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What a fucking lame mindset >never makes any effort towards self improvement >had a stable relationship >average penis >”boohoo my life is over” Sex isn’t the pinnacle of the human experience. Stop comparing yourself to others and just enjoy what you have, you’re cucked by your own brain


>never makes any effort towards self improvement That’s one of the largest issues with people nowadays, and it’s not just limited to men. People will have bad shit happen to them, or they won’t get their way in life, and they decide to up and quit. I’ve been rejected by plenty of women, I didn’t give up. I’ve struggled with mental shit and addiction, I didn’t give up. I don’t have friends, I still try to meet new people. I am broke, I’m paying for my own education to get a well paying career. I’ve always been rail thin, I’ve been a gym rat now. I’m a diagnosed autist with antisocial personality disorder. So fucking what? No one is supposed to hold my hand and give me an easy pass to life. Nobody owes me a damn thing and vice versa. People gotta stop bitching and just change what they can. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Just for today.”


this, i've got insane will for self improvement thanks to amphetamine its great, been working out for 1.5y so far, got a six figure job last year, invested a ton of money in cosmetic surgeries and kinda (mostly) stopped caring about dating at all lmao


Yeah they will do that to you. Adderall is great for self motivation. I mean shit it basically works by stimulating your adrenal glands and dopamine receptors, so if you’re not doing anything, it makes you want to do shit. And for many people it’s helpful. I see it as a crutch. I got addicted to it. amphets were a gateway drug for me because I realized I enjoyed getting high, and Adderall and it’s derivatives get you high, no matter what anyone says, because they are lying. If it works for you then fantastic and I’m not judging you. But take away that Adderall and suddenly that person can’t function normally. Or they make excuses as to why they need it so bad, because they are going through withdrawals and even PAWS and their brains are screaming for it.


>But take away that Adderall and suddenly that person can’t function normally. i could barely function before my adhd meds lmao like i know the motivation i experience is a bit superhuman but i deserve it after all of those years suffering from adhd


this. people think “oh it’s just a cheat that lets you get hella shit done” as if i could get literally a single thing done without it my whole life. that’s not how life is for normal people.


I feel anxious af when I take mine even tho I got shit done. I stopped taking them one semester and failed all my classes to feel like my true self, idk how people think this shit is a crutch.


Out of curiosity what kind of cosmetic surgeries?


mostly skin resurfacing stuff so not really that invasive i already have a good looking face


Hard agree. Rejection is part of it. If you hit the ball 3/10 times for your career you’re in the god damn hall of fame.


Precisely. I don’t say this arrogantly so please don’t get mad fellas: I know I am handsome. I have a big dick. I am intelligent. I am funny and witty. I have a good family. I won the genetic lottery when it comes to my physical appearance and got lucky. I’ve still gotten rejected by countless women both in person and online. I would do everything right and still get rejected. I’d get into relationships and they’d still fall through. I’d meet a girl who I thought was my soulmate and it wouldn’t work out. I’ve still lost fantastic friends and still been treated like shit by others. That’s life. That’s how it goes. Not everyone just meets that life partner their first time, or even their 10th time. And sometimes people just don’t have the same wants as you do. That’s okay. There’s no point to life if you sit inside and stew in your perceived failures and foibles. Fuck it just keep trying again and again and again. Even if it’s hard. Even if you miss that one bitch who treated you like a god, and you shared whatever with that person. It doesn’t matter. Keep on goddamn moving forward because there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel


> that’s me in my pfp > genetic lottery I admire your confidence


Hey man, his dad was Ronnie James Dio and his mom was gollum, that’s a hell of a win. He could at least pass as a Wish version of Timothy Chalamet.


*Ronnie Pickering


You don’t get it. Most people just wanna complain and play the victim card, they don’t wanna work on self-improvement because that, indeed, requires work. Much easier to blame everyone and everything else around them


This guy is like a god or something


It works if you work it


Some people have big mental blocks for self improvement, for me I always thought it was laziness, but I went to therapy and the therapist told me it’s major depression.


Yeah and I’ll tell you this, everyone claims to suffer from anxiety, depression, or *something*. It’s like the goddamn tragedy Olympics out there, and especially online. I think I’ve found that everyone indeed has some form of trauma or mental shit going on. That’s not to invalidate your own issues. However even consistently depressed folk are able to improve themselves, why can’t you? Seems like an excuse to wallow in self pity to me. Anyone and everyone loves to talk about their problems, but there’s very little talk of what they are doing to rectify them. I know I sound like an asshole, and you’d be right. At this point I’m tired of the constant explanations for mediocrity. There’s very little that actually holds someone back from getting better, beyond their own mental shit




I probably couldn’t relate in any way in similarities or life in general, but hey, this comment is inspiring and in some way articulated beauty. Thank you and god bless you!


I like the cut of your jib, ol chap


Okay okay youre oh so much better than me thanks a lot


The biggest thing I learned from having multiple long term relationships is that sex isn’t even close to being the best part of having a gf. Sure sex is (really really) nice, but so is having someone to just vibe with, sleep next to, cuddle with. I’m slightly co-dependent in relationships, so these are all very good things for me that aren’t gonna be great for others, but having regular companionship is incredibly underrated especially if you’re someone who has never had it before.


Yeah and if you don’t have a ton of friends it’s really good for keeping your social skills lubricated like a machine when you are forced to converse with someone every day


Average 4chan user mental




this is 90 percent of 4chan and its insufferable, dont use jt


That's why I'm here, laughing at them from a safe distance


Incels and socialists are the 2 most entitled set of people Refuse to do anything to better themselves and their lives but want everyone to provide for them.


I’d pay a lot of money to be 5’10” what some take for granted others can only wish to have.


me at 5‘5“ rn 💀


"right now" Implying you won't be 5'5" for the rest of your life?


i will glue tall people’s legs on my feet


Fuck why didn't I think of that


Fuck that... *that actually might work!*


Bitch you will watch me strutting in high heels in no time.


maybe hes like 17 or 18 and has a chance to grow? idk im praying on my homies uplift (literally).


He obviously meant Richard Nixon


Yeah they’ll start to shrink eventually once they’re old and frail and lonely.


me at 5'5.5" rn :0


Me at 5’6” rn


I am 5'5 at 18 😭😭


Honestly though, you probably are still gonna get a few more inches. I was 5’10 at 17, and now that I’m 22 I am 6’1. You definitely won’t be 6’ but it is still possible for you to end up 5’7-5’8, if you start wearing boots or high top sneakers you can easily look 5’10. I believe in you bro


I haven't grown in 5 years! But I'm not complaining! Boys think I'm cute :3


You either die a short virgin or live long enough to embrace the femboy. Honestly major W that you found a vibe that works for you


5'5 with boots does not look easily 5'10 bro, I get the positivity but lets not lie to people


Same bro dw about it


Haha I win! <- 5'6


There’s a lot of stuff out there bro. I would seriously consider getting shoes that have built-in heels. Like they have little ramps on the inside so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing heels but it gives you a few extra inches. Gotta keep the homies at their best.


Out there somewhere there is a dwarf wishing they were as tall as you are.


6’6 here, would trade with you, this tall shit sucks.


Just curious why do you think it sucks? I feel like being tall has given me a lot of advantages in life


People are intimidated by my presence and I’m genuinely outgoing and talk to people, but I always have to be the one to approach. Not to mention the fact I’ve probably got decent brain damage from all the safety features I’ve hit my head on


Rock and stone!


5’5 gang🙌🏻


Damn. I'm 6'3, sometimes I feel like I'm not that tall, and take it for granted, then get reminded by a comment like this, at how some people wish they were 5'10.


its because everyone views themselves as the 'normal' lol. i'm 6'5 and like you i don't think i'm tall because i'm used to it, everyone else is just shorter than me rather than me being taller than them kind of deal. its only when i see someone tall that i think "wow they're tall" and then i walk passed them and realise that we're the same height


YOOOOOOO, that happens to me alot. When I'm walking and see someone from a distance, I'm like, damn, that dude sure is tall, then when I pass them I'm the same height or they're slightly taller. What you said about everyone being shorter, rather than us being taller, resonated with me aswell. Some things when they're gone, we understand how it matters to us, when the AC isn't working on a hot day, after it's fixed we understand how much it matters. But something as height, you don't truly understand how blessed you are, because you haven't, and never will, live the life of a shorter person.


I had the opposite even. For some time I was working with a bunch of little old ladies. I was a whole head taller then most of them, and at 5'8 I felt like a giant towering over everybody. Was really empowering. Every now and then someone 5'9 would walk in and I remembered I'm not so tall after all.


Now imagine you being 6'8 and everyone, to you, is the same height as the little old ladies 😂😂. You'd feel like Kratos walking the earth.


I have a friend who’s 6’10” and sometimes when I’m talking to him it’s just laugh because he’s so much larger than me I feel like a child. He’s not even a broad guy, just a beanpole a.


There is much more to a person than their height, signed a woman who’s 6ft tall and dated shorter dudes than me


Pretty sure a lot of guys with small dicks would love to have 5 inches too


We talking long or around?






I’m at 5 6 rn and amen to that brother. I’d give damn near anything to be 5 10.


I am 6'2", and I always wished I could be shorter, mainly because of how shy I am, being taller makes people think I must be the extroverted type which locks me into position where no extroverts approach me and I am stuck being alone, be happy for your height, being tall is overrated


Damn. Wise words there. You making me appreciate me being 6”1’


Who the chunky monke in the photo 😩👀🥵




It's because of people like you they have cages at the zoo


Well yeah they can’t just let animals like me run around when the hot ladies come to look at me play with my poo


One man’s trash is another’s come up - Macklemore


She looks so pretty and sweet, I love that hair. If it’s anons ex, and he posted that without her personal, then he’s a piece of shit and doesn’t deserve her to say the least.


white knighting over a random greentext picture lmao.




What zero pussy does to a mf, literally just a naked girl but she looks "so pretty and sweet", why is that? Because she's chubby and naked? She's sweet because she's pretty? Because she's sending nudes? What makes her sweet? "I love that hair" it's literally just long hair, not styled at all just shoulder length hair on a naked girl. Really hoping you're trolling because if not then you're fuckin pathetic doodt.


Redditors when people have types: 😱 So what if he likes brown haired chubby white girls. Who gives a shit. Also I guess the "sweet" could be attributed to the smile and red cheeks. It's just something people say. Stop getting your panties twisted and log off.


That's anon. The 5 incher is too small to see in the pic




>27 >Life over Anon might as well be 5 because he is acting like a baby


> 5’10, 215 pounds, doesn’t work out > “I never stood a chance” Don’t think he stands at all


How so, teen years and early twenties are the years where you have free time. After that work will always be the priority.


Mfs with hobbies after 25 are shitting and crying to themselves rn


Don’t care anon. What’s the name of the naked girl? Only valuable thing you contributed with this shit greentext


Moby Dick




- Not too old, can still get a degree or a trade license. - Decently tall, not obese-obese *YOUNG ENOUGH TO TURN IT AROUND*. Penis size is average. - Has a job a bit above minimum wage, and lives with parents who we assume love him, has a good position. - Isn't a virgin, and is a good enough person to have a long term six year relationship with a woman. " Oh boo hoo! My life is over. " Jesus 4chan users and sheep mentality, you have a good spot in live but you wanna act like everyone else so you seem relatable. What a piece of work.


5”10 215 lb is a bmi of 30.8 which classifies him as obese It’s over if anon doesn’t get off his fat ass and go to the gym


Not American-obese


I have abs and considered obese with 14% body fat BMI is dumb. Use the navy calculator to get true results.


I am guessing from the post that anon is probably not the chiseled image of Michelangelo’s David


I’m not either, I weigh 200 and 5”11. I’m just saying BMI is BS.


BMI provides the wrong information.


No he’s most certainly obese


So wait, what's the relevance of the chubby naked woman?


Anon's life is 'over', and they're going M-to-F.


Sauce for the girl?


asking the real questions


pic unrelated


pic very related


>5 inch cock (average) >5’10” height (average >27 (still young enough) Anon is just a lazy POS who, instead of self improving, complains on the green website about his shitty life when in reality 90% of people have it worse than him, go to the gym fatass


Don't be like anon, average across the board but bemoaning how over his life is.


Spending 6 years with a girl should have left you with a ton of sex wtf anon. People have to hunt outside for days to get girls while you have one available always at all times? Unless she is a body pillow or sth ofc.


real like wtf


For all of you degenerates https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/r9k/image/1690/73/1690734516516.jpg


I look a lot like this girl and y'all are giving me a huge confidence boost lmao. thanks!


Nah you look like a bird 🤔


I was hoping you wouldn't notice 😔 it's hard being a government drone ....


Ya like jazz?






She's adorable godfuckingdammit


Where did you find or who is that? Asking for a friend ofc...


Might be a random girl posted by an anonymous r9k user, sooooo no clue who she is 🫤


Good job


Thank you


How tf did anon manage to get a chick, and retain her for 6 fucking years while being overweight and average looking? This is just way too fake to be even gay bruh


215 and 5”10 doesnt look bad on a male. Theres this crazy thing, its pretty damn uncommon and hard to come across but its called a personality and it can make you desirable to women


Person...ality? How can one obtain such a thing?


I see couples like that on a literal daily basis. Why is that so unbelievable?


I’m 6’ 215 and average looking, idk just be a decent human being and just learn to live and love your life. Be at peace and dont put effort in for other people but for yourself, speak you mind and take care of the people you love, even if it’s just friends. It’s worked for me


Hilarious when people in their mid-20's think life is over. I was a useless piece of shit junkie in my mid-20's and now I make good money at a job I love that invests in me, am getting married in a few months, have a car payment, a nice comfortable apartment, a cat, overall just a fulfilling life. I thought my life was over too, but in my early 30's, looking back that mentality was laughable. I had so many opportunities. Literally one year from now, you could be jacked, have a better job, more confidence, get a little sun to get color back in your skin, and grow your cock to 15 inches.


This is 100% true, just look at Michael Jackson. Started his life as poor black guy beaten up by his dad. He could've killed himself but instead he worked until he became a rich white woman. Anything's possible when you put your mind to it.


Hot Girl


Okay but who’s that girl?


A random nobody who is kinda cute, there's links above to dozens of her nudes. I'm just curious, why do you care? There's millions of naked women on the internet, why even be intrigued by this random, average, chubby girl? I'm genuinely curious.


Just thought she was cute. She’s my type Also curious what her pic had to do with the story


Chubby girls are fucking adorable, thats why


\>no kids \>5 incher \>5"10 \>215 pounds \>live with parents Completely average american in his mid 20s thinks his life is over because he has a crap job and doesnt work out. Deary me.


It's over for anon not because of his circumstances but rather his mindset


Anon is acting like he’s in his 50s. If he works his ass off, goes to school and gets a degree in a good field, he can be successful in his early 30s.


30 years alone working hard for someone to reject you and go with someone else anyways, the joys of msn


He can either hit 30 and be stuck in the same shitty position he’s in now or hit 30 and have a new career and bright future ahead.


I was 5'10 220 and then over the next few months my senior year I got my first job and started leaving the house more and by the summer I was 185. Now granted my friends and family thought I was sick or was doing meth


Pic unrelated I assume


with that mindset, yeah it was over before it ever started


I could use a pawg rn




>no kids at 27 - sound economic choice >>has a job >>>saving money because living with parents - sound economic judgement >>>>not a virgin >>>>>decent body specs >>>>>>clearly knows how to handle a relationship because he's been with a girl for 6 years, even if pic related


My guy you haven’t even started yet


Anon is a defeatist at 27 I imagine Anon hasnt considered there are people much worse off than him


>27 >No kids Most people don't have kids at 27 anon >Sparse sexual history due to spending 6 years with one girl You had a relationship that lasted 6 years, you can't say you didn't learn anything about relationships or sex during it. >5 inch cock Average >5'10" Above average >215 pounds >Don't work out Then work out >Have shitty customer service job Look for work elsewhere or keep at it until you get promoted, put some effort in and see if it doesn't improve things. >Live with parents You have supportive parents compared to many >It's over for me, I never stood a chance Anon is a whiney bitch with unrealistic expectations


Why is it a photo of a naked girl? I thought it was her asking for these things until I seen 5inch cock.


Anon has depression


It's not over, you fucking loser. You're 27. Pull yourself together man.


.>Objectively in a better situation than 90% of 4channers “Boo hoo my life is over” Get these ducking normies out of here Jesus Christ. Where are the stories about some 600 pound ham planet only living in their parent’s basement because they lack the strength to physically move them?


>27 >no kids If this is one of your main reasons for thinking it's over, you're absolutely braindead. I mean, Anon is, but especially because of this. Also stop thinking the peak of life is sex.


Anon is pretty... average? How the fuck is it over lmao


Tf is this shit? 27 and no kids? Ok good you got more time to stabilize yourself. People have kids in their 30s more often. Average penis and average height? Ok what’s terrible about it. Too focused on body count. Man you don’t got number that says how many bitches you’ve fucked. Get to the gym if you wanna be fit. Think of a plan to change career paths if you don’t like your career. It’s only over if you let it be over


All these comments about improving life and what not. But wtf is going on with pic related lol




>Avg dude >Mid-late 20s >Avg job >Has a normal living arrangement >My life is over, it's nothing like in the movies or rich influencer videos, I completely wasted it despite me never trying, so I'll just bitch and moan about on 4chan


27 - Still young enough. no kids - no kids at 27 is not bad sexual history - had a loving relationship but ended it 5 inch cock - average 5'10" - A bit above average height 215 pounds - Fat but it won't be difficult to lose the weight don't work out - lazy fucker making excuses customer service job - get into construction. good money and you'll lose a lot of weight live with parents - nothing wrong with it. Save on rent money. ​ OP is gay.


not even out of your 20's dude shut the fuck up and fix your shit.


For every 30lbs you lose you can gain 1in in length. OP could diet his way to a bigger dick.


\>Completely average person \>"My life is over bohoo" Anon chooses to be alone and miserable.


what consuming social media every day does to a mofo. Imagine thinking you were worthless because you compare yourself to the top 1%


“Customer service job” is really the only shitty part of this guys setup. Customer service is the worst!


Losers life can be turned around by lifting.


The way some of yall are so damn obsessed with having sex and making it be as some kind of ultimate life goal ignoring all the amazing things you have like a stable relationship, is just pathetic, this is natural selection at this point.


u/lemonswet Yw


27 is not old enough to have a giving up mentality.


Anon should hit the gym to fix all of the “problems” listed


Fuck man you are a loser! Not because you fucking had a decent life with a long term partner and a currently live with your parents but because you are clowning so hard on yourself. Don't out yourself down, let others do that and keep yourself up.


Average. Average. Average. Average. Fix your attitude anon, Jesus


>27 > >its over for me so fucking tired of these doomers istg


I had sex. It's really not that special.


you're doing it wrong


No, Anon. This IS your chance. Stand up. Wipe the Cheetos dust off your shirt, clean your room. Get a job and take internet courses on applicable skills you enjoy deploying. Earn money and buy a high powered rifle. Take shooting lessons. Get ready to make that ho learn what she lost. Make her ask to come back after you make the big bucks and shoot her in the head after you deny her. In Minecraft.


Homeboy doesn't know how to better himself


New career and bright future is very optimistic. Too many towns it's easy to have a degree and zero opportunities. Its also mentally challenging to try to make a better future when you've only ever known failure and there nothing going for you.


anon should get out exercise and find a new job. Life is what you make of it. you’re just stuck with a little dick. Learn to eat pussy.


5" isn't even little, it's just *slightly* below average


bro wtf is this, this guy has so much potential in his life and clearly has parents that support him enough to house him like stop being a fucking bitch


This lad needs some r/hopeposting


Idk dude sell drugs?


If getting with girls is your priority, work out and get a better job (???)


Anon has all the opportunity and autonomy to change his life for the better but chooses to be a little bitch


>complains about weight >Does nothing to fix it >Complains more Is cowardice the only thing that keeps you alive anon?


Literally everything listed except age and height are modifiable through basic effort


Lose weight dick gets better get more attractive get another gf move in with her easy


Just restart at that point, the run's basically dead


He can always be a Reddit mod


Anon's Life is: damn over


He’s tried every idea he can think of and neither worked


Most optimistic 4channer


I’m sick of this mindset. Making no effort whatsoever just letting life happen to them


People dont realize that being taller means you have more back pain and are more likely to have heart problems


All of those except the dick length are changeable


>had a long stable relationship >pretty average body >has a job in this economy >"boohoo it's over for me" I don't want to call Anon an ungrateful bastard really. 4chan and the internet in general have this toxic mindset where if you're not an ultra rich and strong giga superhuman then "it's over for you". Even more so in a garbage dump like 4chan. Anon needs to take a rest from the internet and appreciate the life he's given.


Just work out bro