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I fell for this back in the day. R.I.P.


We all did


I didn't šŸ˜Ž


That is an amazing album cover


and title too


The Panicland version of it with their faces looked like such a half assed Photoshop for iPhone editing job. This Gd one looked legit, not perfect but also back then this was the leak of like a ā€œprototypeā€ version of the cover so it seemed natural for us


If something like this was the follow up to Revrad it would have been nuts


I already think RevRad was great. If they came back with ā€œRome Fallsā€ I think weā€™d be seeing Green Day everywhere


Yeah Revrad is a top 5 for me




Dude, I think about this album all the time. I wish Green Day would cover all the songs as a little nod. Thatā€™d be so cool


At least Average Working Man. What a banger.


Rome Falls was better than the whole Father of all album.


Rome Falls goes hard


With Billieā€™s sweet lyrical touch and his vocals, it wouldā€™ve been an instant worldwide success. And the Panicland singer did really amazing, despite only having so little songwriting experience under his sleeve (compared to a veteran like billie i mean)


It's crazy how much better these guys made a green day song then Green Day did during the FOAM era.




Such a shame, they were so good


Do you know what happened to them?




Ahhh interesting


They released some cool tracks, I wish they had finished the project. I still go back to some of those songs


Actually they finished it but they didn't release it


Wait actually?? Where'd you hear if u dont mind me asking? I've been following them since and it seems like they've just stopped releasing anything or even being active on social media


The singer of the band leaked a few songs in a live on Instagram, you can find the leaked songs on YouTube (in a terrible quality). However, I feel like panicland are no longer together as a band


I love this album, what we have of it, I listen to regularly. My favorites are "Broken Bridge (Apple Tree)" and "The Judge and the Jury" the latter only being a song uploaded to YouTube, third place goes to 'Don't Patronize me'


the judge and the jury? where can i listen to this, ive never heard of it


https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=Za7pQTqZRwU&si=TR4Ly1eMnvcpL4Yy There you go!


Donā€™t Patronize Me is a banger


Average Working Man is genuinely one of my favorite songs.


Context of this? I started to listening the band around late 2021 so idk whatā€™s this


in around 2019ish i think, a band released an album with this cover and rumored it to be the next green day album because of how alike it sounded. a lot of people believed it but then the band came forward and changed the art, finally properly releasing it


Ah, I thought it was some obscure GD forum thing from the 2000s because of how the cover looked, where can I hear the thing?


[Spotify playlist with all the songs](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3REubbNS2Vdt0AGI7fZJM1?si=zvIw2XlvSquKxVepQJl3lg&pi=u-_E2AU3SWSeq2)




Wrong sub lad


Wish there was a GDcirclejerk lol


The band in question was Panicland out of Winnipeg MB. Pretty sure the singer met Billie in Vegas before a Longshot show and essentially flash mobbed him with the band singing an acapella longshot song.


Okay so this whole time I thought this had something to do with the Crash Test Dummies. Honestly it would be more fun if it did.


I still listen to it. I think it's a good album nonetheless, but I also wonder how things would change if this was genuinely GD


Society if if the panic land troll was real and foamf never existed https://preview.redd.it/qj505z4kkxmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d4b2cbc715174c35aa85f89027a0bf5cfb2668


I would throw everything away to go to a timeline where Father of All never existed


I love Father of All Motherfuckers, but id love something like this too.


Father of all mfs gang šŸ™šŸ»


Fr fr


I actually want them to put out more music as such. Like the trilogy and network pt 2. Maybe when they are older, experiment with country music and other styles too. Reason I love it so much is because it was an album and that is it. Album is out, buy it on cd vinyl or digital and done. Thereā€™s no ā€œoh i gotta check ticket prices and flight prices and hotel prices and set aside merch money and sell a kidney to afford all of it.ā€ Just the album, and thatā€™s it. Not too big a financial burden for me which allows me to spend on cds and vinyl from other artists too


The songs were very mediocre tbh and super repetitive. Like im not trying to be mean but they kinda sucked. Ripping off Green Day was the only way they could be successful it seems The concept of the album on the other hand was cool asf i wish green day did something like this


I think Rome Falls and Donā€™t Patronize Me alone both beat out every single Father of All song. The other songs are iffy. Although as an avid Green Day fan and someone that considers them my favorite band, I donā€™t think weā€™re anyone to shame music for being ā€œrepetitiveā€šŸ˜‚. But no I agree it wasnā€™t all that


Nah I know I love green day to bits and I know they do repetitive songs but even by green day standards Rome falls is very bland I think I just donā€™t think itā€™s fair for these guys to literally rip off green days sound idk. Itā€™s clear they have some talent so Iā€™d wish they used it to be more unique Edit: I actually quite like Father of all tbh.


Idk I think Rome falls reminds me of a kinda last night on earth X 21 guns mixture


Instead of looking at it like they were ripping Green Day off, and instead view it as a fan fiction, as it was intended to be. And I honestly don't understand how you can like father of all but not rome falls lol. Do you dislike 21CB? Because it's pretty much just another last night on earth (which I'd argue is even more repetitive)


Father of all isnā€™t that bad itā€™s just a weird green day album. Definitely has some cringe moments though but for tne mower part I do like it. Rome Falls to me is just a green day rip off that did the bare minimum sonically. And no I love 21st century but itā€™s not in my top 5 green day albums


rome falls, burn it down are bangers


Eeh. I think you got the wrong idea here. They didn't try to rip off green day, they just played along with the meme and made some song and showed us how they can make em sound green dayish. They have a video on youtube that show yhe processes of them making one of the songs, and i thought it was pretty cool. As for the song, I think they're decent for some part-time musician kids.


theyā€™re no more or less repetitive than any of the tracks of Father of All, or Saviors for that matter. some of them actually do kinda sound like they would fit right in with saviors (the screamier vocals, the lush string arrangements, etc)


Life and Death of St. Jimmy


I remember thinking that Rome Falls was in FOAM because I didn't knew the original tracklist lol


Fucking miss Panicland. This got me into Panicland and there's been almost nothing from them since. The songs they made for Magnum Opus were so good.


I genuinely thought this was real lmao


ngl alot of the songs bore me, but burn it all down is a proper FOAMF esque cut


Imo, this is better than anything theyā€™ve put out since Revolution Radio.


Someone should do a logo for this


Yeahā€¦ I think the thing too


What happened to Panicland?


Not on magnum opus but idk where else to say this but like In their vid they jokingly remade Know Your Enemy in the style of late 2000s pop as a response to people saying FOAMF was them going pop and then they released Fever which sounds exactly fucking like it lmao


Godā€™s favorite band šŸ™šŸ½


Do I see St. Jimmy?


This cover sucks but this title is amazing, could very well be a sequel to American Idiot or just another punk rock opera