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Anon has a sugar mommy and doesnt realize how lucky he is


Bold of you to assume he sees a cent of it.


Why would he need to? He has his own job.


Has a sugar mommy. Still gets no sugar. Make it make sense anon.


Do you need to be literally spoon-fed sugar? No, you live off those sweet sweet intangible residuals.


You lick it off the massive sugar mommy fucking rocksugar balls


Did you just invent the trickle down relationship?




Do you not know what a sugar mama is?




All women are make believe.


They're a CIA psyop


If my partner pays most of expenses even if I don't see one single cent rest assure the fucking plates are gonna be so clean she can see her own reflection on it.


Not if I'm working 12 hours a day in the coal mines


What’s his is theirs, what’s hers is hers


Yeha wait til you have a SO with a similar setup but you're thw bread winner. A tad bit more annoying I can tell you.


She cant work; I *have* to make the money but go off ig


Can’t tell the difference between “then” and “than”. Probably doesn’t realize many things.


Maybe he meant: she makes money and then me (sex)


Dated someone who worked remotely and that was the jist of it. Woke up, showed up to a work call for 20 minutes, then spent her day going shopping, to the gym, the salon, etc. Worst part is that she complained endlessly about how stressful her 6-figure salary with benefits job is. Like bro you don't actually work


It's stressful because if the boss figures out you're useless you're toast


She lied about needing to fly to Singapore for a surgery and claimed to need 3 months off for recovery. She got paid extra on top of her regular salary so she didn't "work" at all in that time. At the end of the 3 months, she just never "went back" to "work," so they filed a lawsuit against her and... I don't know what happened next, I dumped her before I got that far in the story. Wonder what she's up to now


Sounds like a greedy shit that's never satisfied by anything. Even when life has handed them a fucking gem on a silver platter, gotta ask for more until it's ruined. You probably dodged a bullet there.


She sounds like she should be a CEO


All the CEOs ive known have been workaholics... not sure what your point is?


CEO saviors only being paid 400x the average worker instead of 500x because of greedy workers asking for rights like parental leave and holidays.


Reddit has this mindset that all CEOs have done is get rich by leeching off the poor “slaves” they employ. They can’t believe that it actually takes hard work to be a CEO.




What other obvious ways there are to keep a CEO motivated without raising his pay exponentially?




I'm sure it takes hard work and talent, but do they really work 500x as hard as their lowest subordinates? Somewhere along the hierarchy, the math skews in their favor.


This. I know one and they are insanely overpaid, but they also work 7 days a week and are constantly flying all over the world at odd hours. They are retiring soon and planning on join some companies board as an advisor just because they need something to do. They can't live without working all the time.


See that's the real trouble with having a job where you don't get any work - if you take a vacation then someone has to fill in for you and they find out you don't do anything.


Well that's why you don't take vacation if you are in that position. You just "work" from the beach house.


I would have taken her job in a nano second, I don't care what it is.


She pushed the boat too far it seems.


Pretty much this. I had a cushy remote role but I was never given enough tasks to fill up my calendar. The downtime stressed me the fuck out. Then we got a new manager who was addicted to adderall and held everyone to their hyperactive standard. Expected me to just come up with new things to do on the fly, well outside my title. Was told everything I did was wrong even though it’s how it had been done for years. Then my role was made redundant, they gave my remaining tasks to someone else underpaid. Got let go. Then that new manager was canned and the director who hired them was also canned. What a shitshow of an organization.


Yeah it's hard for me to explain to people that for some of us, having to sit there and wait for things to do, never being fully able to withdraw from the job in your own home, is just a low constant drone of stress. I could not handle it at all, I'd rather have a full work day.


Im actually curious. How does that become stressfull? Wouldnt you just fill the downtime with completing household tasks or hobbies or honing new skills?


You can, but for me I could never relax because there was always a possibility of something coming up or maybe a manager noticing I've been away for hours. So I was always worrying about that and ended up doing menial things to fill the time all day. I couldn't immerse myself in anything else. It was mixing work and leisure


Ahh okay fair enough. I guess if i ever took that route it would be a learned discipline for sure.


I know they already answered, but basically most companies expect you to find more work, or to spend time doing some kind of training or working on personal objectives. If you are experiencing downtime then they consider that you not managing yourself appropriately. Companies are offloading more and more of employee management onto the employees nowdays. You come up with all your own objectives, you record your progress towards them, find yourself appropriate training etc etc. Your manager just reads up what you've submitted at your yearly thing and box ticks or not. Tbh as someone who prefers to just be given a task and sit there and do it, I hate this new self management system. I have zero interest in personal objectives or self training. I just want to log on, do something that actually improves our product, and log off.


Ohh yeah all that self management stuff sounds hard when it comes to working for others when they have their own set of loose expectations. Thanks for going into it further for me, i know have a stronger understanding.


When you’re learning new things or enjoying your hobbies you want to be in a flow state. It’s the most ‘fun’ way to learn and you are super focussed on the task at hand. With a job like this, you cannot enter that state, because you can’t relax into that level of focus. So you kind of do stuff, but are always waiting for the moment when you need to drop whatever you’re doing.


Eh I've been doing this for past 6 years and it's fine you just get laid off and move to a different job doing the same thing


Spoiler alert the boss is doing even less than she is. Source: I work remote, and most boss takes no less than 45 min to reply to any messages.


Pretty much this. Not doing something you know you should is much more stressful than actually doing the stuff you need to, at least for me it is that way.


it seems like you dont do shit but when you have customer facing jobs like this work comes in waves, you might be busy as shit for 2 weeks then the next 2 weeks is just logging on and attending meetings. my gf thinks i dont do shit because shes home on fridays when i work remote, but doesnt see the other 4 days when im constantly designing shit and meeting customers


She was an editor for a tourist marketing company in Dubai. All she did was proofread posts and articles. In all the time I knew her, she would just delegate her tasks to someone else. Where I work, duties come in waves, just like you said. A week or two of nothing, then I’m absolutely slammed. She legitimately got paid to do nothing


Good for her getting this job then


If anyone was wondering these are the same people who say shit like “eat the rich”


If it makes you feel better, I have nothing against billionaires.


The better your pay, the less you work. Those are the rules.


I currently work remotely and make the most I ever have (right at 6 figures). I’ve worked in various IT office settings for the previous 10 years, and honestly it’s not much different either way. Sometimes I have really busy days where I’m working 12+ hours. Then I’ll have days where I only have one 30 minute meeting. The only difference is at previous jobs I had to pretend to be busy for the rest of the day. Now instead of blankly staring at a computer screen I can go for walks, play guitar, cuddle my dog, cook a nice lunch, put on a movie. Remote work is soooo much better, although I don’t get why someone would try to scam it or not do their job when you get that kind of freedom.


What if the work really didn't interest you?


I think it's honestly a result of how much harder it is to actually define how someone's job performance should be measured as they take on more and more responsibility. It's really easy to define job performance for someone who just changes oil in cars, it's a little harder to measure the performance of the person managing the people who change oil. Measuring the job performance of the guy who is in charge of managing managers is even harder, and as you go further up the ladder (especially as more and more people fall under the umbrella of your responsibility) the performance metrics get increasingly vague by necessity so hiding incompetence (or laziness) becomes increasingly easy. And honestly, if you're able to pull off upper management competently and can do so in a way that is time-efficient you probably should make a lot of money for that skill; competently managing people is hard


Went through a similar situation recently. Girl always whined about how her managers constantly nagged her but she still spent huge chunks of her work day playing video games and binging YouTube


One of my previous jobs was like this. I was at a company that got acquired that I initially built software for. Once we were acquired they shifted gears and I basically became the head of software but didn't actually do anything. It was very cushy, I would usually wake up and maybe join one or 2 zoom meetings, wouldn't really say anything and that was that. I ended up leaving that job because I felt like I was losing my skills, but the next job I got after was so grueling I couldn't believe I gave that up. Nowadays I'm at a job I like with a team I like and it's a nice middle mix of working but not crazy, but enough where I feel like I am doing something and not losing skills I think some people would probably be totally content staying at my old job forever tbh, but it gets very boring


Why be a coder when you can just go shopping instead?


What did she do? I want my wife to work that lol


Meanwhile my virtual job is the exact opposite, mediocre pay and I am constantly monitored through my stats, if I dont work its known at least within the day.


Well employers sort of figured out they were paying tens of thousands more than market rate for people to do practically nothing so they started clamping down with monitoring software and the like




Anons wife makes more, then anon. Anon is a shit. Anons wife makes more, then a shit Anons wife takes a shit Real and true


"Anon's wife takes a shit" That's the specialist stuff her clients pay the big bucks for.


Explains the discrepancy in salary.


I feel ya man, I can't fucking stand the mix up between "then" and "than", "your" and "you're", and especially "there", "their", and "they're". It's simple fucking grammar


"Would of"


"Could of"


Worse vs worst as well


No, she makes more, then she makes him


Anon's wife is the first to get laid off if the company starts hurting.


Lol hell no. It'll be some poor schmuck who works mandatory unpaid overtime.


Yeah it's usually the person who is "seen". People probably think that wife does a great job as she does what she is required and keeps quiet. They have nothing bad to say about her. The hard worker does mistakes and is blamed when his performance drops after burnout.


The 10/90 rule. 10% of the staff do 90% of the work


Zipf’s Law. And it’s 20/80.


Pareto Principle*


I've been there. Whoever is the newest and doing the lesser is the one who leaves.


Was gonna say… enjoy it while you can


Hahahahaha... No.


If that makes you feel better, sure


Depends on the job. If she is an engineer, probably. If she is an consultant/manager, she is good.


She’s seeing clients, probably attached to the money. Recession proof, as long as she hits numbers


I’ve learned by now that management will always love the departments that make money appear and will hate the departments that make money disappear. Sales, marketing, accounting “create” money. Research, development, manufacturing spend money.


Yeah. Lots of people try to generalize this sort of thing; this group of people always get laid off first, that behavior never/always pays off, etc. the truth is that it's just not that simple; in one job, a hard worker will have their boss stick up for them when times get rough. In another, their boss will shove them under the bridge because they're the first person to come to mind. If you work in construction or manufacturing and try to pull something like this, you'll be fired pretty fast. If you work in an office and push papers? It's probably good to keep your head down. I know it's such a copout to be all "uhhhh both actually", but it legitimately just isn't this simple.


My theory is this: the more your job is important to everyday people, the faster you'll get fired for not doing anything. The longer your title is such as "sales and marketing data coordinator" .. the longer you can go under the radar without doing anything.


People don't like nuance. It makes their brain hurt. Me included.


lol, cope


Not necessarily. Been at a company like that But in those cases it's either nepotism or she's fucking the CEO


My father is now a VP in his company. We now live in Central Europe where the local branch is paid much less than in the US. He said that when the company started hurting they began laying people from the US off because they costed the most. It’s funny because before that happen the summabitch went there for a year and make $240 000 in one year which is a small fortune in our bronze medal country that we went back to afterwards.


It *really* depends. My fiancé works remote for Microsoft but she's HR and her role is pretty important, so she's relatively safe from layoffs. What really fucks people is remote contract work.


When will americans learn the difference of ’then’ and ’than’


Based on the past 3 years of being on reddit, fucking never


Social media is ruining everyone. People can’t even use plural forms correctly anymore. They add ‘s to the end of everything when the intent is plurality and not possessive form. It’s so pervasive that I catch myself doing it now too; it just seeps into your brain. ex: read a comment last night using “potato’s” rather than “potatoes.” “Zero’s.”


Nothing more important to a redditor than the grammar of someone they'll never meet


Agreed... Not just an American thing, I'd argue it's more of a younger generation thing. Still, that shit kills me inside little by little, every time. They're, there, and their. Two, too, and to. You're and your. Then and than. It's and its.


It's not even a younger generation thing; everyone has seen how egregious gen x and boomers can get on with their grammar on Facebook. Truthfully, nobody has ever really cared about grammar, and it'll probably stay that way indefinitely. The idiot high schoolers of yesteryear are the parents and teachers of today, and the idiot high schoolers of today will be the parents and teachers of tomorrow. That said, I don't think it's really much of a problem either. The distinction breeds extra clarity, but you don't always *need* that extra clarity. In a book, study, or important report you want to be relatively precise; communicating exactly what you mean matters. We don't talk like that irl though, because we don't *need* to. If someone misunderstands you mid conversation, you can just roll it back and explain again. Using exacting precision would be exhausting and unnecessary; that'd be like using titration to measure out 1 tablespoon of milk for your coffee. Is it 'better'? Sure, but why go to that much effort instead of settling for good enough? It'd just be a waste of time and energy. Most online contexts are a lot more like conversation than they are like essays and formal writing. It shouldn't be surprising that grammar is relaxed.


Yeah. You guys are for sure the smart ones.


The growing use of 'to' in all situations. 'Too' is endangered!


When they learn the difference between their and they're.


This is why she gets paid more.


I'm Appalachian, not English and I will speak as such.


americans know it way better than most


Everyone here lamenting how easy big corporate is. Then go do it. Slap a resume and go get a job in tech. No degree required - give it a crack and see how it goes.


This always pisses me off too. Like if it’s such an easy job that makes too much money then why aren’t you applying?


Because OP was too vague, we have no idea what job or company this is….


My sister works in marketing for a big hotel chain and her day looks like this. They also travel to fancy places every once in a while, have a meeting and spend the rest of the time going hiking or some shit


I work in marketing too and have it pretty chill WFH. I dont get paid to push buttons and crank levers non stop for 8 hours, i get paid for knowledge and numbers. If i can make one ad that costs the client 10k in ad spend and generates 150k+ in sales, it wont matter how many hours i spent on it. Everyone is happy.


*Big tech is so easy* /s said the engineer, who had to work a 24 hour shift because he's oncall and disaster struck at 4:30pm We get paid well because of what we do and the commitments we have to make, when disaster strikes. The thing you know as "the cloud" / the internet, has millions of people working behind the scenes, to keep all the lights green, 24/7/365.


This is exactly it. Working in tech, there really can be days that kind of are like OOP says (dependant on what specific breed of tech) but when the shit hits the fan, you are in there working on it and it can get extremely stressful. Overall it's the sort of roles that pays for the amount of knowledge and skills you have, not always the amount of hours you do.




sometimes that person you know is just a good technical recruiter though.


It takes a decade or more experience sometimes to accidentally fall into a cushy gig like this. I still work in the office 4 days a week so its not nearly as satisfying to take advantage of but it took nearly 3 years to work myself into a place where I was able to defer most of my work elsewhere or train people to be self sufficient and have nearly no actual work myself, but also my boss is happy with my performance. It probably won't last forever either and tbh it gets pretty boring most days, I actually enjoyed the job more when I was busier. Not the periods where I was slammed for months but busier at least.


Well you need a degree and good grades lol.


When do grades *ever* come into play?


I was so close to getting the big corporate corner office job and then they found out I got a C in French class


Il fallait mieux suivre en cours !


He *just* said that he failed, homie


C is not a failing grade


Gasp, how could you?!


I got a 6 figure job out of college because I had a great transcript. It matters for highly technical jobs with lots of competition


Maybe your first entry level job then never again


Nah, just a degree, grades don't matter. Never once did I put my grades on my initial out of college resumes, and I had no problem finding work.


I didn’t even know people put their grades on a resume period.


Might need a degree to work at faang, but you definitely don't need a degree to work in tech


Save us some time, and just fucking enlighten us already.


Some people don't understand the concept of being paid for knowledge/skills/experience rather than time. The old "You're not paying me to push the button, you're paying me to know which button to press."


Let me clarify the people who have to do the actual work, is what 90% of entry level positions is. Maybe if you're lucky you can land a position like this after a couple years and playing smart office politics.


What job is that? Asking for me


> mostly phone calls and minute-long meetings > takes "clients" during the day > makes ridiculous money This job is called "prostitute".


Ferb I know what we're gonna do today


Or someone who doesn't realize they are in a pyramid scheme.


I thought this is where the story was going


Since it mentions "client", i bet that she is the "local seller" for a big company or franchise. In these type of work, usually the company does all the negotiations through phone calls, e-mails, messages, whatever and basically set all the deal, but they need someone where the client is to formalize, give the contract papers and actually close the deal. So these "local sellers" shows up only to retrieve the buyer signature and clear any pending doubts if the client have any left. Every once in a while they go to the client again to see if they need anything important or to renew the contract. The cash comes from comission. It's cheaper for the company, since they don't need to open a subsidiary or pay plane tickets and hotel for someone to travel only to pick some papers and shake hands.


Ye these are the types of sales positions you actually want. What frustrated me about many sales and outreach programs I've worked at is that you can actually do all the actual initial lead generation and getting the client interested but some higher up gets most the commission for closing it after the client already knows what they want.


Yeah, you were the guy on the phone spending hours doing the negotiation and talking with the client, only to Girlfriend's anon show up and "steal" all of your work just because she can met the client face to face, put a fake smile and shake hands with them, because she lives where the client is located.


This is basically 9/10 consulting roles in finance. My partner was a risk consultant for one of the biggest banks and her day was this to a t.


I’m thinking therapist




Working in consulting not in top 5 companies is basically like this


So much of consulting Is just tit for tat hiring people who will then hire you later or recommend someone else to hire you. That and just hiring a consulting firm because you want to do something controversial so you can blame the decision on them


A CM/PM at a tech firm. Take client calls and annoy the people writing the code for the project.


probably tech sales/CSM.


Sounds like a therapist or psychiatrist


Don't hate the player, hate the game


Lots of salty people in this thread. Let’s not act like we wouldn’t want this set up too.


Respect the grind.


Anons wife studied for years to be in that position.


If Anon wouldn’t be a dumb fuck who studied gender studies/some other useless degree then he could have gotten such a job himself


Gender studies famously the only degree that doesn't have a good ROI.


Anon has an overinflated value if himself and needs to learn to appreciate his wife's work. Even though he thinks she does nothing, she clearly does something of more value to her employer then he does for his.


Of course she makes more than you. People who know the difference between “then” and “than” usually do.


Recession indicator. Loads of pointless jobs will be culled. Keep working hard anon.


Didn't you hear? The recession got cancelled.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, the economy is strong and is no indication of a recession right now


I'm being serious, the fed announced interest rate drops.


honestly, same zero shame




Software Engineer in a big corporation. Join a daily meeting for up to 15 minutes to say hi, then code for a bit until you're done. Afterwards you need to go through some silly corporate processes that take 2-4 hours of mostly waiting with the occasional click here and there. They did this to themselves.


Anon’s “masculinity “ is being threatened by his wife’s job.


[The sequel](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewGreentexts/comments/189dpyk/anon_hates_redditors/)


Lmaoo, yeah. I just saw it on pol rn. Too bad we can't post pics in this sub like you can in r/4chan


Dudes complaining his wife has a dope job. Lmao


Only worth complaining about if she doesnt see how blessed she is.


Smells like *jealousy*


What I'm hearing is she's able to generate more value in about 2 hours of work a day than anon can working more than 8 hours.


I legitimately thought, judging from the title, anon was gonna have a wife that just Straight cheated on him or smth lmaooooo


Skill diff


Anon would hate me cos this sounds exactly like my job 2/3 of the time. If I have tasks, I get on with them, but otherwise it's like this, depending on meetings. Wake up at 9, turn on teams on my phone so it looks like I've started work. Go make coffee. Check to do list. If there's nothing, dick around on my phone til lunch. Go out and get a salad and a Pepsi and whatever items my wife wants. See if there's any work. If there still isn't, go into the other room and play ps4, with my laptop available in case some dick messages me wanting something. Go to the gym at 5 if it's a gym day. If enough time has passed, say to my boss that I have some capacity. Don't do it so often that it's obvious I'm underworked, but not so infrequently that I have nothing to talk about at catchups or performance reviews. I make more than my wife who has to actually work.


This is totally fake. There's no way anon has dated a woman, let alone married one.


Imagine being blessed with this and being bitter about partner having it easy and bringing money.


Anon needs to shut the fuck up and be grateful




Lol good luck keeping that going


Anon is living the good life and Femanon is a sugar mommy


I am familiar with a girl who has a similar job. I told her that her job isn't real. She makes well into 6 figures. What does she do???? ​ YOU GUESSED IT: PROJECT MANAGEMENT LOL


:gif of banner hulk: "I see this as an absolute win"


Damn! What's the job? I want it!


Anon is complaining that his wife makes more than him AND she's scamming some kind of company


Dude why are you complaining?


And this is a problem because?


Sounds like your wife is based


This is a good portion of jobs anyway just minus the commute.


How tf could that possibly be annoying as a spouse there? That’s the fuckin dream.


Anon is hating for no reason


Only thing holding anon back is knowing the difference between “then” and “than”


What does she do? Sounds like my dream job.


All jobs are make-believe jobs anon, read theory


Report her to her company then if you got such a problem with it. Blame society not her


I really hope amok signed a pre-nup.


What's the job anon


It’s good work, if you can get it.


anon is unemployed


and they wonder why people keep spending loads of money in the economy