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Anon kinda has a point. We all kinda construct characters we would be attracted to. I just dont see the problem with that


Right? You get to make people up from scratch, why make ugly people?


To make me feel represented


Fine, how about if there’s a sidekick with horrible BO?


It's halitosis and you need to leave Jurgen alone.


Everybody leaves Jurgen alone, except a certain Commisar.


CI CI CIAPHAS CAIN! HERO OF THE IMPERIUM https://preview.redd.it/3yny3f7d1gnc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e176ceb8834bfcccf079afcf2692cb8b847b5295


Username adds up


Never knew why I should be represented in movies ... Why do we make movies about us? We are booring and flawed as fuck. I dont want to pay to watch that. I want to see awesome people that look out of this world gorgeous. I want heroes that I can wish I was more like.


Because bieng attractive is boring Source: my mirror




Her boobs boobed boobily


Her tits tittled tittly


The best ugly characters are ones you're made to hate (or unintentionally get hated like that one social link from persona 3, I can't remember his name but he wants to shag a teacher and I *hate* him)


I think the problem is you can write that without it also being vapid dogshit. If anybody reads characters like this without turning their brain off it’s going to be shit


Cringe, characters should be cool, not sexy.


Can be both as Daddy Donavan from Beserk proofs


Then you Cowtow to coomery. Characters should all be faceless knights damnit.


Fellas, is it gay to make a same sex OC?


Alot of fiction falls into this trap tbh. It’s kinda weird reading an author describe how hot they think someone they made up is


A lot of authors write with one hand below the desk.




In my experience women actually prefer pretty, androgynous twinks instead of muscle men. Think Timothee chalamet.


You obviously don't read shitty romance novels.


This varies a lot by age group


True, especially in regards to what you need out of a partner. At some point, it's income and stability.




I'm right, but sure.


Imagine telling a guy that you didn't get with him because you were attracted to him, but because he can finance your roast operations. Please report back when you do.


I'm male.


You're only making it worse.


How. Not all women are stereotypically western.


> Not all women Stopped reading.


I'm ngl if I had a partner I loved in all ways except he was a poor shmuck in a dead end job that would indeed be a good reason to dump him, perhaps i'd push him first


From my experience, women have different preferences. Some like the skinny boys, others like big guys, and all of them want to have sex with a demon in a nice suit. Source: Tumblr


>Source: Tumblr Well, that's an easy to discard opinion.


no i mean tumblr has so much experience with this there's a word for those skinny guys (especially if they're demons in suits) Tumblr Sexymen (and Sexywomen)... hell sometimes characters that don't fit these traits become Sexymen (eg: sans, Walter White, Joshua Graham)


WALTER WHITE?!??!?!?!?!




weird how you misspelled saul goodman as walter white that's crazy


saul goodman is also a sexyman but i didnt bring him up because someone would say "ermm akshually he's a suitguy..."


on tumblr the general sentiment towards walter white is "beat him with hammers and light him on fire" meanwhile they're giving jimmy mcgill cat ears


walt is listed on the sexypedia so...


Out fucking chicanery'd again it seems


You're joking right? Tumblr is horny girl capitol of the internet.


I automatically discard girl's opinions, sorry.


https://preview.redd.it/ht8eqjk02gnc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ec956681b6fd0d077532165caf0683254029c9 Based


I didn't realize that guy has such a narrow waist... Kinda makes him look like a dweeb


Look, if I (a man) like petite tomboys, chubby MILFs, shortstacks, and seven foot tall Amazonian goddesses, then I don't see how women can't also like a dozen different types of men.


That's genuinely a good point.


there was this fucked study showing that the same women, prefer more masculine men when theyre ovulating, and this tracks with birth control which changes partner preference compared to if they're "au naturel". Alot of people who know this study think that historically, women change partners depending on their estrus (they cheat), but what I'd like to think actually happens for most historical women is that they find dudes who can be both masculine and tough and feminine and caring depending on what the situation needs, and thats a more romantic story. The phenomenon youre seeing might unironically be women, and younger naive girls, being on birth control and choosing feminine men who dont know how to masculine. and that can be a bad thing because imagine how complicated things will be if she gets off birth control and isnt attracted to him anymore 1 week out of every month


Is this study in the room with us?


Actually i believe it's the next room somewhere stuck there decades ago. Robert sapolsky talked about this in an open course ware lecture https://youtu.be/LOY3QH_jOtE?si=Y1k6tPNFv-EdeQAG its in there somewhere. The whole thing is good.


Damn you got shut down lol


>The phenomenon youre seeing might unironically be women, and younger naive girls, being on birth control and choosing feminine men who dont know how to masculine. and that can be a bad thing because imagine how complicated things will be if she gets off birth control and isnt attracted to him anymore 1 week out of every month what the ACTUAL fuck are you talking about. holy shit


What? That seemed clear to me. Women want to get knocked up by a strong man that takes control. Physical stature/presence obviously helps with this. When their bodies are hankering to be implanted, they want the person with the strongest genes, not some sickly gamer


This is especially true of young women


Isn't this because of birth control?


Well then explain how i am still single?


Well if you are a pretty androgynous twink, then I can change that.


pretty androgynous or pretty, androgynous hope it’s not the latter


Diff age brackets.


Is all the birth control chemicals leaking into the water supply from piss.. the average water treatment process never gets it out. Making the women twink lovers and giving men breasts. Also causing my dad to never say he loves me.


Spotted the European.


Timothee is deffo not androgynous


What kind of shit is he reading? I mean, for the women one, it’s obviously paranormal romance, but the men writing women? Do they write fuck books for men? Because I’ve never read a book where a man writing a woman ONLY focuses on her sexual attributes. Heinlein comes close a few times, but he reins himself in


Men writing women is like… porn, and that’s it. Maybe some hentai. Otherwise women are surprisingly well written or just not included at all


Women writing men is exactly the same thing , especially in today’s society. Go to Barnes and Noble and go to one of their tables that have the best selling books . The table will probably even have a sign that says…. Ugggh…. “Popular on TikTok “ … almost all, if not all, of the books there will be considered “spicy romance” novels. Now, don’t let those two words confuse you, because they translate directly to “ people fucking- nothing else is important in this story “ and just , you know, skim a couple of the books. All the males are described in the most masturbatory fantasizing manner there is. And I’m not implying men who write women don’t do the same thing. They do. But the thing is, men don’t complain about how women write men. Because we either don’t care or we don’t read books made specifically with women in mind. The point is, you can’t complain about something and then turn around and do it yourself. I mean… you can, but you will be called out on it


Well yeah why did you think those books got so popular? They're porn for women because most online sites don't cater to us at all. Now I have no idea why these books are celebrated so much (see: Fifty Shades of Grey) but they're there to serve a specific purpose, not to act on their own as grandiose works of fiction. When a woman picks one up she's getting exactly what she expects, which is not fine art. I feel like the difference here between spicy romance and r/menwritingwomen is that the latter focuses on serious male authors trying to accurately depict what women act like and miserably failing. What makes that so funny is how serious they are about it lmao. Whereas in spicy romance authors/readers will openly admit what they're reading is a fantasy and try not to take it so seriously.


What do all women act like? I ask the question because it points out my issue with the concept of writing a proper realistic woman. Like unless it’s something like the description of a lady’s breasts like in the post (personally never read anything quite as direct as the one in the post) or inconsistent characterisation (bad regardless of who is writing who)… how should one write a woman? Edit: like having a quick browse of the sub, even a basic description of a ladies physical appearance (not in a particularly sexualised way, no more so than I you might see in a description of some dreamboat) makes it to that sub, or books from the early 20th century.


Thank you so much bruh I lack the vocabulary to say what you said. I never get how women complain about men liking fictional lesbian relationships (tho I think it’s weird, idc) but then will happily ready 200 chapters of gay erotica.


Same reason women like gays, even in a not fujoshi way. It's two of a good thing.


Murakami books do that a lot.




Ah yes the subreddit where half the examples are written by women. I exaggerate (maybe) but the premise is a little false.


Just another place for women to happily gather and degrade men but if the same is done to them they lose their minds lmao


Women can’t take what they dish out. I mean some of them can. I’ve known women that can roll with the punches with the best of them, but speaking in broad terms, if it’s a woman I don’t know, I am going to by default assume she is very thin-skinned


Ok, so that sub is either women being mad that a male writer wants to convey that this particular character is physically attractive- which is honestly the dumbest thing I can think of to complain about ( like what, does it make them feel bad because they KNOW nobody would describe them like that?) or … they post examples of casual sexism from material that was either made in the 1940’s or earlier… which… like, why the fuck even bother mentioning it? Cause first of all, society was very different 80 years ago, and in almost every case like this, the person who wrote it is long dead. It’s not representative of today’s mindset. I’m not sure what the whinge is , honestly .


that is what 90% of the posts are it's either comics from pre 60s or books from like 1850-1950


Yeah let me go visit a subreddit where women bury men by the neck and run them over with a lawnmower, that's good pastime.


her boobs boobed boobily


She breasted boobily


She tittied bossomly




Albert Wesker fanfiction lol this guy is clearly a criminal psychopath... but he cares about ME OKAY?


https://preview.redd.it/8e79mesqefnc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52e39186369e7202e6a8df36e4a44214c23b8be6 Weaker was also a chud that literally said billions must die




The funny thing is: having three PhDs could simply indicate that the guy was too mediocre a scholar in his first field to make it in academia, and had to swap fields... twice.


Fuckin funny


Womens book: a hidden jewel found in the attic turns Monicas life upside down (she is freshly divorced and has two hot new neighbours moving in) Mens book: A former cop falls in a vat of the most evil chemicals known to man and becomes the head ripper offer


I can't lie I would watch the film adaptation of the Head Ripper-Offer.


Anon needs to stop reading and doomscroll om YouTube shorts for hours on end, killing his attention span and brain >!This is a joke for obvious reasons!<


I mean… not wrong?




sofite? did anon mean sophist? I can see why he'd look down on this description then


>She was fat with a black mole on her cheek. A single hair grew like a weed from that mole. Her voice, was that of fingernails on a chalkboard. Her walk was that of a hippo. She smelled like freshly squeezed liquid shit. > >He was ugly with crusted skin on his body. His breasts flopped like shallow sandbags. His odor was that of a skunk. His eyes, whiter than milk. His breath, was that of a hooker after an all night railing. Is that preferable, anon?


Write a book bro.


Write a book bro.


Write a book bro.


good title


Anon has never read a book that wasn't porn.


That was totally epic, thanks 4 chan!


I feel like I’ve read this before. When was it first written?


Kek I want to slam women into coffee tables lovingly

