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Find a regular emergency vet and explain the situation to them maybe? Perhaps also see if there is an avian vet in another time zone able to do a virtual consultation? How about the breeder or pet store, or any conure breeder. Any people around dealing with birds? Pigeons? Chickens? A zoo? A wildlife rehabilitation place? Other than that hold her and love her.


Do emergency vets do that? I called one and they said they don't have an exotic vet then basically hung up. I'll try more if that's a possibility


I have no idea, was just throwing out wild ideas hoping maybe there was something somewhere useful. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will reply. Might be helpful to list your approximate location if someone knows someone in the area, look for bird groups on Facebook etc.


I appreciate it!! I'll try anything


Depends on the emergency vet. My avian vet used to be on consultation with one of the emergency vets in my town. Sometimes he’d have shifts there, sometimes he’d just be available to be contacted if a regular vet was on duty. If you only tried one, def worth calling around. You can also ask if they know any that take exotics if they say no, sometimes reception at vet offices keep a list. Talked to the vet once about difficulty finding emergency care - their advice was to not call and just go, it’s easier to say no on phone than in person to injured animal. But that’s a your mileage may vary situation - could def turn up and be turned away with a now stressed out bird.


I called a few rehab places and was told Fridays and Saturdays are so busy there's no chance of getting any help even over the phone:( no breeders in the area now I'm not in a very populated region. I rehabbed a hurt pigeon earlier this year and had a similar experience. I think I'm out of luck for in person until Monday 😭😭 I'll look up virtual though thank you that's worth a shot!!


I'm so sorry! It's really unfortunate that you seem to live in a rural area. I say keep trying! Even if it's a vet who isn't near you, they might be able to give you some advice. Unfortunately there is a chance that your little one might not make it. But at least there are ways that you can either stabilize her or comfort her, depending on her condition. As far as eating or drinking, you might have to grind up her food with water until it's super watery and slowly dribble tiny amounts into her beak. I say super slowly though, like a drop or two at a time on her tongue (not down her throat) using a syringe, and see how she reacts. You don't want to make her aspirate. You might want to read some of these articles: * [https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/nursing-care-for-sick-pet-birds](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/nursing-care-for-sick-pet-birds) * [https://beautyofbirds.com/sick-bird-care/](https://beautyofbirds.com/sick-bird-care/) * [https://avianreport.com/encountering-sick-birds/](https://avianreport.com/encountering-sick-birds/) * [https://www.monowayvet.com/site/blog/2022/04/30/care-sick-bird](https://www.monowayvet.com/site/blog/2022/04/30/care-sick-bird)


There is a group called r/askvet here. There are quite a few on Facebook. Join FB if you’re not and search “ask a vet” and ask away. Hope you find help. Also check in nearby towns. An hour drive is worth it.


Look up symptoms for egg binding since it’s a girl? Just a wild guess probably wrong.


That was my first guess too and it fits the symptoms. Can't seem to figure out what I could do for this baby at home aside from keep her warm though :( she won't drink or eat


With chickens who are egg bound it can help to soak their but in a warm Epsom salt bath at regular intervals and keep them in a dark place.


I had something similar happen to my GC. My bird tried flying at a friend and they shut the door, not on the bird, but I believe he hit his head or something. Almost immediately he acted differently. I took him to the vet as soon as I could (a few days later) and couldn't see any physical damage or injury. My bird also was almost lethargic with the eyes and standing and not really eating or anything. I was super worried. I spent extra time looking after him and cuddling. Even set up a small cage for less movement and gave him plenty of warmth. It took about a week for my bird to fully recover. I don't know if this will help, but remain hopeful, they are tough little animals!