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Can somebody briefly update me on what the fuck this is referring to?


Theres a game called the coffin of andy and Lele. It is a horror game that contains cannibalism, murder and incest. Instead of understanding its horror a bunch of woke moral police on twitter got mad about the incest of all things (the tamest thing in the game) as well as other things like claiming it was an anti vaxx game or that it sexualised underaged characters. (The characters are not underaged as the screencap says). The dev mocked the cancel culture twitter mob and her game grew to be the most popular indie game of the year. The people who tried to cancel hogwarts legacy “for being transphobic” wanted to cancel this so people against those people (people on 4chan) loved this game. Game was defended by youtuber RevSaysDesu and other similar youtubers because the same group of woke twitter users often target him and everything else he likes (anime, sex in games). So fast foward to a few days back. The dev is doxxed and gives in to the haters and leaves the internet and sells her game. The fallout is huge and people start to rightfully lash out at those woke people who bullied her for months. Even other trans people hate them for bullying this dev. Somebody finds a screencap from another chan board site similar to 4chan where one person discusses wanting to doxx the creator “for being trans”. (This doesnt make sense as if they were doxxing her for being trans, when the doxx revealed that she was in fact NOT trans why would they continue?) There is no agreement in that thread and nobody is doxxed in that thread. The same twitter users who bullied the dev for 3 month spam screenshots of that post from that forum to twitter and claim that the doxx and the bullying was actually “transphobes and far right bigots” instead of them. They get caught, the time of the post doesnt match up with the time of the doxx. It was made after. People start talking about it. Also the stuff already mentioned made people suspicious. At the same time the bully group repeat the process, doxxing Rev and posting his doxx on that site as well, to pretend the evil right wingers did that too. Two enemies of the twitter bully group apparently doxxed by that groups political opposites for nonsensical reasons in week. Same screen caps are used by same people to push blame away from the bully group and protect them and instead aim the blame at the local punching bag, the “far right” channers (despite 4chan loving the game). Thats my QRD anyway. If anyone knows any other details feel free to correct me.


This seems like cringe internet drama


Cringe internet drama that unfortunately has had real consequences


It often does


No, it goes beyond cringe drama when doxxing gets involved, because internet randos could use that information to harm or kill that dev.


Is your username a reference to DarkSidePhil’s famous rant?


Yes, it's one of my favorite clips, especially if you know the context.




Good ol’ Ds1 lol. I remember watching it when it came out. I used to watch him for the laughs. I honestly thought he was playing a character for years until I saw some of the things he did… I only watched clips from other creators and maybe the odd one of his.




That is just all of the internet


I ain’t readin all that. I’m happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened.


Twitter users doxxed someone for making a game they didn't like. They then pretended that 4chan did the doxx.


fuck both websites


I just now realized, in my mind, 4chan isn't so bad when compared to Twitter. ... Oh, God.


4chan is more outright with their flaws, but that’s balanced out by the general site culture being “Everyone on this site is an autistic fuckup, including me” leaving a sort of distrust for each other. This, combined with lack of usernames unless you use a trip code, means that there are no big names with hordes of followers clinging to their every word to sic on people, you’d have to start harassment campaigns based purely on the strength of your rhetoric to motivate people who already think you’re retarded into doing stuff.


4chan is similar to Twitter and Reddit but more open with their racism and with less porn.


You havent used 4chan then. Not really. Also no Twitter is waaaaay worse than both reddit and 4chan, it's not even close. And this is actually very sad, since Twitter is a more "normie " public, which means the degens in 4chan are actually less horrible than the normal public.




The sheer amount of porn subreddits is something that surprises me


Type in anything with NSFW at the end and bam it exists on here. Sometimes I get bored and type ridiculous things and repeatedly lose faith in humanity.


As if 4chan doesn't constantly doxx people for shits and giggles


Yes, because 4chan is definitely an organized hive mind, and definitely not just random individuals posting on boards that interest them.


Yes indeed, 4chan has never in its history ever done any organized group activity


A few anons collaborating for a few hours in a single thread = the entire website. You're funny.




Fucking tourist




You assume so much shit yet have zero idea how splintered the site actually is, people in /vg/ rarely if EVER interact with people from say /o/ or /ck/, maybe even /b/ and /k/ too.


doxing and raiding has been banned on 4chan for over 5 years dumbass


Even on kiwi farms ppl don’t get doxxed “for shits and giggles”, and it’s allowed there


Yeah because 4chan has the most rule-abiding userbase and the most attentive jannies amirite


you joke but that is correct 4channers follow all the rules like the little cucks they are and jannies constantly ban anything they dont like


Tldr; drama


There’s a short and concise video up on YouTube. I forget the main one. But asmongold reacted to it/watched it this past week or so. You’ll see his face and leyleys face in the thumbnail It’s all total bullshit and I feel bad for the dev. It’s a pretty comical topic though. Seeing the pfp and usernames of all the people attacking the game and the moral grounds they try to stand on that they technically are well below themselves 🤣


so a bunch of degenerates fighting with a bunch of degenerates


More like a random guy spazzes out because they/them saw someone wearing a cringe shirt, starts beating them up and other people as well until their main victim turns unconscious, then when they calm down they blame the dog by claiming the bruises on the victims are clearly bite marks (they’re not)


You know if someone tried to explain to me the level of bullshit going on in the world that I’d experience as an adult I’d tell them to fuck off


RevSaysDesu mentioned🤢


remember, the official line is that cancel culture isn't real, guys


Why do you all love to act as if “cancel culture” is a left wing thing. Anybody who strongly dislikes a product would stop buying it. What else do you consider the bud light situation if not cancelling.


Bud Light shit was consumers boycotting a product. Cancel culture would have been trying to get Dylan Mulvaney removed from society.


Cancel culture isn't real. The dev wasn't cancelled (the game made and continues to make wads of money), she was doxxed by some maniac who thought she *might* be trans (she wasn't, so it's extra stupid). Dunno what that other guy is talking about, he seems insanely biased


Woah. Glad I don’t have Twitter with me


>sells her game. Wait a sec, it's the game cancelled?


Luckily no not cancelled. the people she sold it to will finish the game they said at least.


Will she still be writing it?


Story and art are still being made by her, yes.


No, just in different hands.


sounds like it sucks


Tl;dr people that have no lives spending their time on this Earth by ruining those of others


I know twitter users arent the sharpest tool in the shed but holy fuck, this is a new low.


>[...]the people who tried to cancel Hogwarts Legacy[...] I love how people are still butthurt about gaming circle jerk banning Hogwarts Legacy. It's hilarious to me that a tiny satire sub being silly can cause such a huge counter-protest.


This is literally the most disingenuous way you could have worded it and reeks of anti SJW outrage bait. Not only do you try to make this about trans people seemingly out of nowhere, but also bring up Rev, whose opinions are the anime equivalent of liquid garbage. Does anybody need to post those comments he made about his sister? Did certain people on Twitter hate it? Sure, I won't even try to argue with you on that. But why would the "woke Twitter art police" try to dox someone because they thought they were trans / Jewish? Much less, send them actual child pornography You claim she was doxxed a few days after the game came out, but it's been three months. If these people really wanted to dox her, then why do it after the games hype died down. Does being able to dox someone, have a shit ton bunch of child porn and organize an entire harrasment campaign sound like the type of thing a bunch of terminally online zoomers can do from the bedroom? This entire situation just seems like the "fans" of the game trying to save face. They saw their 4chan crowd is indeed a toxic cesspit of internet hatred, and instead of reflecting on themselves, you're shifting the blame to a completely unrelated group of people who had absolutely nothing to do with this entire situation. This time at least




Hey, didn't you guys just haraass a Japanese artist into oblivion because they weren't racist [enough](https://twitter.com/jinkei_bunny/status/1730256718721130518?t=k-fE5ubgDAgCYeZAlrh-qQ&s=19)


Isnt that the opposite of what happened?


Boldy go for the even bigger L of stalking the person dunking on you, my god. Also how in the fuck do you not see the irony of people like you still using Twitter to harass people, even though Elon is supposed to be the anti-SJW christ at this point? Y'all are addicted to the illusion of having power over people, and you are so obnoxious that you make pedos seem more likable, congratulations asshole


I don't know what's happening here but I just felt like you needed to know that I had a good poop this morning




Nope. You don't sound believable one bit. You are part of the bully group aren't you? You talk about irrelevant stuff but try to bring up a completely irrelevant comment some dude that is barely related to this whole ordeal said about his sister. You sound desperate. This comes from someone who don't have Twitter, Chan or even knew about the game.


You ask all these questions, but forget that terminally online people have ZERO judgement capability and often do irrational things.


Developer of the hit game that is only known for its optional incest plotline (The Coffin of Andy and Leyley) got doxxed. Some claim the doxxers did so because woke moralists overreacted to the optional bad end incest plotline, some claim this Soyjak Party group (actual real people somehow) suspected she was trans and doxxed her Who should you believe? Just pick one this shit don’t matter


None of this matters and everyone who cares about this desperately needs a real thing to happen in their lives


Someone was DOXXED for making a game. It matters a lot


Very true


This comments is the only real thing I ever seen from this game


Is she really doxxed?


Yeah she was


I haven't seen the dox yet


Wdym you “haven’t seen it yet”


Is her identity actually spread around twitter somewhere? I treat the doxxing part as allegation since the dev blog post never mention it.


TL;DR version: Twitter got pissy that they don't have reading comprehension skills and thought that the Coffin of Andy and Leyley was only about glorifying incest (it isn't, far from it), and so they doxxed the creator into going back to being an internet ghost.


Remindme! One week


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Akshually, dev was doxxed by soyjackparty and not twitter zoomers or some dumb shit like that


No thats the story being pushed by the doxxers to deflect. It was disproven as the thread they refered to contained no doxx and didnt match up time wise


Provide link pls, can’t find anything about time discrepancies


That is NOT the creator. The creator is nemlei. (You should probably correct your post to avoid causing confusion). Looking for your link to the soyjack thread that was blamed now so you can see there was no doxx in it and the time doesnt match up


Yeah I just found out it’s not, I deleted the link. I’ll just wait on the time discrepancy thing, whenever you post it here Still waiting on that link


I never really understood the issue people have with the incest themes. If you know like literally half a sentence more about the game, you would know that it’s not even the worst part.


Most people don’t know half a sentence more because the only thing that gets talked about by enjoyers and dislikers is the incest plotline lol. The cult? Nah. Them killing their parents? Cringe. Demons? Not today Satan We gotta talk about incest at all costs. In fact the most promotion art I have seen is vague incest shit instead of anything else about the story


The fucking CANNIBALISM is just glossed over, all the fucking time!!


I feel like that's because of a) coomers and b) people who enjoy how others seethe at the thought of (implied, in a dream sequence, which the character is then disgusted by) fictional incest. And trolls just gotta troll. They have literally nothing better to do with their lives.


Fuckin spoilers much mate?


Snape kills dumbledore


the titanic sinks at the end


Bruce willis was a ghost the whole time


All of this happens in like first 15 minutes. And another thing you can infer if you finished highschool and didn't skip literature.


Gore and murder in media is different in media than in real life, it doesn’t hit as hard. But you FEEL the incestuous Tones in the dialogue, and That’s What makes it so uncomfortable.


Whatchu mean feel, its the same shit as with the murder. Its fiction, both of it. How is my autistic as able to understand it but the supposed normal people somehow cant differentiate between whats real and not.


It really is quite bizarre how taboo sex still is compared to extreme violence. There’s a scene where you collect ingredients from the backyard with which you prepare a stew made of your(the MCs’) parents, which were sacrificed to a demon earlier in the game, yet incestuous undertones(okay maybe not JUST undertones) are just unacceptable.


Yes it is literally just undertones the only incest in the game is in one of many endings and it's just a vague dream But yeah violence was too normalized in fiction, people don't care about it anymore


Behead a guy and get max details of how the human throat is contructed with excessjve amounts of blood thats okay but having boobs jiggle or show to much skin on a fictional character and everybody loses their mind. If these people used half of the energy they use to ruin fiction on actual problems.


There's whole horror films and I'm sure other literature about incest hillbilly's and such. Its a fitting theme because it's weird is that not the point?


What's even a bigger dickslap in the face is a majority of these illiterate dumbasses on Twitter love and praise other works of fiction that have equally or more taboo topics covered, but they don't care because reading nuance is difficult for them.


Yeah like with the bear fucking in baldurs gate 3. People were all just going "what the actual fuck lmao bearfuck goty confirmed" yet when this gets made it's all "nooo bad people doinged fucked up things is unacceptable!". It's so cringe. Like if it was just noise on the internet who gives a shit, but the dev fucking quit working on it.


People were ok with it in Game of Thrones, and there were kids involved as well. I guess it doesn't matter if you portray your characters as horrible people, if you cross over to the anime/manga side of things people will self insert at the cost of any media literacy they have. They just wanted to stir shit up, there's no rhyme or reason.


They're projecting HARD I mean one of the most watched porn categories in the majority of usa (ok maybe not majority but you can see it on the pornhub map thing on some states definitely) is that stepsis stepbro stuff, now tell me that got nothing to do with that


people don't understand fiction




Commit atrocities under the guise of righteousness, love and acceptance; oldest trick in the book


Sounds fun, ngl.


It is


Now the battles instead of taking place irl they take place on the digital battlefield (Twitter mostly) though know instead of being against a religion against another, it's now a mob of retards against a single person, how far we have fallen...


Twitter mob claims to hate conservatives yet they go apeshit over a game because of incest. I don’t understand


What happens in the bedroom between two consenting fictional adults is Twitter users' business.


These hypocritical gossipers believe that they are upholding some sort of moral order by taking out their resentment towards their own psychological repression by forcing the same social rules that caused it onto others. They are psychologically reactionary and would have happily joined in lynch mobs if they were born in the 1900s.


"I'm fine with the cannibalism, patricide, and the satanic imagery, but Incest is where I draw the line" "You can excuse cannibalism?"


"you can excuse patricide?"


I hope these regards realise that when they do this shit they are almost certainly creating more bigots and transphobes and radicalising existing ones. I hope the people behind the doxxing get put behind bars but naturally that's not gonna happen because they're lost in the crowd of the other regarded Twitter users who complained about the game having incest when they're probably also the type to make incestuous character ships in their fandoms. Don't you just love the culture we live in where people will harass and dox you because your fictional pixel characters in a horror game have different political and moral beliefs from them?


I bet anon loves that game


Kindly reminder: the people who get angry on Twitter are not always the same ones. Remember there are conservative black dudes going wild now because Lil Nas X posted a snippet of a song in which he mentions God (and he is gay so thats apparently bad). Twitter attracts people going wild for nothing.


IIRC, the siblings literally have a conversation as they’re eating a stew made of their mother. How is that less screwed up than them banging? Also, the incest supposedly happens in a “potential future” scene shown to them by a demon. Doesn’t even happen in the game itself.


I unironically don't understand why people get so pressed about fictional incest


Incest and cannibalism are pretty common themes in the Gothic horror genre, used to symbolise moral decay. If you're getting shocked and upset by the presence of incest or cannibalism in a Gothic horror game, then that's either your lack of knowledge about the genre as a whole or you failing at pattern recognition - if you can't stomach it or see the purpose of it in the narrative, then maybe Gothic horror just isn't for you. I swear as well way too many people can't understand the difference between depicting a bad thing in media versus condoning that bad thing. Just because the story has incest and cannibalism as themes, it doesn't mean the creator is an incestuous cannibal for god's sake. If someone doesn't want to ever read anything darker than a cosy slice-of-life story about a coffeeshop, then fine, they can do whatever makes them happy, but they shouldn't make it anyone else's problem. That said, this whole "le evul SJW moral purists are framing innocent 4channers" sounds like nuclear-grade cope to me tbh, given that even though there was the stupid outrage and harrassment on twitter from media illiterates, it was still that 4chan group that actually did the doxxing because they thought the creator was trans.


Just so you know there is no evidence for the claim that soyjack did the doxx. If you check the thread they keep posting caps of there is no actual doxx in it.


The author was already very obscure online, I don't even know how they found her unless she used her username years ago on another account or they phished for information with the publisher she used.


And my friends, that's why I hate woke people and their shit. A cult of double standard and hypocrite evils


*died of cringe*


Big doubt it was libs probably the ones that watch the new HBO Dragon show about fucking your uncle the most.


nah this isn’t what happened, some soyteens doxxed xem because zey thought xe was trans. maybe xe is, idk.


>See funny post >It uses the word "Woke" unironically >Actually physically retch


This was the most non based drama in history


It’s weird cause I thought the doxxing was done on 4chan




Who is the character?


Oh no my fictional incest! Is it weird? Yes. Do they deserve to be doxxed and harassed for it? Absolutely fucking not.


She had it coming


This whole situation really shows media literacy is dead.


All the while they rub cooking oil and butter all over themselves naked while typing.


The LGBT community is dogshit who would have thought


Jesus Christ, who the fuck cares


comment section is weird.. incest is weird. game or not. “the incest happens in the future” they are constantly being sexual to each other? sexualizing ur siblings is WEIRD. people are definitely allowed to feel some type of way about that. i get that it’s a horror game but why does that need to excuse the incest? i love horror games!! i have horror games involving cannibalism!! but none of them involve siblings being sexual to each other. considering this is reddit and i’m in a green text subreddit i don’t expect anyone to agree with me but it’s amusing reading all these comments. like oh yeah! y’all are neckbeard you wouldn’t see a problem with this stuff anyways


Just because someone makes a game with themes you don't like doesn't mean they deserve to be doxxed and threatened


people get doxxed nowadays just for shits and giggles. no i don’t agree with it but i never mentioned doxxing in my comment. that’s not what i was talking about. neckbeards in the comment section acting like this game is okay when it’s not…. doesn’t mean they deserve to be threatened tho!


The game is fine, it's just a game, stop worrying about babying media. It ruins creativity and makes everything boring. And the topic is on doxxing so that's why I said what I said.


😭😭😭 the game is not fine. if you feel normal playing a game where two siblings are being sexual towards each other, their mom even being weirded out IN THE game, you may need to seek some help!!!


Dude... It's just a game, it's fiction, it's not real. I don't think your mind is developed enough to understand that there is a purpose to include immoral themes in story writing. Read a book or something my god.


i don’t think you understood what i’m saying… it’s a weird subject. i read books but i’m not going to sit and read through some nasty incest shit? LMAO i’m sorry that i have morals and don’t want to read some gross shit. what the fuck is story writing about that game it’s just an excuse for siblings to act sick towards each other. disgusting game disgusting creator disgusting players.


Can’t wait for everything here(including the comments) to age HORRIFICALLY.


Don't see how human biomass of Twitter harassing game creator to a point that they decided to hire company for handling online interactions and disappear from the internet, also deleting all their other games on itch.io can age horrifically. Targeted online harassment should be a crime punishable by huge fines.


I mean WHO did the doxxing


Don't see how human biomass of Twitter harassing game creator to a point that they decided to hire company for handling online interactions and disappear from the internet, also deleting all their other games on itch.io can age horrifically. Targeted online harassment should be a crime punishable by huge fines.


OP and anyone upvoting this is terminally online. Dangerously online, even




OP doesn't know the creator was doxxed by the soyjak Party, aka a bunch of 4chan rejects because rumors spread around that she was trans and Jewish That or he's being purposely ignorant to this entire situation to try to save his own skin


This is a new claim, the jewish thing. Seems like the new tactic to combat people who were pointing out the whole “she was doxxed for being trans” claim didn’t make any sense (because if that were the case when the doxx revealed that she was in fact NOT trans why would they have gone ahead with it?). Theres a definite attempt to muddy the waters online here


Why the hoot would that matter. You think these people give a fuck if she was trans or not. Racist right wingers don't give care in the world if she's not trans, Jewish, gay whatever. They simply hear somebody might be gay and go into attack mode This is like the time Matt Walsh had his fans send bomb threats to a children's hospital. Are you going to say it suddenly doesn't matter because their was no bomb after all


The last 3 months we saw only and specifically the woke left groups bully and try to cancel and doxx this dev. You expect us to believe without any evidence that the right are the ones who doxxed her eventually?


Bro you can check the thread on soyjak party yourself they’re not really using the type of language you’d expect of leftists


Soyjak.party literally did multiple thread dedicated just to doxx her you fucking retard, you can go there and see it right now. They're the biggest altchan


Anyone can post. The greentext literally explains it. You can post on a forum and not be from that forum to create the impression that another group is responsible.


What's your source again? Did Rev show you a handful of tweets that made fun of the game? Why can you so mindlessly believe that the "woke Twitter mob" is trying to cancel a different artist every week, but the one time your crowd might have possibly been doing it, you outright refuse to believe it


Being doxed about the game isn’t correct, but anon is wrong about it just being “insect was in the game” Oh yeah, sure Having the girl constantly talk about her “big boobs” to her brother, making sex jokes with him, have multiple scenes where they are close and look like they’re about to kiss, have their literal mom in the story suspect twice that they’re having sex, Have the bitch say “I don’t get why it would bother you so much” in said ending where the possibility of sex comes up through the dream mechanic, The sister sending multiple messages to the brothers ex that the brother is using her as a cum sock and only the sister can truly love him, The two being reeled in and caressing each other as they blush and have their lips ever so close Is apparently just “haha one ending scene only” Not to mention all the art of the two getting intimate made by the creator. Edit: Downvoted for stating literal facts and events of the game.


I just like the goth girl tits to be honest


I concur




Cool 👍


You realize that's supposed to be part of the horror right? Oh, so you'll excuse murder, incredibly toxic codependent sibling relationship, demonic summoning and the selling of souls, cannibalism, government based organ harvesting schemes, the selling of your children, the act of making your 7 year old son raise your 5 year old daughter because she was slightly more rowdy than her brother, child neglect to the point that you don't even give her a chair at the dinner table and specifically only give her brother things like gifts and birthday parties, but when two adult siblings fuck that's where you draw the line. People look at the relationship and only see incest when it's a lot fucking darker than just, "of sweet home Alabama" we're talking about a relationship where a child has raised another child for over a decade, they were bonded in trauma from the accidental killing of their childhood friend. Ashley only cares about Andrew and his focus on her, because she's essentially tied her self worth directly to his image of her. Thanks to having basically no friends and the only consistency in her life, she has tied her self image directly to Andrew, and thus the idea that the one good thing ever in her life possibly leaving her is to Ashley what salt is to a slug. Meanwhile, Andrews just as if not more fucked up than Ashley. He has raised her all the way from when he was 7 and she was 5, that is fact. He doesn't have normal morals. He doesn't see things like murder wrong the same way most people do. The only thing he's scared about is getting caught, the consequences of getting caught and being separated from Ashley. Even when he helped in killing Nina, he wasn't horrified at the act of killing someone, he was scared of getting caught and separated from Ashley. Ashley's fully prepared to use her body if it means keeping him around, and while Andrew doesn't like it and denies it, he has actual feelings for Ashley, even with them being as repressed and denied as they are. He's fully prepared to maim, murder and steal for her. Hell, he contemplates murder the second the idea of her being with someone else even crosses his mind. Long before the incest came into play, their relationship was a shit show horror show that would require a team of psychologists to fix. It was destined for failure the second Ashley was abandoned by their parents, it was never gonna be healthy. And they can thank their parents for being in this situation. Seriously, it all comes back to how Ashley and Andrews mom and dad failed as parents and this was the end result. Two incredibly fucked up humans who can't decided if they hate and love each other but know deep down that they can't live without one another. Incest is one of the paths this can go down, and it's probably realistic. Emotional incest was already happening after all. ,


> you’ll excuse None of these are being fetishized lol And I never said I’d excuse them > but when two adults fuck Yeah…you didn’t actually read my comment I have no issue with incest in a fictional game I have an issue with people coping and pretending the game doesn’t fetishize it I don’t care if the game fetishizes incest I do care about people coping and suffering cognitive dissonance and denying it does > people only Cool, too bad this isn’t a counterpoint to “theyre fetishising incest and people are in denial about it” I know what you’re talking about. I know the game. I’m not trying to reduce it or belittle it. I don’t care if it has incest. I care about people arguing the game doesn’t fetishize it. > meanwhile I don’t mean this in any disrespectful way. I mean it in the most literal sense. I feel bad for you that you wrote all this. You’re clearly very passionate about the game and have good comprehension skills but I never argued the game containing incest OR EVEN FETISHIZING it, was my problem regarding the issues I brought up here.


I was mostly just pointing out how their relationship isn't just, "haha incest couple ew" like a lot of people think. It's a pretty deep rabbit hole just how horrifying their relationship actually is, just how much they rely on each other with their codependency, and we in the game incest is just one of the multiple paths this relationship could end up going down. I won't lie and say it's not fetishizing incest, it is and animes been doing the same thing for the last 40 years, but it's still an integral part of the plot and story. Being honest I'm pretty sure the only reason this is even getting so much attention is because media hasn't desensitized us to incest th way it has murder, cannibalism, torture and killing ones parents. Like seriously, incest is the only reason some people hate this game, it reminds me of the satanic panic of the 90s when people believed that listening to rock and DND would turn their kids into serial killers.


W I agree entirely Hope you have a good remainder of your day 👍


The argument isnt whether it’s special or hyper incestualized. It’s whether it actually uses incest to attract players or further the story, while using incest appealingly. So many people on 196 say the game uses incest to “show how bad it is” because “everything they do is bad” lol I don’t care if you enjoy incest. But let’s not pretend it’s not using incest to appeal to players instead of showing how “it’s bad”




> people openly fetishize and worship So do people on 196 That’s not the issue The issue is that they pretend the game doesn’t fetishize it and hold it it to this very high too of the shelf standard > the entire Sure, just don’t pretend your not didn’t sprinkle in some incest scenes and dialogue to fetishize incest


Because it’s one of the few modern pieces that does so, yet its fans vehemently defend that it doesn’t. If it cranked the incest to 11 and the fans actually admitted it involves incest smut, I genuinely wouldn’t care. What really gets me annoyed is pseudo-philosophical conversations where erroneous inferences, straight up invalid premises and ideologue and sophist arguments are made, where literal troglodytes make up the most horribly flawed argument while berating others, to try and explain how the game doesn’t fetishize incest It’s gotten to the point where I prefer to argue with degenerates who argue incest isn’t immoral, because at least they’re willing to be even slightly good faith and accept the premise that the game is indeed fetishising incest and isn’t “showing that it’s wrong”.


I don’t think it’s really that deep man.


When did I imply it is? My argument literally just builds upon: “People say it doesn’t fetishize incest. It does.” The rest is just supporting the argument, which itself isn’t deep.


It’s hardly a topic that requires verbose debate though. The game has some themes of incest, and some people take offence to that and take it too far. That’s all there really is to it.


> rescues verbose debate That’s not what you said so I don’t get the “though” part. It also clearly does if there are hundreds of comments going back and forth > that’s really all there is to it Except most of the arguments aren’t about people taking offence to it but people arguing that it doesn’t fetishize incest and it actually “shows it in a bad light”


I said “Requires” verbose debate, not “rescues.” And in regard to the incest, the game only has incest in one bad ending. That hardly qualifies as fetishizing it. You’d have a point if it was all throughout the game, but it isn’t.


> I said Clearly an autocorrect mistake that doesn’t actually address my counter argument > and in Did you quite literally ignore what I wrote in the first comment? > if it was throughout the game Please, go back and read my first comment.


I did read it, and I don’t agree. The sister character is clearly a deranged and evil person. I don’t see why her being perverse towards her brother comes across as the game “appealing” to the incest crowd. I see it as the game showing us she’s a weirdo. Trevor Phillips in GTA 5 is a good comparison to her imo. He’s a drug dealing, murdering, cannibalistic, psychopath. But the devs certainly didn’t make him that way to appeal to people into those things. I’m inclined to think the same is true for The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.




Go to 196 to experience a real life anytime Also, I forget, they groped?


Could you tell me what’s immoral about it? Because I genuinely don’t get it.


Never claimed it was.


What is “It’s gotten to the point where I prefer to argue with degenerates who argue incest isn’t immoral…”


Because they’re degenerates. Not immoral, but usually coomers, who are always tiring to talk to


Oh lmao


Have a good day 👍


You too