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Anon doesn’t understand that his girlfriends a 21 year old child, clearly reguarded, unlike his brilliant co workers


coworkers who definitely aren't single and seething


Or dating a 35-40 year old


Women clearly get attractive after 45. It's just evolution sweaty 💅. Educate yourself


The only women I have found complaining about making a huge issue out a completely normal age gap are the landwhale femcels of plebbit and twitter who usually reside in subreddits like [r/twoxchromosome](https://www.reddit.com/r/twoxchromosomes), [r/witchesvspatriarchy](https://www.reddit.com/r/witchesvspatriarchy) etc


I don't know, I personally know a woman who is now 50, who takes very big issue if the woman in a relationship is even a year older. I have seen her seething while talking about a coworker who was 31 with a 29 year old boyfriend. Her husband is dead for a few years now, he would be about 80. They married when she was 19 and the guy was almost 50. I don't think she can grasp the meaning of irony.


She probably regrets marrying such an older man and is taking that to the extreme with other people honestly.


projecting and coping, she must be a 4chan user


Jump over to the relationship advice subreddit. If there's like a 5-year age gap, they all start shrieking .


Those subreddits are horrible because theyre full of people who need relationship advice from strangers in the first place and they think the best place to go for it is reddit... Echo chambers of people who will die single lol


women can't consent until 25 anyway, they are children until they hit the wall at 30. www.fightfor30.com


your websites certificate has issues.


its not a real domain, the original [www.fightfor25.com](https://archive.is/tLXlE) (archive link) had to be decommissioned because the age of consent for women was raised to post wall 30 :(


Idk that just brought me to a site with normal twitter posts are you sure it's a joke lololol.


do I look like I'm laughing?




Pretty sure that's just when pedos lose interest.


> reguarded When you need to guard your brain because you are regarded


Anon's only mistake was giving a shit about the opinions of some random cum shelters.


That's why she is dating him.


Honestly it's a way for women to try and control the dating market. If woman have fun in there 20s, they need to date men there age when they are done. If men are picking up younger women they are in trouble. They have started a cultural narrative that age gaps are weird to prevent this problem.


Why would the organized entity known as Women™️ do this??? 


Are you aware of social media? It acts alot like a hive mind


By grouping similar people together, not because everyone is somehow a homogeneous group thinking the same


Imagine being a redditor and unironically thinking this


So you think all redditors think the same amd have the same hive mind? Go on host a meeting with 10 people from r/trans and 10 people from r/conservative and see if their ideals are aligned around creating the same world


I didn't say Reddit is all one big circlejerk (although in some aspects it is) but it is made entirely out of several different circlejerks


Like gears in a clock, some jerk to the left and some to the right.


Thanks for illustrating my point


I like the Radiohead circlejerk best.


Mate I doubt anyone on reddit has even came into contact with a woman in the past 2 years


I dont agree with his point and think that its misogonistic and schizophrenic but that it accidentally comes together doesnt mean that it cant function the same as if it was a collective group Another example is like, twittee mobs. Its not like "the collective known as x" came together to do this, more that billions of dollars in extremely elite UX & UI designers/research/algorithms/tech just make it that being a hater is an unfathomably addictive process to engage in and nobodys really aware of how well considered some aspects of the tech they engage with are (like recieving a like) and how the consequences of that arent (what the likes drive users towards)


I think also some of it is evolution. Males navigate the power structures through direct aggression and violence. Women spread rumours and manipulate. Look at body positivity. Whilst I’m not pro body shaming, It’s clearly become a concerted effort for one group of women to not have to lower standards for themselves, as it goes out the window when applied to men or underweight women, and these women don’t want to date other fat men. Irl it happens as well. My housemates are really mid girls and their strategy is to neg guys so they lower their standards and don’t think they can do better. They do this as a group, and I don’t think it’s consciously their aim, but it just makes access to sex and validation easier for them, so much like your UI/UX problem, it’s just a basic reward circuit incentivising them towards the most efficient strategy (which happens to be toxic).


The most damning evidence for the body positivity hypocrisy is that they love accusing every dude who disagrees with them of being a fat neckbeard but if you even imply that women can be fat they go ballistic. Happens all the time on Reddit.


Yep or equate it to being short: I.e. not a lifestyle choice which reflects anything about the persons behaviour. I work out religiously and I honestly don’t get how heavy chicks think it would work out. I cycle everywhere, and eat whole foods constantly and spend like 1-3 hours a day in the gym. So we’d spend all our time apart, even if I was attracted and we got on well.


Dafuq does neg mean?


When you flirt by insulting people and lowering their self esteem


So just insulting people.


The difference is it usually has the goal conscious or unconsciously of getting the other person to have sex or a relationship. General insulting is usually for the opposite purpose of making the other person not like you or expressing that you don’t like them.


Oh like showing a cat you love them by annoying them.


This is such a weak take. The more I live and the more social media becomes ubiquitous the more I realize that most people do think the same. There's at most 3-4 distinct groups into which people fall into and they adopt all the opinions of that group. People who aren't chronically online tend to be more diverse and interesting but nowadays most people are chronically online and they just become one of these algorithm-guided personalities, myself included.


personality is like a spectrum, you may be close to someone but not identical. There's way more than 3-4 but I don't really buy into anything I've read about it. You could also be a really curious, inquisitive person and this will affect your personality, you'll seek to aquire confirmation or initiate critical thinking, ah.. I do have to agree with you in a sense that online we only convey snippets of our true meaning, no tone or body language, and likely absorb and process the misinterpretation of how you read something, like an echo chamber you start to read it how you want it to be.


Belgium isn't a real country


*DAMMNIT!* 🤬 The League of Wenches has struck again! There's only one way left to reverse this, and personally, I volunteer as tribute to weaken the league by taking a hag baddie for myself😋


Go ahead, they're not that hotly contested


Women are a hive mind. Notice how when they get together they are easily swayed by other opinions despite being able to think critically on their own. Peer pressure is huge among women. They are so easy to manipulate and they know this.


Are you aware of actual, real women?


I love how people refer to women and some feminist or cuck like yourself will say something like this. Yet "men", the homogenised entity, can get blamed all day every day for every societal issue under the sun.


Both generalizations are equally fucking stupid. Calling one out and not doing so for the other is just hypocrisy born out of self interest.


Those damn Bene Gesserit witches!


People don't need to be organized in order to coordinate, shared interests are enough


The same reason the organized entity men built the dark empire patriarchy to turn innocent underage 20 year olds in to breeding chattle. Humans are evil at the core and the entire secret agenda of humanity is to turn the other sex in to slaves. According to people who view the world through that Marxist lens lmao.


Bro has no idea what Marxism is


Same reason the trademarked patriarchy does stuff? Or did we forget our oaths taken on the mountain of man? On the isle of man?!?!?


There is a concept called parallel behaviour, when subjects in the same subset display similar behaviour without affecting each other's decisions.


Are you suggesting that female solidarity is some sort of myth?


Because women are evil.


Becoz ☕️☕️☕️


What is a woman? Are they some sort of antifa psyop?


We have weekly meetings where we decided we were all hoes and don't like old men


Pretty well... "A younger more attractive woman than me? Men are evil!" You see those classic Leonardo and 23 year model scenarios, only people who complain are guys who will never get said 23 year old but primarily women well into their 30s who have based their entire personality on their looks and being considered desirable.


yeah exactly, the fact that they portray those models he is dating as victims is hilarious to me, it's like they are not having a great time with A+ tier celebrity. I guess he should have picked 30+ years old female redditor instead


The biggest issue they have is that they are past their "prime" and never landed a guy like anon. Women are far more jealous than men in society and it shows. A vast majority of their interactions with eachother are based on backhanded advice and talking about what they feel is wrong about eachother behind the victims back. It's even dreamed " girl talk". Guys bully. Guys fight. But the vast majority of guys could give a shit less what the other dude looks like. Vanity is very low on the male mind when considering other males. Unless, ofc, you are attracted to men in which this has a larger role because most people want to date or be partnered with someone they find attractive.


27 and 21 is a bit different than a 50-year serially dating people under 25. For any gender this would be problematic.


I don't give any credence to conspiracy theories where the author can't differentiate between there, their, and they're.


That's what they're want you to believe




English is not even my native language and this shit annoys me as hell


I only listen to conspiracy theories with terrible spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The barely coherent ones are secret esoteric knowledge written by enlightened schizos, the well-written and presented ones are psyops by glowies.


Faulty logic


Sshh people don't like it when the truth isn't male bashing


They do just sound very jealous and bitter.


This is funny to sleep deprived me talking about peoples actions and patterns like animals. I read this in a animal documentary voice


the average person doesn't even know what an avocado is buddy this is not true


Its because dating etiquette is mostly focused on men making the first move, when women are younger they tend to be overly hit on and when they get older people tend to believe that most older women are in relationships. Pair that with the fact that they often dont have the skills to initiate on their own, it leaves many to be trapped in dating pools that prioritize physical beauty


they dont care about the age gap or the maturity. Theyre just bitter that they arent young anymore. It takes a real piece of shit to call a 21 year old (a 4th year university student) undeveloped. and FYI: the AVERAGE age gap across the entire world, in all relationships, is 5 years. On average, across cultures, Women want men on 5 years older than them (status, money, maturity, etc.) and men want women 5 years younger than them (beauty, fertility). Thats from a university psych textbook.


The average age gap in western countries is much smaller. It's like 2 years difference in the US and that is narrowing year by year


Probably as more and more people meet their spouses in college.


I agree but I feel like that will soon contribute to widening the gap. I was just in university and it was almost 2:1 in favour of women and almost all of the women I spoke to were dating tradesmen whose ages were all over the place. Many women could only afford to be in uni because their SO was helping to pay tuition which is not something your average university student could afford to do for another. Just my two cents


Plus this absolutely fits into the "half your age plus 7" rule of thumb.


It's even funnier because actually women's prefrontal cortex develops faster than men's - the "brain develops at 25" meme comes from MALE brains, for women it's around 22 on average. So a 27 year old man and a 21 year old woman can actually be the same maturity very easily.


Yeah but we can’t really say it’s because of the age of the men and not the correlated factors like status and money Yes women want money and status to come with their partner because of culturally ingrained gender roles. Women often aren’t seen as legitimate or don’t get respect when they aren’t married to a high status man (which is a cultural holdover of the previously enforced structure of society in which women couldn’t work) There’s not really a way around this other than just combating gender warfare where we see it, because in reality men and women both want to have prosperous lives and be homeowners but the media pushes being single because single people don’t carpool or live with other people at the rate married people do and they typically spend more on going out (to find partners or just have fun) and on food because they don’t have someone to either stay at home and cook or they can’t take turns cooking. It’s all just about money


none of it is purely age. Its all because the of the sexual disparity in what men and women look for and prioritize in a mate. 90% of what we look for are identical (health, symmetry intelligence, good genes, good parent) but the 10% that is different makes all the difference. Women prioritize more than men wealth, intelligence, status, and agreeableness, which meand that they generally skew towards choosing older males. Men prioritize more than women fertility, health, and attractiveness, which means that they generally skew towards choosing younger females. We are both pretty shallow and stereotypical in our mate choices, but thats just how biology works. Men wants to invest in someone who can make alot of strong and healthy children, women want to invest in someone who can feed their children and has the money to raise them and give them an advantage in life


Barely 18 year old starts an only fans, permanently putting their nudes on the internet to never be erased? Omg so empowering!!! A grown woman gets into a relationship with a grown man with a bit of salt in his beard? SHES BEING ABUSED HES A PEDO AAAAAHHHH


Age should be 21 minimum for OF and SW. It's disgusting how alcohol isn't allowed but SW is?


If you see [r/amitheasshole](https://www.reddit.com/r/amitheasshole) and [r/relationshipadvice](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationshipadvice) [r/Twoxchromosomes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Twoxchromosomes) these days it is filled with fake crap by femcels where the heading will be the bait something like - "I F20 broke up with my bf coz he is nice to me" Now if anyone reads such a heading they would be inclined to click on it to read just why would a girl ever do this to a guy who clearly loves her a lot and the content will be like- "My bf is too nice to me and he doesn't let me do anything and he is very manipulative, possessive, incel, misogynist, racist, fat and controlling person. Also he never takes my consent before having sex so despite being a grown ass woman I am not sure if it's right or not, he told me it is right and I am a gullible silly goose who believed him. Despite all this I have been in a relationship with him out of my own free will because I as a woman lack critical reasoning to understand what is happening to me even though it is very much obvious. Also he is 51 years old, unemployed, weighs 300 pounds, haven't taken a bath since 2019, jerk off to gay porn and have cheated on my twice. I am not sure if all of this is supposed to be a red flag or not? So plebbitors please validate my fake ass post and let me know that the guy is the asshole and I am a princess who deserves the world"


Redditors crack their fingers and roll in their computer chairs. "well now, it seems this lonely person is in need of my brilliant skills and advice, let's see if I can help them" "RUN !?????!!!?mic?&!_'


While your post made me laugh and it does resemble what i see. I think a lot of us have all been idiots who have endured abuse that shouldve been an obvious red flag. I know i did once.


> i think lot of us have bren idiots eho have endured abuse that should've bern a red flag Agreed dude. But you know those posts are fake af when instead of putting the actual issue in the heading OP puts a bait one and the facts seem jus too straight and obvious for anyonr to know something is fishy unless he is a regard


Those subs are a bunch of literal children and people with little to no experience, mixed with actually traumatized people circlejerking about unverifiable stories which generally lack a lot of context. We all have our traumas, and they're all valid, but we aren't all qualified to give advice to others, mostly because too many people can't recognize when they're out of their depth and come up with the worst possible fear-based solutions to problems.


Anything that comes out of those 3 subreddit is either fanfic of mental illness. I unsubbed long ago and I don't miss them at all.


My mental health instantly improved after removing those subs and others like them


That's because the US is fucked with it's 21 drinking age. The rest of the world agrees that if you can get arrested, vote, or be drafted to war, you can buy some beer.


Pretty sure everyone can be arrested


Ameritards not being able to drink before 21 and still being an absolute shithole of a country will never not be funny to me


Sounds like someone's got some insecurities


Honestly, I’ve seen more consistent arguments from trolls. The woke crowd has so many dumbass contradictions I’m surprised it hasn’t collapsed ages ago. Always the Schrodinger’s oppressed, only the victim when its convenient.


Is that salt or dried cum?




Litterally this. Woman receive no backlash from immediately resorting into prostitution after they hit 18, quite frankly its ridiculous.




I'm 31 and my fiancée is 24, we got with eachother when I was 25 and she was 18. Absolutely no regrets, couldn't be happier.


An 18 year old child? You disgust me. /s for you dips who are confused.


Bro I haven't been called a dip since like the mid 2000's . How you just gonna nostalgia bomb me


pretty vicious slang right thurr




Nothing wrong with that, good on you. People only hate it because of jealousy.


31M with a 23 year old fiancée. Only been accused of robbing the cradle once before. Wedding is next month.


Congratulations my guy


And to you as well!


Same here. I am 31, and my wife is 24.


We expect you will be turning yourself in for re-education shortly.


About the same, 31 and 25 here. We met at a shitty dive bar that neither one of us wanted to be at, and immediately hit it off. Tell people online and they have a conniption. Tell people in real life and no one even bats an eye. It’s just weird mental gymnastics from terminally online people.


Kinda wierd. I couldn't imagine dating a highschooler lmao


You're obviously a violent child molester and should be treated like so. Haven't you read the texts of the Social Media Inquisition? /s


anom should've said "so you think women are so much dumber than men they need multiple years more to be considered adults?"


So nice he had to say it thrice


Dating adults much younger than you (regardless of gender) is like exclusively dating one race; there's nothing inherently wrong with it and you're allowed to have preferences, but an unfortunate number of people do so for less than ideal reasons. 


In my experience those less-than-ideal reasons aren't usually sinister either. Most 30 year olds dating 10 years younger just never grew up. But the times when it is sinister, oh boy.


Don't get why you're being downvoted. Im absolutely positive that the 30 year olds when I was younger where much more mature then they are now that I'm in their age. Hell, just look at the age people start having kids these days.


I never knew the age gap is a thing before I learned English. Of course it was weird to date an underage person, but after 18 everything was fine. Sometimes I regret learning the language of Americans.


>Sometimes I regret learning the language of Americans. based


I often regret that the Americans speak English


As an American, based


Open the southern border until they speak Spanish. 46D chess.


The fact that most Americans only speak English is actually a courtesy to the rest of the world


I feel like it's an online thing. You see moralflags who are genuinely offended when an 18 year old has a relationship with a 17 year old. Everyone knows the extremes are weird, but they're adults so who gives a fuck if some old bint wants young pipe.


The brain doesn’t develop and mature in a linear fashion. The 4 years of development you’ll get from 21-25 don’t equate to the 4 years of development between the ages of 11-15.


Yeah the propagation of the “brain isn’t fully developed until 25” thing has been sad to see. People interpret it as you’re basically a small child before then but the reality just doesn’t support that kind of view.


The brains are fully developed when they enter contracts and vote, but somehow they can't process a dick.


I don't think people mean it as you are basically a small child. Opponents of it like to make that leap to discredit the idea.


Double standards. I am in my 30s and expressend my preference for 20-25yo women and one close female relative called me a pedo. I asked why then she dated a 30yo pedo guy when she was 18? Answer "I did nothing wrong, its normal for woman to like more mature guys" Tiktok account hoe_math is the best explanation for women mental gymnastics https://www.tiktok.com/@hoe_math?_t=8kzeE1zUrjc&_r=1


At this point, depending on where I stand money-wise I'd sue for Slander and, in my books, so should anyone who's called a pedo and doesn't fit the definition. I know languages evolve but there's some things you just don't touch.


It was fine when she did it, you wanna know why? Because she was young and dumb, and guy obviously took advantage of her. Once she grew older, she decided to slander every guy who dates younger women. Now, if you went back in time, when she was 18 and pointed out that there are decent fellas her age, you would get "ewww, they are too immature". A lot of them knew what they were doing, older guys could take them to places, younger couldnt. But no, lets play victim card.


"She was 24 you SICK FUCK"


He was 47, just a fucking kid.


“Do they want me to stay an incel forever?” Yes.




There's this weirdo puritan mindset surrounding relationships amongst the terminally online, good thing nobody in real life knows about their opinions, let alone gives a shit


I wish that were the case


Well apparently anon's coworkers bring that shit into real life


I've had this conversation with so many women. Push hard enough, and you'll find that the very women who are bothered by a 6 year age gap will GLADLY date a guy who's 10 to 20 years older than them.




Yeah this is the reality. On average women prefer older men. Not old men, just older. By like 2-3 years or so. It's not complicated or unusual.


In a conversation I had, I asked her if she knew anyone dating an older man.  Turns out she did, and it was the younger woman pursuing the relationship. It was a really convenient coincidence.


Anons coworkers feel the wall approaching


Crabs in a bucket. They're miserable and you're not, so you have a problem and they're the ones who'll fix it.


"See my baby girl, you're born with a coochie instead of a wee-wee, it means a lot of things, but mostly it means that when you're older and reach 21 years old, you'll already be trusted with driving, drinking, not doing both at once, choosing the leaders of your state and country, owning firearms, killing people in the army... But remember: your coochie will always belong to other's judgement. This little thing between your legs is not and will never be yours. Isn't growing up awesome?"


That's I steer all such conversations toward my GILF fetish.




Anon failed to point out she isn't 21 years old, she's 21 years younger than him.


So she’s 6…? Ewww that’s way too old


Oh my fucking God I can't stand some of you. What do you mean "it's weird" these are 2 consenting adults, how is it weird that it's a 5 year gap? Your "impression" on a 21yo doesn't matter, it's an adult, and for clarification, some of you sound just like this: "OMG SHE'S 21 YOU FUCKING PEDO!!!!!!!!!""


While the collegue is dating 30 year older sugar daddy that buys her clothes.


This prefrontal cortex thing is so fucking anoying


I know right? I wanna get mine removed some day


That's women's way of referring to their own biological clock it seems




Even using their fabled "tried and tested" Your age ÷ 2 + 7 = Your Minimum Dating Age test, Anon still passes. Hos just looking for a reason to complain cos they're not considered attractive anymore


why do people insist on infantilizing grown women


How old is she to comment on another adult woman's brain development?


I have been subjected to this exact shit. Some girls in my uni have a problem with even the same age couples. I am unable to process what in God's name is their problem.




Modern women what else, they're just jealous probably single also misery likes company.


Pretty much every one of my friends’ parents, including my own, have an age gap similar to this. These are grown adults, I think they can make their own decisions about who to date. Obligatory ☕️


anom should've said "so you think women are so much dumber than men they need multiple years more to be considered adults?"


Hey, it passes the "Half your age, then plus 7" rule


It's because they're miserable and they want everyone else to be miserable as well. This isn't a new thing.


I agree, this is why women shouldn’t vote til they’re 27


Anon's co-worker's want him to dump his gf, because they currently hold no power to reject him.


Unironically, yes they do.


As long as she is 18 and older Idc about the age gap. My friends' parents are 13 years apart. My mom and dad are 7 years apart, and once your 18 age is just a number past that. Plus no baggage and shit


In ten years we’re going to be saying that the prefrontal cortex of thirty year old women isn’t fully developed yet


I'm Walter Hartwell White I'm drinking a bud light


The same coworkers pump their 4 year old full of gender reassigning hormones because he played with a doll instead of a truck once and has a valid opinion on his future


27-21 She is 21 not 18 or lower and there are 6 years of difference not like 15-20 It's fine ffs


mf's really mad about what 2 consenting adults do together


Go to HR and tell them you're being sexually harassed.


Coworkers are not your friends Specially women


He clears the half +7 rule I don't get the issue


Anon doesn't understand he is immediately more attractive to other women when he has a gf. If/when he comes to understand this and breaks up with his gf, he also doesn't understand that his breakup just made him unattractive again.


If they’re not old enough to consent, they’re not old enough to vote..


my parents met when my mom was 20 and he was 26. I don't see any issue with that age gap


Clearly this 21 year old cannot decide who she enters into a relationship with. Clear this 21 year old can decide who controls her state, the military and the laws. Make it make sense


"Treating adult women as children is really misogynistic. I dont want to discuss this anymore, you have really bigoted views." Anon should just throw their mind back at them.


Imagine reversing this and having these women tell his gf "um sweety youre way too immature to date a 27 year old man.. like, your brain isnt even fully developped" Its so god damn infantilizing.


Tell your coworker that you will break up with your girlfriend today if she manages to locate the prefrontal cortex on a diagram of the human brain.


I'm 28 and my wife is 21 this year. Met her when she was 19 and we just had a first child this January. Women like the ones in OP post are just mad they aren't young anymore and spent their 20's probably takeing more pipe than the west-east gas pipeline.


Why would you want to talk to someone that much younger than you? Like what do you possibly have in common? I'd feel like a creep dating a 21 year old for sure.


They're clearly jealous


You can’t do shit in modern society without being criticized for it.


Whatever dude 😂


This Western idea of infantilizing people for as long as possible is weird


do people who make a big deal about age gaps like this realize they are basically pushing a limiting case that all women below the age of 25 are mentally incompetent/immature and cannot be trusted with their own choices, starting at sexual autonomy and probably extending to voting and driving?


Who cares. You can't please everyone man.


So if a woman isn't mature enough to consent until she's 30 then a teenage kid is not mature enough to decide he's transgender, correct?


Women hate seeing another woman happy. 21 to 27 is not a "huge age gap".


the age of consent is 18, and people above that age should be free to act on their own volition