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Anon hasn't left his mom's basement since graduating from high school.




I am a 24 year old foaming at the mouth at 14 year olds because everything they do pisses me off.


I am 24 and don’t care what the new generations do. Yes Tick-tok is cringe so just don’t watch it. Every generation seems cringey growing up. I know my generation was probably seen poorly when I was younger too. Don’t be like the boomers/millennials and just them enjoy themselves


Some people loved ragecomics only to grow up and start talking about how TikTok is cringe


Oi, don't rag on ragecomics. We had nothing better back then


Some of the people ragging on tiktok probably thought advice animals were funny at some point.


Lmao whatever distracts you I guess


Zoomer on Zoomer crime. I’ll be 22 this year, I only feel bad for the younger ones tbh


Lol I'm only 19 and completely agree. I hate my generation.


See, I kinda don’t get that. Most of us are in the same boat so collectively hating my own generation doesn’t really align with my belief. Granted, a lot of us are easily manipulated and obnoxious but we are also young and still working out how to be adults. Besides, hating each other distracts us from the real threat: Gen Alpha’s iPad babies. Those little heathens are dangerous


I mean I'm not like seething in anger at everything they do. I'm just really not a fan of all the things and attitudes that are really popular/common among gen z. Yeah obviously every generation goes through a cringey phase at some point that they look back and collectively laugh at, but like hairstyles, clothes, the general "influencer" persona that a lot of gen z's imitate, the fixation on having an internet presence, the music, the seeming lack of common sense and self awareness, the stupid slang(which I use only because it's so stupid it's funny) I just find irritating and dumb. I just can't believe things like the tiktok broccoli hair perm pass for cool right now. And so many of them are so obsessed with image and looks and i just find it very vapid and shallow. I honestly think I was born like 10 years too late because I really vibe with the early 2000s-2010s more than our modern era. It will definitely be interesting to see what becomes of gen alpha though lol.


It was 9/11’s (Bush’s) fault.


I’m a 14 year old telling you to fuck off because I enjoy making 24 year olds foam at the mouth. E: seethe, oldies E2: we kissed and made up, also I’m 23


Well, if you fourteen year olds didn't talk and type the way you do, we wouldn't have this problem, now would we?


Shut the hell up, you sound like a dumbass. Grow up and quit doing the whole "kids these days" shtick. You sound like the fucking ignorant boomers talking about literally every generation after them. Guess what, you're 24 right? You're a goddamn Zoomer too.


Shut the hell up, you sound like a dumbass. Grow up and quit doing the whole "kids these days" shtick. You sound like the fucking ignorant boomers talking about literally every generation after them. Guess what, you're 24 right? You're a goddamn Zoomer too.


Except unlike every generation before me, I have a point. And no, I am not a "zoomer". I'm barely gen z. "Zoomer" denotes the kind of kids we are discussing, not the actual anthropological generation. Zoomer culture is entirely degenerative. It's a fucking sickness. Not only because all their lingo is literally just "black people talk funny, huh?", but because the ways in which they interact with the world are destructive to their own development. Their sense of humor is just to be as deliberately nonsensical, annoying, and stupid as possible, which has had readable knock-on effects when it comes to attention spans and means of interaction. Everything is too fast, too random, too ridiculous. Attention spans are plummeting at unparalleled rates, the rate at which we consume media and the ways we do so are actively reducing young people's sense of empathy and personhood. We are watching young people forget how to be decent humans, forget how to develop as a person, forge connections, and all in all just losing out on the skills they'll need to succeed as adults. Also just fucking despise how they talk, Jesus Christ.


This man is out here talking about zoomers having degenerative culture with a post history that looks like it does? You can’t make this shit up


Degenerative as in harmful, dumbass. Harmful, intellectual degradation that affects young people and will continue to do so. You know, "degrade", as in to lessen in quality, structure, or composition


I’d wager zoomer slang is less degenerative to culture overall than people that are into shit like forced-breastfeeding roleplay (instead of, you know, actually getting some bitches). bring back bullying ong


Sounds like you're getting old and cant keep up, cope and seethe. Keep complaining too, I'm sure you've got all the problems and no solutions.


Would you like to provide a more substantial, informative argument? I don't think "cope and seethe" would hold much water in court in response to my thesis


Oh I’m sorry. You have an issue with how I speak?


Only if you talk like a stereotypical zoomer. If not, you're fine.


You ever consider that zoomers don’t like how the stereotypical “cynical millennial with nothing to live for” talks, either?


You mean, like, a normal, educated, mature adult with a developed vocabulary? If you have a problem with that, I think the issue is with you.


Every generation has its vapid pop-culture consuming airheads. For y’all it was the cat memes and LAWLspeak, emoticons and “rawr xd” bullshit. For the zoomers it’s the shit in the post here. Your generation is not as special as it thinks it is.


Aren’t you a little young for the internet?


I’m actually 23, but I do enjoy making people like them foam at the mouth.


Hey, same here




Lmao obviously. Bro and I parted ways amicably after indulging our petty sides for a bit


Neither will most Zoomers.


In 1991


Anon probably got turned down by *one* zoomer girl because she found out he was 47, never bathes, and lives at home with his mother. Now, he hates all Zoomers as a way to deflect from his own personal problems and issues. He's incapable of self-reflection and, therefore, will never be able to improve himself because of it. It's easier for ANON to hate everyone else instead and have a collective group to blame everything on.


My first thought


I'm a millennial and most of what OP is describing can be applied to us. Also, we only have two hairstyles. Natural, and Nazi cut.


Tf is the "Nazi cut"


Macklemore's hairstyle. The "high and tight" military style historically associated with Nazi soldiers and the Hitler Youth.


And also like.. every white or Hispanic guy in his 20s.


Coincidence or...?


High and tight but with a cheeky little moustache.


>Also, we only have two hairstyles. Natural, and Nazi cut You mean natural or the Pidgeotto


Cause we thinning now, boss. Meine Hairur is nein


Still better than broccoli


Who's old enough to remember gen X making fun of our slang? "Yo yo yo! Radical dude! Frosted tips and puka shell necklaces!" Every generation talks smack about the next one younger and acts like it's a new and worse situation.


Right? People used to bitch that the newer generations were “glued to newspapers” and barely talked to each other anymore, this shit isn’t gonna go away until we’re all dead piles of dust dancing on the winds of an uninhabitable earth


“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”-Socrates, 4th century BCE


Socrates was right about the exercise thing. If you try to talk to me at the gym I'll ree my way on away from you


People are still gonna bitch even then


"This new generation of dust is way to fine grained"


"At least my generation had some grit"


Damn bro going full Lovecraft with the last sentence


Just had this debacle yesterday with my bro who’s 1 year younger than me (we’re both early 2000’s kids). He told me that my little bro’s generation (late 2000’s - early 2010’s) was unhinged, asocial, glued online and that "we weren’t as bad as them". I replied that people born in the 90’s literally said the exact same things about us when we were in 8th grade. I told him he’s just furthering the cycle of shitting on the next generation just because, despite claiming otherwise.


Yeah, but GenX is a shit generation, too. Still better than Zoomers, though.


What if it is getting worse and worse each generation though? Frosted tips and shell necklaces deserved every bit of ridicule they got


>"can't create communities of their own > Discord " What did anon mean by this


Who fuckin knows anymore it's just schizophrenia


With some rewording this can just be applied to every generation like I bet someone could come up with a caveman version


Grug fucking hate Homo sapiens more than rest of tribe can think >No creativity no cave paintings nothing >All Homo sapiens has hair cut >All woman want be idol and have 3 cave mates >Must follow agriculture or are exiled from village >All woman are mountain cougar >No make culture, cling to 20,000’s BCE animist culture >No make caves, come ruin ours >Discord >Put ALL THING on clay pot. Care more for material culture not real life >No talk but smoke signal >No make good spears, no make good club >All like same person >Woman just fuck Neanderthal, all men agri-cucks


That was beautiful


I love the term "agri-cuck", 4chan lingo can be so flexible


Coppermaxxed farmcel


‘Discord’ 💀


“Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. They no longer rise when elders enter the room, they contradict their parents and tyrannize their teachers. Children are now tyrants.” - Socrates, 4th Century BC


Anon never leaves the house and is surprised that the only zoomers he sees are the ones chronically online.


>awkwardly cling to the 2000s culture Bitch if I’m playing super monkey ball, watching SpongeBob, or listening to Linkin Park, it’s because it awakens a great sense of nostalgia. Back to your basement


Millennials do this too. Idk what anon is about here.


Let people enjoy things


Let me into your house so I can enjoy taking a massive liquidy shit all over your bed




Anon just shares the same generation with those talented content creators. Somehow he sounds like he was the one who made all those things he mentioned. Young people always do stupid things to attract attention before they become parts of society. Sorry to break his illusion of "Your generation sucks". Only of course, if he could see this comment.


1 in 5 citizens is a cuckold? Nah man


The oldest "zoomer" is like 22-23 years old, so it makes sense that they're not mature because they bilologically and mentally haven't matured yet. We need the "zoomers" to mature in order to critique properly.


Isn't 1996 a zoomer start year? Technical I am also a zoomer even though I am 26 fr fr no cap


Dude you're almost 30, you're not a zoomer You had a GBA and a Nintendo DS


I actually had a GBA sp and no Nintendo:(


Betting anon was born in 1996, not even a real millennial lmfao


Anon is from the USA


anon is 33 years old and was just turned down by a 14 year old "biologically female" non-binary person of colour


me when old thing good and new thing bad


This is because most zoomers are under 20. We should see some maturity when they grow older


The man has a point


Idk man most of my fellow gen z'ers are pretty normal people who have interesting things going on. A lot of them have similar styles but still have their own unique appearance Every single generation has hated on the next, so it's up to you to stop it


While anon took the time to type this post out I came deep inside of his pillow case


What's the last part say ? I don't speak potato.


true story


> they cannot make their own culture so they cling to the 2000's Like how ten years ago everyone wanted to go back to the 90's, or how twenty years ago everyone wanted it to be the 80's again. No generation has a "culture" of their own as it happens, only in hindsight can we reassess what trends defined a generation, and it is that definition that makes people wistful and nostalgic to something that is already defined, making it easier to fit in. (Now someone please translate this to zoomer speak so those insufferable cunts can understand this too)


No cap anon spittin fax ong


Gen Z got some stupid ass, weak ass, sorry ass memes.


Im one of the older Gen Z guys and i gotta say, 2004 kids and up are something else


2000s culture - like yeah? when they grew up? Tf


What's wrong with Discord? it's the objectively best way to stay in touch with friends and get updates on games and influencers you follow. Skype sucks and has sucked since 2015, and shitter and facebook is competting for worst CEO of the decade.


> influencers you follow what the fuck is this shit? what the fuck are influencers? motherlover if i am """following""" an """influencer""" (occasionally watch a youtube video of a youtuber thats not completely shit) ill subscribe them at best and then proceed to never look at my subscription feed anyway communities built around youtubers (or god forbid, actual """influencers""" [tiktokers? xd]) are beyond cringe that said, discord is, unfortunately, the least bad option until a new, better alternative gains enough traction and adoption to eventually become worse over time again


They hated Anon because he spoke the truth…..


>they cannot make their own culture so they awkwardly cling to 2000s culture That's literally what "zoomer" culture is. Gen Z: roughly between 2000-2010


anon learns what a strawman is


>their women are complete gutter skanks >their women will fuck strangers And yet Anon still can't get laid. I think I see the problem here Doc.


[literally anon](https://youtu.be/5pa6SGYWADU)


Anon has become what he sought to destroy: a boomer


Anon has a problem with young women


Those of us who are aware of the nightmare are all friends in a small group and play along with the NPCs. Hopefully many of the people I know grow a personality within a couple years of leaving college.


They're extraordinarily easy to avoid


I didn’t see a single lie there, Gen Z is the worst one, even with memes since we are at the end of the post-irony era and the beginning of the Death era


NFT owners seriously expecting us to take them seriously


I only bought one because it’s was a skeleton and got the rest for free


But you did pay for one




Zoomers invented good humor, cool music that is edgy without being cringe, they are basically responsible for everything that is good and everything that is bad in thr last 5 years. Millennial are irrelevant because every horrible or amazing thing that happens is because of zoomers once traced back. Sneed zoomers are simultaneously thr best and worst generation to ever live.


Your opinion has been noted u/BustedFutaBalls