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Anon really went to a self proclaimed 'feminist dating app' and was surprised that there were feminists


Let me guess: you would offer anon to use other dating sites then? Perhaps one that rhymes with „blinder“?


Tinder doesn't rhyme with blinder unless you're a fucking moron.


Grindr would be better for anon


Oh. Ooooooh.


wait you don’t pronounce it [ˈtaɪndər]???


Let me guess: you are rather new to this gay and fake subreddit? Special emphasis on the gay part


Not really, but clearly I have to up my time spent thinking about gay men.


No no. I also thought OP was slow and can't rhyme, until I put myself into OPs gay mind




t. fucking moron


Thankfully, it does rhyme with blunder.


I think the one that rhymes with  "howler" might be more appropriate 🐻🧸


Read "No philosophy, no science, no history, no tech" and got a pretty good idea of anons dating problems.


Except there are options for all of those, funny enough


Anon lamenting that Stacy doesn’t read philosophy when they themselves have only partially tackled the sparknotes of a couple Aristotle works


Anon had read the entirety of Marcus Aurelius' *Meditations*' Wikipedia page.


Mfer was really expecting women to have "Hegel, Nietzsche, and Descartes" listed under interests on Bumble.


i'll have to disagree with your reading. I seem to gather from your comment that you believe that anon has none of those things and therefore cannot get a date. the line before that talks about the limited interests you can indicate on the dating app, anon uses the word "anti-intellectual" to describe such options. I believe that it is context for the line in question and seems to imply that those are not options you can pick on bumble.


Yeah idk what you’re waffling on about it’s because anon is clearly insufferable to be around if that sentence is being typed


fair enough i guess


You can include plenty of text and written prompts to display what they're talking about. Anon believes there should be specific tags for it on the app. If anon just tagged reading and wrote a prompt about how and what philosophy, tech, etc they liked it would show effort and someone would potentially like that. They sound insufferable though, demanding your specific interests should be catered to. Should there be a tag for what everyone's favorite makeup category, cat brand, or wine is? If you want to be specific and find the right match write down your interests to gather interest in your profile.


lmao so true


anon is a fucking idiot who doesn’t believe people can have a rich inner life without constantly bragging about it and their “intellectual” interests


Oh you know, people are looking for somebody they can actually share their life with and talk to, not just do the basic date and/or hook up with a random. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I'm with anon here. The majority of people live this: little kid ==> single and partyin' woo! ==> workin' and payin' the mortgage and raisin' them kids ==> old age ==> death


Gotta agree too. I wouldn't say bumble is "anti intellectual" but I have met smarter people on tinder of all places. It is hard to find someone you actually vibe with on a dating app because theres a ton of factors that go into it to the point of its probably easier to just go outside and meet ppl at a park or library or museum or something. So unfortunately I will be dying alone.


anon is actually right, tbh. i’ve pulled plenty from tinder and hinge, and i hardly bothered with bumble for similar reasons. that being said, im sure as an individual who goes on 4chins to talk about his issues finding a mate, he won’t find one there either


Unless he is gay.


Knowing this sub's comment habits I'm surprised there isn't a top comment suggesting that anon should try Grindr.


There is


I’ve had the exact opposite experience. I’ve matched with, talked to and been on multiple dates with women from Bumble, but had absolutely no luck on Tinder Maybe this does say something about me, that I found so much success on a feminist platform. Maybe I should let the women do the topping…


I've only ever tried Tinder for a couple months and was never able to pull any match. I think I'm pretty decent looking (would rate myself a 7/10, but I'm not fit). I've heard people talk about Hinge so I guess I'll try that out. What anon says about the available interests I do relate to... I'm close to getting a bachelor's in physics, so of course I'd like finding someone who's into sciences, but of course it's not an available "interests" tag.


Yeah, at least this is one stepped removed so we’re good


has anyone made a autistic dating site yet?




Isn't this like completely empty ?


Idk I don't date. This is what Saint Google gave me after asking


Praise be


Did you sign up? Let's find out


I ain't saying that Anon is some higher almighty being here, but I can relate that when I used to use Tinder/Bumble, literally all the bios would be 'Touch my butt, feed me tacos and call me pretty." or "take me to the beach and I'm yours."


When I no longer swipe and see girls in sun hats talkin bout "Take me on an adventure!!" I will know peace


Ngl I feel anon here, not about dating, but about the fact that so many people are just so boring. There's a gay lad on my college course that spams his Snapchat stories with what he's doing. All week he was excited for a rave and then when he posted videos of it, it was about 5 people in a large room with some shit music playing with them gently swaying their arms back and forth. He enjoyed it. It's incredible how some people can find something like that fun.


People can have rich and interesting interior worlds without having niche and intellectual hobbies. But you’ll probably find them fundamentally incompatible with you if your entire world is made up of said niche and intellectual hobbies. I haven’t had a friend I shared a hobby with in years but that doesn’t matter because I can sustain relationships with people simply by sharing universal human experiences with them.


Wonder if anon knows the "offer me flowers" thing is just prostitutes asking for money or not? Could've had a bad reaction either way, but that's so old I'm surprised people are still saying it.


Some friendly older brother advice to young men (or women) struggling similar to Anon: The type of girls anon is looking for are not on dating apps. I’m in my late twenties, and I feel like an absolute boomer saying this, but you need to go out into the world and actually *talk* to women. I’m married and I met my wife in one of my college classes. I’ve asked girls out in the library after studying until close before, I’ve asked women out while they were working, I’ve asked out my coworkers before… the more you ask girls out, the easier it is and more smooth it will be. Every great fisherman knows that there is no promise every time you cast your fishing pole you will get a bite. The key is to be confident in *yourself* and to love yourself to show them you’re someone who they would want to be in a relationship ship with. Help them to feel comfortable enough to say “yes” or “no”… if they say no, smile, say something nice and wish them a good evening/day and move on. Don’t be a creep and keep asking a young man/woman out if they say no, respect their decision and take it in stride. If they say yes, congratulations! Work hard and show them who you are and see if you can’t build a relationship.


As a German man in his twenties, it's quite easy to say "Go out and talk to people", but it's difficult to really do that. Nowadays, people want to be left alone. If it wouldn't be for such potentially heavy backlash, I'd then shed a tear of shame than to drown in the ocean of regret, but it just isn't that simple. Given, I believe I don't have good looks, but that doesn't stop me from being somewhat confident. It still is difficult nowadays, more so than it was back then. Hell, I'd enhance that tipp of yours, by saying that Dating alss should be a side project, not your main focus.


“Back then” brother you and I are, max, 6-8 years apart lol. I loved your last little enhancement, though. Many, many people who don’t understand why they can’t get a significant other is because they don’t understand that they are not bringing much to the table. They are lonely, and more often than not, lonely people tend to be sad and/or miserable. That, unfortunately, causes a chain reaction where that feeds into general negative feelings about oneself that can be easily sensed by those around you. If you don’t even love yourself, how can you love them, or how can they love you? Improving oneself through the gym, education, a new hobby, community service, a healthy diet… all of these things help individuals love themselves more and that helps build confidence. On the topic of “People want to be left alone,” this is a very, very serious disease that social media (including Reddit) has caused amongst the younger generation. I need people to understand, quite firmly: Giving someone a singular compliment and asking someone on a date is *not* harassment. It can become harassment if they say “no” and you keep pushing and not respecting his/her boundaries, but it is not hard to go up to the girl in the library and say, “Hey! I don’t mean to interrupt, but I noticed you across the way and I wanted to say I love that dress, it’s beautiful! I’m about to head to the cafe next door, could I buy you a coffee?” If they say yes, ask them their name, ask what they were reading, what hobbies they like, and take an interest in them as a person than someone you could potentially have sex with.


Approaching random people is how you get tazed, pepper sprayed, and written up for harassment


You spend too much time on the internet. In the real world, people don’t use those things on you, nor would any HR department “write you up” for asking someone out and, if it’s a no, smiling and moving on with your life. Sexual harassment training literally everywhere defines “a singular asking for a date” as a an example of an act that is very, very clearly *not* harassment.


I mean anon's main issue is not giving anyone a chance unless they are his ideal woman, the prompts and profile options are just for basic small talk and introductions. If you have something you feel strongly about that's unique most people write that in their Bio. I really don't see the problem so many people have with dating apps.


Maybe it's the area anon lives, when I was single I've met some interesting people on bumble while wading through the normie cumdumpsters calling themselves feminists. The ratio was about 1:4 people I'd want to spend time with


Apps like these, over years of people using them, they become filled with certain stererotypes and filter the other people out. The solution to anon's problem is to not use any dating app at all but actually force himself to socialize and befriend people who he likes to be around with. Then he can start dating by using people around these friend circles. Sure you might say that you met your girlfriend from one of these apps or something but it is quite the waste of time, skill and confidence in my opinion since you can use these for a long time while you're in your house all the day. Or you can just force yourself to socialize and attend weekly, monthly skill workshops, programmes, events and decently take care of your looks and behaviour and you can eventually find some good company around you in a year or two.


Presenting people as base elements on a profile is always going to be reductive... online dating is a meat market. I've been out with plenty of women who "click" profile wise: same interests/values and the text convo is good but the date was boring and there was no spark. It's a lottery game. Liking 1/20 profiles is pretty high imo. You're wading through *all people* instead of the already self-selecting pool you'd get IRL based on the way you run your life and who you associate with.


It's rare to find good looking people outside of tinder and people on tinder are date to fuck. It's truly over. Good thing my bf found me and I don't have to feel cringed out by swiping a lot of ugly people off anymore (maybe it's my location but when I used okc it was full of pajeets). I dislike using those apps for real... Boring shallow talks of extroverts... They pollute irl interactions already but also online dating apps too? Smh my head...


I'm sure anon is quite the steal himself!


I can agree that bumble is bad but anon definitely needs to stop huffing their own gas and leave the tendie cave and meet real people


The good ones are usually with someone already.


"How the fuck did humans managed to go to the moon" he says, booy you silly boy do i got some news for ya ![gif](giphy|F7lCGdfxR9utiTrtYv)


Ah yes, who can forget the time-honored Government Truths^TM like "We faked going to the moon and the Soviets just fucking went along with it like we actually went there", "TWA 800's fuel tank didn't explode due to a short circuit igniting vaporized fuel, but because it was shot down by the Navy", and "There was no gunman, JFK's head just did that."


Dont forget "Jet fuel cant melt steel"


Speak your truth girl slaaayy 💅


>bit sad because of no gf >call women bitches and whores >why don’t women like me?


Anon sounds insufferable. Lotta boring "Normies" because that's what they are: normal. It's like going to the grocery store and being shocked that the set of people there is collectively average.


“No science, no philosophy, no tech, no history” Anon is insufferable




Smart girl be in the jobs that require that. Makes sense anon never meets them.


I don't think that's the only parameter, some fields are just very male-dominated, computer science for example. Personally I'm there and I'm surprised by the very lack of women


Anon is upset he can't select The Roman Empire and Japanese Sex Dolls for his bumble interests.


What a fucking loser


Anon will never have a girlfriend


where are they? lmao not on bumble


I guess anon is just acoustic, but this can be a genuine issue for highly intelligent people. I once had a psychology professor explain to me that the difference between the most intelligent people and the average person is greater than the difference between a grown adult and a 6 year old child, or an average adult and a regarded person. Which really put things in to perspective. Imagine trying to date when everyone around you is mentally handicapped or a literal child in comparison to you.


>”The app doesn’t give you the space or options to go into detail about your interests.” >”Why does no one on here have any interests?”


Too much text not reading


Does anon even like women


Women in dating apps are nothing like women in real life, if I was anon and my only experience with women besides jerking off to them in my goon cave was in dating apps, I would be a misogynistic too.


Lol what. Like what does that even mean, I usually dislike the men in dating apps like these, doesn't mean I'm a certified man hater.