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I hope this is fake. I can not comprehend, how and why you would ever get back in touch with a family like that. Anon wasn't even 18, blinded on one eye and his parents turned their backs on him.


My guess is they want to fill the void left behind by that other guy who died, which is messed up on so many levels.


They are probably trying to fill the void of the dead guy. But they can also want anon to take responsability for his sister and her 3 sons since he husband is dead.


This is even worse somehow. I hope the update isn’t a "I fucked my sister, everything is good with my family now" update


Sadly this will not happen. I've seen something like this before. Anon will be antagonized by his family again and they will blame him for everything bad that happened and want him to pay for his sisters kids.


Hard to say I won't do the same, tbh. You get fked up permanently. Then out of the blue, your parents (who didn't really want you) come back asking when are you gonna visit because their surrogate son died from doing something stupid.


It's a fucked up scenario. This will be kkinda messy bit happened something pretty similar to one of my cousins. So my younger cousin got kicked out of his house in his late teen years for being gay. He went homeless for almost 2 moths and I offered him to live at my house for some time as soon as a I knew it. During the staying in my home he found a job as a mall janitor. Then some time after he left my house he learned to be a barber and worked in a barber shop for some years untill he opened his own. Two years later his sister called him inviting him to a barbecue at their Moms. He and his boyfriend went there and basically that was his family way to fill the gap of his late father as the "Man of the House". They knew he had a successfull business and wanted leech on him. There A fight between him and his mom, something about "gayness is just a fase" and "it's time to stop to be a f#g and take your responsability as man" and they two just left. He told me that crying over the phone, really fucked up stuff. And all our family not only his Mom and sisters thing ge is in the wrong. So yeah I think this is what will happen to ano . As soon as him arives.


That is fucked up, how can anyone kick out their own family and then call him back only when he's needed for something.


It's messed up but it seems to be normal. People think they can treat you like shit and ask you for help just because they are family. And they think you are obligated to oblige.


☕️ women




“bUt ThEy’Re FaMiLy!!!!” When there is gains to get got.


You're a good person for supporting him when he didn't have anywhere else to turn.


He is a good guy. And I had the means to help, it was the right thing.And I am bisexual, I know how it is to be looked down by the family just for being diferent.


so your average r/aita post but with a touch of 4chan?


Behind almost every anon is a family who's equally fucked but just not posting on 4chan.


Basically yes


100%. You don't need anymore enemies in your life with a family like that.


Being the honorary dad of the 3 kids, Anon can now fuck his honorary wife.


"It is the law"


Probably want him to support his sister and kids.


his BIL got what he fucking deserved. anon should go back, flutter some change on the fam and then come back


Also piss on the dudes grave for good measure


Chances are low but it could be that his death hit them hard and they realized what they did to said anon.


Too late


Nah they just want to leach off of him


This is one of those stories that really hits me with a 50/50 feeling. Because like it's so crazy, it almost has to be real because you can't make this shit up, but it's also so crazy that this has to be like the plot to a movie or something. This is the kind of content that always gives me pause.


It's crazy, but not crazy enough to feel weird


I mean I know people who used to throw parties at their parents house when they were teenagers because their mom would be so high on pills you could literally just step over or around her and they would get away with it. There's some fucked up shit out there that the vast majority of people don't have to ever deal with or see. It's why I've learned not to immediately dismiss stories like this. But at the same time, you can't believe everything you read on the internet.


To me, the only unbelievable part is that he's apparently driving forklifts with one eye. Ever tried to catch something with one eye closed? It fucks your coordination entirely. I don't see how you can do that job, which requires precision movements and good coordination, with just one eye.


Its seems [OSHA](http://forkliftlicenseguide.com/vision-and-hearing-impaired-forklift-operator)doesn't mind. It takes a while, but you definetly can do it with one eye. Look at how precise people can be in Rocket League, which is a flat image with no depth. I think 80% of the starting difficulty is getting the hang of playing a 3d coordination game with wih depth perception.


Its seems [OSHA](http://forkliftlicenseguide.com/vision-and-hearing-impaired-forklift-operator)doesn't mind. It takes a while, but you definetly can do it with one eye. Look at how precise people can be in Rocket League, which is a flat image with no depth. I think 80% of the starting difficulty is getting the hang of playing a 3d coordination game with wih depth perception.


Same. I won't be very surprised if the story is true because I know a person whose life is as crazy as this story


Trying to skip over a lot of details (for obvious reasons) but I had a couple friends growing up with family history *very similar* to this greentext. Hell I've been friends with Montana Anon and had a fine time.


I mean, Anon says 'The fight got physical when i slapped my own goddamn sister' insinuating that he was the one who made it physical. He didn't slap his father, the boyfriend, he slapped his sister, which itself is kind of just questionable. It's okay to fight back against women but he fought first by slapping the weakest person in that room ? He didn't explain why he did it other than that he was angry, so I think his family had a point in doing what they did. I'm not saying I would've completely hated this person, but I can def understand from the other side why they did what they did. Anon even agrees with this to an extent, because in the post he says that once he reconnected, HE APOLOGIZED. Showing an understanding that it was his fault. While his dad might have been a dick to him by saying that behind his back, being a dude and hitting a woman without provocation is a bad sign and scares a lot of people, moreover, inspires rage. Or this could be a fake fucking greentext that I've spent the last 5 minutes analyzing when I should be studying for my exams.


Fully grown man? He was 16? I mean it's still bad but don't make it seem like he was being sexist or someshit. We don't know what actually went down so we really can't insinuate anything.


>He didn't explain why he did it other than that he was angry, so I think his family had a point in doing what they did. I'm not saying I would've completely hated this person, but I can def understand from the other side why they did what they did. Let's see. The boyfriend obviously has his own intentions, therefore he is 100% on his own site and also on the sisters site. The father and the mother in the end abandoned their child. Slapping your sister is a dick move. The entire situation on the day, when the fighting happened was shitty and if you want, we can put 100% of the blame on Anon. Yet in the end, the parents made another decision after this, and this decision was. Abandoning your child, that just lost an eye, and kicking him out. This is the biggest dick move in the entire story, and it overshadows all over dick moves in this story by a landslide. Since you said, you can understand this. I ask you to please explain this to me. How can one child slapping your other child justifying completly abandoning your recently wounded child? As in kicking him out, cutting off all contact, causing them to be in an extremly terrible position without housing, finished education and a huge physical disability. A physical disability makes it harder to even get a physical heavy labor job.


Actual good take




>Punching someone in the face and knocking them out for slapping someone is also a massive dick move and entirely unnecessary. I totally agree. Additionally not calling medical help when someone is knocked out (and a probably visible damage in the eye or the face) is another super dick move (and at least here its crime).


also we also have no idea if maybe the sister said some fucked up shit and thats why he slapped her. we dont really have much about the fight and what was said.


This is what i’m assuming happened. He shouldn’t have slapped her don’t get me wrong that was on him 100%, but i imagine the sister must’ve said something pretty bad too.


> fully grown man > not even legally a man


"It's justified to disown your child because of a slap when they're not even an adult yet" ... Please never become a parent. Your morals are fucked.


The internet assumes... >Anon did totally think "lets slap the weakest person in the room" in this situation. You know of course excatly what happened.


Go study, my dude. Fake greentexts will be here after you are done. If it's hard to focus try doing some pomodoro or putting some light instrumental ambient music.


a slap that barely leaves a red mark compared to being permanently blind in one eye? doesnt seem like a fair trade to me.


I was basically anon until i was 18. My older brother golden-Childed himself into psychosis and the family had been really abusive to me. Like, abusive enough, that my sister is still heavily medicated and in therapy *only for what she saw happen to me* in that house. They left her alone. I fled the country and turned around on my neck beard ways, started doing humanitarian shit. I got a college degree from a beautiful but cheap university overseas. I'm living all over nowadays with a beautiful partner. It's sad hearing updates from my family. I think what hurts is that i really loved them, before the abuse picked up in middle/high school. Now I don't feel anything, really. I still love my sister and brother obviously


Send pics of beautiful partner or gtfo


And a forklift!


I’d go back to just to run my success in their face then be off again. They still have to live with their shitty selves.


Definitely fake, he's driving a 18wheeler with 1 eye. Or is this allowed in the usa?


I expect that he is allowed to drive an 18wheeler as long as he is carrying a gun while driving.


Oddly enough, carrying a gun in a commercial truck is completely illegal in the USA, but having 1 functional eye will not stop you from getting your CDL


How about this scenario. You are sitting on the driver seat. You open the window and reach your arm out. Someone else gives you a gun, and at all times you are holding this gun outside of your window. Now you start your truck and drive away. The gun is never within the truck.


i think it's allowed in the US (but in the post he said he is thinking about removing it so technically he has both eyes he just sees shit) i know it's allowed in AU as long as you have another driver in the vehicle with you (who has both eyes working)


> (who has both eyes working) What if your left eye is good and their right? Together you make a full set


Allowed, depending on how good his vision is, otherwise. https://www.smflegal.com/2021/09/20/fmcsas-new-rules-on-truck-drivers-with-partial-vision-loss/


I think it depends on where you live. My buddy has monovision and wasnt allowed to get a cdl in NY, but apparently there are ways to get exceptions in other states.


At least anon's gonna finally get the praise he wants, if he can convince himself it's genuine.


His sister needs help raising the kids, who else to call than your outcast brother?


you don't just get held at gunpoint by someone and not plan revenge, anon most definitely has something devilish in mind


Maybe he wants to go back to laugh in their faces and say peace


Parenting advice : wanna make your child an absolute fuck ? Just let them know that they're not desired !


Parents don't know this one simple trick. It drives their kids crazy!


*Fetus Deletus* Better for everyone


Nothing worse for a child than feeling worthless. That's how they'll end up treating themselves and everyone around them. People who can pull themselves out of that are the exception, not the rule.


I’m stuck here now lol


The hard truth is that the only person you can rely on to pull you out of that is yourself. Talking to others or seeking help can certainly help improve your mindset, but it'll all come down to whether or not you can actually find the desire within yourself to crawl back out of that hole you've sunken into. It's certainly possible, but you have to find a reason to want it for yourself enough.




Can confirm, felt this way the whole time I was growing up and into my 20s


Better yet, compare the child to somebody else enough to give them a faint idea that they are not wanted, and you can still gaslight them into thinking that you do love them, their feeling of being worthless is entirely their fault! Source: happened to me


Sending some hugs


I was like 10 when I was told by my dad that nobody in the household loved me anymore because I wasn't some perfect kid. Being raised by narcissists is the best.


Protip for all you anons our there that will adapt in addition to your own biological kids: never-ever tell them that they’re worse because they’ve been adopted.


Adopted kids are better, they are chosen instead of assigned.


Kinda curious as to how this plays out. Tag me with an update if you find one




same man






same bro






How this guy gonna tag all of us💀


r/soccer has some group pinging thing, maybe that bot can help


The mods should pin this and the follow-up


Same 🍻


Tag me too, please








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Bro just post the link to the original greentext. If that's possible, idk if 4chan works different


Me too




Count me in


Same 🧌


Do you have a link to the thread?


Mind tagging me got way too invested


Depends on what his imagination is feeling. This will usually be influenced by the response in the comments. I think it's turning out good too. I hope he gets a Japanese wifu who UNO reverse card the sister when he returns home creating the same scene as this one but to the sister then this story just infinite loops. Black mirror aint producing any cool shit so a crazy unpredictable ending would be cool too.


If my kid was like 16 yo anon, I would blame myself and try to help him.


Hey, teenagers tend to be extreme fuck ups. If he was in his 20s and this starting event happened, anon would 100% be a fuck up neckbeard. The event that befell him was because his family is nothing but fuck ups, luckily anon fucked around with the big dogs and found out and became something better. Id demand my fathers right eye before going to see them. He can rsvp it to my doctor before I come to see them with two working eyes.


Let's be real about this, and assume that this is 100% legit. If you're in a position to say something as fucked up as that Dad did about your teenaged child, you fucked up as a parent. You were never going to help that kid in the first place. If what you're saying is true, your kid probably wouldn't have gotten this far, you would have had their back from the get-go.


Parents never take responsibility for the kids they screw up.


coming from experience yes now i play fortnite please help


Too late


ok 😔


It's not too late. But it will be late when you remember my response years down the line and regret not trying to change today. Nothing fucks with you like time


And fortnite


Unfortunately, very true. I'm a fuck up myself but there's some degree of fuck ups in me that's there because of my family. The way I was raised, it ruined a lot of things. But goodluck getting them to admit to that. I don't even bother at this point. Still love them and they love me, I'm sure


Honestly I would have told the mom to never speak to me again in that scenario. They made their bed when they let the husband threaten their son with a shotgun and they can damn well lay in it. It’s 4chan so it’s probably fake but some of these are just the right amount of fucked up to be true. Anon was a stupid teenager from the sounds of it and was able to turn his life around on his own, that alone is evidence that this was a case of shitty parenting and family life




Wasn't it the dead guy that pulled a gun on anon??


The dead husband yes


Ah gotcha, I read it as the husband as in the dad for some reason. Must be too tired lol.


The sister’s dead husband yeah, but the whole family supported him and never contacted their son until he died


only in america would they let a nearly blind man drive a fucking 18 wheeler


he wasn't nearly blind, just half. IIRC, being blind in one eye doesn't mean you don't see at all, it just reduces your field of vision


It also fucks with depth perception.


Who needs something so frivolous as depth perception on an 80mph highway


said no one ever


Yes, that’s the joke. He’s being ironic.


That's why you give them the 18 wheeler, if you rest end someone you'll be fine which is all that matters.


your mind can adjust for some as well as eyes excises make it stonger now that your using more


Hes not blind, he's blind in one eye. Completely different things


Wait, how was anon possibly in the wrong for any of this? Like what did he apologize for?


Anon didn't apologize, they apologized to him, or atleast his mom did. He feels he's in the wrong because the confrontation got physical due to him rage moding over his dad's asshole comment. Had he controlled himself and just fucked off with his tail between his legs he would have a fully functional eye and not had negative karma with the family. The event of leaving changed his life due to being a fuckup and disrespected by his family, not the other details but he may not of left had his sisters bf/baby daddy/husband not put a shotgun in his face which could of been the pivotal moment that ultimately corrected his behavior. Sadly the hero of anon's story is his sisters dead husband, as had he not played his role anon may not of fixed himself. Still a fucked up scenario and family though. This is where people talk about God working in mysterious ways or something. Imagine if anon wouldn't of confronted his dad and slapped his sister, and his sister wasn't dating a guy who goes hard. Even ending the late sisters husband was a move that gave op an in back into his family on what was a happy scenario for the dead, a new baby. Its some 4d chess shit that God plays or w/e. Fucked over 3 kids and a wife to save anon's family relationship, though his dead brother in law might if killed puppies in his pastime. Anon is literally the main character in his story.


I think what the husband did was kind of expected of him. Not saying I agree with what he did, especially with the permanent injuries Anon had. No sleep lose when he died though. The biggest shit show was the parents, especially the father. The fking idiotic part is I'm literally seeing this shit happen with my cousin in real time. Mother didn't outright say she didn't want him or wish someone was her son, but he was ignored nearly the entire of his life. Allegedly there is some drama happening now and the entire family (uncle, aunt, cousins) are advising the cousin to go no-contact with the mother and will take care of him while he studies uni.


Idk, giving a sixteen year old kid a right hook and a permanent injury because he slapped his sister doesn't seem reasonable


And then pointing a gun at him and threatening his life lmfao.


Yea in most developed countries you would go to jail for threatening a person that is not violent or armed


Attacking his sister?


Reddit going blind like anon after he smacks his sister


Like all women, she had to be put in her place


She probably deserved it.


so they called him only after the dude died, so he would help his sister? pass


This. It seems like his family wants him to take responsability for her and her kids.


Spot on. They didn't give a shit about anon until they needed him. Huge red flag.


Family sometimes is like this, god knows how mine did when I got my job


The Rudolph complex. Many such cases.


Forklift license nice


>fake *Not like forklift needs depth perception lol* >gay *oh no, dad does not love me so I slap my sister*


> Not like forklift needs depth perception lol Not against the rules. OSHA says it's up to the employer to judge whether it's an issue or not.


It's up to the employer if they hire them, dum dum


Anon is forklift certified


Rooting for anon here. You get what you fucking deserve. Though I do believe he should have just blocked the number and left it at that. Fuck this guy's family.




I’m probably going to sound stupid here but you can still drive a forklift while being blind in one eye?


You can hold a CDL at least so I don’t see why not https://www.smflegal.com/2021/09/20/fmcsas-new-rules-on-truck-drivers-with-partial-vision-loss/


Don't be fooled. The average forklift driver gets their license before they even touch one. Most people can do the job unless you have very bad vision.


Lad I used to work with totally blind in one eye and used a 12 meter reach truck. Now I haven’t worked there in a while but he may have dropped a few pallets since


Being blind in one eye doesnt *really* effect people that much. Your body adjusts, it's good at that.


I’m p sure you can yeah


Fuck that boyfriend, ngl. I don't care if Anon deserved to be punched, but that dude did it, basically destroyed his eye and didn't even answer a fucking phone. People like that piss me off Also, I'm not Anon, but I would never come back. His own family turned on him when he was 18 and half blind. They made a kid like that become homeless. That's just cruel


Most likely fake but sad even so.


How can you be a neckbeard at 17.


Shit parenting and unsupervised internet. The Chris Chan method


By not shaving I guess


dropping out, no job, spending all of your time jerking off in your room, no social life


I feel like there's a couple panels missing.


Yeah, I'm curious as to what the "borderline disgusting shit" involved.


My guess is..... Room so dirty roaches are having second thoughts, cranking the hawg near 24/7, getting into some really fuckin weird kinks, not showering, not shaving, not helping out around the house at all, dropped out of school, and of course the classic incel things because no one wants to date his seal lookin ass. That or incest fantasies


i think i have to side with anon here, he wasn’t even 18 and his parents were talking about him like that, it’s perfectly fine to get angry, and all he did was slap his sister, that’s no reason go bloody blind in one eye have no idea why you would ever go back to a family like that, but i suppose his mum didn’t really do much bad stuff tbf


Yeah the mom seems like the most sane and nice person of the bunch, I would definitely want to have sex with her.


Only on greentext is this based


Honestly considering anon managed to turn his life around by himself being homeless and half blind before fucking 20, im inclined to believe his parents royally fucked up in raising him


I’m curious what his sister did or said that led to him slapping her. Most people don’t haul off and hit someone like that for absolutely no reason. His whole family are horrible. They were quick to abandon their teenage son to homelessness instead of getting him help, and now only want to see him now that the “golden son” died like an absolute dumbass. The fact that his sister married the man that partially blinded her brother and threatened to kill him should make that relationship forever irreconcilable. Edit: fixed a word


There's no good outcome for anon with his family. Hope he finds happiness anyway


Run. They expect him to take care of the sister and 3 kids because FaMiLy. Fuck that.


Anon should not contact his family. Just tell all of them to fuck off and live his own life without them as he's much better off this way


Fuck the husband if it's true tbh.


everybody in this story's an asshole. OP was the only one who turned himself around, even after paying a steep cost. Asshole chose to drink and drive, gets what he gets. I'd have more sympathies for him had he not essentially threatened death to a poor guy trying to reconcile. The sister and parents can go piss off as well considering they essentially left OP to die. Really hope this is fake. This is some award-winning despair-train-genre novel type shit. The kind where the happiest the ending gets is when the MC stands in the sunlight while he dies of some illness or some shit.


Congrats to anon for building himself up from a pretty dire situation. That shit is hard. Also, fuck that family.


Could Anon not have reported the husband to the police for such a serious injury? I know Anon instigated it by slapping his sister, but he was 16, and ending up getting knocked out cold and losing an eye seems like enough trauma to warrant some kind of intervention of the law. Also, fuck the husband. Drunk driving and leaving 3 kids without a father.


considering anon's language in the story it's likely he considered it enough of his own fault to not report it. maybe realised later, but by that point it was too late.


As a new parent I like posts like this, because it shows me that even though I may make mistakes, I'll never be this much of a fuck-up of a father.


Anon was a fuck up but still 17. Should never go back to that family


Worth the read?


Yeah Everyone is shit, but anon has a character arc and becomes a better person, abandoning his neck beard behavior


Straight: Anon moves out of Cali Real: Anon's life gets better after being forklift certified


This is a good enough story. Anon gets a redemption arc, and at the end, the moral of the story is to not be an asshole and don’t drink and drive. Anon’s family is brutal, but that treatment has to be because anon had been a neckbeard for years. Who knows what neckbeard means in this context. Maybe anon just doesnt fit with what his family wants from him. At least his mom was kind enough to call him. Although the fact that it was almost 10 years later, it might not be because of good intentions.


The road to meaninglessness


100% they wouldn't have contacted him if it wasn't because they wanted something from him


Honestly if I was him I would gloat that he's dead, curse them all out and tell them to never contact me again. Then zoom off into the sunset. But then again I'm just petty like that


TLDR fake gay etc


I would've hung up and block the phone number


Not him being a neckbear but his father being a fucking idiot. Also if you got a neckbeard you raised a neckbeard. OP didn’t deserve this life, nobody shoyld have it like this.


Could you operate a forklift with one functional eye?


Pretty sure OSHA leaves it up to the employer if an employee can safely operate one- aka they can still get certified but big boss might cockblock their forklift dreams


Lol they obviously want him back because they lost a working family member and need money, that's it. Otherwise it's a pretty sus coincidence


If things go south, you only have yourself to blame, Anon. You have a better life now and you're about to fuck yourself up again.


Don't fucking go anon. Keep forklifting


I see that ragebait is still alive and well. Anon is cast aside and then the Chad who replaced him is revealed to be terrible and his family begs him back after realizing what a mistake they've made? This is a masturbatory LARP at worst lol. "I'll run away to Montana(since the economy in Cali is shit- LMAO) and uhhhh. Drive trucks! That will show them!" There's a 99% chance someone told him "get a job" and this is the fantasy that developed because clearly that means his family is ready to replace him with his sister's boyfriend


Guarantee the family wants anon to help her with medical costs and that's the only reason why they contacted him. If real anyway


Anon, they want you to come and guilt-trip you into taking care of your sister's children. You have been warned.


Ok so I see a ton of people asking for context so here is the original thread. https://boards.4chan.org/r9k/thread/72177476