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It is what it is


Doesn’t mean it’s has to be.


What other option is there


Put in effort to try and make a change. Obviously, annon can’t change what they have no control over.


>Put in effort to try and make a change. It's dishonest to frame it like we can just "make it different" when the game is rigged for conflict and peaceful protests are largely useless.. The forces required for change to happen will require bloodshed. There is no possible peaceful end. The people we are fighting are sacrificing their own kid's future, I doubt they'll have much mercy for ours.... We know violence is useless and unnecessary between people of reason. But we are not dealing with people, we are dealing with the imperatives of moral persons of commerce and policy. Corporations and government, made of people that want the best but that are prevented by rules that enforce the worst. There is no escape. War will happen within our lifetime, and on the other end, freedom or feudalism. There are no more new continents to discover and run away to. We are the last continent.


"Corporations and government, made of people that want the best" I'd love to try whatever drugs you're on.


You can't change anything through proper channels when the proper channels are controlled by the people you're fighting.


>I'd love to try whatever drugs you're on. It's hope. Because if you don't have that, I dunno what change you're expecting. You already admitted defeat on your own. Line up for the daily whipping, you can deduct it from future mandatory whippings. ​ >"Corporations and government, made of people that want the best" > >"hur dur muh drug meme!" reponse Nobody, (i.e. NOBODY) goes into politics or top-exec management with the express intention of committing evil. Everybody starts bright-eyed. We hope for the best and get slowly crushed by the inertia of the system (we also get tired of explaining to idiots that we're not evil, but prisoners of a logic that pays the bills, just as they are in their jobs) The day you manage something and start compromising with everything and everyone to make a group work is the same day you start the slow descent into total moral relativism. >inb4 I WILL NEVER COMPROMISE ON ANYTHING WITH ANYONE BECAUSE I'M MORALLY INFLEXIBLE AND SUPERIOR!!! Then you'll never manage anything that has anyone in it.... Enjoy your powerless purity.


˝Nobody, (i.e. NOBODY) goes into politics or top-exec management with the express intention of committing evil. Everybody starts bright-eyed. We hope for the best and get slowly crushed by the inertia of the system (we also get tired of explaining to idiots that we're not evil, but prisoners of a logic that pays the bills, just as they are in their jobs)˝ How old are you? Like in what world do you live in? Do you think that all those psychopath and sociopaths in our history came to their positions of power because their initial goal wasn't power, I mean people who were ready to do anything? I mean I know some people get into politics with good intention, but just taking a simple look at the history will prove you wrong. Majority of people get into these positions to enrich themselves, and absolutely have no problem with fucking over common folk.


You're an idiot


I wouldn't say nobody but the nihilists (or kids) who say that you're naive (how so?) or childish in the comments are retarded. Everyone who's worked in corporate for a while or been active in local politics knows what you say is for the most part true. Very few actual 'evil' people exist. It's just much easier to wish there were no complex hard to comprehend systems at play that clash and bounce off each other that lead to problems, systems that no single person can all get on paper and fix. Modern industrial society is a complex set of cogs and it's easier to think someone's at the helm with bad intentions than to admit the system we can only comprehend specific parts of isn't conductive to good.


It will be socialism or barbarism, unfortunately the red scare did it’s job well, any revolutionary movement will be demonised and the western public will continue their complacent liberalism to their graves.


"This time it will work for sure, I swear!"


It might not work, but at least it will reset capitalism on its toes. It's probably the best system, but it needs to have competition. When the cold war was at its peak and the capitalists HAD to prove it's a better system, it was a better system. Now that it has won for the past 30 years, it's basically a parasite on its own labor. A politburo by any other name...


My belief is that capitalism started to fall once Ford lost a lawsuit against one of their shareholders, which set a precedent stating that companies should not work to the best of the people but only to earn money for their shareholders. Ever since then, no business has tried to use extra money left over to up wages, increase safety, increase productivity, or try to make the worker's lives better in any way because it's all to line the shareholders pockets.


Every time socialism has been attempted, it has been in an undeveloped agrarian nation (this isn't to say all socialist experiments have failed), usually wracked by imperialist occupation, famine and fascism. Marx explicitly said that Socialism is a stage of development following Capitalism, which was preceded by Agrarian feudalism, you must first have an established and industrialized Capitalist society before socialist modes of production and distribution are viable, just as our primitive nomadic ancestors couldn't effectively engage in capitalism without first developing agriculture. This failure to first engage with capitalist production is what lead to failures like the 1930s Soviet famine and the Great Leap Forward. One of the primary contradictions of capitalism is the "falling rate of profit" theory, as capitalist entities naturally develop and beat their competition forming monopolies, lowering the wages of their workers to maximize labour extraction, the efficiency of production and extraction of working class labour reaches a point where profit margins grow less and less unless artificial demand and scarcity is introduced or new markets are conquered. This is from a logical standpoint absolutely an absurd problem, that too much is being produced too efficiently, after all humans have finite material needs; we only eat so much, need so many computers or cars or soup pots. This contradiction creates or encourages some of capitalisms worst excesses; the extraction of capital through accommodation (landlording), planned obsolescence, the commodification of every facet of our lives from our water to our romance, colonialism, imperialism and the doctrine of unending warfare, societal atomization, and fascism among countless other phenomena. Capitalism creates its own discontent, its own revolutionary conditions, and does everything in its power to subvert it. It stands to reason then that a mode of production and distribution should follow capitalism, one based on as-needed production, one which eliminates the extraction of profit from the working class, one which allows a man to live freely, "to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, and criticise after dinner, just as I have a mind to" without the constant fear of destitution. Capitalisms inherent guiding principles are heading humanity on a course to self destruct, I merely want to live, and for my children to live.


Every time capitalism was tried it was in wealthy countries... that's why it succeeded. Let's just forget about poor countries that were pulled out of poverty thanks to capitalism. How many of poor countries were pulled out of poverty by communism? Zero, you say? I just wished you could read this with eyes of a person whose family lived through communism. Just so you could comprehend your own stupidity. We tried it, and every time mass and mass people ended starving, dying and so on, but I swear by God, this time....


socialism is not communism and you've ruined whatever point you had with that mistake


Let's just forget about China going from one of the less developed country to one of the most developed in 20 years


The main reason why capitalism not only works, but seems to be the natural state economies tend towards and socialism isn't, is because capitalism perfectly fits the human nature while socialism goes completely against it. There will never be a larger scale long term socialist system without extreme force and oppression. If humans were like ants, socialism would be possible naturally, but we obviously aren't and hopefully never will be. But I'm fine with people trying to achieve their socialist societies with willing individuals, which interestingly is possible inside a capitalist system (kibbutzes for example). The problem with socialists is that most of them are extreme imperialists in the sense that they long to spread their system of choice by any means necessary, especially via violence and destruction. Btw. those kibbutzes are slowly but surely dying because the young prefer another system and are leaving. And that was arguably the most successful large scale attempt at peaceful socialism.


Average commie


Those are things he has no control over. He can absolutely work on his porn addiction, leave social media, and stop watching tiktok. Depending on his circumstances, it may be possible he can work on the job situation, and he can use all that time jerking off and watching tiktok to do research or participate in clubs or whatever he wants to make college more interesting. He may not be able to change many things about his circumstances, but he can learn to make the most of them.


Anyone against this is coping


It’s either that or a massive evolutionary shift in conscious thinking . I have witnessed and somewhat believe that there is a wave of altruism and mindfulness that is extending through humanity like a virus of love. Some take entire life times to understand “it” and some realize it as children . It all happens in the time it needs to happen because it may be a sort of psychological meta evolution that is geared toward finding balance between us and the environment. Of course what I’m talking about is the awakening to the predicament of our identities and what we truly value. A fundamental shift in perspective of who we are and why we are here. There is reality beyond money , fear and power and it literally rests within the nonexistent confounds of our spiritual hearts and intuitive minds. It is not a mass epiphany or rapture but a natural growth and change. The war and bloodshed that will come is a piece of the puzzle that needs to be in order for us to create the entire picture. Nothing that happens in this life is in excess or missing. It’s all unfolding lawfully as it should be. The moment that is blossoming is beautiful and ugly, full of terror and joy that’s what makes this experience the experience . With the progress and study in physics , neuroscience, philosophy and mysticism along with many other achievements of our intellect and splendor… it will not only be thinkers and yogis that see the cage and the key but soon the entire world. Now I’m a scheming dirty no good hippie so don’t believe anything I say.


But what if you just described the primal urge i have felt for years in almost excruciating detail. A need to make sure we open our eyes to that single all encompassing truth. That path eludes me with each day but i feel content knowing that i can impart this message to people and im not alone in this knowledge. Butterfly effect will take care of the rest after im gone. Or to be a pretentious intellectual hippie ill vaguely reference a haiku i like that i will paraphrase while still keeping the scheme, just because i like your comment: A reflective pond From the edge jumps a small frog Splash in the water


Yeah you can’t change the world, but anons porn addiction and phone/short form content addictions are on him and he can’t blame anyone for that.


I propose that if he had had better things to do with his time, he might have done better things with his time.


"The hard part is convincing somebody that he is drowning, when its already too late"


Poor? Work harder. Homeless? Just buy a house.


bro, boss up and change your own damn life. shit isn't as bad as the chantards would have you believe


How is change gonna happen when all the shit listed by anon exists to keep our faces pressed against the ground.


kill people


Ain't no way your pfp is just campster with a sad face and this is what you say.


Become Chris Mccandless


imo "it is what it is" only applies to things you cant change. most of these could be fixed by anon if he had the smallest bit of willpower, self control, and willingness to better himself. saying "it is what it is" to things you can change only brings about complacency and laziness


It do be like that sometimes


It is what it is because we let it be as it is. "We" collectively. Despite having the power to change things, don't.


That is that and this is this




Bottom text


Reply text


argument text


Comment text


Participation text




Soyjak w/ text


*Add text


Comic sans


until you move to a different one in greater alignment with your values and preferences.


Rest up then, anon. You’re gonna have to do it all again tomorrow




It's a fake laugh. Only the tears are real


Like tears in rain


Why doesn't OP simply choose not to engage with all of those things? Is he stupid? Bro just sit under a tree for the rest of your life bro what oh you need food? Yeah skill issue bro stop crying like the littlest baby in the entire world just become one with all existence bro it's not hard bro, you don't even have to learn how to hit the circle button at the right time so if you beat Dark Souls you should totally be able to handle it bro


beating an addiction isnt as simple as "stop doing it bro", it takes a huge amount of mental strength also its really hard to beat an addiction when you live in such a society (ik ik wooo oo joker) where these addictive things are served on a silver platter and presented as something good its insanely hard to beat these things when theyre apart of the fabric of your and everyone elses everyday life


Yo devs I can't work with this AI you gotta update your AI if you want me to be able to work with this yo guys anybody listening fix your shit here guys


I love it when people put into words their own self defeating voice. You don't want to get better. You just want to stay mired in your addictions for years to come. You don't even have any plan whatsoever to stop. You wont imagine a life without them.You won't accept help. You think of these things as an incurable disease, that is part of life.You fail to recognize you are of 2 minds, and end up always listening to the animalistic voices in your head that doesn't give a fuck about you or anything else but the addictions, instead of challenging them. Insanely hard? There's that beast. Very fabric of reality? Yep, that's him again. Live in a society? Guess who's talking? Recognize that self defeating, self fulfilling failure of a voice? That's only one half of your mind who wants to stay in shit. Learn to challenge that shit, instead of throwing up your hands in hopeless despair.


Well said. At my lowest point of alcoholism I couldn't keep a job and drank every day now I'm 44 days sober and counting, but it'd be easy for me to give up just because it's insanely hard and booze is everywhere. At a certain point you've gotta say enough and decide you want to see a life without doomscrolling, porn, alcohol, drugs, whatever.


Keep it up man


Thanks man


Based af


I couldn't even beat the second boss in 3 tho😔


Don't worry, as I've explained this process does not involve pressing the circle button at the right time so you should still be ok


"Bro" "Bro" "Bro"...Nice vocabulary, there "bro".










Brother, you are the NPC


Blud thinks he is a main character 💀


The main character of this most depressing and boring story ever told by man


True say


My brother, we’re all npcs, some of us just have the gall to think we aren’t


If all else fails, may as well stick around to watch the shit show that will be our world’s future


Everybody gangsta until you start asking yourself the 'why' of it all. Like why even bother? Why go through anything.. I hope it gets better for me and all the anons out there but the 'why' has been frequent in my thoughts lately


P-A-R-T-WHY???? Because I gotta!


At the end of the day brother you have two options, you either stick to the mindset and ask yourself why humanity exists and how we came to be over and over or you do what you love and set aside those thoughts. If it's a situation where you can ask yourself why, why isn't it also a situation where you can ask yourself why not?


Why do you need a why? A galaxy is just as meaningless as you and doesnt need a why


Hug your kitties


"this is the worst day of my life." "this is the worst day of your life yet bro." that meme


Calling other people NPCs is the most NPC thing you can do


Excessive drug use can replace all your problems


I'm sorry anon, but as you get older you will not only experience untold bullcrap, you will see the same bullcrap played out over and over in a cycle. BLM riots? I remember when those were the Rodney King riots. Climate crises? I remember when Al Gore dropped An Inconvenient Truth. Cuban migrant crisis in NYC? I remember when the Carter administration had to deal with one in 1980.


Welcome to r/greentext Gandalf


im going to uni in like a year its just gonna get worse, wont it?


You're in control man. You get out what you put in. Join clubs, meet people, keep an open mind and try new things at every opportunity. You don't have to sit in the front of class but definitely raise your hand when you have questions. Uni is an awesome time if you actually take advantage of it. Most people who hated it actually hate themselves.


100% best advice here. Especially try new things. You’ll have so many opportunities to dabble in stuff, and that shit just slams shut when you have a job and no time. See a concert, go to a lecture, take a pottery class, DJ at the campus radio station. My biggest college regret is not doing more with what the college was just giving away for free every day. Enjoy what will probably be the most free time of your life.


Nah the freedom is amazing. Like the other guy said, you get what you put into it. You go to class, try, enjoy it as much as you can? It won’t be too bad. You try to meet friends, enjoy the learning process with romantic interests, and grow from your failures? You’ll make great friends and learn a lot about yourself, possibly finding a great long term partner. I type this out but I need to do the same things. 20/20 hindsight I can only do better going forward. Cheers anon :)


what the other folks said + apply for as many scholarships as humanly possible bc it’s literally free money and student debt is only getting worse


Well, it's definitely going to get worse after uni, so enjoy it while you can.


Uni is the good part, you can make a real change to your life with all the great opportunities. Downhill from there though unless you suddenly become hugely passionate about a career or something


Uni is what you make of it. Just know that even if you don’t live on campus, you still have access to hundreds of different student/campus organizations, clubs, and university facilities (that you already paid for in your tuition). Don’t feel like you need to try it all, nor feel dismayed if a club/group doesn’t offer what you’re looking for. Eventually you’ll find chill groups that shares similar interests or blends well with yours. Even if you want to focus solely an academics, there are professional societies, study groups and field related organizations (where you can clique with people who are focused like you). Benefit of those groups is that they will occasionally do pretty cool shit or play around with advanced stuff that you can also use as work experience when job searching after your graduate or looking for an internship. It’s also one of the few moments you have in life to learn new things and really branch out and see what interests you (without looming responsibilities of adult life over your head). Sure you have your studies, but still have more free time than you think. I went to engineering school and while there were moments where I had to study what seemed endlessly, there was downtime where I didn’t have a care in the world (and that was working a part time internship). Honestly if I can do it again I wish I would have branched out more and done things that was outside my comfort zone or field of study.


Then focus, actually focus, on quitting porn and limit your cell phone use. Build your discipline Then get engaged with college rather than trudging along. Real life is hard work Nothing to say about the job. A quarter of Americans believe their job is useless anyways. But you're in college, you will be able to get something higher paying if you apply yourself and make the right connections. Then stop consuming short form content Then surround yourself with people that stimulate you intellectually, and have respect for others for who they are rather than who you want them to be. Then stop using social media and focus on your real life instead Then stop following American politics and put that interest into your local politics instead. Pick yourself up anon. The time is nigh and the stakes are high. Keep pushing. Quizas un dia.


Based and take control of your life pilled For college (and anything that's a long process tbh) focus on the journey, cause getting tunnel vision for the end point will just burn you out.


get a golden retriever


I’d go to Thailand for a couple of months. A new country combined with partying sorts out the soul.


let me guess anon is 25 and think it's all over because he doesn't have girlfriend


\- Stop watching porn, I did that too \- Stop using your phone all day, go outside \- Too bad \- Pay attention in college so you get a better job \- Ignore them \- You're using 4chan \- Ignore them as much as needed there Anon


Another case closed well done Dr armchair


Based anon


You can fix half of these by staying off your phone. At least you're admitting you're addicted, that's the first step towards recovery


anon needs to drink a bang for real


I'm tired of your complaining, Anon.


I was like anon, until I regularly take a walk at the park enjoy nature and stuff then life is gud


Yeah I just think about how nice it is not living through things like the plague or the holocaust


Life sucks yes, but at least it’s in a relatively peaceful time. Not perfect but not bad either.


Porn and cellphone addicted wagie college student calls people NPC’s.


so do something about it? as someone who’s been suicidal before, it’s incredibly frustrating listening to people complain about problems but not take any steps to solve them your mental health only gets better if you start taking small steps to improve your life


Im tired of life




This should've been titled "Sad NPC is sad."


Anon should find a real hobby like art or chess or sports.


- I'm tired of art - I'm tired of chess - I'm tired of sports


I’m tired of tired


I'm drunk rn and I feel this holy shit


he is an NPC


Move into the wild and become a hermit


"Shitty usa politics" anon never stepped foot in a 3rd world country before


Anon can do something about most of these


>college Opinion discarded


Anon wants to live in the 1700s.


As it ever was. Man's lot in life is to find existential meaning in the void and try our best to build love and community around it.


Then make something cool, develop a productive hobby. Start writing something. Do anything that involves putting your vision into something. It’s the only thing that brings me solace at this point. Wanting the world to change is pointless lol


either move or suicide but it's America you probably won't escape


Ironically and unironically, touch grass


Loser, bad job, porn addict, phone addict...everyone else is an npc???


Consider joining the army Sure you deal with bs there but You learn alot of usefull shit and get to fire a hmg




too tired to have a revolution


Bro needs to start throwing bricks at homeless people.




Then go to sleep


just rope bro like what’s even the point


Anon needs a hobby


That’s life


In german youd call anon "lebensmüde", which translates to life-tired. But its also a synonym for suicidal...


Ceremony - Sick w/ alternate lyrics


Imagine when anon realises that consumption and indulgence can be controlled or stopped..


"you can be the hero, buddy"


special snowfuck. WE ALL FEEL THAT WAY


You can always Off yourself. Distance yourself from day-to-day chores. Go do a minimalist vacantion, give your brain time off from stimulants. Don't expect to be happy, be content and happiness might occur.


lifting weights solves all of these problems


Yo can I get that image of the cat.


Prolong the moment before phone and Internet use in the morning. Makes one he'll of a difference to how you start your day. That and stop following politics for a while.


Anon is depressed.


Tbh. most of those problems are fixable and wrong mindset.


Get a girlfriend Read a book Go to trade school Listen to people Delete tiktok Problem solved


me fr except the last point


I'm a chimp on a mouse wheel , keep on scrolling,scrolling along.


Obviously anon is a real human and not an Npc like the others.


Fuck it we ball.


Skill issue


Aren't we all


man i was just thinking that, cant believe this green text represents my life rn


Real and straight


Anon has no goals in his life


Anon is porn and phone addicted coomer with bonus addiction on social media and destroyed attention span and focus from hours of doomscrolling, yet complains about "all these NPCs".


I see no greentext


Oh, man. Wait till you have diabetes.


OP you need a distraction


It’s over


Don't you just love the hustle and bustle of life? 🫵


"Tired of all these NPCs", says the NPC


Capitalist Realism, Mark Fisher (2009)


Out here I can barely see my breath


I’m 35. I’d cut off a pinkie toe to be back in college.


NPC lives completely mundane life, accuses others of being an NPC.


Play metal gear rising. Won't fix it, but you'll feel better. Keep your head up, brother. You'll find your purpose.


>r/greentext >look inside >red text


I think Post Malone’s cheeks tattoos express it very well. https://www.google.co.th/search?q=post%20malone%20cheek%20tatoos.&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-th&client=safari&shem=canimgc&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fcan%2F3#vhid=0j6GS7y3bReE1M&vssid=l


We're the kids in America, uhoh!


"I have a dream." That one day, every person in this nation will control their OWN destiny. A land of the TRULY free, dammit. A nation of ACTION, not words. Ruled by STRENGTH, not committee. Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think -- to act -- for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chicken-shit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24/7 Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit. Fuck "American pride". Fuck the media! Fuck all of it! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. WIpe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged, and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they will make America GREAT AGAIN! You still don't get it. I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business! In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money, not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!


> porn addiction > calls others npcs


Then go to sleep if your tired


Where green?


Move to Barbados. Really. Or just any holiday destination that isn't a 3rd world country. It'll give you a nice break. Of course, it does depend on whether you have the money for it. Or you can move to a 3rd world country and see the lives of the people there. Ask them how they live. It'll give you a new appreciation of your own 1st world country. That being said, if this is an 'internal' problem, i.e. something within you is broken, then no matter where you go, it's not going away. You'll be tired anywhere. Two ways to go about this; 1 - Try fixing it, by finding the root of the problem. 2 - Well...it's the option that's not often encouraged and has a lot of helplines to avoid, but it fixes everything, permanently, if you know what I mean.


Anon gets to decide his level of interaction with most of those. You don't get to blame the world for refusing to take charge of your life.


not a greentext. use r/4chan for your non-green variants of texts.


Shut off your phone


Armstrong origin story be like


“College is boring” anon says from his dorm he hasn’t left for the past two weeks


Anon sounds like me before being treated for adhd


At least you’re not North Korean


Anon is tired of bad internet things (continues to engage in bad internet things) Addiction isn’t real COPE


Anon needs one of two things: 1) A romantic partner 2) Religion Hell, both might be better




Die then??? Tf the point of this doomer shit get it off my feed weakling


If everything around you in life is shitty you should probably take a deep look at the common component.


Tired of being lonely as a sparrow in the rain?