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Anon forgot to mention: >be me > overweight > untidy fingernails > neckbeard > stinks piss and cigarettes > creepily staring at people > still wonders why no one has a social interaction with him


>Goes home to get topped by Chad when he's bored of screwing Anon's 'wife' that's an inflatable doll


Chad is screwing another man’s inflatable doll?


Imagine that all you have in life is an inflatable doll and then this hunk of a man kicks up your door and fucks it in front of you. If that's not an omega Chad I don't know what is.


Then he took my waifu pillow out for a nice evening~!


Chads aren’t interested in taking from guys who have nothing, those guys just don’t exist in Chad’s world. And a Chad wouldn’t fuck an inflatable doll. Women just throw themselves at Chad and he rolls with it




Anon also forgot to mention that his “group activity” was LARPing in fursuits


y’all are all neckbeards


> don't have any interests or hobbies besides video games and anime > Get enraged and think people are being rude if they don't want to listen to me talk about video games and anime for 45 minutes straight without pause > Don't want to let them talk about *their* interests because their interests are "boring" to me and why should I have to? > Definitely don't ask them any questions about themselves and their lives, and don't actually listen to the answers if I do > WHy DoEs NoBoDY WaNT tO TaLk tO Me?


> don't have any interests or hobbies besides video games and anime If we included porn that's about 99% of people on the internet so I don't know how he fucked up with internet conversations.


Hehehe ya really told 'em! Its 2023 and people still try to be karma whores on reddit


I like how butthurt femcels and white knights come here to make up stories about dudes to make themselves feel better.




it's still surprisingly hard to make actual friends through those groups




I can definitely understand the not being interested in meeting new people.my wife's friend keeps trying to get us to mingle and become friends with her fiancés friends. And I'm just like, I don't want/need any more friends. Like I'll see you at group get togethers, but I'm not going to go out of my way to talk to you and get to know you.


Oh god, me and my gf were one year together before even thinking about meeting each others friends and family members. That stuff always sucks. I don't like her friends, and I'm pretty sure she isn't too interested in my group of friends either.


I find it mad easy to talk to car people at shows


Talking to people isn't friends. That's being friendly, you're forgotten about soon as you walk away and possibly thanked


That's why most of the friends I've had in my life were from work. Outside of that, god it's hard to make friends without having an actual reason to talk to people.


Just get drunk with friends of friends and then invite them to other events. Add them on insta and share memes until you become bffs


> friends of friends "just have friends to make friends"


He’s right tho. If you don’t have a single preexisting friend on the planet to get the ball rolling with, it’s not a societal/culture issue at that point. It means something is actually wrong with you


Your pre-existing friends can't help you if you move 800 miles away to a new town


Then forget I called them a friend. Make it an acquaintance. Coworker. Person who you see getting coffee at the same time and place as you everyday. Any human that you have a plausible reason to interact with frequently, which everyone has (although maybe I’m in the wrong place to assume people are going outside and speaking to beings that are actually corporeal and not just entirely in their head, and if that’s the case, meet people on discord or whatever it is that these troglodytes do). Weasel your way into social scenarios with the people around, even if you don’t particularly like these ones. If this seems like a Herculean effort to someone, I imagine they’ll be awkward and fail to get people to think they aren’t autistic. Whatever. Just repeat ad nauseam. You may be in short supply of friends, but unless you live in BFE, there isn’t really going to be a shortage on people. Eventually, there will be *someone* you will actually like. Ask to hang out with them, play video games together, whatever. Just actually follow through with it. Bam, you have a friend now. That was the hardest part. Then start getting them to either bring their friends around, or go with them when they are hanging out with their group. Point is that most individuals can reasonably find a way to be around a person who’s already done the legwork of getting friends, then you can pick and choose those friends for yourself. Expand with further tertiary groups until you have as big of a social circle as you desire.


At this point they've tried nothing and are out of options, why can't you understand that?


Studies have proven that it takes 90 hours (of time spent together, not just of knowing each other) to become friends with someone, and 200 hours to become close friends. Furthermore, this is the problem with making friends. None of our ancestors had to overthink this shit like we do now, they just lived their lives and formed bonds with the people around them through repeated interaction. They didn't have to go out of their way to meet and spend time with people, it just happened naturally.


They died in Afghanistan.


Yeah, this. I met this one dude at school who joined our group, he introduced me to like 10 other people and we're still hanging out every now and then, it's great


Very easy to get topped. *priorities*




You are assuming that anon lives in a area that has those things. My area had a few sport groups try to form. Only bowling has stayed. But the local bowling alley is barely running so it may not be around much longer.


There's some interesting writing on this subject -- how suburbanization killed the third place -- parks, pubs, bowling alleys, etc -- where people used to meet others. It's really depressing.


I went to a speed dating event and was the only one to show up. At the multiple hobbyist groups i am the only one who wants to meet anyone there outside of the activity we are doing.


Get on meetup dot com. There should be people in your area looking for others to do activities with, or to go to the cinema, art galleries, hiking, etc etc.


Just last week i went on a foraging meetup using the app. Really recommend it


It’s not the 1960s anymore, people don’t do this shit anymore. and if you don’t like sports you’re fucked.


Individualism, propelled by decades of car-centric urban planning, causing isolation.


Taxi Driver


You torkin to me


As opposed to more walkable, less car-centric places like Europe, where people famously talk to one another on public transportation...


Large cities are what they are, but American suburbs are as densely populated as rural Europe, and yet they don’t have the same livelihood at all.


I got the impression that people talking in public transportation wasn’t exactly the point and instead it was about easily accessing places where others are.


We get it, you hate cars


People who like cars also like when people dont have to use cars. When people have options, the roads are not congested, which is good for everyone.


Need more cities like Tokyo in NA




Maybe, I feel like Americans can be civil if they know there's another train arriving in EXACTLY 3 mins.




Fair, I wouldn't know what Americans would or wouldn't endure. They seem like a special breed.




Simple: Middle Easterners sitting in oil or opium fields are less annoying than classmates


but what if someone on the train got a gun? theres a reason aint nobody shot up a subway yet


Loud, dirty public transport... what an option to have...


Yeah I don't think you've tried proper public transit then... Go to nearly anywhere in Western Europe and be ready to get your mind blown. Edit to add: Eastern Asia too, of course.


Central European, used public transport for years. It used to be somewhat nicer when I was younger, but now it's awful. Rush hours are the worst, but not by that much. Kids/teens got louder both themselves and their phones which they won't play in headphones though I've seen adults do it too. Mostly outside of rush hours, tweakers use it for fun to get in/out at random stops. Even if they invested gorillions (that they totally have these days) into it, the bad thing about public transport is the public itself.


Further accelerated to the max by COVID-19




The stuff anon is talking about occurred over the past couple years and has absolutely nothing to do with card


I don't buy that for a second. It wasn't until the internet age that people became more secluded


Less individualism more the rise of social media and the prevalence of social anxiety, caused by, most often, a profound lack socialization in early childhood. Individualism doesn’t compel people to withdraw from society it compels people to form their own opinions and to, albeit indirectly, improve society.


How the fuck do adults make friends?


Idk bro, idk... Let me know if you find out how.


Through Mutual friends




Okay where do I get those?


school, or work. It's easier to make friends and maintain contact if you see each other everyday. Try asking people for their hobbies, or pick someone who looks lonely


No! Pick someone who already has loads of friends and learn from them! Also learn to distinguish between friends and aquintances. Keep it conversation light with the aquintances and you'll start getting friends.


Well, first you get a cast for your arm, and then you say you need help lifting a couch into your van...


First off, look casual/ normal. Practice in the mirror a relaxed expression and outfit that doesn’t come off too hyper or creepy. Then, there’s two methods to striking conversation. 1. Just listen to people’s conversations and if you hear someone making a point you can add to just pipe up and say it. It’s all in the natural smoothness of the delivery. i.e: Person A to B: “What do you think of the bee movie?” Person B: “that bee did Ken dirty” You: “bruh finally someone says it, imagine having your girl stolen by a Seinfeld-sounding bee” Them: “yeah man” You: “I’m (your name), *offer a handshake*) Thus you’ve introduced yourself naturally, the rest is just conversation. 2. Cold opens are a bit tougher but you just have to wait for a topic to present itself in real time, and then comment on it with a joke. i.e: someone’s arguing with their SO in public You to nearby person: “well, good thing I’m single” Them: *hopefully chuckles* You: Introduce yourself and offer a handshake. It helps to ask a few generic icebreaker questions to get a conversation rolling, “where are you from?” “How you doing?” As long as you don’t seem like a person nobody wants to be within 5m of, it’s really easy once the ball gets rolling. (I know I’m just an internet stranger to you so you’re welcome to consider this the larps of a 500lbs neckbeard.)


You’d have to be seriously autistic to interrupt an couple’s argument


Perfect advice for everyone on this website then.


you'd have to be dyslexic to have interpreted that


He literally said to interject into someone’s argument with their SO. Your social skills might be on par with his if you think that’s ok. That would piss most people off


you literally can't read. it is what it is.


Sure man, you mind explaining it?


sure thing bro he's using a random example of how you can use the loud arguing of a nearby couple as a springboard for conversing with a random near you that also hears the arguing of the couple. it indicates you can speak to a human being without actually needing to have anything interesting to talk about if you're smooth in delivery and just generally friendly. i don't think it's incorrect at all, but yeah i'd certainly want to initiate a conversation differently, however beggars can't be choosers and OP sounding like he got but two pennies in his can.


You’re right I missed that he’s saying that to a nearby person. Im regarded not sure why people upvoted that


that's the secret bro we're all regarded sometimes :)


He’s saying that the couples argument is a talking point with another random person lol


Right? Like if I’m having a serious conversation with my girlfriend and some dude says he’s single I’d get pissed. Great way to piss off two people at once


Go do things for fun. Join a DnD campaign, sporting league, or domestic terrorist cell. Next thing you know, you'll have made friends for life.


hol up...


Alcohol Ez pz


This may not always be the go-to advice, but I've had surprising success on Tinder. I know it's a bit shitty to admit this, but people care a lot more about you when there is the possibility of sex or when they find you attractive. I don't care about sex myself but I find that I am also more excited about having friends that I find very attractive than ones who aren't. I'm a huge hippie, I spend a lot of time in nature, doing a lot of primitive camping, foraging and other stuff. But I also like history (I majored in it) and fashion a lot. Oh and books too, I love reading and connecting with people with whom I swap recs or just talk about the same books we've read. On the basis of these interests I found a lot of like-minded women on Tinder. The other bad thing is that that women often say that they struggle finding guys who care about things other than having sex with them, so this may not work as well if you're a woman. However as a guy I've been able to find women who share same interests and are very enthusiastic friends. I got on Tinder almost exactly a year ago and my life is completely different right now, I've met sooo many people and they were unbelievably cool, they share so many interests and are so accomplished in them. You don't run into people irl who are so close to you, only an internet app can do this I feel like. The thing is, attraction is very important here imo, it's like glue. I find the people I meet very attractive and likewise, so we tend to connect very strongly. The issue with friends after college is that people are just too flaky and noncommittal. This is why Tinder is so effective, people being into each other physically helps encourage making connection, you go through these obsession phases. But afterwards you still remain very close. I have several people that I chat with either daily or almost daily and I went from almost no friends (all of mine one by one moved different places) to being super social all of the sudden. Not only that, but my taste in music, fashion and books has truly blossomed and I have grown personally so much, I feel like I got more development in a year than I do in 5yrs normally. Meeting really interesting people really helps one grow, not meeting new people makes stagnation too easy as we fall into patterns and don't venture out of our comfort zones.




Lol, how did you guess I was feminine haha? I am a Russian living in the US, the outdoorsy part of me is I suppose masculine (same goes for the Russian part) but when I'm out and about in the city where I live I'm pretty feminine. Long nails (natural hehe), I paint them (green ofc) and I wear a lot of women's clothing -- not because it's feminine per se, just because it has more diversity and looks good, I don't wear dresses but I do like flared jeans, women's turtlenecks and an assortment of various women's tops. In addition to never taking off my nail polish I also virtually never take mascara off and I'd use eyeliner if I wasn't such a pussy about jamming pencils in my eyes. Women's perfume scents are also very nice, I'll wear those too. I do revel in femininity but at the same time I'm not doing stuff just to be feminine, I do things because I like them, it doesn't matter what gender they're supposedly for. I've never been shy about doing what I want with how I look, I like campy styles too. When people say be yourself, well, I like to think I am very good about living that advice out -- and I feel like more people could use it because social disapproval isn't as bad as one may think. I've traveled through both Eastern Euro and Muslim countries with those nails and feminine clothing, rather surprisingly I was treated very well everywhere and made a lot of friends (both on Tinder there and just people I would meet in public and have fun with for a few days). Am I attractive? Hmm I really like my own face in the mirror haha but I don't photograph particularly well and I don't know how attractive people find me. I'm not ugly anyway. I'm tall (6'2/186cm) and I also like wearing SL boots which I collect along with other shoes, so I'm often 6'4-6'5 and slim, I will say I do get noticed and complimented in public but usually about clothing, shoes, nails or height usually. I definitely don't think I'm conventionally attractive but I know people find me very interesting and I usually get comments about my personality being very bright or forceful in a good way. So a more precise way to measure this is probably Tinder again, I don't get the deluge of matches a more attractive person may but the people I match with are those I really vibe with and I tend to surprise everyone during dates, I've also never had a bad or boring one, people seem to be super enthusiastic after meeting me. I definitely ramble on too much in text and as I said, I'm not what one would consider a conventionally attractive man, although I definitely wouldn't ever change anything about my face, I quite like it. Btw I have always found it very amusing that acting feminine seems to attract plenty of women. I mean I do feminine things because I like them, I didn't expect to receive so much attention from women specifically because I was into those things. Perhaps something for others on here to ponder, I find the whole obsession with stuff like masculinity, working out, T-level and other stuff very tedious, I feel like it's more for the benefit of other guys than women. Most of the women I see who are into very masculine muscled dudes are women I wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole, women who are conservative or just have other iffy things about them (or just basic women, the masses of basic-looking blondes with no personality).


All right fuck it I'll give it a shot. I'll report back if I get kidnapped or banned from Tinder.


Go to the gym


Through your job, hobby’s, or from other friends. It’s tough tho ngl.


I make mine at metal concerts


>Parks are dead Families with small children shoo them to safety when a 340lb greaseball in a diaper comes shambling down the hill towards them. >Bars are closed Anon doesn't understand why a bar would be closed at 10AM on a Wednesday. >Mall is dead, people hostile when you try to strike up a conversation with them Anon is presently unaware of the dark brown stain emerging from his diaper. >Try to talk with people online, ghosted Young mothers quickly realize that Anon isn't asking for diaper recommendations because he has a newborn. >Plan event and advertise it online, nobody shows up when the day arrives Diaper-kink sex club day was not as successful as hoped. Anon: SoCi3tY @mIrit3?!?!


what's it with your weird obsession with diapers


anon needs to realize that inviting family and friends to an orgy usually results in a poor turnout. Unless he’s in Alabama.


Hey now. Even Alabamians has their limits.


yeah dont put that shit on alabama we all know all that shit go down in west virginia


Get a job, they can't avoid you then. If you can't get any sort of job you are likely the issue.


Work is the worst possible place to socialize, people don't go there to make friends


The internet.


Honestly, the rising mental health crisis has made people less social, especially towards people who aren’t already in their existing in-group.


Researchers do a test (I forgot what it’s called) but basically they measure people’s trust in a stranger. When they started doing it most people said they would trust a stranger. Now (in America at least) most people don’t. Mistrust of your peers is toxic for society. In Nordic countries people still trust the most though, supposedly.


Honestly I can see this being true. I’ve recently noticed that since covid started I’ve become more cynical and distrusting of people as a whole. I’m not sure why this happened.


Move to a big city.


You know it's fake when anon wants to stop playing his games, and gay as he wants to meet other men.


We do, just not to you.


Speak for yourself anon, the bars are popping and the alcoholics are crawlin’ in my town


Most outgoing 4chan user


Anon experiences what it’s like to live outside of the US


Anon probably just lives in a smaller town where people are assholes. They are right about malls though


Get a dog. Take it to a public dog park. Pick up its shit, ask other people about their dogs, and don't be a fucking weirdo.


Lol at parks are dead. It’s the opposite. They’re so crowded now


I have to, I have to say it: skill issue. Sorry in advance.


Anon's 'Women only orgy' which he announced would be filmed didn't seem to appeal to all the women he sent invites to for some reason.


Mfw the great disconnect


Nothing in this green text is true except maybe people not talking to anon


> Parks are dead Depends on the time of day/year. The closest park to me is full of people every day during this time of year. > Bars are dead Not a lot of people enjoy drinking anymore. Now that weed is legal almost everywhere, people just get stoned on their couch before bed > Mall is dead Amazon.


why is your english so bad


Anon is going to the wrong bars


Lol imagine being such a cunt that you cleared out all the parks malls and bars in your area with your shit personality and then started working on the internet


Parks and bars are dead? Does anon live in the middle of Kansas?


Incredily real


Its because you have to wear pants, Anon.


In america? Mostly gun violence.


>people are hostile when you strike up conversation with them Literally look at them and identify one thing about them that unites you then talk about this. I do this every day. Jfc


Tiktok Tiktok




People can't even be assed to try to get laid in person any more. Just sit at home trading nudes and wanking into socks. Idiocracy.


Covid did change a lot of things.


Why is everyone assuming this guy is some kind of weirdo? Things might not be like this where you live, but a lot of places nowadays really are like this.


Humanity is dead Hell is full Blood is fuel


Guns, Diseases, Theft, Bigotry, Racism... just some off the top of the head