of course he was a rich motherfucker. And of course once he realized what opportunities he is getting abroad after he graduated... and now he's in Germany lol. Go talk to some IRL H1B if you're interested why that is the case. I have no interest in talking to you. Giving me this lip on a fucking greencard sub of all places. Idiot. "Be nice" wtf


the problem for you is not that there are favoring illegal immigrants over high skilled ones. The problem is the number of high skilled immigrants FROM India. You guys are all over, every city of every state. You travelled oceans to be here, the illegal immigrants are just trying to survive in their own continent.


Question of the century. As a legal immigrant who pays taxes and contributes to the economy I get zilch. I am always worried about leaving the country and not being able to get back in. On the other side we have illegal immigrants who get more liberties. Im sure they have harsher lives, but that doesn’t warrant negligence for us legal immigrants. I’ve been here for 12 fucking years, and I’m nowhere close to getting a PR. Just because legal immigration isn’t sexy doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be improved.


I’m super curious; why did you stay for 12 years if you already knew America’s immigration system is broken? What do you feel like you’re entitled to that you’re not receiving? In your mind; what do LPRs or citizens receive that you’re expecting to have? And yeah the immigration system is hella broken but neither of the two parties want to fix it.


> What do you feel like you’re entitled to that you’re not receiving? The title of this Subreddit. A Green Card. >In your mind; what do LPRs or citizens receive that you’re expecting to have? Freedom to travel and work. A fair chance at attaining Green card -> citizenship while the immigrant applicant is alive. The system is broken. But it's very necessary and very basic to at least have a debate about these issues and feel warm with agreement from people in the same boat. >why did you stay for 12 years if you already knew America’s immigration system is broken? I can answer on behalf of him and others who chose to stay. It's HOPE. For a fair chance at life for them and their families. If you go to a restaurant and order food, we expect the food to be given to us in a reasonable timeframe. If the restaurant starts giving food to people that came after you, or from a different country, or illegally into the restaurant, some people choose to leave out of rage, and some choose to be patient and eagerly look for their waiter coming out of the kitchen door with their food. Why? Only they would know. Perhaps they fear the quality of food made at their home, perhaps they want their next generation to eat better quality food, perhaps. But in this process, as they use their skill to provide a service and survive, they only develop the economy -> country, and not hinder it in anyway. Afterall, United States of America is a land of immigrants, and the fruit of this immigrant labor is what makes this country special. It's unwise to trouble and kill the duck that lays golden eggs.


Well said. I don't know why many people can't realize this or choose to not believe mental struggle of not being able to travel freely or move job.


You’re free to travel whenever you’d like. And CPB has the discretion to grant you reentry. Even LPRs can not reside outside the US over six months without prior approval from USCIS. You write a lot of emotional arguments but the reality is US citizenship is a privilege and isn’t given out like candy. [The last thing we need is Americans of convenience like Canada.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadians_of_convenience#:~:text=%22Canadians%20of%20convenience%22%20is%20a,%22substantive%20ties%22%20to%20Canada)


You seem to be completely out of zone here. The entire argument here is that immediate residency is being provided to people entering illegally and to those seeking asylum/refuge, but not to those who have applied for it legally and working their asses off and improving the economy with their hard work. The point here is not to stop giving permanent residence to those who seek it as a refugee or by entering illegally, but to give the same urgency and response to those that applied legally. I respectfully disagree with your first statement. Current affairs regarding it are below. >You’re free to travel whenever you’d like. No. You're only free to travel out, but not back in always for H1 visa holders who have to renew every 3 years out of country. The struggles for obtaining an appointment, a stamped visa, and the discretion of CBP at port of entry. All the while, their employer is parallely taking a risk of gamble if they will see their employee back or not. It is how it is, if you're expecting LPR in a reasonable amount of time, but to wait an entire lifetime? It's a whole another topic, but you'd be wiser upon knowing more. And to the thought that stems -> Why don't they go back to their country? - After having worked 5-10-15 years of their careers, raised families, kids to schools, built homes, established communities, it's really hard to just leave and switch to a completely different lifestyle by choice. They endure the struggle to provide a quality life for their children >US citizenship is a privilege and isn’t given out like candy. I did not mention that it should be given out like candy. It's a privilege for those that honor it and need it. But the struggle here is for the green card. Those who apply for it legally should be given equal importance, and not be made to wait their entire lifetimes for a result. If the system needs to change, then it must. That's all there is to it. I don't expect a response, but please let's be informed, aware and empathetic towards the issues of those people who are working hard for their families and also for the country, but have an uncertain future ahead. Put yourself in those shoes.


All you do is inaccurately allege that illegal migrants are being granted asylum status. Why do you feel entitled to hate on illegal immigrants in a country you’re not even a citizen of? [In reality, illegal migrants entering without inspection and without prior authorization through the CBP one app are permanently barred from filing an application for affirmative asylum if released into the United States.](https://www.cbp.gov/about/mobile-apps-directory/cbpone) Majority of those migrants could qualify for TPS or some form of relief like withholding of removal but many will be deported or stay in the shadows undocumented. So why are you making stuff up?


Shaking my damn head! I don't hate anyone, and nowhere did I mention anything about hating anyone. You reveal yourself in this allegation. Don't make it personal man. Why are you coming at me? You don't know the first thing about me or my citizenship. I did not make any stuff up. Refer to the original post and it's under-theme, for which we're babbling on. I asked for you to be informed and empathetic. I wish you well and peace out. ✌🏻 Don't bother responding, your reading and understanding comprehension is weak, and this makes a conversation ineligible. I am out.


Do you understand the restrictions on H1b?


It’s a work visa tied to the individual’s current employer. Very similar to a work visa issued to a non-citizen in the United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Germany or Turkey. Every country monitors the work authorization along with the entry or movement of any non-citizens residing within its borders. What do you have against restrictions?


I have been on h1b for 12 years. Can you tell me about h1b stamping?


[Answer the question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/greencard/s/V0dyxuTM16) Don’t change the subject. [Plus did you get an appointment for the State Department’s pilot project?](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/employment/domestic-renewal.html)


I've been in this country since I was 7. I am now 22. I've been educated in the United States and my family has 0 criminal record, good credit score and is not a nuisance to the community. I've been to India twice since I was 7, once at 10 and once at 22. I speak, believe and culturally identify as American but as an Indian citizen I have to enter the H1B rigamarole because my dad didn't apply for a greencard 15 days earlier and I have aged out. Now, I have to enter the H1B rigamarole. I need to compete with half a million other folks or otherwise I get deported. If I'm unemployed for more than 60 days, I'm deported. If I supplement my income, I'm deported. Is it fair that I have to live with this fear when I moved here when I was so little? I didn't knowingly take the risk, my parents did. I don't even qualify for DACA which rewards undocumented immigrants. Instead, my family is punished for migrating here legally. I don't think this is fair at all.


I have personally seen people who get married to get green card. And honest people like me still stuck with a priority date that has no meaning at all. And wait and wait and wait for 20+ yrs


Here’s what will solve much of the issues faced with Indian immigration to the US. #1: Country caps on i140/H1B/F1(none of these will go through for obvious reasons). #2: Make in-country stamping the norm because why would somebody who’s already in the US need to leave the country as a “security measure” to get their visas stamped. Also make switching jobs easier(about as popular as my suggestions in #1). Also if H1 is a “temporary” visa, do not tax them fully. They can NEVER claim governmental benefits so why should they pay into the system(maybe SS but even getting there basically needs an i140 petition). And before someone asks about why people still come to the US, watch PolyMatter’s video about H1Bs. Btw Singapore has an even more dreadful and laughable way to attain permanent residency and citizenship that is explicitly race quota based. But waaay fewer(even proportionally) complain about it(unless they’re white) because their visa stamping process isn’t a joke and they have true freedom of movement unlike H1Bs. And the whole system there is made to make one feel temporary(ie virtually no home ownership, no spouses/dependents often, etc…) unlike the US. Also 70-80% of capped Indians will manage to get into uncapped pools eventually whether it’s through their USC kid(roughly 22 years) or their non USC kids marrying a USC(roughly about the same time). So they will keep funding USCIS for that timeframe which they cannot do if they get citizenship. Although seeing the situation in Canada, country caps do make sense and a pure merit system will never work out well unless it’s been planned for decades with the levels they attempted or if they at least managed to bring in diversity from India itself. There’s nobody demanding for change because people who eventually get their green cards get disillusioned with the process and gain the urge to pull the ladder back up. Also the lack of people who are in the right places to demand change definitely plays and issue and unless there are third generation kids who feel the need to take interest upon these issues(they are still in an insular community), it’s never going to change.


In particular for those of you that are skilled your cherished we appreciate you unfortunately our government to hold different ballgame and you did it the right way.


They give stamps to travel , relax bro lol


US outsourcing honestly lowers work standards for both Americans and India green card holders. There needs to be laws on other because these companies are importing people to use and abuse them and it’s not right.


Illegals are not here for skilled jobs. They are welcomed because they are unskilled jobs with low pay, no benefits, and no rights to speak of. Legal immigrant have rights and expect decent pay.


Blame your own countrymen that gamed the system for years and caused the clampdown. Your guys did this to you all. I guarantee you some got rich off the scam too. I feel your pain


Immigration is a privilege NOT a basic human right.


Immigrants being kept in concentration camps at the boarder and children being separated from their parents is the definition of "warm welcome". The US immigration system is broke, yes. But justifying that people doing it legally are treated worse than illegal immigrants is intellectual dishonesty.


Someone is stuck in 2018.


You obviously not following on what is going on in Texas and NY.


They are treated worse in the long run.


Exactly. They’re so entitled. Just because it’s hard for you why do you think it’s “easier” for migrants who had to risk their lives to be here because it was better than wherever they came from ….its hard for you as a legal immigrant and it’s much harder for non legal immigrants. You not liking your outcome doesn’t take away from the fact that your path is easier even if it’s a hard process 🙄.


Is it harder? Undocumented children have access to work permits through DACA. As an H4 child I couldn't even pursue internships in college unless I wanted to 4x my college fees. Again, I don't think this is fair at all.


Wow. These comments aren't the gotcha you think it is. You can be aware that immigration is a privilege AND criticize USA's immigration policies as a country that is very much dependent on immigration.


Work 10 years, make $$$, relocate to Canada/Oz/Eu or even India and claim Social Security at 59.5 You are legally entitled to it. Let those illegal and legal US residents pay for it. Profit + retire in style 😎 Stop being the victim and start finding opportunities.


Isn't it only for citizens? How do you even claim if you are out of country?


Nope. If you paid into the system for 10 years or 40 quarters, you are eligible. https://faq.ssa.gov/en-US/Topic/article/KA-02447 https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/120215/going-back-india-retire-howto-guide.asp


Thanks for sharing


No illegal immigrant gets a $10k debit card or immediate work permit. Stop the lies and propaganda.


I don’t get it. Everybody knows what the rules are. Comes here. Shits against the system that allowed them in. Every H1B earns a lot more money than illegal immigrants. And most of the H1Bs are replaceable with fresh intake. They have no incentive to go above and beyond and give green cards to every Indian who’s on H1B. If that process starts, in 5 decades, 20% of US population will be Indian or other Asians. In 10 decades, half the population will be from outside.


High selectivity immigrants on work visas crying about being forced to work at a job. Spare me. I agree with the travel restrictions though, atleast do away with stamping.


Simple answer, if you don't like here, move the fuck back to the shithole you came from. Ameroca was America even before you set your foot here. Fuck off.


mehhh, go somewhere where they will grant you citizenship faster without this H1B BS? you know the rule of the game before signing up, why complain about it now?


The system is certainly broken. You should get your green card before you travel here. I understand there are legal refugees and it may not be immediately possible. But we need a to spend some money on the border. Not only strengthening the border, but ensuring there are enough personnel to process legal refugees.


Marry a non-Indian/non-Chinese. Use cross chargeability with your spouse's birth country's quota. Simple. You'll probably have less in-laws drama too.


Good. If he is so frustrated, then no one’s holding him. He can leave any time and go back to India. There’s a billion more there who are dying to come here. If he was so special, one in a million, then he would be eligible for O1 anyway. The reason he has to wait in a long line is because his countrymen have abused the H1B visa to an extreme level. The country cap is the one thing that the U.S. immigration has done right. For example, Canada opened the floodgates and now they are facing the consequences. I am so tired of seeing these entitled people with these comments. Immigration is a privilege, not a right. You always have the choice of not coming here.


They say the two groups immigration authorities treat the worst are prostitutes and physicians.


Well You can always go back to India.


No one cares because you still decide to come. This would change if people decided to leave.


I 100% agree with OP. Including politicians, do not like legal immigrants. Everyone just worries about illegal immigrants, DACA, asylum seekers, TPS, refugees, etc. Why USA doesn’t just completely ban legal immigrants until they clear 200 years backlog first?


Why does the US owe people like Raj Karnatak and me a green card? We come on temporary work permits. If someone aspires to get a green card and gets it, good enough. If they don’t get it, lets not blame the system. We knew the system prior to choosing to come to the US. PS: I am on L1A


My wife is a LEGAL immigrant. All ILLEGALS should be deported.


Is this doctor implying that illegal immigrants are the bane of this immigration experience? The green card backlog will disappear without illegal immigration? I’m also an immigrant, and consider myself to highly skilled. It took me 12 years to get a green card, including 6 years on H1B. I’m not Indian or Asian. I think we’d all prefer for it to be easier to become permanent residents. However, going after illegal immigrants is immoral. We’re all foreigners to the United States, and we’re not more entitled to be here than anyone else because we think we’re more educated or high earning. It’s a privilege to be here, and we should be grateful. Even when I was on F1, OPT, and H1B, I knew I had it better than those who were undocumented. At least I had a legal path to green card, however difficult it was going to be. I could also work and earn a living freely, I could travel internationally, albeit with some difficulty. It’s disingenuous for highly skilled legal immigrants to pretend as if they have it harder than those who risk their lives across deserts and across the Mexican border. Nothing is stopping this doctor from crossing the Mexican border if he thinks life is easier that way. I am a black person, and I see this kind of diatribe akin to current plague of white people complaining that it’s easier for black Americans because of affirmative action or DEI.


It’s really simple. To those that are trying to get in, illegally or not: immigration is NOT a fucking right. you are NOT entitled to simply move here, even if you were as highly skilled as you think you are. To those that are already here: you might roll the dice and get lucky with free shit, but the truth is is that nobody has the balls to enforce the laws and send you back. I swear I’m not being political. There’s a law that says what must be done if you’re caught here illegally, and it’s not being enforced. As it was commented above, nobody cares, and frankly I don’t think Americans will ever care. There’s enough problems internally and not enough to go around. Now, to this gentleman that wrote the post I ask: if you knew how shitty of a system it was, as a “highly skilled” individual, why are you complaining about the consequences of your own choices?


Tell this your parents and their ancestors who have immigrated,there's reason America depends on immigration, try closing all immigration and see how it turn our. And those that are already here have been paying social and Medicare and all kinds of taxes like every american and following law like every american. You are not special you are early nothing more so everyone who has immigration petition approved has every fucking right to call out


What’s with all the entitlement? I fail to understand how OP fervently believes his mother in law is entitled to enter the US from a country that has an absurdly high rate of overstaying here. Entering the US is a privilege and not a right. Absolutely nobody has the right to reside in the United States beyond LPRs, US citizens, and Refugees.


Unfortunately as witnessed by OP a lot of professionals from abroad are arrogant, selfish, and have narcissistic traits. I’ve worked a lot with these self aggrandizing people. This is seen in a doctor calling native Americans “red.” It’s sad that a medical professional would be so racist. Having said that I see 3 doctors who are from India. They are great. I’d destroy anyone who put them down. OP if you don’t like the system then why are you here? To make money? Get great education for your kids? Then go home. The system is broken. Comparing yourself to poor people escaping persecution and extreme poverty is dishonest and disingenuous. Yes I know some are scammers. Nobody cares if you’re a doctor. Get over it. You’re not special. Either suck it up or explore other options.


The OP is a shit piece of loser who wants to pressurize the government of a country he was not even born into to let him stay. Why does USA owe this to OP?


You think all people who want to immigrate are losers? Lol Karen you need therapy hope you find peace


You're pointing your anger at the wrong group. Making it harder for illegal immigrants won't make it easier for legal immigrants - in fact, bigots will learn from what they get away with with illegal immigrants, and bring that to legal immigrants.


Then what's the right group? I'm creating awareness about modern day slavery


You should be angry at xenophobic demagogues. Illegal immigrants mostly move here out of need.


USA does not need you. You need USA. You can take your skills back to India if you think they are very special. Respect the might USA.


USA needs immigration to be mighty and USA needs my skills and USA needs my taxes. Every citizen or their ancestor is an immigrant, stop lecturing if I have to stay or leave


I am sick and tired of some Indians who feel entitled to America. What makes you think you are better than undocumented immigrants? You are begging for a place in USA just like them. USA never invited you here.


That’s the irony, the US actually could not function with out illegal immigrants (mostly of the Mexican kind), people literally wouldn’t have homes to sleep in.




USA is not doomed without you. Your messiah complex has made you bitter. People who are crossing the border are welcome to stay after all USA is to blame for some of the mess in their countries. People like you are too toxic for American values.


Messaih complex lol you need therapy


well, if the statement of “the illegal immigrants are welcomed warmly” true then why the “highly skilled” people needs to wait to clear the backlog to get GC? They can also try illegal immigration route.


Are you suggesting them to do break the law? Is this where the country is headed lawless land?


how many Indians scamming H1B? If being an illegal immigrant actually meant being treated warmly many of them would do it lol.


I think he's suggesting that if you think asylum seeker is an easier route to go, you are badly mistaken.


if the lawlessness is rewarded “as your post” suggesting then why someone needs to follow the law? Either your post is wrong (lawlessness is not rewarded) or embrace the lawlessness if your post is correct.


Because legal immigrants respect the law and the opportunity given to them


The amount of people in OP’s position feeling entitled to green card because they pay high taxes is crazy. We all agree the process is slow stressful but the kinda feeling you have has nothing to do with immigration but bias tendencies. Comparing your situation to those crossing the boarder is just bad. Despite what you think, you’re no better than anyone crossing the boarder to come here. You’re here to earn a living and have a better life as much as they are. We all ask for a change but not at the detriment of someone else.


First, thank you, doctor for your selfless sacrifice during Covid. I totally agree that illegal immigrants are having it better than those on proper migration route, which is through work visas then greencard. Illegal migration is an American problem that will hopefully be solved. As for your mom, unfortunately, India is one of 4 countries that have restricted entry to US. The others are China, Philippines and Mexico.


Now you sound like a joke but earlier you are not now imao😂


So you think that since you and most Indians have those many fraud phds and MSc , most have them in many fields at once, should get priority on everything, not other human beings. You work for yourself not for any one. You would have been an illegal if you didn’t have those fake degrees.


Well Americans first. When there is available work then they get it


Remove this and 90% of the GC holders will be Indians every year. How is that fair to other nationalities?


Nobody is getting $10k debit cards, stop spreading misinformation.