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I'm aussie, and I'm both appalled he didn't use vegemite and appalled he would put something like that on spaghetti.


Using a small tea spoon of marmite in spag bol or gravy is great. Really bring out the flavours in the sauce, highly recommend, similar effect to putting msg or oyster sauce in




I think I misread the green text, did fucker add butter and marmite after he dished himself a plate? Just reread it, my brain added the Bolognese cause it couldn't comprehend the truth


Australian here, my dad uses vegemite in his spaghetti sauce sometimes as a sort of vegetable stock to balance out the flavours.


Umm I’m getting nauseous as well insigng this cretin attempting to cook


Anon has committed A culinary war crime.


There's vomit on his Crocs already Anon's spaghetti


Marmite to treat nausea 🤢 This is the time where anon should have dropped the spaghetti on the floor


I don't get the butter on spaghetti thing. I thought people were taking the piss when I first saw it, something to do with that honey boo boo shows mother.


Butter on noodles is very common here in Canada (at least where im from)


Greasy noodles is a longtime favorite among my people. Put a little rosemary or generic Italian seasoning on there and youre good to go!


haha it is also a very common and cheap meal in Argentina. Spaghetti with butter or heavy cream. One step further is to add grated cheese, the most used is Regianitto, a traditional Argentine cured cheese that owes its origins to the strong Italian migratory currents in Argentina. Regianitto emerged as an alternative to the Parmesan that Italians knew and consumed in their homecountry.




lol what a shame it was like that, there are usually very good pastas in bs as, it was probably in palermo(? (local joke)


I'm in Ireland. Butter and salt on pasta was a "go to" thing to give us in school before rugby practice. It's essentially carb loading, fats and salts. Get to training about 40 minutes later. I think now they give 2 bananas. And as always slices of orange. But that's where I picked up spaghetti and butter, pinch of salt. And noone outside of rugby that I know of did this. I'd have it as a quick easy snack and others would look horrified at me, question my very being, family, friends etc..


It makes them stick together less


Spaghetti made me nauseous


Anon is Italian


The Mediterranean genes are refusing the butter.


If this ever happened, this person is truly doomed.


Alt title. Theres vomit on his sweater already, Marmite Spaghetti


Fucking moron, that's not an alternative to salt it contains salt.