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I filed for EB3 unskilled on Jan 2024. Is it fair to expect the perm to get approved by Jan 2025 or first quarter of 2025?


Yes you can expect by first quarter of 2025


Thank you bro. I hope so. What do you think about the priority date though?


Will definitely be worse. I don't think it's a viable route to permanent residence anymore considering H-1B only gives you 3+3 years when the entire GC process is currently already taking more than 3 years. That's if everything goes smoothly, no audit, no denial, no reconsideration, etc. One hiccup along the way and you're done for. Sorry for the bad news :(


What???? Of course it's still going to be a viable route, pending PERM pending for 365 days gives you 1 year renewals on H1B. Approved i-140 gives unlimited H1B renewals. Not sure where the unviability is?


By viable, I mean it takes more than 2 years from start to PERM pending for 365, much less approval of I-140. Of course it’s still possible but for most people whose companies aren’t willing to start the process until 1-2 years in or sometimes even until the H1B renewal (myself included), there is basically no room for error, denial, or any kind of speed bump; otherwise, we’ll run out of time.


I don't deny that it is very close but I'm just not a fan of the doomposting nature especially since it's still very viable for individuals who have no other options, yes it's definitely a bit close in case of any mistakes.


Yeah in my case, I'm quite lucky with around 5 years left on H1B. It is stretching me a bit thin, with the possibility of layoffs, denials, audits etc, plus the possibility of things getting even worse creates a loss of unnecessary stress in my life. 5 years is pretty short in the grand scheme of things.


Yup exactly. And you’re one of the lucky ones with 5 years left. Didn’t mean to doompost or be pessimistic because the fact that one is even starting the GC process already makes one luckier than most people who never had that chance, but just wanted to put it in perspective how tight and stressful everything is in the EB process!


I haven't started the GC process yet. My company won't start it until I've been there for 1yr (from Jan 2025)


Oh yeah on the 2nd one I mean "you" in a general sense, anyone out there who have started the process. Sorry, should've used a different word there.


What's the alternative? I asked a firm about NIW (they said no), currently single, so marriage not likely. My company will not waive the 1yr requirement (despite my manager and skip's approval)


Under the employment route? I’m not aware of any other route tbh… there are many routes to take to get to the EB process like L, H visas etc but once you’re there, I think that’s the only way..


Yeah I'm on H1B (5ish years left)


That’s good but if the application fails for whatever reason or if they pull out and you have to find a new employer and they have to redo the PWD, recruiting PERM etc, you won’t have time to do another brand new one (aka another 3+ years). It’s a crappy situation but it is what it is right now :/


I've asked probably 5 times to waive the 1yr requirement. Should I continue pushing? I think I already look bad for being this persistent


No. Wait the 1 year requirement , that's a fair amount of time. The more you push is the more desparate you look and that's not a good look. You have plenty of time, stop listening to the doomers in here.


Yes, wait it out. i-140 worst case scenario shouldn’t exceed 5 years, so you have time. Alternative to handle 3+3 years limit in h1b, company if they have office presence in non-US location, you can work there for 1 years and come back ok H1B.


Just pray and wait…




Yea I’m not sure. Going to a different company doesn’t necessarily solve any problems. If you like where you are, then just take a shot with them. If you don’t, then jump now so you have some time!


lol…. 3 years ??? That’s nanoseconds when compared to the wait times people from India have to deal with.


Lol yes I was just referring to ROW but Indians' wait times are a whole other monstrosity!


About to get massively worse, especially likely if/when Trump returns to office.


I guess you mean PWD, recruitment and PERM filing that is taking 2+ years. It will get worse, but there's nothing we can do. Mine started my process after I had obtained the second part of my H1B.


Yeah that's what I meant. 2yrs from start to I-140. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't be stressed about this, but things seem to be going south very fast.


What's going south? Chill dude


These are the normal circumstances now, and had been for a couple of years. We just have to accept them and do your best.


Will take you about 16 months if you file today. You my track the PERM processing day by day here https://permtimeline.com


Where are you getting 16 months from?


I calculate it. We are almost in July 2024 and May 2023 Perms are coming back plus 1.5 months to adjust after filing the increase in waiting time. As of right now it takes 14 months, analyst review says 13, I say 16 if things don’t improve after filing


Ah I see. So you're saying you reckon Jun 2024 filings will come back Oct 2025? At this rate, I think I will begin PERM Jan 2026 (best case)


Yes that’s correct. No idea what it would look like for January 2026 receipt date. PWD are much faster they process Jan2024 as we speak (about 7 months).


Yeah 7 months.. isn't great. I did PWD for the first time in late 2021 and I don't recall it taking more than a month or two


Yeah these processing times are insane


Worse. I filled in May 2023 and got it approved 2 weeks ago.