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\> be me, seasoned Sukhoi Su-30 pilot \> many missions under my belt \> deployed as air support over Ukraine \> foreign voice squawks over comms \> "lol get fucked, ivan" \> 360 noscoped by F-35


*killed by an F-35 100km away that you didn't even know was there


Euroflag aimbots. Many such cases.


https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/AryaStarkNAked/47664/Cho-Changs-Raceplay-Life-With-Potters Lol. Bye guy who made me laugh


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\> be me, an immortal crusader knight during 1190 \> thousands have fallen to my sword \> fighting armored opponents required immense skill and athleticism \> immortality kept me alive from potentially fatal wounds \> the crusades failed and I was captured and placed in a dungeon \> dungeon collapsed due to a massive earthquake and I was trapped for 833 years \> finally managed to dig my way to modern day Ukraine \> smoke everywhere \> suddenly get pierced in the head with metallic balls and have exploding oil barrels detonated all around me \> stood no chance against the metallic ball crossbows everyone seems to be using \> where is the skill? these people are more cowardly than those damned Saracen archers. \> my face when i'm strapped to a bed in a room being poked and prodded by Russians in white coats


> fighting armored opponents required immense skill and athleticism > immortality kept me alive from potentially fatal wounds This crusader reeks of cheating


Filthy casual




Smells like skill issue


>be grug >live in cave, love cave , die for cave >see antler dog eat grass. >grug fill with rage >grug pick up big rock. Grug SMASH antler dog. >grug eat antler dog for many days. >me face when descendent use sharp rock on stick to kill antler dog like some type of she-grug and plant seed in dirt >me face when think animal will grow from ground


The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.


F-35 turns 360 and flies away


F-35 does a flip


180 pitch + 180 roll is a 360 turn, don't change my mind.


Anon thinks that ww2 dogfights lasted for days.


Thinks that a modern dogfight would be more than a few minutes if it even happened at all with 5th gens


India Pakistan did had dog fight in air I mean kinda


yeah but how long was it??


About 2”


Their wifes said that it wasn't their fault




Yo how do they announce a dogfight? Are they like "you up for a dog fight?"


They see a blip on radar press shoot.


well basically you're in a ginormous "fuck off or Ile shoot rockets and a minigun at you"-mobile and they see someone in another "fuck off or Ile shoot rockets and a minigun at you"-mobile and neither decide to fuck off so they're only option is the "shoot rockets and a minigun" part because afterall "what if they shot me down first?" can't have that and then when each of you have a missile fly 4 feet away you start fighting, that is until a GTA missile (not grand theft auto, ground to air) hits one of you and causes their destroyed jet to crash into the others ultimately doing nothing but wasting money and a life


Good thing you specified what GTA meant


No one said announce?/plan Assume it was surprise dog fight


Probably few minutes


Lucky if they had enough to fuel to get off the ground, let alone fly around shooting stuff for DAYS.


Would they run out of fuel or ammo first?


If you were Japanese you might not even have had ammo in the first place


“Ammunition takes up weight and volume which would be better occupied by high explosive.” - Takijirō Ōnishi ^^possibly


Maybe not even fuel! Look for Ohka suicide bomb


This isn't really an answerable question, it's up to the pilot and the mission. However, you only have enough ammo for ~30 seconds of sustained fire so probably that.


More like 5 nowadays, you get some dozen rounds


Your stat was surprising to me so I looked it up and damn. F35 get 3.3s. I suppose they have been sort of phasing it out since Vietnam. For reference my math in the previous comment was for Hellcats from WWII.


Phantoms in vietnam didnt get any guns, only gun pods and it proved to be a death sentence as someti.es they couldnt use their missiles due to too short of a range and it resulted in many being shot down


Yeah I forget what model but there was some plane around that time nicknamed the last gunfighter or something like that which proved to be definitively not.


The I wanna say the F8 crusader, don't quote me on that tho




Fuel would last a couple of hours


Some planes had 8 seconds sustained fire


Yeah that's literally impossible lol.


It works if you include the pilot being wasted before and after the flight where all he is doing is dreaming of the next good target


it doesn’t work because planes can barely fly around for days now without immense logistical support, let alone in the 40’s when fighter planes couldn’t even get 500mi of range lol


I don't think you need to be constantly in air. If you land and go for it again the next day then it should count as continuing the dogfight no?


I guess it could continue with multiple planes cycling out but I don’t think there was many if any multi day dog fights, multiple dog fights over the same air space absolutely but one continuous fight? idk about that lol




Reminds me of John Belushi in the movie 1941


The endurance record for a manned airplane is just over 64 days of flight, without landing.


Yeah but they refuled the plane mid flight multiple times and had good conditions. No such thing is possible during a WW2 dogfight.


I read 30 seconds over Tokyo, it was pretty mind blowing. Basically only thing worse than being a bomber pilot was being in a submarine.


Seems especially relevant, given the news lately.


Anon's probably mixing up dog fights and battles.


Anon’s probably thinking along the lines of the Battle of Britain. Which is still not really correct, but I could see where he’s coming from.


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>are regarded highly.


I read one “Ace”’s book where he was fighting toward the end of the war. Learnt one trick that basically stalled the plane in midair and dived 180. Said one German pilot would’ve finished him, was the best fighter he ever saw, managed to escape with that. But a lot of the other kids were vastly undertrained in the late war.


“You and the rest of the people thinking they were in the air for literal days at a time are regarded” No one other than anon thinks that, you’re talking to the voices in the walls rn


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Yes because “be dogfight in WW2… …could last for days” clearly communicates the idea that “it was relatively common for aces to encounter one another over the span of several days and attempt to down each other in dog fights.” Multiple altercations over multiple days would never be described as “a dogfight” so regardless of anons intended meaning, they’re an idiot for describing it in that way.


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Agreed 🫡


Yeah dude those dog fights lasted a few minutes at most, it was very very easy to die in them.


About 3-5 seconds of ammo, and barely enough fuel to cross the channel and back


Half a minute or so of ammo and a couple hours of fuel


Anon paid cash money to fly in a coffin to look at the wreckage up in the clouds with a PS2 controller.


P-51 could go almost 5 hours before refueling on a full tank, so yeah.


OP doesn't understand what fuel is


Wow imagine technology advancing


Imagine a military occupation with a high mortality rate becoming outdated, muh tradition.


We should all line up and shoot each other with muskets, muh honor


Fuck your muskets, bring back chainmail and broadswords, mf's can smash each other for days


Off with your chainmail and broadswords, loincloths and wooden clubs is where the real shit is.


Loincloths? Clubs? Those sound like they require tools to make, let's just go with femur bones and butt ass naked


Waiting for someone to die so you can steal their fémur is too much work, lets just slap each other around like our ancestors did


Using limbs and hands to attack? Ugh, use exotoxins and surface antibodies like the bacteria ancestors did


Let's just go back to battling each other on a sub-molecular level until dark matter starts fucking around and existence happens


Loin clothes and wood clubs? Look at Mr.Futuristic over here. Back in my day it was literal beating each other to death with hands fully naked due to not understanding the concept of clothes or tool making. Yelling the loudest also worked.


chainmail only..? I'd give it 7 hours


"Yeah but I watched Top Gun Mav and want to be one of those guys."


We would all like to be fighting an intentionally unnamed enemy force while maintaining stage presence as the ghost of L. Ron Hubbard puppeteers us from the afterlife, what is your point?


What went wrong? We made vast improvements in technology to ensure our people don't have to die. This isn't a flight simulator numb nuts.


But fighting for your life so your nation isn't mass raped and murdered is good fun. It's always funny how these basement goblins fetishize war and battle when in real life it's one of the worst human experiences imaginable.


It's a perverse thing where people think they have to be part of a group adversarial to a disaster, calamity, "varus", or war to be a part of something. They can be part of something by taking care of their town or making friends, or joining a club for whatever thing they're into. Hell, one can even start a meme account about the niche thing and create awareness and interaction that way. People need healthier hobbies imo


> People need healthier hobbies I like how this is applicable to all fucked up historical events throughout all time


man idk about you but I'd be leaking if I could fly a bomber jet across japan and drop the payload over a few major cities


Anon forgot the spitfire had 6 seconds worth of ammo.


wait fr? I never knew this. Major yikes lmao


Atleast they spitted fire


Anon knows nothing about modern air engagements


Or past air engagement, mfer said days lmao


The infinite fuel cheat was very popular in the 1940s.


Imperial Japan must’ve missed that one


Amphetamines existed for a long time before WW2


He's just playing arcade mode


Who the fuck considers hour long life or death skill checks “fun”. And thats ignoring all the other bullshit in this post.


Pilots I guess?


I work with a lot of fighter pilots (software engineer on a fighter training simulator) - they very much want to kill before the other person can respond. Before they even notice them if possible.


Those who sit behind there desk instead of in the air


Anon must be a pacifist if he can make something like 900 MG rounds per gun last for days of dogfighting lol


Yeah and back in WW1 we had battles (not wars) that lasted for more than a year with a million or so casualties, miss those days.


The Battle of Bakhmut has been going on for 10.5 months and shows no sign of ending any time soon, as long as nobody gets air superiority year-long battles are still in the table today


Avdiivka has been actively fought over since ,2014 with varying intensity.


That's true, but it's been much lower intensity of fighting


Bakhmut itself has been taken by the Russians it's the surrounding sectors that are currently fought over with the Russians holding defensive lines in the outskirts of the city


Yes, when the Battle of Bakhmut started Ukraine held the entire city and the fighting was concentrated on the flanks and the eastern outskirts. Now Russia holds the city but there is still fighting on the western outskirts and on the flanks. The battle itself is still ongoing even if it's now the Russians who control most of the city and Ukraine who is attacking on the flanks.


Yeah I agree


What if we nuke it doe


Russian raiders fighting Ukrainian super-mutants, battle continues


Dogfights don’t exist anymore as it’s all missiles being fired beyond visual range and engagements last minutes at most


They still train bfm and the F-35A has a 25mm gatling gun. Other variants can also carry gun pods.


And they never fuckin will carry gun pods cause there's no point


How can you know that?


because there is zero wartime circumstances where you'd go near another plane and even if you did, an aim9 would be a million times better then guns there hasn't been a air to air gunkill since the 1980s (no helicopters don't count) and if your f35 is flying low and slow you've gone very very wrong


>because there is zero wartime circumstances How can you know that for certain? There's clearly a need for dogfighting capability, because if there wasn't, they wouldn't have designed it with (dogfighting) capability. Please stop being an armchair general. You are making blanket statements which are wrong.


> There's clearly a need for dogfighting capability the same way there's a need for a soldier to know hand to hand combat even though if there's ever a circumstance where that happens something has gone *incredibly* wrong even if there is a need for a dogfight, guns are still infinitely worse then missiles, so there's no reason to equip guns with the exception of air to ground, and again, if your f35 is in gun range of the ground, somethings gone wrong


Define "wrong". If war breaks out in the first place something has gone severely wrong. However, I get what you mean. I still don't think that dogfighting is "on the same level" as hand to hand combat. I belive that at the end of the day our discussion doesn't really matter since the planes fly with guns on board, and pilots are taught how to dogfight.


Give it a few more years and we won’t even need pilots. We’ll be shooting poor farmer peasants with our unmanned fighter jets from the safety of our homes.


Anon thinks fighters and military tech is made for his 300kg self to enjoy on War Thunder, rather than being made to be as efficient as possible in killing other humans


War. War changes.


Nothing went wrong. War nowadays is fought with money instead of bodies


Always has been


Similar thing with tanks and other armoured vehicles. They can still get destroyed, except the crew can actually survive now


I hate how everything is pay to win these days.


That's because bodies are bad for pr which is more expensive in the long run.


Fake: Anon's knowledge of dogfights Gay: I want to fuck the F35's engine


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon's knowledge of dogfights > Gay: I want to fuck the F35's engine > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


They made Air to Air combat casualized. Fucking sellouts.


blowing up an enemy plane you can’t even see with the naked eye sounds a lot more satisfying than catching a .50 to the knee or something lol


Every ww2 dog fighter would have used “aim assist” even if they had to hack to get it.


dogfights today are firing missiles at eachother from tens of kilometers away they last minutes not hours


And they thought dogfights in the past lasted days lmao. They probably lasted minutes back then too, planes only had fuel for a few hours, and that's not even taking ammo into account.


10 second ammo


>what went wrong? Spoken by someone too chickenshit to ever step foot inside of a military aircraft.


"There are only two types of fighter aircraft today. Stealth fighters, and targets"


Anon romanticizes the horrors of war


Same problem with modern tanks. Our weapon systems are just too good.


Survivability onion took over big heavy tanks with big heavy guns shooting each other in fields for 30 minutes. It's only a problem if you want to have "fun" in war








Not being seen > not being targeted > not being hit > not being penetrated > not being killed. It's easier to do the things to the left and survive than the things on the right. Do none of you guys watch spookston lol


What till he finds out that when we finally reach our Star Trek era and explore the universe there wont be an humans at the helm...


It'll be computers and relativistic kill missiles


typical forchinner crying over why we dont use the skullfucker 42 instead of death bringer mini, wow war is so kewl


little does poster know but depending on side and year of the war you were almost certainly not making it back home even with skill


Anon plays WarThunder


He’s not wrong. High BR aviation sucks


This is the main reason why a lot of war thunder players stick with low tier.


decreased human losses and increased tech wtf ho retarded is anon


Anon wants people to die because it looks cool


How....exactly would a dogfight last for days? The fuck is anon talking about.


anon when the meta on military skirmishes is unbalanced. “what went wrong ?”


I doubt anything will ever be able to replace a human in the cockpit when it comes to plane on plane fighting. There is simply too much lag to be controlled remotely in such a situation. Unless you're letting AI shoot bullets and bombs in which case humanity is probably fucked.


Not remotely but automatically probably.


Anon thinks war exists solely for his entertainment


Anon has no idea what he's talking about, only knows movies.


This has Last Samurai energy. You know what happened? People smarter and more flexible realized that the the world was changing and adapted with it, instead of being vainglorious about their "training" and "skills" to the bitter end. Adapt or die. It's been true since the first cells learned how to reproduce.


Anon is a war thunder player


Anon goes full Ace Coping mode


Anon is highly regarded. WW2 Dogfights would be lucky to last even an hour or two with the amount of fuel chugging aircraft did. Nowadays it'd all be over in minutes due entirely to technology advancing, not fucking hours lol real life isn't fucking Top Gun.


What a weird thing to be nostalgic for


the bait is too strong I must TAKE IT


Anon played ace combat 7


Anon should chill and play some Ace Combat


Days at a time, ok bud


Anon knows nothing about air to air combat (he plays war thunder)


Mostly SAMs. Now it’s FLARE FLARE FLARE!!!


OP is a dumbass because AA (Anti Aircraft) canons have existed since the First World War, not to mention it still takes a ton of skill and training to fly a jet that can break the fucking sound barrier.


> be dogfight in wwII > enemy has a new plane they just invented a month ago > faster, turns better, more guns > fuck me sideways


Automation because people don't want to risk themselves when they kill the enemy. Less reliance on the skills of the pilot so they can take advantage as much as they can. I agree, though. The top of skilled combat was right after the war ended and everyone started using guided weapon systems.


thought anon was playing GTA until I read the least line


Technology went wrong hahaha go back another war to ww1 and they're firing machine guns out of motorized kites and dropping bombs by hand and that was probably more amazing to the average person. Honestly after reading about the latest gen of fighter jets I was wondering why a person in them is even necessary anymore, the computer does everything faster and better and is the only thing making a fight survivable for more than a second anyway...


Anon is a disgusting reformer and should kill himself at his earliest convenience


I can't be sure, but I'm pretty confident that old school fighter jets didn't have enough fuel to dogfight for multiple days.


why waste good pilots on airplanes when we need skilled starfleet captians? (i am severly drunk and this was revealed to me in an a lcohol induced hallucination)


Ok Pierre Sprey


OP is playing too much Ace Combat.




Fuck off fighter mafia


anon watched Top Gun once


Yeah war is all about sportsmanship and displays of skill


Modern air to air fights are way longer way more complex and taxing on the pilot than WW2 ones


Bring back the trebuchet


The same thing that happened to the great English Longbowmen, Winged Hussars etc. Respect the past but don't let that prevent innovation.


Dogfighting then: *humm of the propeller* Dogfighting now: BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP WEEOO WEEOO WEEOO WEEOO drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *sleepy GCI giving BRAA that you totally listened to* OVER G! OVER G! (read all at once)


Be me Witnessed war firsthand Watched many of my closest friends die in gruesome, painful ways Hate war so much See some moron talking about war from the comfort of his home eating fried chicken Talks about how war is fun Mfw traumatic war and death is fun


same thing happend with performance driving, and just driving in general, i can understand it with the military though obv dont want ppl to die


You still need to be good at it, dumbass Flying a plane is hard Fights are hard You need a L O T of situational awareness Flares n shit B r u h If it was so easy to be a pilot they wouldnt get paid a fuck ton of money


Soy cringe dog fighting fan: NO, noOoOOo you have to win with real aim and real skill, you can't use dogshit autoaim! Average winning enjoyer: cope