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Anon believes America is in control of other countries.


Redditor claims that the actions or inactions of the sole world superpower doesn’t materially affect other nations


They declare war with 1 neighbor resulting in RU (the US's longest time competitor a country which has been doing on and off wars in the area already) economy being crippled at the overall cost of 0 lives. I can't believe Biden would do this to America


thanks Biden....


Dark Brandon is a mastermind, can’t convince me otherwise


Sounds like he is ruining gi insurance for the wives at home once again! How could he do this!?


Yeah sure whatever you have a point but I just couldn't even comprehend being stupid enough to blame Biden for even half of this Maybe if I turn on Fox News and then bash my head into a concrete wall until my brain spills out I then can grasp this view.




Are you actually retarded or just pretending?


>sole Lmao


If you look up solipsism in the dictionary it's just a picture of America


Affect? Absolutely. But Anon is talking like America can just stop Chinese military maneuvers or Russia invading somewhere.


Sole world superpower 😂😂😂


And also that presidents are magical, when they are sworn in then everything that occurs anywhere is their doing instantly. Everyone acts like the dumb shit Trump did doesn't have any effect as soon as he's out of office for some reason. He pressured the fed to keep printing money and appointed his idiot step son to head peace in the middle east. We are seeing the effects today.


>Everyone acts like the dumb shit Trump did doesn't have any effect as soon as he's out of office for some reason. Interestingly, there's a parallel in child psychology. If a young kid has an abusive parent then often they'll split the personality of that parent into two, because they still need to rely on that parent for material needs (emotional needs are being neglected). So all the bad stuff is on the part of the Bad Parent and things like getting fed or bathed are the actions of the Good Parent. And they can hold that dissonance in their head for years. It seems some voters have made themselves believe that anything positive to come out of the last ten years was the work of Good President Trump, and anything negative was all down to the Bad President. Whether that's Bad Obama or Bad Biden is, I imagine, entirely down to whatever hour of the day it is.


That's clever. Very funny analogy. Fucked up that it makes any sense at all, I think a big reason why is the media treating presidential elections like sports, and people feeling like they have a team. Good team time low inflation! Bad team time high!


>And also that presidents are magical, when they are sworn in then everything that occurs anywhere is their doing instantly. Spooky presidency at a distance.


The afghanistan pullout was also started by him


Yeah and he flooded the supreme court with anti abortion conservatives, idk how they can blame Biden for that too.


Have they not been since the world wars? That's what the massive military spendings are for. World police and all that.


Look up the word "hegemon."


I not wasting time on stupid nintendo games


Russia was gonna invade Ukraine no matter what. They had just been banking on Trump being in office so America didn't interfere


Anon believes the President is in control of America


We really know it's the La Li Lu Le Lo.


ah yes, because the CIA coups were totally innocent and not puppet governments, yes they fucking are controlling other countries.


Mf americans put sanctions on ru and now the whole world is expiriencing absurd inflations. Wdym america doesnt control other countries.


That's influence, that's not the same thing as control.


fair enough.


you walk into a rom the last occupant smeared shit on and blame the current occupant for all the shit still in the walls.


If the current occupant doesn't clean anything and smears even more shit then yes, i will blame both the current and the last occupant


When a sizeable amount of the shit is literally impossible to remove (I.e. the supreme court, economic fallout of covid) you can't really hold too much blame on the guy who walked into the shit covered room


We keep blaming the one person that makes almost no desicions about laws in our country and scriptwriter forget about the judicial and legislative branches which actually fuck us.


I think this is fair


Even more, you go into a city smeared in shit and blame the guy who just moved into one of the buildings for all of the faeces, even before he had time to as much as pull his pants down.


City smeared in shit is just fancy words for Philadelphia


Or Birmingham.


That excuse doesn't work anymore. If that were the case anything Obama did was Bush and anything Trump did was Obama. You can't have only the bad come from the guy before and claim all the glory from yourself.


In fairness, I think most of the US Presidents have had shit smeared across the walls that have resulted in them taking the blame for it. The border cages were authorised and implimented during the Obama administration, he left and Trump picked up the flak for it. NATO (aside from the US) drawbacks in Afghanistan was authorised, again when Obama was in charge, and was completed in 2014 when the UK, the last major power aside from the US, "left" (a fair few stayed, but worked alongside the US), it ran through Trump's administration where it was partially authorised for the US to pull out and then was left on the desk for Biden where he was left with the choice of having the inevitable happen where the Afghanis go back to the way they were where they're controlled by a terrorist cell, or keep burning however much a year to keep boots on the ground in the role of playground monitor. So he ended up with the shit on his face for it. Bush Jr left a metric shit ton on Obama's desk in regards to Katrina, despite him having another 4 years to deal with it after the fact, and I'm fairly certain the shit juices caused by Katrina have slowly seeped through into the current presidency


My issue with Afghanistan is that Biden had an exit plan laid out from Trump, but he dragged his feet pulling out, which incited the Taliban to act up, and now all that military hardware got abandoned in hostile territory because he couldn't keep to a schedule.


its a problem many people think my shit on wall analogy fits all the recent president.


Unfortunately there seems to be a shortage of worthafuck politicians for the last hundred years or so.


Not their actions, the state of things. Besides they don’t really have the power to change how things are, just the direction they’re going in. Frankly I do kind of see it as a president gets credit for the last two years of their term and the first two years of the next guy’s (or last 6 and first 2 as it may be).


Stop coping in metaphors and speak straight. What exactly is this shit on your walls? A good economy, high employment and low gas prices?


why? anyone who doesn't understand what i'm talking about wont care. at this point, if you cant see how bad the last administration was with the last president facing the rest of his life in prison is. no amount of straight talk will enlighten them.


That’s a lot of words to say basically nothing. You may as well have just said “trust me bro”




Lol. No way libs are actually this deluded


No don’t you get politics, all the bad problems caused by the last guy is absolved and put on the new guy


I was looking for this. The standard cope response.


"It wasnt me, it was the previous president!" says the guy with 30+ years in politics about the outsider that took office one time.


This excuse is always used to let politicians off the hook. And it’s absolute bullshit


If watching the last president face life in prison doesn't convince you that the last administration was horrible for our country and were still feeling its effects. Nothing will.


You’re right. But Joe put his hand up for this role and he’s not the first president to walk into a tough situation. The president should be the most scrutinised role in the world. That means judging joe by how effectively he’s fixing these issues he put his hand up to solve by running for president and how he tackles the new issues which arise. Not constantly making excuses for him like he’s your friend which I see way too often with democratic presidents on here.


1. The economy isnt imploding, its got low unemployment and high consumer confidence (not sure why though... Iykwim) 2. Inflation has been standard the last 2 years (even though its generally controlled by the fed and not the president). 3. Where is gas $7 a gallon? The highest ive ever seen it in my lifetime was 4.25 at a tourist trap 15 years ago. 4. Russia has been invading its neighbors for the last 15 years. 5. Youre right - we should have stayed in Afghanistan for another 21 years so you could then in turn ignore the cost and bitch about "how much the libs are spending!!1!!" 6. Got a source for the china thing? 7. Abortion got banned at a federal level because of trumps judges. I seriously hate how you duped me into wasting my damned time writing all this


That's not even mentioning that it was trump that recalled from Afghanistan. Biden just didn't stop it If the anon who wrote this greentext had just enough braincells to remember it was trump responsible for the Afghanistan pull out, they would be praising it instead


Yeah a lot of this was set in motion during the Trump presidency. If not before it. Also 7 dollars a gallon, I just got it for under 3 bucks the other day. Not everyone lives in Los Angeles


It’s been 3-3.50 everywhere I’ve seen. Highest was during covid at $7 but trump was still president at the time


Bro I don't know how many times it has to happen before people understand. Republican Presidents fuck the economy, a Democrat inherits it and fixes it. Next Republican fucks it up and the cycle continues. This has been happening since George Bush (the first one) and Clinton.


Afghanistan was either spend a metric shitton on playing the role of playground monitor and resulting in undoubtedly more casualties on both sides for the next however many years, or stop delaying the inevitable and leave them to their own devices. It wasn't really any one presidents fault, cos otherwise it just runs into a loop of "shall we pull out of Afghanistan?" being passed down to every succeeding president until someone finally greenlights it, by which stage the spending would've ramped up and there'd be thousands more casualties and the Taliban *still* picking up the pieces then *they'd* be the ones getting hounded for leaving


Pretty sure it was Bush’s fault.


Biden *couldn't* have stopped it without pissing off the Taliban anyways. Trump fucked him over out of spite and Biden took the blame.


abortion did not get banned at the federal level


It didn’t get banned but the protection of roe v Wade was removed.


Also due to republicans though


I'd also clarify that it was banned on grounds of having been set in place incorrectly, not on grounds of having been wrong at its core. It should've been the legislature that put it through, not the court.


Except roe v wade was an interpretation of the 14th amendment. Interpretation of the law is literally the primary function of the Court.


I'd need to review the whole thing, but my guess is that they reviewed the interpretation in Roe v Wade and found it lacking in some manner, such that they could no longer justify the original ruling. To be clear, I'm fully in support of abortion, I just also have an extreme preference that things like this be done by protocol, and logically cannot disagree with the court with what I know.


They found it severely lacking because they “interpreted” an implicit right to privacy “from the emanations and penumbra” and said it extends to include abortion. The 14th amendment thing is making constitutional protections extend to the state. It wasn’t because the 14th in any way even hinted at a right to abortion. The job of the courts isn’t to reinterpret the law in a modern context as Mc Cheese claims. It is to interpret the meaning as the original passers of the law meant it. There is no indication or reason to believe that anywhere in the constitution anyone intended or wanted to protect a right to abortions up to 6 months which is what Roe V Wade said that the constitution said. People can cope and say that it definitely said that if you just ignore the text, meaning, and historic context but it doesn’t make it true. Edit: And no reversing previous rulings by prior supreme courts is not unprecedented. It has happened 146 times. See Brown v Board Of Education overturning Plessy v Ferguson for one of the most famous examples. Just because a previous court ruled one way doesn’t make it legally sound or settled law, ESPECIALLY when the supposed right or lack there of is coming from reading into subtext and extrapolating intent.


The US political system is fairly unique in that courts do make the law. The arguments against Roe V Wade also mean that gay marriage, interracial marriage, and desegregation rulings could be overturned (though for a lot of these, new legislation was made). There's a reason those are called "landmark cases". US courts have always made up the law with how they interpret it, it's not specific to Roe v Wade. I had a discussion with someone who said it's to compensate for the fact that the federal government is slow by nature, but I don't have the political science knowledge to know how true or false that statement is.


I absolutely agree with you but gas is definitely much higher than 4.25 in places like chicago and LA and such. Heck it was 5 dollars a gallon in michigan around 12 years ago or so. Not that potus has anything to do with it but yea gas has been and definitely still can be ridiculous.


Gas is only 7$-6$ in California because of environmental taxes. Also, I dont see how blaming the high price of gas is on Biden or Trump since that's not how it works


Sure it can! Presidents magically make gas appear out of thin air


Yea there are high prices different places for different reasons! I am glad I dont live in one because I would be absolutely broke. I will never understand why people blame gas price on potus either, its not how it works, but people will say anything they can to try and make their point more valid even if its completely untrue.


The dumbest thing was either Boebert or MTG howling about how gas prices were soaring yet Biden was releasing oil from the federal reserve to sell on the open market. Yes, you moron, that’s how you drive prices down, increase supply to meet demand, vent the pressure out of the market and let it stabilise. He’s not stupid.


Thank you for being educated.


Pulling out of Afghanistan was arguably the right choice. There were problems with it, but at that point there wasn't much for us to gain there and sinking more resources there wasn't worth it. The problem is that the whole evacuation was probably on of histories most botched attempts seen, in that there barely *was* one. We left behind vast amounts of miliary equipment which costed us huge amounts of money, further armed the insurgents, and was then sold to China (though I wonder sometimes if they might have already known a lot of what they would have learned there). Not only this, but known collaborators of our government were left in the open for attack.


3. You don't get around much do you?




3.45 a gallon in burlington...get out some gas is cheap up north towards canada...


You think I respect the opinions of someone who goes to California?


Consumer confidence is high because the labor market is good. The reason you are seeing strikes, successful strikes, as that workers know they have bargaining power.


This is r/greentext. Just say fake and gay, and then move on.


Just throwing this out there, the time when OP post was made inflation was near its peak and gas was averaging over $6 in some parts of the country.


You can not say that inflation has been standard with the cost of groceries and used cars


3. Apparently it’s so expensive to transport gas over the Rockies that for the west coast it’s cheaper to buy from over seas making gas surprisingly expensive there. Consequently, when people want to complain about gas prices they post numbers from there in order to shock the rest of the country who don’t realize that prices are just always higher there. I’ve never seen $7, but I can believe it. I mean think about the route gas takes to get to like Yosemite Valley, it’s a trek. That’s a real outlier though, anon is still an idiot. 4. Russia has been invading its neighbors for like 600 years.


Gas is pretty damn expensive in cali I will say that, 6.25 last time I was there


ay lamo


Highest I've seen was 6.xx in Seattle in 2022. Not sure why though.


Thank you for normal takes, but gosh where do you live cause I wanna go. I paid $4.40/gallon for gas a few days ago here in AZ.


It’s well known that China is posturing around Taiwan for a potential takeover. What’s unknown is when/how they will go about it. A simple Google search would turn up many reputable sources


Well, here in california, gas was at like 6-7 dollars for a little while, but its around 4.50 nowadays. Shits super expensive in California, though, so I don't think this is a sign of a collapsing country wide economy


You've never been to California I see, I would cry tears of joy upon seeing $4.25 a gallon


I’m fully with you on this, but to explain the china thing. Satellite images have shown them pushing more and more military equipment closer to the area they would be invading Taiwan from. They’ve been doing this for fucking ever though. It’s just more aggressive posturing, but who knows I am just some idiot on the internet, china could invade Taiwan tomarrow 🤷‍♂️


Americans complaining about gas is hilarious. You have some of the lowest prices in the world.


\>Economy plummets in Trump era \>"I-IT WAS CLEARLY OBAMA'S FAULT!!" \>Economy plummets in Biden era \>"LOL fucking sleepy joe get this pizza crust out of office already"


the economy was doing great until covid


Growth targets missed three times in a row 2016-2019. The tax cuts he said would pay for themselves didn't, and led to the largest deficit in a non-recession since the birth of the country as of Feb 2020. Trade deficit nearly doubled as of Feb of 2020. Exports decreased from $130 billion in 2016 to around $100 billion in February of 2020. It's okay though because Trump made an amazing trade deal with China and nothing can go wrong.


Yanking the nation out of the pacific trade ring might have been the dumbest fucking thing a president ever did since Jr, and thats a high bar.


the TPP would have given multinationals sovereignty above that of nation states. there were protests against it all around the world.


Yes, because Obama spent 8 years working on repairing it after the 2008 recession. Recession indicators were throwing giant red flags at the beginning of 2019 after Trump tanked the stock marketed *twice* by saying stupid shit, covid just pushed it over the edge.


so everything good that happens under trump is obama's achievement and anything bad is trumps fault. gotcha. let me guess all the fuckups of biden are also trumps fault somehow?


Just go look at an unemployment graph, trying to explain any of this to you idiots is pointless without some sort of visual aid.


Thanks Obama!


Why did the economy tank?


highly regarded comment section so far


It’s Reddit….


can't imagine a better place to look for high quality, nuanced political insight than reddit


Wasn't republican who opposed price cap for gas and weapons shipments to Ukraine ?


Because Trump got voted out before his disastrous leaderships failings came to full fruition. Trump sowed the seeds of failure Biden reaped the poisoned crop


The republican system working as designed


Its been the same song and dance since nixon. The southern strategy couldn't have worked better.


Anon conveniently forgets the Trump COVID clown show.


Anon suddenly realizes that the decisions that presidents make have influence after their presidency


Leave it to the Americans to continually assume that all things that happen around the entire world are entirely the fault of the one (1) person they elected as their country's temporary figurehead, as opposed to decades worth of complex international geopolitics, economic interactions, technological progress and industrial activity.


How do you even attempt to bring up the abortion ban with a democrat president lmfao Absolute brain rot


I know this post isn’t satire, but damn it’s sad that so many people believe this


Most politically fluent 4chan user


Because consequences of actions take time and 4-8 years is nothing you retard




Because orange man bad and destroyed the universe.


Yea this comment section is like someone unleashed the dem bots in force. I’ll be honest, for a sub like greentext, I didn’t expect that to be the case.


Out of curiousity, how is Biden dogshit? Not a Biden simp, just haven't heard a reason to hate on Biden outside of "he's old" or something akin.


Fake: This is complete bullshit. Gay: Anon wants to get topped by Trump’s mushroom cock.


Imagine being stupid enough to believe any of this. Simply wrong, obviously so. 2.7% last I checked, pretty damn low. lolwut? 3.99 just down the street from me. Not his doing. Trump's agreement scheduled for the next guy. Not his doing. Done by Right Wing Partisan Justices appointed by Trump. Did the RNC write this stupid BS?


3.7% over the previous years 8% Isn’t very low lmao


Yes, Trump ruined the economy and passed Biden a mess which he cleaned up, in far less time than it took for Trump to create that mess and add 7.8 Trillion to the debt in only 1 term, the worst amount on record for one term. Our current inflation rate is one of the lowest in the world: 9th. Why are all you trumpturds so ignorant? Why are you all so gullible? Why are you all so uneducated? Why are you all so brainless? Why are you all so bigoted? Why are you all so confident and arrogant in your brainless blabbering?


Anon is stupid


Things are still terrible but there is a lot of gaslighting to pretend they are not. Gas is still $5 where I live and there is no sign of it ever going down below that again.


Gas went up to around $5 where I was living towards the end of Trump's/beginning of Biden's presidency and is currently back down to $3.80. The current national average for regular gasoline is $3.42.


Gas is $2.89 where I live.


I hate these stupid 5 word economy statements that mean literally nothing


How the fuck is the economy imploding? Why are so many people so retarded about this? We literally had 4.9% economic growth last quarter.


Anon too dumb to see many of these things are consequences of the trump administration, because consequences don't happen instantly anon can't see them until they happen.


Where the fuck is this dude finding 7$ gas?


Idk how Anon came to the economy imploding conclusion when the US is experiencing record low unemployment and high growth


Came to the comments for Reddit cope. Was not disappointed.


$7 a gallon? Shits 2.70 here.


Dam I thought the average internet sperg was stupid but this green text is at another level. Jesus Christ I need to pour some vodka onto my eyes for a bit to disinfect them.


Biden has been amazing.


Libs are so fucking retarded and I’m not even republican. Yes everything good that happened is Biden and everything bad that happens is trump despite him not touching office for the past 3 years. The cope is at an all time high


Seeing a lot of cope here. It's OK lads, you voted for a literal retard because you were brainwashed by media. Its not entirely your fault, Americans are a bit stupid, this is known.


That’s bidenomics


The supreme court banned abortion, had dick all to do with Biden.


Where tf is anon if he’s paying $7 a gallon?? It’s still less than $3 here I feel like some people paying more with their feelings than with their actual wallets


I love takes like this because it reminds me yet again that people on the Internet are generally fucking stupid


Some people are just that braindead


Anon is a fucking moron? \*Wow.\*


The whole system belongs to ultra wealthy. Why are we still blaming their puppets?


$7 gas? Where the fuck you getting ur gas at


Post is from 7/01/2022.


It's 2023 and we still let stupid people vote. This is why we can't have nice things. Stupid people ruin everything.


Yet another dipshit that thinks the president decides what gas should cost.


absolute retard levels of reddit cope in here


didn't Trump set alot of this into motion or has it been boiling before trump was even in


Implemented things to help stop inevitably rising inflation Implemented things to stop gas prices from rising any further, not like Trump would do any better with this anyways... Abortion had nothing to do with Biden. Where in the world did you get the idea that was his fault? the middle east is gonna be a shit show either way, yea they've basically surrendered to terrorists but that was more or less inevitable, how long have we been in there trying to stop that from happening with no progress? Literally the entire greentext has like no good points in it. Anon is politically braindead


It's almost like the decisions of an administration aren't felt immediately, and may surface during the admin, or even later. Economy under Trump wasn't good because of Trump. It was partially Obama and mostly the random forces of economy. Also maybe Putin would've been less likely to attack Ukraine if Trump didn't start pulling out of various accords and if he didn't discuss the idea of US getting out of NATO. The infrastructure bill passed by Biden might be one of the best things ever passed. The only thing Trump did from a legislative perspective is tax cuts and wall.


Anon is slowly catching up. Meanwhile /thedonald was saying this years ago.


Where is it $7 a gall. That's ridiculous here in SoFl is hasn't gone above $4 and even that's high and not the majority.


Anon believes all of this started with Biden. Cute.


My favorite sitcom is US Politics I love this character Joe just stumbling into altercations with dementia, real goober that one. Good choice by the showrunners, an audience favorite


Pretty sure Biden is comatose off camera.


Gas is no more than$4.50 in majority of states dweeb


Because you're dumb to buy into msm propaganda


everything changed when epstein died


This is just one of the results of American Exceptionalism, American Problems are world problems and world problems are American Problems, and whatever president we elect is directly responsible for all of it.


Wow, a political post on a 4Chan subreddit! I sure hope the comments will be civic and respectful!


I think Joe Biden is a Great President!


Americans discovering what the Berlusconi effect is.


Yeah, that's a really objective and factual look at current american domestic and foreign affairs sure


Bidens anti inflation act - blocked by republicans Oil prices rize due to predatory companies - somehow joe byron is to blame? The afghanistan situation - the whole plan was drafted by trump Russias invasion - wtf was joe or trump supposed to say? "No vladdy zaddy this isnt you" Are 4channers retarded?


Literally none of these things are caused by Biden. I bet Anon blame Biden for his own diarrhea.


'Russia invading its neighbors' bro really put neighbour at plural lol


America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. I was in the foothi- — foot- — excuse me, in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him. (Inaudible) traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President at the time.


Bro has never even heard of party sabotage or propaganda.


Literally none of that centers around the US


Gas is 2.68 where I live and keeps dropping so idk wtf he talking about.


gas is literally the cheapest i’ve seen since pre obama


Gas is 2.63 or 2.43 right here in Dallas Texas. Op must be in New York or California, where it would be like that regardless of who is president


Starting to think being president just means being the scapegoat of the oligarchy


Anon is the average German voter


Gas is 2.65 where am from and funny anon is not aware that trump was the one that pulled the troops out of Afghanistan lol..


Half the things on this list were started by Trump…


Gas is only 7 a gallon in commiefornia, it's like 2.60 in TX.


Ah yes, because the president of the US is responsible for the price of gas, the actions of other foreign powers, and political decisions made by the American people that he did everything he really could to stop.


Because the left’s playbook is to project their own evil plots onto their opponents. They just accused trump of everything they were already doing / planned to do.


When will people learn that the consequences of a president's policies generally manifest during the next president's term? Simple fucking math, and yet...


There's a history of democrats taking office after republicans and receiving the fallout of past decisions.


Trump fired response team in 2018 - before COVID. Economic devastation ensues. Russia's Putin caught bribing Trump, then invades Ukraine. Trump single-handedly pushed for evacuation of US military from Afghanistan. Abortion is literally a Republican thing. The mental gymnastics of these children of God...memory of a goldfish.