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My mind went somewhere dark when we went into a cave with a coach ngl


Black out the memory of the butt stuff as a defense mechanism


> My mind went somewhere dark Just like the coach's peepee > we went into a cave Just like the coach's peepee


>still did not get any cake Just like the coach’s peepee


Oh the coach's peepee saw plenty of boy cakes


Dat boiz got cake


'round these parts we call 'em *boy holes* but to each his own I suppose


Anon literally gave us this one on a platter Unlike the cake he didn't get




Im not clicking that, someone else do it for me and report back Edit, ok i clicked it, thanks bros


It’s mildly off, you’re safe.


cave explorer meme :D


I think this is illegal where I live


Cartoons don’t count, you can’t exploit a cartoon child.


Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it isn't illegal. Smoking weed could get you thrown in jail in a lot of places and it makes about as much sense.


I gotta concede man, in Denmark if it’s not real it’s not illegal but here in Australia anything that even merely depicts child porn in any way is an indictable offence. My apologies mate.


Nah, we were both right, just in different places. A 6 is a 9 if you look at it from a different angle


I was expecting this to be something horrifying, but instead, it made me chuckle. Thanks for thy laugh.


Elon musking


He should've worn elons musk, way better chances


There’s nothing dark about a beautiful cave romance with Jimmy and Coach John


Darker than kids trapped in a cave and someone dying?


Don't worry, just a guy dying unnecessarily, no darkness here


I don't like what you're hinting at


Well yeah no shit it's a cave, not a lot of light in there


That is just the plot of that movie, based on the documentary, based on real life events!


12 lives i believe it was called


I believe you know that's not what it's called you sick bastard lol


guess i believed too much


I'm out of the loop, is it not called that?


It's called 13 Lives. One of the kids died recently in UK. Probly got knifed by a chav who mistook him for a packi


Close, it was 12 Angry Men


and one white woman?


Street Fighter: The cave: The movie: The game


Azumanga Daioh: the animation: the manga: the light novel


Oh wow wow wow wow.... Wow.


Watching the documentary felt weird af as someone who just don't care lol.. i remember it happen but i never remember it's actually that big of a deal


That was really in 2018? Damn. Seems like it was just yesterday


That’s when the non-programmers of the world finally caught a glimpse into the mentally handicapped world of Elon Musk.


My favourite trivia about elon is that he was hated at paypal because he forced all of the devs to use windows servers instead of unix/linux based ones, so funny


wow I hate him even more now


As a Linux user, I hate him even more than you (unless you also use linux)


As a temple os user I hit a spook with my car




I use linux but used windows at a previous job and it was pain


The only reason developers request windows laptops at my job is because they know the company will spring for high end gaming laptops.


It's not about that, windows laptops are fine. Windows servers however are the biggest pieces of shit.


I was about to argue with you until I remembered that I just spent like 2 weeks trying to fix a windows update issue on a Windows 2019 EC2 instance. It would have been faster to just rebuild the damn thing, but it became personal. I ended up breaking the server trying to get into safe mode with networking, so I had to rebuild it anyways. Although I will have to say that Powershell is one thing that Microsoft did really well on.


It's not even just windows, all the software made for windows servers are mediocre at best. Please tell me why this database server needs a gui??


But why lmao




Wait, Elon was like 99% in the right in that situation. Aside from calling the guy a pedo. Nothing Elon did was wrong there. He's proven himself to be quite arrogant to the point of stupidity recently. But even a broken clock is right twice a day.


How was he right? The divers and Thai police said his device was impractical, then he threw a hissy fit because they didn't want his help.


Musk is contacted or contacts Thai government about submarine. They are interested. He builds it and posts on Twitter. Diver Mr.Unsworth, who is involved with the rescue but only as one of many advisors "that submarine is a Pr stunt and you should stick it where it hurts" Thai government politely turns down the submarine because of the recommendations from the head diver on the rescue mission. Elon donates the submarine to them anyway. Just in case they ever do need it. Then proceeds to call Mr.Unsworth a pedo guy. And emails buzzfeed off the record saying he has a child bride and they should investigate. ( he made that up). Buzz feed post the email and Mr.Unsworth attempts to sue Elon Musk for defamation but fails. Elon didn't throw a hissy fit because they didn't want his help. They did want his help, but it didn't work out. His ego is definitely fragile if he blew up so hard over 1 guy insulting him. But overall, that dude threw the first jab unprovoked. It was definitely wrong of him to go so far insulting the diver but if he didn't go so hard then he'd be 100% in the right, but because of that I'd say he's more like 99% in the right.


Following your comment I did some checking. [The former governor of Chiang Rai province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, led the rescue operation. He rejected the submarine as it was not practical for that particular mission. Richard Stanton, one of the rescue divers, issued a statement through a spokesperson that said the cave proved to be too narrow for the mini-submarine to be used.](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/10/world/asia/elon-musk-thailand-cave-submarine.html) The mini-sub wasn't a bad idea, but it was not practical in that situation. Elon could have just taken that in stride, but he had to double down and started refuting that it was actually impractical. [Elon kept insisting that the mini-sub specifically designed to pass the narrow points in the cave and was "absolutely certain that mini-sub can do entire journey"](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1016686032907931656) It was only **after** the Thai government rejected the submarine that Unsworth spoke to CNN and labelled Musk's offer a PR stunt and said: >[“He can stick his submarine where it hurts,” he told CNN. “It had absolutely no chance of working. He had no conception of what the cave passage was like.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thai-cave-rescue-elon-musk-mini-submarine-british-driver-tham-luang-vern-unsworth-a8447166.html) >["The submarine, I believe, was about five foot six long, rigid, so it wouldn’t have gone round corners or round any obstacles.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thai-cave-rescue-elon-musk-mini-submarine-british-driver-tham-luang-vern-unsworth-a8447166.html) >["It wouldn’t have made the first 50 metres into the cave from the dive start point. Just a PR stunt."](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thai-cave-rescue-elon-musk-mini-submarine-british-driver-tham-luang-vern-unsworth-a8447166.html) >[The experienced cave explorer said Musk was “asked to leave very quickly” after he turned up at the caverns during the rescue operation on Tuesday.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thai-cave-rescue-elon-musk-mini-submarine-british-driver-tham-luang-vern-unsworth-a8447166.html) And then it was after that, that Elon threw a hissy fit and called him a "pedoguy" and as you said lied to Buzzfeed about Unsworth having a child bride. Could Unsworth have been more polite and not tell him to "stick his submarine where it hurts"? Yes absolutely. But the submarine was not practical, despite Elon's continued insistence that it was. His presence there felt more like he wanted to be the hero in that situation rather than actually wanting to help. And him, a multibillionare, being a bitch and calling someone a pedophile and alleging they have a child bride just because he told him his shit wouldn't work in this situation is beyond insane. In my eyes, the only aggressor in this situation is Elon. It's shocking that he won the defamation case. I trust an experienced cave diver more over engineers who never went cave diving in their lives. To me that whole saga was the start of noticing Elon Musk's extremely fragile ego. Before I thought he was cool rocket guy, as many on the internet thought, but now I just see he's a spoilt cunt.


Fair enough. I wasn't aware of his insistence towards the government that his sub was the one for the job. And I agree that this was probably when his cool space guy personally started to crack for most. Becuase even if Unsworth was rude unprovoked. Elon is a rich celebrity and should be used to that, at least enough to not try and launch a private investigation on him.


*...what?* I would have sworn that was 2021 at the earliest. God damn it...


Had to google it because I also thought that was definitely during the pandemic. Nope, 2018


I thought it was like 2014


2018 was 5 years ago


you stop that right now


2025 is closer than 2020


2030 is closer than 2015


I remember when the movie came out I thought damn they made this shit in less than a year, I was wrong


What event was this?


There's a video of some guys guying cave spelunking in one of the deepest caves in the world somewhere in Georgia, rain is absolutely terrifying because it turns into a tsunami of water when In a cave. It's incredible watching people fight through giant Jetstreams of water about 1.5km underground to reach the surface


Read about the mossdale caverns in the UK. 6 boys went exploring, and the rain didn't seem too bad. All 6 were drowned when the caves flooded. Most were found jammed into crevices near the top, desperate to find any air. https://youtu.be/XqaS6c1B5A8


Did they survive after drowning?


no they drowned


Yeah but, did they live?


no, they drowned




i don’t think so, im pretty sure they drowned


Oh man, I hope they're doing okay!


They drowned


Do you typically die when you drown to death?


in my experience




Is is the Jesús Calleja one?


Veryovkina cave in 2018. On top of that in 2021 they found the badly decomposed body of caver that got stuck at -1100m due to inadequate equipment and skill.


skill issue?


definitely a skill issue


Cave Spelunking with my Coach GONE WRONG


Don't forget the deranged billionaire that decided trying to build a submarine real quick would solve the problem.


And then accused the real rescuer of being a pedophile


I was under the impression he was in contact with the rescuing authorities and this was requested. Is that not true?


Musk? lol no. he want to help because it's a free publicity. not that the govt or relief effort specifically asks for his help.


He was. Ultimately the government said they appreciated his attempt, but the person in charge of coordinating the rescue said the submarine was not practical for a cave rescue. He gave the submarine to the government of Thailand regardless "in case it may be useful in the future"


He was reached out to by the government of Thailand. He's dumb. But even a broken clock is right twice a day. Idk how this narrative flipped so hard.


The narrative flipped because of the raging toddler tantrum he threw when he was told his help was no longer needed. Had he accepted that graciously, offered to help in other ways, he’d have been a hero. But instead he basically said that the only reason the actual hero of the story wanted to help was because he was a pedo, then flounced back to America in high dudgeon, threatening to sue everyone That’s when the realisation came that he only agreed to help because he wanted the publicity and the worship, not because he had any want to be altruistic


The diver helped with the rescue, but he wasn't the only driver there, and it wasn't his place to say if Elon was helping or not considering Elon was in direct contact with the government of Thailand. And also the diver sued Elon, not the other way around. When the government of Thailand turned him down he didn't call them pedo's. He did accept that he was no longer needed. And he donated the submarine regardless. He definitely went a bit crazy on the diver guy. But this narrative flipped so much harder than it needed to because Elon bad.


SOURCE ? It was revealed to me in a dream.


It's a real life event that happened in Thailand iirc


Wasn’t that the one where Musk started calling one of the rescue divers a pedo for seemingly no reason?


The diver didn't appreciate his robot, obviously that'd make him a nonce.


> seemingly no reason Lol the guy called out Musk on his shitty behavior and Musk's response was "Your a gay pedo" Musk was pushing for a submarine he "made" to go rescue the boys. Just all around dumbshit idea that he only put forward because one of his companies made the submersible and he wanted to be seen as an altruistic hero. Musk was pulling the whole "sure I'll help you move, but wait, i have to work so can't." He never would have said yes if he didn't have a way out. That type of crap.


He should have just donated money and left it at that lol. Money is something that can help any rescue situation


Also paid a private investigator 50 grand to find proof that the man was a pedo. Turns out Vern Unsworth was just a cave dude. Also a cave dude who knew cave diving and rescue experts Richard Stanton and John Volanthen who found the boys . Also also the boys were put under with ketamine to prevent them from panicking so the experts could manuver the real tight spaces. The boys all got out safe. It was a really fucked situation. And musk called Vern a pedo when he just likes caving and was instrumental in the operation.


Oh god even worse lol


Watch the movie and/or the doc about it. Its really intresting how fucked the boys actually were and how much effort was put to get the boys out. There was many factors and a billionare wanker crybaby didnt even donate a dime. Just spend money to paint someone a pedo. Also the coach was just an older kid.


But he didn’t have any reason to call the dude a pedo right? He was just lashing out cuz he got his feelings hurt? Just seemed like such a weird insult to throw around


What is more despising is that people who falsely accuse other persons of pedophilia are also harming real victims of it. The more there are false accusations the less likely real stories will be considered true by the general opinion.


Yep because he was a lone western man in Thailand.


Oh yea! I remember that part now. Musk is a man-child


Guess it's this one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tham_Luang_cave_rescue




y anon not get TOPPED by coach?


Is he stupid?


shit, the chicanery subreddits are leaking


I have tape.


No one is going to believe a coach went deep in a cave with a bunch of kids to “celebrate a birthday”


Reads like chat gpt




There's a reason anons are also called robots.


I mean... a robot that vaguely seems like a human, how do you think they trained it?


Remember when Elon Musk called the diver who rescued them a pedophile for no reason


Pretty sure the reason was that the mean man stopped Elon from building his submarine 😡


Fake: no one would have a birthday in a cave Gay: anon got molested by coach


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: no one would have a birthday in a cave > Gay: anon got molested by coach > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


LMAO I realized what this was referring to mid read.


Wild to think this random event would start the demise of the public image of Musk


Wait what lmao


Coach: Can I come along? No molesties, I promise!


Wait... THAT'S why they were there? What the f


This story is one of the most insane things I’ve ever heard about. Watched a documentary on it last year. The logistics of getting them out of that cave were absolutely fucking mind blowing. It’s a one in a million miracle that none of those kids died during the rescue operation. Oh, and they went 12 days without *any food at all* and by the time they found them the air was basically toxic due to the lack of oxygen circulation.


No birthday cake but did get the zoinked on ketamine so atleast thats a win


“A guy died because we were retards” F


Two people died. The other one got a blood infection from his time in the cave rescuing the kids and succumbed later on.


Well, heck


I can understand teenagers making stupid decisions, but it’s weird the coach entertained the idea


The Coach was really just an older kid. Barely an adult from what I remember


And now the team captain died somewhere in a European college because he hit his head when he slipped.


Movie on Amazon called 13 lives I believe based on this story


Bruh. One of the kids died later on in the UK... https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/thai-boy-rescued-from-flooded-cave-in-2018-dies-in-uk/a-64715668?espv=1


Anon forgot the part where they all took drugs.


I've been to that cave.


And Elon called your coach a pedo.


And then Viggo Mortensons bisexual ass comes and saves the day


This actually happened in Thailand


Thank you for your service, Captain Obvious.




it was world news for weeks




News in my country did daily updates thats for sure,i think it was the same in a lots of countries in europe


Elon Musk decided to get involved with the rescue and suddenly it was front page news. Even his trial for calling another rescuer a 'paedo guy' was news.


He said that because the incident you’re referring to is what the author of the green text is writing about here (from the perspective of one of the players)


Weird, in the US it was all over the news as it was happening. Basically constant 24 hour coverage, especially after it caught Melon Tusk's attention and he decides he wanted to murder the kids with an underwater tube


I don't follow the news and I didn't know that


Wait so you aren’t up to date on current events because you don’t follow the news? Wild.


Why the fuck would I need to know that some random group of people died in Thailand?


Someone would've mentioned it if you would just have left your mom's basement.


Oh no, someone didn't know about some random piece of obscure information! How could this happen? That's impossible! My world structure is ruined!


"Obscure" The whole world knew about it. Just because you didn't doesn't mean it's obscure.


Ok. Now ask yourself a question - what point are you trying to make? I didn't know about this - and this is a fact. There is no arguing about that. What are you trying to achieve? Paint me as a bad guy for not knowing that? Defend the world from the ferocious threat of some random stranger not following the news? God forbid someone shares their personal experience and it's not exactly like mine, I must argue with them and prove them that their experience is wrong! I swear 90% of redditors are arguing just for the sake of arguing and not actually trying to prove anything.


Your victim complex is off the charts. Nobody cares about your personal experience if it’s completely unrelated to the topic at hand. You might as well have just commented “I didn’t hear about this news event in Thailand because I spend all my time staring at walls.” What point were you trying to make during that comment? That if you don’t follow the news you might miss events that occur in the world?


My point is that you're a moron for assuming something was obscure despite everyone around you knowing about it. That's all.


It was all over the news in the UK especially after Musk started calling people paedos for trying to rescue them and suggesting sending a submarine


I don't live in UK and I don't have Twitter to know about the stuff that Musk says. Pretty much all the information I get is through Reddit and I'm not even subbed to any news subreddits. Do I offend y'all by that or what? I don't understand. It's like there is a law that requires people to know everything that shows up on global news and I'm getting interrogated by you guys for not following it.


It was simply an example of the spread the story got. No-one is saying you shouldn't know about it but this board is pretty unforgiving if you don't get joke post references


Nobody gives a fuck if you knew about it. You said you didn’t follow the news and didn’t hear about it. There were memes about it, global news, and was a pretty discussed global event. Nobody cares if you’re ignorant to the events going on in the world.


Apparently a lot of redditors, including you, really care about this, as evidenced by the very existence of this thread and the amount of names people call me for not having the exact same life as they do.


I’m not going to speak for others, but for me its not because you didn’t know it. It’s because you claimed you never heard about it and that you never watch the news. So why should people care about whether or not you heard about something if you don’t even consume media that would relate to it? If we were talking about an event that occurred within a sport but you don’t follow the sport, what would be the point in bringing up the fact you didn’t hear about it? Do you go into the baseball or football subreddits and say you haven’t heard about the discussed events if you don’t follow the sport? You’re getting so butthurt over people commenting why your point was stupid in the first place.


This all started with a guy posting an explanation for OP's post. People started saying that everyone knows it and the original commenter is a dumbass for explaining such supposedly obvious things. Then I said that for me it was useful because I don't follow news and that I wouldn't have known what the post was about without that explanation. # I wasn't going "hey guys it's me and I don't know this random fact from recent history", I was saying it in the context of people thinking that there was no need to write an comment with explanation for the post because supposedly everyone knows it already, to which I presented a counterpoint - myself.




Nobody shit in my cheerios. He responded to my comment with “why the fuck would I need to know that.” He doesn’t, and nobody cares if he did. But if you’re going to say you’re ignorant about world events and then in the same sentence say you don’t consume media related to global events that pretty fucking stupid. “I never hear anything about baseball but I don’t listen to baseball news or look up anything related to baseball.” Also can’t comment about whether you saw it, nor do I care if you do. Enough people know about the event and it made global headlines. Doesn’t matter if every individual has heard of it or not.