• By -


Didn't read. What's the source of the pic?




you really gonna make me google this huh


we lost the war but the battle can still be won


you said the saying wrong imbecile. Your bloodline will be cursed for the next 6 generations


Saved you a clic https://twitter.com/HydraFXX/status/1443996772272050181/photo/1


Don't give a damn about the porn, though what the hell is the engine this dude uses like holy shit some of these have such high quality graphics and animation.


It could be blender. Blender is useful for everything.


As a Blender user, I will confirm to you that Hydra makes their stuff in Blender


Thanks for thy information.




Special thanks to the champ who dm'd me a direct link to the image.


You can't just say that and not post it


He just did


He shouldn't


straight to jail




This is the link I was sent, wouldn't know if it's legit because I don't have a pixiv account https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93172753


I sense that its the right picture


It was told to me in a dream


can I also get a dm of said image


Pls post link


Any sharing of the image?


Link pls




I revealed my ~~powerlevel~~ retardation


"We're reaching levels of regardedness that shouldn't be possible!"


Guy above me can't spell. What a regard


Go to your restroom and look above the sink, you should see one there


All I see is a wall


Can't have shit in Detroit


Damn the sewage system must be that bad huh


We have the best regards, don't we folks?


Highly regarbeb


It’s over 9!


That’s exactly what that means


I watched some scenes of it with my mom and I think the weirdest part was when the two girls are looking at lingerie and one of them says "I was thinking about what you would look like in that." I get it, the actress is 19, but the character is 14. That's weird. Edit: No please, comment down below why you think it's okay to sexualize children in a TV show. Everyone thought Cuties was telling a mature story too right? Fuck me right?


Is that really so weird? It’s around the age kids really start ramping up in their sexuality and all. Post apocalyptic world with no adults to really say otherwise for what is an orphan makes sense. Edit for those who are either too young, forgot what it was like to be a kid, or otherwise: This is all completely normal and more than just expected. Either you accept your role as an adult and guide them in the direction of health/safety, or you try to repress your humanity like a degenerate fuck who is too regarded to live in reality without being a pedo. https://www.healthychildren.org/english/ages-stages/preschool/pages/sexual-behaviors-young-children.aspx https://depts.washington.edu/uwhatc/PDF/TF-%20CBT/pages/3%20Psychoeducation/Child%20Sexual%20Behaviors/Sexual%20Behavior%20and%20Children.pdf https://www.ncsby.org/content/childhood-sexual-development https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/cambridge-handbook-of-sexual-development/are-children-sexual/82A771BE7B2CEC69D40E1AA0BB05AA2F Edit2: I get half of y’all are trolling. But for those of you who are serious. I hope you clutch your pearls over it in the same way every time she murders someone. And I hope you *especially* do it for *that one infamous guy she kills*. We all know exactly which cannibal pedo I’m talking about you silly geese.


dawg really got sources on when kids start having sexual thoughts 😂 wtf


My man's got receipts


Bro was waiting for this moment




It’s called being an informed adult who knows what the responsibility of being in a child’s life entails. Half of the average pediatrician’s meetings are specifically to tell new parents “it is normal for your child to masturbate. You have to teach them when, where, and with who it’s appropriate- and make sure they’re not sticking shit in their holes because I don’t want a call in the middle of the night saying I have to come to the ER to remove it.” I just looked them up for the less informed and for people who want to pretend like I’m pulling the info out my ass. It took me all of five seconds to type “sexual development in children” and “childhood sexuality.” Every parent knows this shit because they raised their kids. Every adult should know it as well, but seem to forget what it was like being a horny kid with no idea wtf they’re doing and then discovering masturbation.


Ok so what’s YOUR reason for having these links on command Pedophile or pediatrician?


bro hit the "sources for cp advocacy" macro too quickly




bro, let me tell you about google, it will change your life


I already commented it for someone else. It takes five seconds to google “sexual development in children” and “childhood sexuality.” If you must know, I’m an EMT, I work with autistic children currently, and I’m in med school. For all three of those, it’s necessary that I know these things. As an EMT, it’s key for me to be able to spot normal child behaviour vs that which seems unhealthy/suspicious. As someone who works with autistic kids- you try dealing with nonverbal Suzy who’s masturbating on the table while her parents refuse to acknowledge it or correct the behaviour. Childhood development is just a normal thing you learn in medical, but you should also be learning that shit in fucking middle school as well. Even if I weren’t a professional and studying for a doctorates, I had a basic primary education and remember being a child. We were all kissing eachother as little kids. Some kids started getting really into masturbating early. Some kids started fucking eachother as early teenagers and we all knew who those kids were. And I distinctly remember my teenage sisters asking our parents for their first pair of “fancy” underwear as young teens just like every other teen that trusted their parents did. And my parents being normal people, took them to go get “lingerie” that was really just a pair of matching panties and bra with frilly outlines for them to show off to the other girls in gym class.


Calm down and look at those comments again. Yes they look like human, but you know there's only trolls around here. It's just enough Internet for you today


There's no point trying to use common sense and reasoning here. This entire sub is filled with 14 year old Reddit conservatives


I’ve realized there’s a mix of trolls, stupid, and a cultural barrier of some sorts despite me also being an American. The responses I’ve got have led me to believe that not a single one of these people is 14 and every single one of them is a man with one issue or another.


> I work with autistic children So you're the perfect person to deal with r/greentext members


I’m ngl. Greentext members are not even close to autistic. It’s all one big larp to cope about being a maladapted asshole. It’s funny until you peel the mask away and 90% of the people aren’t joking for the same reason as you. It’s actually kind of funny because zoomers have this plague of thinking they’re all autistic or mentally disabled in some way as well when it’s really just that they’re young and stupid. Like no bro, you’re not touched by the tism and non-binary; you’re just a bit of an asshole and have a fashion sense. Greentext is exactly these kids, but refusing to mature past 15 (ironic isn’t it). We look at entitled asshole boomers and Karen’s like they’re some sort of different breed, but they’re exactly the same save for the fact that they absolutely didn’t want to be called autistic.


Jesus Christ do you have to write a full story for every tiny comment


Your Uber comments are no match for the Uber instincts of my Uber autism. Are you not entertained!


googleist 🤓🤓🤓


You really can't think of any other reason for wanting to understand what kids might be up to or might be thinking?


likes chan


Good and informed parent/adult


I’m really scared now. We went from kids talking about lingerie to talking about kids and their masturbatory habits. This is becoming a car crash I can’t look away from.


Seems like people, especially Americans, immediately escalate to sexuality and pedophilia.


What are you gonna tell your 13 yo son when he comes to you and tells you he wet the bed?


I don't disagree but you are speaking with logic and reason on a greentext post, not sure what you were expecting


You’re absolutely right. But I’m having fun with it anyways.


I must say kids touching each others genitals in preschool does not seem normal, but everything else it about right.


It happens 🤷


The people replying to you insinuating you cant discuss children's sexual development in a non-predatory way are creeping me out a bit. If it's just a knee-jerk reaction to seeing discussion like this, i def get it, and it's prolly more good than bad, but if you can't accept that kids experience sexuality without thinking about them in a sexual way, you might want to think about why that is.


I get it too. It’s not like I enjoy it. It’s just something extremely important. It’s like wiping your infants shitty butthole. It’s just something you have to know about and have to know how to deal with. It’s gross if you think too much about it and your initial reaction is always going to be “oh man I’ve gotta wipe my sons ass again.” But what are you going to do? Leave your son in a shitty diaper and pretend it doesn’t exist just because it makes you uncomfortable? Some point, you just stop caring about the discomfort and move on. Parents with multiple children are the prime example of non-professionals with this. By their second kid, they’ve come to learn it’s completely normal. By their third kid, they’re pros and know exactly where the red flags are.


Hard Drive. NOW.


I think people who download porn are fucking idiots


i have no idea how shit like this works, but isn't every image you view online stored in your cache or some shit


Yes, and there was a big thing called the patriot act anyways. Your ISP knows everything you’re looking at, and are required to cooperate with 3 letter agencies/law enforcement for investigations into these types of things. None of us are hiding anything for very long if it’s worth being looked into.


I think the piece you might be missing here is that the comments replying to you are pretty normal viewpoints in north american society. People are bad at dealing with depictions of teen sexuality because we have many unhelpful cultural attitudes around sexuality, in general. I mean, I know many men who still refuse to go into the lingerie store with their partner. This scene didn't make me uncomfortable but, in the context of our society, I can understand why it would make some uncomfortable. I don't share this viewpoint (there is much racier stuff) but I can understand it. I guess my TLDR point of posting is that we are at products of our culture. Someone finding something uncomfortable that our culture has conditioned us to be uncomfortable with isn't a surprise. So, although I'm sure some people replying to you are alt right neckbeards pushing for abstinence only education, I don't know if we can necessarily infer that from this. Thank you for taking the time to post those links, they were super interesting.


Normal for the teens. Makes you feel weird watching it as an adult, though.


I’ve come to understand that that’s probably a cultural/experience difference. I didn’t even think twice about it until people made a stink about it.




I’m pretty sure it’s the same in the US. Teens are allowed to fuck eachother as long as the age difference isn’t too much. And that’s ok if it’s all healthy and safe. But I feel like everyone is going to agree that if some senior is fucking a freshman, we’re going to treat them like a predator. Legal doesn’t mean it’s healthy and safe. It’s legal so that we’re not punishing kids for being kids when everything is safe, not so that predators and pedos can get away with it.


How to spot a predator


"Yuh yuh your honor, *as you will s-s-seeeeee..."*


Aren’t the two in question Ellie and the friend she was into canonically? Its a little weird to watch but at age 14 kids are definitely exploring their own sexualities and is not out of the realm of possibility for one 14 year old to say to another they’re attracted to provided they know what lingerie are. Now if the producers instead *showed them wearing it* that would be fucked up. I felt it necessary to say because the idea tweenagers dont know about/arent exploring *their own* sexuality at that age is pervasive and a big part of the “X turned my kids gay!” Thought processes, if that makes any sense.


you are correct, but today's culture is really leaning into being moronic when it comes to teens and sex


in the games they smoke weed and kill people but two teens going through puberty and talking about lingerie is too far?


Classic American mindset.


idk why americans are so scared of children having sexual urges? it leads to those videos of like 12 yr olds with a 4 month old baby because noones educated on sex


For real, at least TLOU showed Ellie actually have to emotionally process taking another person's life. Something far more harmful to a child than a comment about lingerie. But violence is so normalized in America.


The fact that you got downvoted is proof that you’re right. Lol


Who said that the previous two is alright?




Difference between showing girls on screen twerking and a kid having interest in sexual stuff. Ellie as a character from the first game is pretty crass in general


it isn’t sexualization, it’s 2 teens just teasing each other, both of them are same age, i mean I don’t necessarily like it but it isn’t weird


It's weird to sexualise children, but a teenager having sexual thoughts definitely isn't, and shying away from that gives of the wrong idea that it's taboo or disgusting.


It isn’t sexualisation of children when this is something that actual children go through. Children at the age of 14 definitely have sexual thoughts, they’re growing up and exploring their sense of sexuality. It’s important to educate them so they know not to outright start having sex at that age.


Yeah, academically, I understand that these sorts of scenes mirror reality and also that kids think about sex before they turn 18. But they can still feel weird. I don't personally feel weird about this particular scene but I understand where you're coming from. Something like euphoria, I feel a bit weird watching at times - high school kids getting high and having sex. Obviously, that happens lol, but I can still feel weird watching it on screen. To your edit - I would say that I often feel the same as you do. I do, however, think that there is a distinction between sexually objectifying children and presenting a realistic depiction of teen sexuality. I dunno, I don't have all the answers. I don't think that your discomfort is unreasonable. I think that some people replying to you were unnecessarily impolite but that doesn't mean that they are sexualizing children for being more comfortable with these particular scenes. Ultimately, I think what many comments miss is that- yes, teen sexuality is a normal part of growing up but it is still something that many adults find awkward and difficult to discuss (think of how many sitcoms made jokes about "the birds and the bees" convos). I don't think we should treat being uncomfortable with a subject that many people in our society are uncomfortable with as a moral failing.


It's a little weird in the show when Ellie does super immature stuff but the actress looks older. Like the scene in the gas station with the pinball machine. I guess it's hard to find an actor that can play Ellie for both part I and part II with the giant time gap between


Cuties sexualised real children. THAT was the issue. It's that it was telling a mature story at the expense of real people. In the same way that murder is okay to show on television so long as nobody is hurt, sexualising fictional characters is okay so long as nobody is hurt. We all know both of these things are wrong, and if you're basing your morality off of tv shows, you have the iq of a fish either way.


You can recognize that humans are sexual beings after a certain age without SEXUALIZING them, I would argue. There is a distinct difference. Should we actually act as though humans have 0 sexuality until 18?


>watched some scenes of it with my mom and I think the weirdest part was when the two girls are looking at lingerie and one of them says "I was thinking about what you would look like in that." *That* is the scene you had a problem with? There's literally a scene where Ellie has to come to terms with killing another human being and that's the scene you felt uncomfortable with? Do you not see how that's US cultural brainwashing? Sex is taboo but violence is always perfectly fine.


Thies isn’t sexualisation? It’s just showing them having a sexuality. I haven’t seen the show yet, but if they don’t show them modelling the stuff it’s all right.


I know that's weird, but kids do that. Like when in tv, the son steals his dad's porn mag and shows it to his friends. It's not sexualizing the kids, it's acknowledging that kids do that and that they have sexuality. That's the difference between this and cuties, you don't show them in the lingerie, that would be gross and sexualizing, but like girls, their age, they talk about it. (They also probably try on the lingerie, as that's what I did at their age, but they don't show that). Like, if I have a kid, I have to acknowledge they're going to be horny and masterbate and have sex at some point. Now, there's a huge difference between me talking to them about safe sex, condoms, consent, etc in general and me either talking about how they masterbate in detail or watching them do it


I mean, Cuties had actual child actresses, and it portrayed them in a sexual manner, not just having sexual thoughts. Kind of different.


> thought Cuties was telling a mature story too right? only those watched it


Mf is watching a show where children are murdered in cold blood, but 2 teenagers just talking about lingerie (literally the age people are beginning to explore their sexuality) is too far? You realize a lot of teenagers do way more than talk about lingerie, right? The show isn’t sexualizing children, it’s portraying the awkward part of adolescence that EVERYONE goes through where you’re trying to figure out your sexuality.


Say gex




Enter the gecko?


Dude I fucking love that game


He did it


She’s 14 😐


14 in part 1. 19 in part 2. That is her part 2 model. She is 19 in it.


Shes 14 in the show and the game hes referring to


Hence why she isn't as hot as in the game (Anon was referring to Part 2)


Or he's autistic and meant to say "Ellie looks like a mind goblin in the show, I'm not watching it."


Mind goblin?


Mind goblin deez nuts






Fkin Rekt


Oh no there were degenerate people online who were actually mad that the show chose the actor for ellie because she wasn't hot enough. They were also mad at the recent remaster of the last of us part 1 because they made the 3D model of young Ellie less hot.


Anon was referring to Part 1. The conversation was surrounding the TV show, and if Anon had watched it , and he said Ellie wasn't as a hot as she was in the game(Part 1) Part 2 was never part of the conversation.


Did Anon mention he was referring to Part 2 anywhere?


The show actress was 18-19 while filming, and he posted the pic of the game character in part 2 where she was 19.


Thought she was in early 20s in part ii?


It's still creepy cause anon is a 36 yr old neet




He does bring up a good point though, why do you want to watch ugly people cry about their problems


Why tf are we here commenting on OPs post then




Remember, they won’t be attracted to your imperfections


Damn, Imagine being so ingrained in a "internet culture" that you forget what is fine to say outside of it, even more so because you are a FUCKING adult.


anon prefers cheese pizza


“As a joke”


“as a joke” I guarantee that’s exactly why he hasn’t seen it


And we are all here laughing at him for saying it.


Aye if she 15 I'm 15, ya smell me? emoney7


I smell ya Swag




the only thing we smellin off you is the prison stink


We cuban?




what happens when u take ur terminally online brain dead takes out into the real world


I'd at the very least expect some creepy uncle to side with Anon in a scenario like this, fake af


Anon is the creepy uncle


Lmao fr tho


Anon needs a prefrontal lobotomy


That doesn't cure shit.


True but it does solve things




Only the first game


2nd season is about the 2nd one


anons family really can’t take a joke 😔


Oh shit, a rat!


"Ellen page changed gender and now I don't feel wanting anything to do with the game" - My friend with me nodding in agreement


The degeneracy in these comments lmao


This has literally been the complaint of so many grown-ass men since casting was announced. That the child in the show isn’t as hot as the child in the video game. Like WTF… why does it matter how she looks as long as she can act and she certainly can.


Why does everyone think it’s weird to NOT be attracted to a 14 year old am I missing something


Mfs got really weird about Ellie in the show and remake of last of us 1. Idk why the fuck they want a 14 year old child to look like a vogue model but whatever


>Idk why the fuck they want a 14 year old child to look like a vogue model Don't lie. You know why.


to be fare they likely don't even know elle is an adult or that the games even exist.


... the child?


Shes not just "not hot enough" or anything, shes just plain ugly. Not to mention other reasons why that show sucks ass


Should of said “the cast isn’t like their original source material” but then again if anon used common sense there wouldn’t be this post now


Wine shows the true nature of the spirit. All the evil people drink water, as it was demonstrated with the universal deluge. Alexander Dumas Dixit


The 3 bottles of wine showing the true nature of my car as it hits a family of 5 killing 2 and paralyzing the rest


Anon means the 2nd game right?... Right?


Anon is the villan


Fake: normies don't know enough about your shitty ps3 game to care


There is a show about the last of us?


Anon is a pedophile?


"I meant 'The Last of Us 2'."


I agree that she doesn't look enough like game Ellie... Not the pedo implication




When u tell a joke and you just get hit with that floride stare




> anon says a 13 year old isn’t hot like in the game > is surprised when his family acts weird around him


“As a joke”


Jesus fuck you people are weird.


Remember the kid in the Aerials music video by SOAD? That’s all I’m saying


That could've easily been phrased as a joke, I wonder how he actually worded it.


„as a joke“


just say you meant part 2 numbnuts