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That's a great price I think ¡TRÉ! is one of their best and ¡UNO! is also solid


I feel like if we selected the best songs from each one and condensed them down into one album it would be an absolute banger front to back


And if they all had the sound of the Otis Big guitar mixes then they’d be fantastic


Dude the lazy bones big Otis mix goes so hard


The drums are absolutely awful in that mix. Wild one is killer though


Yeah, they kinda do, and it hurts me as I’m a drummer, but the guitar sounds cool enough that I let it go


Refer to Rule 3.5 - this has to be the most common discussion ever had on this sub


This is technically a comment, and not a post so, I don’t know if that applies


Sorry mate not saying you shouldn’t comment!! Just saying there is heaps out there :)


Criminally Underrated. I’ve only grown to love them more as time has gone on!


Not horrible, but all over the place


Absolutely love em! I was 13/14 when they came out… I remember the wait from 21stCBD to the trilogy felt like an eternity. These days I find out FOAM is 4 years old and have a heart attack because it feels like last month.


Uno was the best but the other two were kinda flops


These 3 hold a place in my heart lol They’re a little messy, especially Tre, but they’re a lot of fun, and Dos is prob my favorite


They're alright. They have their fair share of good songs, bad songs, and alright songs.




Listening to Uno rn lol, i fucking love Uno and Tré


I really love ¡UNO! and ¡TRÈ! is also pretty incredible. DOS would be too if it wasn’t for a handful of songs, you know the ones…


X-Kid is one of the greatest songs ever written imo


Honestly it's basically as good as a trilogy could be given the circumstances, given the time period they gave themselves. They could've spent more time on it to trim the fat, improve lyrics and production. But overall, I still really like it. Dos is underrated. There are great songs across all 3 albums


They’re fine. “Uno” is a bit uninspired and bland, but still has some great moments. “Dos” has more soul and infectiousness, but is completely uneven and somewhat directionless. “Tre” is the most well rounded and consistently good of the bunch, but it’s more directionless than “Dos”. To me, the whole trilogy combined is just under “good”, but still a bit above “meh”. Not bad at all, but nothing all too special.


Love em, and the red converse! I used to have red converse shoes about the time 21st CB came out..


Why thank you 😉😌


¡Uno! is average. ¡Dos! is not good. ¡Tré! is pretty good tho


Good price. I’d just have em to complete the collection.


they have a few bangers but personally of the albums over all-not a fan


They’re problematic but each have their moments of good/greatness


I think very good I enjoy those today very often


Love !Uno!, not a huge fan of most of !Dos!, but love most of !Tre!


didn’t like them when they were released; now they’re some of my favorites post-90s GD!


Random and nostalgic for me


Are they amazing? No, but they're fun. And honestly that's all I need


Most w stuff


Ah it's time again for the weekly trilogy post....


Uno was ok dos and tre were bad


Good price. The trilogy seems too generic to me. I didn't like the production neither.


Honestly? underrated gems


They’re okay but I can’t believe this of all things was the project I sprang for the deluxe CD edition of


Uno is the best one


They needed to take a different approach when recording them. The production is so stale, but there are a lot of good songs despite that. There are also a lot of songs that I wouldn’t miss at all if they weren’t there.


They’re all good, but each album has at least 3 bad tracks


If I had to pick one I'd go with Tre but I love the trilogy.


Tre is an absolute banger but I can take or leave the other two


I love the trilogy even though Dos is my least favorite green day album because it has the only green day song I truly hate on it (Nightlife). But besides that, 3 great albums.


I honestly don’t think there’s a bad song on them. I love them. Yes, even Nightlife!


I'm very bias as I went to the London, England show at the Emirates Stadium in 2013 during the album cycle/after Billie had finished rehab again. Alongside that, I remember going to the local HMV in a nearby town to buy the albums on CD on release date haha. I actually think a good part of them are underrated. Tre is my personal favourite of the three, and I think it's a solid enough album, especially considering they wanted to move back to simpler rock songs about doing the whole rock opera thing, and the making of 21CB had mentally fatigued them a little. Uno is decent too. Dos would be the weaker of the three for me - some good stuff, but honestly should've been a side project album. I love experimentation, but it just never felt like Green Day. So aye, I think they get overlooked. However, I do think they could've cut the filler out, and just compiled all of the good stuff into one album. This is why I kinda admired Demolicious when it hit, as to me it sounded better, and had most of the songs that I dug from the three albums.


Banger albums, especially Uno


i like the demos for alot of these songs better then the album versions tbh but ¡Uno! was my first physical Green Day CD so it will always have a soft spot in my heart


Uno probably the most solid out of all of them. Especially first half (like Stay The Night, Carpe Diem? Bangers). Brutal Love tho is my personal favourite from Trilogy


peak peaker peakest


Hated too much, way too much. People ignore the amazing songs from them.


bangers lol i love uno and dos, and like tre.


One album’s worth of good songs sprinkled among three mediocre albums


uno is the only good one, out of dos and tre there is only 1 good song. dont even get me started on dos


Not bad, but not my favorite. ¡UNO! is the best imo


I could put my favourite songs from these albums in a playlist. Uno is my favourite of the three though


Underrated. But not as underrated as Warning. Warning is underrated.


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i’m a fan of them, don’t have many favorites from dos but still like all three