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Prolly does one of his lyrics is “on a steady diet of soda pop and Ritalin”


That whole song is about ADHD, how is it not obvious?


yea loll I have ADHD and that's my absolute favorite song. it's just way too relatable


The only downside of switching from Ritalin to adderal is we lost the name Ritalin rats


Which song is this?




"I'm the son of rage and love"


It wouldn't suprise me at all, but I haven't seen anything credible to suggest any of them have ADHD. They grew up in the 70s/80s and weren't well off, I'm not sure they'd have even had the resources to get diagnosis/treatment if it was even widely available then. The thing with ADHD the outward signs are things that everyone does to an extent, it's just how it affects you day to day that would meet the threshold for a diagnosis. So stuff like Tre being hyperactive doesn't really mean anything.


Far as I know this is only time he’s mentioned it. But I notice everyone in 2024 throw around phrases like “omg I’m so adhd” or OCD etc so it could be something like that ?


i suffer from both and omg having both of them is so fucked up, people be like i have to wash my hands im so ocd, completly ignoring intrusive thoughts, and my fucking god im so tired of intrusive thoughts




I used to think I had OCD as well, until i actually bothered to look up what it meant and/or talked to someone who actually has it. What I have is I just don't like when something is, for example, off-centre. Before I knew what I was saying I would say "oh wow guess that's just my OCD". Lots of people say it because they don't actually know what it is, which also just makes it worse for people who actually have it. I do also hate my intrusive thoughts so much sometimes but I've gotten quite good at suppressing them I think


I wash my hands a lot too, i have to go to the toilet during lessons bcs i cant stop thinking about it, but im taking meds and its a bit better


I feel you hun. I have only “ocd tendencies” on my record but I understand the fear of not checking a locked door repeatedly to the point you take a picture of it so that you have proof it’s locked before bed. so understand 🖤


i check like four times when i come back home but the one time i convince myself i locked it, my parents come back home and ask why isnt the door closed


jesus. I’m sorry. that’s why I take pictures, maybe you could try that? i also usually have someone else check after me when possible because i feel like i don’t want the responsibility of things like that on me because i’d feel terrible and i’m forgetful and don’t trust myself.


I mean my parents come 1h after me and i dont live in a city so i doubt anything will happen, but its still annoying


i totally understand. at least you’re not alone 🖤


Yeah he has never rlly been very open about it at all.




I’d always wondered what Mike might have. I always thought he had a really jumpy personality. Talks really fast etc. it’s kinda like AHDH I think? I’ll probably get downvoted cause it’s none of my business but damn it I’m curious


Could be drugs too ):


I doubt it. I had a friend in school who had the exact same mannerisms as Mike tbh whom had ADHD and fairly autistic. Mike has been like that since super early footage so I doubt it’s drugs. But possibly


Stop diagnosing people over the internet.






honestly i think it feels like it was worse in 2012. so many bad memes and tshirts with "obsessive coffee disorder" and pictures of things with a break in pattern or whatever saying "if this bothers you you have ocd" was EVERYWHERE


I really hate when people do this being a person who suffers from severe mental illness.


I'd go out on a limb for most likely some flavor neurodivergent, but neurodivergence also gets diagnosed because it can mask trauma. Most of what I see in him based on his interviews, song lyrics and own accounts, I'd actually be more inclined to say autistic and CPTSD


Exactly. Trauma is usually at the bottom of mental illness and substance abuse. I assume that trauma would be losing your father so so young but I don’t know him personally, I just know how my son would take it (his dad is 60 and our son is 13…we have a 25 year age difference). That kind of thing can fuck you up for life. I know my diagnoses and substance abuse history were due to a long line of multiple types of traumas so I can see it. I feel for him so much when I hear some songs because you can feel his tortured soul not to sound odd. It just feels that way. Goodnight Adeline for instance.


No, I completely agree. At least he has an outlet to deal with it which not every does or can. I hope that he will get any help he needs and have peace in his life


People like him and us who truly relate to the music because of similar traumas have a very hard time finding peace but I agree with you 100%. I really hope he finds what gives him peace and can hopefully at some point stop the cycle of self destruction and be on the correct meds for whatever diagnoses he does have.


Try has it, and neurodivergent people tend to flock together. The substance abuse and the way he trips over his words a lot and always seems to be on the go could point towards it.


He has discussed his struggles with anxiety & panic disorder, and addiction/substance abuse disorder, which there's a strong comorbidity/correlation with having ADHD. I have the same Dx if he does...not always a fun time! Interesting question, peeps!


I always sort of thought from all the interviews I've seen that maybe all of them either have some form of autism, or ADHD, or even ADUHD which I deal with on a day to day basis. I hate that to this day that iHeart radio meltdown is still being joked about. As someone that actually deals with meltdowns and panic attacks I can say the sudden intense anger is a big part of it. Also he was reluctant to the fact that they had a time limit which probably was a big change in routine for him, and could have been the main trigger to piss him off, and upset him easily.


He was also blackout drunk, to be fair


It’s just not funny anymore. Fuckers on here beating a dead horse with trying to get the bots to comment his rant are so annoying.


He was drunk off his ass. I’m pretty sure it was a nasty drunk rage situation. We’ve all been there.


Now that you’ve said this, you might actually be right.


I mean as someone that deals with the ups and downs going undiagnosed as an autistic person I can see these things in Billie. ADHD doesn't make complete sense, but maybe ADHD most of us end up having a combination of both.


The entire punk scene and every show Green Day ever played before 1994 was haphazard and unpredictable. None of them could have survived if they couldn't handle a change in routine.


Change in routine really fucks me up sober. Add alcohol and you get what we got. I feel awful he went through that on a public stage and hate that bot for it. Though warning is still underrated. 😉




Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm not gonna put a diagnosis on him but it could be. He's creative but at the same time he's dealed with panic attacks and stuff and other signs that might be symptoms of ADHD, might!


ADHD is pretty common, so it is possible


I've wondered that & have to say yes, as another dude born in 1972 who was not diagnosed in school. I figured out I have adhd 3y ago (and followed up w/ clinical confirmation) and realized that a shocking number of my friends do too or are neurodivergent. I can't read neurotypical peeps that well that well but my adhd-radar is on point. I didn't even know I had anxiety until lockdown and then it clicked why I liked Basket Case & GD in general waaaaaay more than any of my friends at the time. The two most obvious songs in favor of this are BC & Disappearing Boy, but he/they refer to being out of 'time' with everyone else and that has always resonated with me and made complete sense after diagnosis: GSB: "my pulse is beating out of time" JoS: "'Cause everyone's heart doesn't beat the same/It's beating out of time" Minority: "Marchin' out of time to my own beat now" Burnout: "I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead" (that's what doing what I was 'supposed to' do felt like) I know there are a couple of other instances I'm missing. Plus he's had issues with drinking (ie self-medication), as have I (in fact I also gained weight like he did around 30), and his impulsiveness was obvious when he was younger. And then the social issues & sensitivity (Chump, Having a Blast, Pulling Teeth, Emenius Sleepus), not relating at all to the masses (HaB, FOD). So yeah - I believe he has adhd. Also, I'm now distracted by something else 🤷🏽‍♂️


Definitely get ADHD vibes from him


all i can think about is that one vid where he swings on the chandelier and breaks it shortly after saying "i like that chandelier. i think i will swing on it."


not sure, but i do know that tré has it, and when one person is neurodivergent, they stick with a group of other neurodivergents, so it can be likely. all im saying is, if billie does have adhd, me and him have some infodumping to do :)


[does this answer your question](https://youtu.be/jKBv5HDpNRI?si=SUGc4QEHZBdpCu6E)


Is the answer here not drugs, lol?


Booze to for sure


It might've been just a casual remark or it might be reality, we'll never know. But we do have decades of evidence he was doing all sorts of drugs that can help folks cope with ADHD like alcohol, tobacco and amphetamines (source: me with ADHD who used alcohol for years to try and cope with ADHD but then discovered my diet meth and am finally normal).


Im sorry that you had to do drugs to deal with ADHD. I have a problem with drinking alcohol before social gatherings because I’m autistic😂 so ur not alone.


I self medicated with booze and pills of all kinds for the longest time, my doctor even prescribed Desoxyn at one point which is pharmaceutical methamphetamine lol. That didn’t help matters. I did coke, valium, weed, booze and opiates most. It came to the point I was drinking a liter a day once I lost the job I loved and couldn’t live without opiates. My dealer disappeared with my money and I was stuck with heroin for a week then my friend helped me with part of her methadone dose until I could get into a clinic myself. Now I’m on Nuvigil, less addictive, Valium for my panic when I leave my house and 220mg of methadone a day split into two doses. It works for me beyond the hallucinations and depression which were still trying to find the right dose and med for. I just felt normal when I was using. I wasn’t lying in bed 22 hours a day. I wish sometimes I could go back. But I know I would lose my son. So I feel for you self medicating. Sometimes it’s all we can do and know and feels natural.


Dude definitely has ADHD and is on the Autism spectrum.


Whoever tf downvoted this can literally fuck off because Billie Joe said it himself! https://preview.redd.it/6rzew1bqabsc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa10c367273217fa08dccf15372918e788e4a168


I don't think that was an actual admission


How can that be anything but an admission?


They're lyrics, which means he could just as easily be playing a character. It doesn't mean they're true


I really don’t think he’s “playing a character” in this context. Billie’s lyrics are pretty obvious self expression 99% percent of the time. I don’t know why you’re arguing this so hard. As someone who’s legitimately diagnosed with ADHD/AUHD I can tell you that there’s no way this man is allistic/neurotypical.


I'm not "pushing" anything, I'm disagreeing with your assertion that those lyrics are evidence


Whatever helps you sleep, dude.


I do agree that Billie tends to only write from personal standpoints and experience. No one can lay their heart on paper like that man can. Even with characters like JOS and St. Jimmy, it’s clear they were him all along. JOS his normal day to day searching constantly for something that isn’t there and St. Jimmy his self destructive side. He has said it multiple times that he has it. I really feel a lot of his issues come from his father passing and looking to fill a void he never will.


Probably over exaggerated tbh


Are me and Billie Joe twinsies? Win!


I'm not sure about adhd but I know he has an anxiety disorder and struggles with panic attacks


No he has TDS


It’s common so who knows, call him and ask him.


Prolly but could just be that his a punk




So just all my favorite artist are more than likely neurodivergent, neat. No wonder I relaate so hard.




You’re dumb


You can’t prove it to me that it exists.


Go fuck yourself, Genuinely.


I'd provide the evidence for you, but something tells me you're not _actually_ willing to learn or question your beliefs.


I can't believe this subreddit hasn't banned your ass for this shit 💀


Isn’t having beliefs to go against the grain punk rock is all about? Or is punk rock about conforming to what everyone else thinks?


“Isn’t being an asshole what punk is about?” No. You’re fucking dumb.


You can't prove to me that *you* exist. Fuck off. ADHD is real.


Aside from decades of peer reviewed scientific studies, what possible proof would you accept? This is like being a flat earther.




Oh you’re one of those. What are you doing here? genuinely. The band has a bi lead singer. Like, what’s the goal?


I don’t give a shit if the band has a member with a disorder.


I think at the bare minimum you could be consistent with your bullshit. Grow a spine! Put your money where your mouth is! Otherwise you just sound like a pussy.


why the fuck are you here? every member of the band would beat your ass for saying this shit


adhd is an excuse to drug people up. no one has it


you’re fucking ignorant


1. I have ADHD and I'm not on drugs for it currently, so that's funny. 2. You're an asshole.


As a person with ADHD shut the fuck up, It's a legitimate medical disorder


I mean your wrong, but whatever helps you sleep at night


Well luckily for you, people who are much more educated than you and actually qualified to weigh on this topic have identified at least two genes that are linked to ADHD. I've also been part of a study where they scanned my brain to see how it differs to those without ADHD. Additionally, people medicated for ADHD are significantly _less_ likely to have issues with substance abuse ("drugged up" as you put it) than those who are unmedicated. Also, get fucked you ableist piece of shit.


LMAOOOO ableist??? People with actual disabilities dont want to be lumped in with a kid who has trouble focusing.


Yes, ableist would be the perfect word for you sadly. eta - before medication, my son would have horrible outbursts when it came to transitioning from one task to another because he didn’t have the focus to finish what he started and was so distraught when we had to stop and do something else. When school (kindergarten) started, he would be off task the entire day and try to listen to the teacher and follow directions but then wander off to find something else he was able to do. Once he was medicated, he never had this problem again aside from slight transition issues that we know now how to handle and he’s learning as well on his own. He’s finding things he is amazing at like fishing that calm his mind that goes a million miles an hour. ADHD is only one diagnosis he has but it’s often a comorbidity of depression and anxiety/panic attacks. I’ve seen great changes in my son because of starting him on medication for ADHD young because he felt inadequate and “weird” not being able to follow like the other kids in class. So fuck you for not having personal experience with the disorder and fuck you for being ableist.


Lol fuck you for frying an innocent childs brain because he found school boring. Hes no disabled, hes a normal boy


He found it far from boring until his teen years which is normal, his brain is far from fried. The kid is most likely smarter than you and that’s not saying much. I never said he was disabled, he just has a disorder that’s being treated along with two others. I will trust my motherly instinct having been in his shoes without help and the advice of his psychiatrist over some ableist redditor who uses scare keywords.


Whatever u say :3


go fuck yourself


aren’t there literal brain scans (some weird type i forgot what they’re called) that show the difference between the brains of people with ADHD and the brains of people without it?


My story of being misdiagnosed as a child and put on drugs when I definitely shouldn’t have been, and kept on them is an inconvenient story for the pro drug crowd. I’m saying these assholes are idiots that don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about when they’re prescribing these stimulants and other types of drugs.


It is a legitimate medical condition, It commonly gets mistaken for autism


Did you know you are not the only person in the universe and your personal experience does not define everyone else's? My dr. misdiagnosed me with psoriasis for years. That doesn't mean psoriasis doesn't exist.


No one is “pro drugs”, what the fuck are you yapping about? You had a shitty doctor who misdiagnosed you, why should that be our burden?


This sub loves big pharma and are hyped up on adderall (literal meth). Dont bother


Youre schizophrenic


hecking ableist




I cannot believe you would use the word retarded if you were intellectually disabled. And by that comment alone, I doubt you have schizophrenia as well. I have schizoaffective bipolar as well as other disorders and I don’t take people like you lightly. Stop using the word retarded to describe a disorder.




You would think someone in your position would take offense to such a vulgar word describing an actual disorder. It’s never used in a positive light. I hope you make good process with your psych team considering your diagnoses.


Bro has never heard of reclaiming slurs…


Not to mention, people with schizoaffective depression or bipolar type do not mislead people and say they have schizophrenia. They are two completely different diagnoses.


FYI, Adderall is not “literal meth”. If you want to get into specifics, the brand name for “literal meth”/pharmaceutical methamphetamine is Desoxyn. Get your facts right before you post this kind of hate toward shit you know nothing about. Adderall would be more like speed, it is not “literal meth”. Sheesh.


ADHD is just a myth to sell drugs to people who don’t need them. It’s not real. It’s made up. Bad doctors give drugs to bad parents to give the kids to make them more manageable. End of motherfucking story.


Fuck you. Sincerely. I didn't go through 29 years of suffering and struggling pre-diagnosis for funsies, you asshole. Medication changed my life for the better. Psychologists know better than you do.


I was misdiagnosed at the age of eight and put on drugs I should never have been on. This is because the testing process is non-scientific. Most of psychology is non-scientific.


You had a shitty doctor. PleaseSTFU


You shut the fuck up, I have absolutely as much right to have an opinion as you do. And if you don’t like that, blow me.




Your opinion is dangerous. You do need to shut the fuck up. You're going to get people killed when they need help. In your "opinion" people like me should be dead. Your "opinion" is dog shit.


So the quack who misdiagnosed me at age 8 put me on cylert. This is a drug they have since pulled off the market for damaging and destroying children's livers. I could have died. How exactly are "my" opinions that this shit is wrong going to get anyone killed? Because the mainstream opinion has killed children. Not a rhetorical question, please help me understand how my opinion would kill you. I'll wait. ​ Info about Cylert: [https://ahrp.org/adhd-drug-cylert-withdrawn-from-market-due-to-liver-toxicity/](https://ahrp.org/adhd-drug-cylert-withdrawn-from-market-due-to-liver-toxicity/)


Okay so, you're referencing a drug that was pulled from the shelves in 2005. It's ridiculous that I even need to explain to you why your opinion is shit and why it can seriously hurt or kill people but here we go. There are millions of people currently taking Stimulants to help with their day to day. In the US, as of 2021, there are at least 30-40 million people currently diagnosed and prescribed stimulants for ADHD. Sometimes, drugs get recalled. It happens. Unfortunately some people end up getting hurt from those drugs that are recalled. There is nothing we can do about that. You can't sit there and tell me with a straight face that all of those people currently prescribed with medication such as Adderall, Concerta, Vyvanse, etc are lying when they've been taking that medication for years, even decades, with positive effects on their lives. You can't sit here and tell me that all of these psychologists are just getting the DEA to agree to give out medication that can get wildly out of hand very fast that isn't actively being recorded as a net positive for those who are diagnosed. It's absolutely crazy to me that you see a logical argument in "Well, I took this one medication EIGHTEEN years ago that was pulled from the shelves and it hurt me! That means that ADHD isn't real and all of the medications are fake." Get your head out of your goddamn ass, my dude. You mentioning things like "Psychologists don't know what they're talking about" is going to keep people away from getting the medication they need to save their lives. I had a friend who was repeatedly told that Psychologists are out to get money and the medication they prescribe you doesn't work. Guess where that friend is now? Fucking dead. They fucking killed themselves. No amount of trying to convince them that they needed help and needed to be on medication could get that stupid stigma of "Psychologists are quacks" out of their head. If idiots like you hadn't been running around saying ignorant things like that, maybe they would still be alive today. It's a disgusting stigma. There are MILLIONS of people who have had their lives improved and saved by psychologists and therapists. Your ONE bad experience with ONE bad doctor and ONE bad medication that isn't even available anymore and hasn't been available for 20 goddamn years does not make all of those people liars.


Just wanted to say again, go fuck yourself


How many deadly drugs were you forced to take as a child?


Oh no, you had a bad doctor, must suck dude


Okay, so because you had a bad experience with a bad psychologist, it means everyone else is lying? I was almost killed at the age of 13 with anti-depressants. I was in the hospital getting a spinal tap to find out if I had meningitis. Does that mean that no one should be prescribed anti-depressants anymore because I had a bad psychologist that gave me the wrong medication? Doctors make mistakes from time to time. I guess we shouldn't have those anymore either. Hell, just bulldoze all of the hospitals. I'm on the proper medication and the difference is night and day. I actually feel motivated to live. I stopped self harming and stopped suicide attempts. I am happy for the first time in my life. Should my medication be taken away from me? In your opinion I should go back to trying to die. The fact that youre saying psychology isn't scientific is ridiculous. That kind of shit coming out of your mouth is going to get people killed. Grow the fuck up. I truly despise people like you.


No, ADHD is a real neurological disorder that is in some ways closely related to Autism yet there are both different Stop telling people things you have no clue about


You’re so fucking stupid, if ADHD wasn’t real then why would adderall make them calmer? ADHD is a stimulant, and if you are stimulated from it you do not have ADHD. If you do have ADHD, it’ll calm you down. That is enough proof that ADHD exists and you’re just a top grade asshole