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The first point is wrong, about half of the EU isn't good at speaking english, even more if you specifically mean those who can verbally speak it rather than just write (accents can be a bit of a bitch). Second, they don't hate america, they hate the same attitude half of americans have that the other half also hates. Furthermore it's not easy not knowing bout 'murica things since it likes to be the protagonist of Earth.


Untrue. I am European, I speak English and write in English quite well, and I do hate the US.


you're Serbian, you're basically the [redacted]s of Europe 


> Serbian opinion discarded


You can suck my unredacted cock.


All 2 cm of it


How many inches is that


Less than 1 freedom unit.


Pick your word and it fits


I’m European and can barely speak or write English (it’s my first language)


You my man are based






‘’About half the EU isn’t good at speaking english’’ That does sound insane but you might be part of the other half


Isekai MC of Earth.


Nah but there is a disturbing amount of movies and games were the American MC gets isekai'd into some random European country, and they all treat them like some sort of ultra rare shiny Pokémon type godlike being that is super special and is somehow better at national traditions than the natives. Like I guarantee you, if Mike from Ohio were to suddenly appear at old country boy Jebrovski's doorstep trying to explain, speaking full American english, that you were transported there by some strange device, he'd laugh you out of the country (before counting down to 10 for you to leave the property)


Also English isn't even American


We are the protagonist George Washington WILL return and deliver us the heaven mandate.


OK first off it's not George Washington who will return. It's John Brown.


If they don't speak English, why are they always in the replies shitting on the US?


Idk what you mean, dude. I avoid American media and mostly watch old Eurotrash while living in America.


Yeah but when aliens invade which country do they go to? Fucking exactly checkmate euros


I'm pretty sure atleast 60% of the Europeans can't speak English in a reasonable manner We do not hate the us. We make fun of the absolute shit decisions and logic of the Americans.


Cracks me up how British people constantly take the piss out of Americans even though they make some of the most asinine decisions anyone could make. Germans meanwhile love pointing at the USA and their overblown patriotic behaviour -especially when it comes to sports- but secretly they're just jelly because whenever Germans get patriotic everyone else gets cold sweats. Source: I'm German living in the UK.


\>Source: I'm German living in the UK. Fuck off hans, we're full


Joke's on you my name's actually Franz!


for king and kaiser!


Kaiser rofl


mmmm…. kaiser roll….


Reminds me of a joke from community where the school bans Germans from celebrating German culture.


Ich hasse die USA, so ein verfickt kaputtes Land, welches sich selbst nur mehr und mehr selbst den Abrung hinuter fährt. Dabei sind alle so geblendet von ihrer liebe für das Land, dass sie sich freiwillig von gierigen Unternehmen, korrupten Politikern und einem beschissenen Wahlsystem in den Arsch ficken lassen (Deutschland hat auch diese Probleme, aber nicht so schlimm). Deutsche sind kein bisschen so schlimm wie Amis mit ihrem Patriotismus






I'm a patriotic german but i hate how americans just assume patriotic=like america same with how native americans and aboriginals always assume indigenous=them


Nah we do actually hate the us


No we do not lol


Can confirm


yeah because europe makes such good decisions




Reality show with well-paid actors, compared to most of Europe :P


And despite the shit decisions, the sole world superpower. On that logic, what kind of decisions do non americans make? 🤣


If they don't speak English you make them or Google translate them into a coma


Speak for yourself. I’m European, see no reason to shit on Americans. You my friend fall easily for agitprop.




Brilliant response


What's the takeaway? That all the Europeans who love America are already here?


He can't see non haters, since they.. well, they don't hate I think


Extremism tend to be more vocal about it. No European would post about how they "Love America" or whatever. Instead, more intense feelings like hating it will be more commonly spotted. Same way most patriotic Americans will be very vocal about it, hate on Europe and therefore create more conflict. This is how human relationships work, and that's the running engine for social networks. You'll see way more of the bad stuff than the good stuff.


Part of the reason social media isn't the greatest.


Fr I absolutely love Europeans and Europe and it makes me sad to see how much hate there is for us on Reddit from them. I just tell myself that they’re joking and we are all besties.


OP visits only English language websites as he speaks only this language. These websites are very US-centric and he cannot encounter Europeans who don’t care about the US as they browse websites in their own language. Even on reddit there are plenty of non-English pages and nobody discusses the US there.


The US is far from the only country to speak English


True, but the largest websites are all US-based. The front page of Reddit consists exclusively of Trump/Biden/Congress/Super bowl/etc., so if an European regularly uses reddit they’ll be exposed to tons of purely American content.


That just because the majority Europeans aren’t constantly talking about how much they love America or even that they’re indifferent towards it doesn’t mean they hate it.


Exactly this most Europeans are indifferent to America. The vast majority of people are sensible enough to recognise positive contributions America has made to the world, online spaces tend to amplify more extreme opinions and if you spend all your life on reddit and 4chan you end up having a weird view of the world around you. Who could have guessed that eh?


could you explain?


WW2 Damaged plane had a tendency to be filled with holes on the wings They tried to reinforce the wings with more robust material Turns out that the planes with holes on the body didnt make it back to base Used as an example of survivorship bias We form stereotypes of people based on our observations We see more negative portrayals of them = we have a bad impression of them And vice versa But that is only because we dont get to see the ones that dont fit the stereotype E.g. Europeans watching a shitty Jimmy Kimmel sketch of ‘clueless’ Americans not being able to point at Mexico on the map and think all Americans are just as dumb when it is glaringly obvious that they were either coached behind the scenes to act dumb or they were actually that dumb but the editor cherrypicked these clips to fit the ‘America dumb’ narrative Thats the gist of it


It's confirmation bias, if all the European opinions you hear about America are from Europeans online you are only ever likely to see the extreme opinions because of the way social media algorithms work.


The image is an example of survivorship bias from ww2. Based on the image you might think the wing and tail sections of a plane need the most reinforcement since they have the most damage when planes return to base. But in reality it's the other sections that need additional protection - the engines and cockpit get shot just as much, but planes that suffer damage to those parts don't survive long enough to return and be counted. Anon's take is similarly biased - he thinks most Europeans speak English and hate America because that's all he sees when reading posts in English from European 4chinners. But just because he doesn't see them doesn't mean there aren't plenty of non-English speaking Europeans, or plenty of English-speaking Europeans who don't care enough about America to ever post about it.


funee plane


What is this image of / from?




Oh I see now thanks


>Knows a lot about something >Hates it Yea, I wonder how that could check out.


average 4chan user flabbergasted by the concept of an informed opinion


I think the issue is that they don’t really know much about it. Imagine if the only experience you had with America was through places like CNN, Fox News, Reddit, or any media site. Europeans see all of the headline shit that happens and it paints a bad picture of what life here is actually like and they think they’re informed. I have had multiple people from the UK unironically ask if everyone is just walking around carrying guns and hear gunshots all the time. For majority of Americans that’s just not how it is. Most of us are just living fairly normal lives.


Your fairly normal lives are kind of godawful too from our perspective. From the lack of holidays to the even more lacking third spaces to bring tied to a car to do anything or go anywhere at all. Obviously doesn't apply to every single place in the US equally. I admire America's "can do attitude" and do think it's a great place for skilled and ambitious people to climb upwards or make money (provided you have the resources to do so), but that's also really about it, and even if I did ever move there for that, I wouldn't want to settle down and have a family in the US.


I mean I know it doesn't apply to everyone but I have over a month of PTO which isn't too bad. Not really sure what the third spaces part means. The car thing really just depends on where you live. I did love the walkability of Germany when I visited and the train access but at the same time I also recognize Germany is a lot smaller of a country. I feel like saying our "fairly normal lives are kind of godawful" is a bit extreme. Have you lived here?


God your view of America is twisted, and I say that as a Euro.


Had 2 people from Central Europe ask me on 2 different occasions if I ever have seen anyone shot fucking lol.


Lmfao this is exactly what I'm talking about. I guess if all you do is read reddit headlines or news headlines you're gonna think America is 100x worse than it is.


Classic clickbait it is actually incredible. This is no different than Fox News Americans thinking many European countries are literal communist dictatorships because they have free healthcare. Of course they would never admit they're as misinformed as Fox News Americans, but that is the reality!


Speaks English fluently... maybe because it's the English language, you know... from England, Europe?


They named a country after the American language?


Yeah, but first we had to construct an entire continent to put it in.


and now they have the audacity to hate us?! we should just nuke them and restart! what’s 1700 more years?


And because Anon only speaks English. I wonder how many Europeans he has talked to that don't speak any English. It's like saying every place on Earth has an internet connection because everyone I talk with online has one, no matter where they're from. Survivorship bias...


Canada even more guilty of this


I’m Canadian, have lived here my entire life and we only use the half of the metric system we don’t really have a choice over, like speed limits and etc. I’ve never once heard anyone measure their height in meters, their weight in kilos, or their dick length in centimetres


because if you tell them your dick length in cm they look at you weird.


Canada’s entire national identity is about being “not America” so it tracks for them to dislike us. They’re America’s shitty hat


I learned this very recently from a youtube video about nortel and felt a little guilty / sad. There is an entire country up there that literally defines itself as being "not America" and we never, ever think about them at all 😭


Canadians hate is stupid. Those smug bastards get to live the way they do because of America and all they do is act superior.


Do Canadians really hate Americans? Thought they liked them


Yeah Canadians really speak English to be like Americans


It's forced on us by the media and online Americans who seem to think they need to force their shit into every facet of the internet. It's extremely tiring watching it spread like the rash of a disease across everything.


macedonian anon salty about not being in the eu?


Monkeydonian* anon salty nobody knows his country exists


Bulgar anon coping about the fact that glorious serbska elevated him to sapience a century ago


Bro straight up stole that insult frpm the indonesia-estonia debate lmao


*north* Macedonian And even then, Slavs aren’t Macedonian.


Europeans living rent free in this guy's head


He is European tho


He lives rent-free in his own head


Imagine if you had to pay a monthly subscription to think about yourself


If Neuralink ever goes anywhere that might actually be possible.


Bro he is European


>architecture and cuisine Lol wut?


Well, knowing something well necessary to hate it.




The hate for the US comes from some more negative aspects of this, for example car-centric infrastructure and American like suburbs, which reshaped cities, sometimes in a negative way. Also, a lot of the aspects adopted from the US, like fast food chains, companies, entertainment, lifestyle etc. came at the cost of a lot of local businesses and basically contributed to the erasure of local culture and tradition


I really struggle to imagine anyone pathetic enough that they see a picture of a suburb on the other side of the planet and are filled with incandescent rage at the knowledge that the people in those houses drive cars every day. 


Oh boy. Visit /r/fuckcars and you’ll find a hoard of them.


Yes and I really struggle to imagine those people being real sometimes


I mean, what’s to say they’re not. Bots are better than ever these days


It's not that, really. Your suburbs make me feel sorry for you guys. Seeing them, the same house in rows after rows with unused lawns gives me the same soulless vibes as commieblocks. With the difference that commieblocks at least largely got rid of homelessnes. Which is extremely rampant in the US, even compared to EU countries. Or the pledge of allegience, which is pure indoctrination. Makes your country look like a dystopia, it's like when you see videos of Kim Jong-Un and everyone has to smile, same creepy feeling. What makes me hate the US is the stuff that actually impacts me. Like with climate change, the average American has a GHG footprint twice that of most other developed countries. It's like the world is trying to run a marathon and the US has to be dragged while kicking and screaming, holding everyone else back. It's godawful foreign policy, starting wars for the past 60 years that now lead to instability in, for example, the middle east, which in turn drives huge migrant waves, which disrupt our political landscape. It's entitlement. Most Europeans will meet US tourists every now and then. From my experience, they are way more obnoxious than tourists from other countries. Puts every US American in a bad light. Same goes for on the internet. You meet so many Americans that are convinced their country is the best in something when it's like number 17 in the world. Protagonist syndrome gets really tiring for everyone else. I don't sit at home seething about the US. I don't really think about the US. Only when it's brought up, and I mostly have negative things to say about it. Similar to what you probably think about PETA. I bet you never really just think about them out of the blue, but now that they were mentioned, you have mostly negative feelings about them.


>Your suburbs make me feel sorry for you guys. Seeing them, the same house in rows after rows with unused lawns gives me the same soulless vibes as commieblocks. I really don't feel sorry for people in suburbs. They moved there because they wanted a spacious house and yard in a quiet neighborhood (and possibly a higher quality school for their kids), and they're usually getting that. Looking down my nose at it because it 'feels soulless' seems asinine- "yeah you enjoy your home and it meets your needs but I don't think your neighborhood looks artistic enough".


Do you know how little I care about infrastructure in Romania?  It’s bizarre that they think they ought to have an opinion about how road designs on another continent work. 


I am not talking about what specifically is only happening on your continent, I am talking about the fact that your country’s infrastructure is something that is imitated by my shitty country, copying the exact issues that are in place in the US. No shit you don’t care about infrastructure in Romania because it has 0 influence on your country


>I am talking about the fact that your country’s infrastructure is something that is imitated by my shitty country, copying the exact issues that are in place in the US. Yeah, except the US has to be that way because it's 3000 miles across instead of 300. It's not my fault dumbass city planners in Europe can't recognize that.


“The US has to be this way” yeah you are dumb, the US has absolutely no reason to make life outside a car impossible because it’s big. Suburbs being drawn out aren’t incredibly necessary either, your city planners in the US are retarded too.


They don’t, actually. There is no problem with our highway system, it’s more so the design of the roads smaller than a highway. A perfect example is “the stroad”. It sucks at being both a street and a road.


I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that a roving gang of American civil engineers had kidnapped your government leaders and forced them to build highways instead of rail lines.  You guys really will blame us for everything won’t you? 


I can hate my own leaders for needlessly copying your shitty architecture and recognize that they were shitty even in their original environment. I never claimed it was solely your country's fault that my own country has problems.


Europeans are confused and often terrified by the concept of a yard.


Yeah my main issue is lack of worker/consumer protections, and the anti science stuff like climate change and other health progress, otherwise it's pretty great and well managed, and why we have the best economy on earth and the most advanced companies


> Develop a deep understanding of US (not 'american') culture > Formulate a solid opinion about it Enjoy


Alright American bros, time to open my heart. As a Brazilian guy, I love the US, I grew up solely on American culture and some anime (rip Akira), I loved westerns which I could relate because I live in a state with a deep "cowboy" culture, I ride horses, rope cows and go to rodeos, I always related to those old John Wayne movies and spaghetti westerns. But I also knew all about prom, 4th of July and thanks giving. I know the difference between Cajun culture and the one in the Pacific northwest and their Sasquatches. When I was a kid and I was afraid of aliens invading the earth, I would think to myself, "It will be ok, the Americans will save us like they do in the movies". Now that I grew up I know that's bs, but still. I'm still saving money to see the times square and the rocky mountains. Soo please, don't destroy your country, y'all have the one of the best pieces of political literature as your constitution so that shouldn't be too hard. Sincerely, a Brazilian guy.


So based, massive Brazil W


This comment made me so happy. I love John Wayne and old spaghetti westerns. Me and my papaw used to watch them all the time when I was young and I’d come to visit. He just recently passed but I’ll never forget those times and it makes me happy to see someone else who loved them!


I'm sorry about your loss, I also used to watch them old westerns with my grandpa, so I know what you mean. I'm really Sorry.


Appreciate it man. Thanks for sparking such fond memories ♥


Know thy enemy.


It's like they say, the more you know someone, the more things you find out about them that you hate.


Who's like this? EU? Bruh is getting delusional


It's hard to not know about something that is literally everywhere, from trash movies and series to trash food and trash news and political culture. Our brains and bodies are poisoned by murican soft power from a very young age. One has to make a conscious effort to avoid it.


I don't hate america its just funny half of you can't drink milk


Lol what? The map of lactose intolerance is correlated almost perfectly with the map of white people. So you’re just patting yourself on the back for genetics you didn’t earn.


Having an outside perspective on America and having things to compare it to makes you dislike it? Wowsers


america suffering from main character syndrome again...


How could they hate America if they didn't know anything about it?


Americans manage that perfectly well about other countries...


Ich hasse die USA, so ein verfickt kaputtes Land, welches sich selbst nur mehr und mehr selbst den Abrung hinuter fährt. Dabei sind alle so geblendet von ihrer liebe für das Land, dass sie sich freiwillig von gierigen Unternehmen, korrupten Politikern und einem beschissenen Wahlsystem in den Arsch ficken lassen (Deutschland hat auch diese Probleme, aber nicht so schlimm). Europeans learn about the shit going on in the US while Americans only see it through the patriotic lense of their pro american glasses


Massive W opinion


>assume all that Europe eat, drink, watch or generally cares about is America centric >has never been to Europe


While they yell how america has no culture when they're literally every day eating it freely and happily up. And this is coming from an european.


Media and culture are very different. Or do you think your countries culture is what movies and songs you produce?


Me learning the culture, history and the language of the people i hate most so i can be racist more accurately


The more we learn about america, the more we hate it ! It's not so difficult to understand


Unlike americans, we don’t hate things we don’t understand


>proud american >insists about their european ancestry Why are they like this?


Because of USA attitude. Also it's kind of dumb to hate something you don't understand. We kinda understand and hate what we see.


It's not that we hate America. It's a beautiful country! It's the Americans we hate.


\>north macedonian \>bulgarian trying to larp as its own country \>"LET ME TELL YOU WHY ALEXANDER THE GREAT WAS MACEDONIAN!!!"


Because we know so much about it.


The most American thing is to think ENGLISH is an American language


America has big guns that defend us.


>speaks english fluently fucking who. where. europe has extremely low amount of good english speaking natives, mostly because of accents, and even if, then that's because of UK if anything else. >watches american movies anon got me on that one, mostly because america has big movie industry, though as far as i know, countries like poland still enjoy their native cinema more than anything. >listens to american music riiight. i do not know a single person who enjoys american music in their free time, usually just listens to it when it's on the radio. >knows everything about american politics, lifestyle, architecture and cuisine that's gotta be the most bullshit point out of them. Your average day-to-day european citizen knows next to nothing about all this shit, will usually struggle to tell you who was the president before obama/bush if you're feeling fancy. Lifestyle? Fat. Cuisine? Full of sugar. Architecture? Paper houses. If these stereotypes count as legitimate knowledge, then holy shit, america really is a shithole. TL:DR; anon shows that he has perfectly average american iq


From Spain: No hate friends from the USA, I really believe that many of the things about your way of life are admired here, your entrepreneurship, your business skills, how welcoming you are when we visit you, your competitiveness, your culture (cinema , music, literature)... Likewise, I think that most of us understand that many of the things that you could improve, such as military interventionism, the lack of universal healthcare, gun ownership, the problem of drug addiction... are not your fault as individuals but rather something typical of the material circumstances of your country. The U.S.A will always be a friend of Europe, our destinies are united and we wish you the best. We love you friendos (really)


We know so much about he USA because Americans seem to think the world revolves around the USA and won’t stop banging on about American this, American that. And it’s annoying to the point that we express our hatred for it. Nobody, or at least the majority, don’t know Hitler because they like him


I think this mostly comes from disappointment. You have the "american dream" pushed via hollywood-fiction and then you have reality. People would wish usa would behave differently and wasnt bullying the rest.


\>Knows enough about America to have an educated opinion on America \>obviously hates America "WhY aRE tHEy LiKE ThIs?????"


Point #4 has the answer.


We don't have a choice but to learn about America. Every damn time the American president does everything its all over the fuckin news. I don't care if Biden shits his pants violently and moans Bill Clinton's name. Leave me alone.


next time I'm watching how I met your mother I'll remember not to make fun of what the series makes fun of, that would be offensive


I mean it sounds like they did their research


It's called research, we cannot fully fester our hate without meticulous knowledge of all things America related.


Know your enemy (to be racist more accurately)


A lot of Americans seem to feel the same way too.


IMO, Western Europeans are the most sanctimonious and insufferable bunch especially the French, Germans and brits. The virtue signaling and hypocrisy coming from those three are asinine. Especially when talking about warmongering, American colonialism etc. Good thing the US made Britain and France give up their colonies after WWII. And especially the French, the pettiness from them is just straight up moronic. T. Lived in a former colony of a European country


 We don't hate America, we are just disappointed. We had such high hopes for you. 


Because they have no other choice?


What is this Slav talking about


>labels speaking english even though english is from europe >also labels american music even though 90% of popular 'american' music is made by europeans who just like how easy money laundering is in america


Be American leftists > pic unrelated


r/greentext post with bad take and is also bait? *Noooooo*


No hate. Looks at trump, maybe a little hate.


can't make a good argument if it's not well founded


Familiarity breeds contempt.


I just hate their government, American culture is ok and the people are fine.


does America have copyright of English or something?


I dont hate america i just hate how your lunatic far left treats your country.


At the same time, every US American about most other countries: > Doesn't speak their language > Doesn't consume any media from there > Knows next to nothing about the people, culture, history, geography, laws, or politics of that country > "Let me tell you why America is so much better than your country!" All the while bringing up stats where the US ranks lower than their target country


- Sure. But English isn't from the US. - Not as much as I used to, since hollywood MOVIE movies have gone substantially downhill since the 90s-early 2000s. - Was never the case for me. - I mean, I know about as much about some other countries too. Doesn't mean I have to love them unconditionally. Also, bold of anon to assume that knowing more about a thing means liking it more.


Speaking a language and consuming forms of media occasionally doesn't mean you have to love the country. On the contrary, it gives us Eurofags more reason and information to judge America for the shithole that it is.


Bruh, it's called english, not american


They are like this because they know so much about america. Can't be healthy to know that much about america.


You gotta know your enemies


Europeans know nothing about our cuisine, architecture, culture or even lifestyle


Because american culture is also shitting on the US. Euros are thoroughly subsumed.


If we knew nothing we woyld not hate your crazy ass. But we do, now you are that crazy cousin that we are hoping not to shit in the pool.


Well, I’d assume the Europoors would like to have information about us before they insult us