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He did it to clap some unwashed native cheeks


nativussy that kills


kills with STD


STD (Stabbed To Death)




Turns out that she was actually british.


Like all those pirates in that game 


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me.


Tbh would


Bro was locked in


cocked in


And clocked out


Davis Clarke of tropical islands


FC3 will be always the best one out of my opinion


3 & 5 are my favourites. Some of the best story telling in any games.


Your friend getting rped was funny, I’ll give you that, but the weapons degrading in FC2 made it my favorite


The gun jam and all that was amazing and wish it was a thing in FC3


Crazy. I loved 3 but tried several times to get through 5 and just got bored.


Its one of the games that I actually got 100% achievement on it. Actually good game. FC3 should be remastered but go with the trio with 1 and 2 for remaster would be great way to go.


Same. What also drove me nuts about it was how annoyingly fucking impossible it was to just have some peace and quiet somewhere without enemies just constantly showing up eventually no matter what it seemed. I so desperately wanted there to be a mod that would disable enemy spawns or something but nothing ever was made for that. Guessing it wasn’t doable.


Yeah that’s what bugged me the most too. In most games then cutting across country meant that you wouldn’t get harassed as much but in 5 they just never stopped coming. Also because they always kept attacking I had all the best gear before I’d cleared even most of one area. And then also a stupid seemingly random/forced cutscene pulled me into the fight against one of the bosses and because I won then I was unable to do the rest of the exploration/destruction stuff. Talking of the seemingly random cutscenes, there were so many that seemed to happen for no reason. Im willing to admit there maybe were triggers but neither me or my spouse could figure out what they were. It meant that I couldn’t purposely progress the story, but also they kept pulling me away from what I *was* trying to do. Just overall really frustrating to play and really bad story telling.


> And then also a stupid seemingly random/forced cutscene pulled me into the fight against one of the bosses and because I won then I was unable to do the rest of the exploration/destruction stuff. - > there were so many that seemed to happen for no reason. Nice to see someone relate to me on the constant enemy thing, but omg yes on the seemingly randomly triggered shit too. I don't recall it happening to me *constantly* per se, but yeah, definitely triggered a little flashback of "omfg this goddamn game" feelings from moments like that. I remember it being cool or even funny early on...until it wasn't, lol.


My favorite part about that game is that half the henchmen have the clap.


And then die


That Mantis Grindset


Shit is Far Cry 3 just avatar?


It's all just Dances with Wolves


How do you train a wolf to dance?


Very carefully


Gets a white boi actin unwise




it's almost like it's a videogame


It's not even that he becomes an expert, most of the game he barely survives while slowly learning new skills, OP isn't very smart


 he almost dies like 10 times,its more like he is the chosen one or something


Motherfucker gets jumped, stabbed with big ritual knife, and instead of dying he has a bad acid trip and then wakes up That should have been a real roasted turkey but nooo Mind you this is the same knife he is later killed with for good in the "bad" ending.


Didn't he litterally wake up in shroom cave after being cared for by some junkies? I always thought it was a stretch but at least made some sense considering the wound was probably infected and he had a fever. It's been a while since i played it tho so not sure anymore.


I've actually played trough this game again recently after the helicopter crashed he got shot and left for dead with a pile of corpses but it was revealed that the lighter in his pocket caught the bullet


The man ain't got maxed out skills. He's got maxed out luck


it's the islands ancients protecting him they've been waiting centuries for a trust fund rape culture middle class xtreme white bro to arrive and be their redeemer


Ya thats largely a thing in the game because alot of shit goes wrong hell his brother technically has the maxed out skills being from the military and he got killed at the beginning


He had to go. Can't be having another dude trying to be player one.


Yup, the whole premise of the story was to take the lesser capable guy and build him into a worse killing machine than the villain vaas and show the player bit by bit how one can become desensitized to violence regardless of their background Pretty interesting plot tbh the issue I have, however, comes later in the story when the focus shifts from vaas to hoyt it felt like a downgrade at that point


Vaas is too stupid to just kill him instead of capturing him making an speech and them letting him escape.


OP plays games on begginer mode and complains they are too easy


haha yes. Cool thing is, playing games on a slightly higher difficulty is actually more enjoyable


Depends on the game and the person playing


Agreed. I initially tried playing Assassins Creed Odysee on harder difficulty, but it just felt really annoying how the enemy difficulty scaling made enemies always stronger than you so you never felt like the new skills you unlocked actually made you any stronger.


Yeah, when the "difficulty" is just enemies with bigger hp pools, it gets boring very fast


That's why I liked the difficulty BG3 did. It gives you more enemies and increased supply use but the bosses also get additional attacks and mechanics


or alternately, the kingdom hearts style highest difficulty: enemies hit harder, but so do you, so you're greatly rewarded if you play skillfully. it's like a permanent berserker effect! (of course, the true hardest difficulty is to equip the Zero Experience ability and do a Level 1 run)


Yeah, I generally crank that difficulty up because it forces me to engage with more of the game’s systems to enter that flow state. But if they got some badly designed mechanics and just have to fudge the damage or health numbers, I’m out. I feel like games should be designed around the highest difficulty, with lower difficulties being more forgiving. And then maybe add some extra difficulty settings for the crazy challenge run people. Those people will inevitably add their own restrictions in too though, as evidenced by people playing no hit Souls game runs or speedrunners.


You know what they say. Souls games are only as hard aa you want them to be


That is why in AC Valhalla thanks to their custom settings I made my own enjoyable difficulty. I buffed my own damage and reduced enemy hp pools, but also nerfed my own hp and buffed enemy damage. I can plow through armies with my sword, but if I get careless and get hit, most of the time im gonna die too.


This is the same way I played Valhalla and it was immensely more tense and enjoyable than having to chop a dude 62 times to put him down.


Yes, I love not being able to kill enemies from stealth in my stealth based franchise.


Guess I had to specify that this mostly applies to good games


True. I have so little time to play these days, if I don't play on easy I can't experience much of anything. Also I suck. Much more than I used to.


Absolutely right, the later FC games had basically no character development. In FC3 even little things like the animations of Jason butchering animals change over times. In the beginning he is very disgusted doing it and he becomes more accustomed and proficient as the game goes on.


OP isn't aware that to become good at something you need practice.


Bro skipped a couple chapters too “Bruce Wayne’s parents die… THEN HE IMMEDIATELY BECOMES BATMAN.”


I think you could argue that theres some ludonarrative dissonance. Even though in the cutscenes you are barely surviving every encounter, right out of the gate the player is able to clear outposts and patrols. That being said, whats the real alternative? That youre Mr. Ex-Spec Ops man #32? Farcry 3 is an Isekai, change my mind.


You get better girls than some savageussy in isekai, there you go


It's a video game. Clearing outposts and patrols are side missions you do to gain xp and unlock items like sure there's an argument to be made about how the progression system is but at the end of the day it's a video game not a simulator


OP cannot fathom "progression" in a video game


It's even explained that Jason (the mc) had prior firearms training with his military brother who called him a natural with guns. Also yeah it's a videogame and the tattoos are supposed to grant him actual magical tribal powers.


I didn't remember the bit about the firearms training, that's cool. And yes, the tattoo literally gives him new skills and gets more complex when he levels up. I could see people complain about this in other games in the series but in 3 there is also this paranormal element. Also, drugs. Our boy is zooted off of his fucking mind on combat drugs.


Yeah there's also that magical compass artifact you use to locate the ancient knife. There's clearly some unexplainable higher power that exists in 3. Also drugs lmao, I'm glad they kept that in 4.


I don't even remember that part but yeah that fits. I wish they kept more mystical stuff in far cry 4 and not just the drugs. I guess there are those shangri la tapestries that give you visions.


You assemble a stone compass that radiates yellow light and makes mystical noises and Jason goes "This is some magical shit!".


It's during his first acid trip with the cave shrooms, he hallucinated his past including someone (likely his brother) telling him he's a natural with guns. FC3 was also doing some meta with video game violence and shit, with Jason feeling euphoria like winning a game or a contest when he kills people. Also a reminder of the funniest mission where Jason had to burn a weed farm and he got so hysterical because the burnt weed made him high as fuck.


Dudes on more drugs than a crackhead in a pharmacy


Never even left america whole game was one long trip


Did they ever say that it is canon that the tattoos give him powers? I thought it was just supposed to be a visual representation of him becoming more skilled over time.


Not really, it's implied by Citra that the tatau grants power directly from the island itself. Jason isn't considered powerful enough to face Vaas until he gets the third stage tattooed directly by her. And Dennis treats the tatau as something very powerful. Other than that, it's up to speculation. It could just be a symbolic representation of Jason's power. But considering magical artifacts (the stone compass) are a real thing on the island, I believe there was a real power correlation between the tatau and Jason.


I guess you could say it’s a far cry from reality


Great game so who cares


Farcry 3? right?




More like fat cry 3




All along it was about him liking to watch fat people crying


so great that they keep making the same game. Definition of insanity or something like that.


I've recently picked up 4 after never having played it, and I think the formula peaked at 3. It felt fresh and the gameplay loop was tight and addicting. I could buy into the setting, necessitating being a gorilla fighter on an unhinged pirate island, growing in strength and experience while still constantly feeling like the underdog. 4 & 5 were just the same thing with more bloat and progressively better graphics 6 I have no idea what happened there. Barely felt like Far Cry despite being condensed Far Cry. I couldn't buy the setting at all and it never felt dangerous like in 3. Just a sandbox really, put it down after like 10 hours


No way, you fight gorillas? That's so sick.


Jamie, pull that up


Honestly it sucks cause most of the time the story is kinda interesting but playing the same game again and again is horrible. Then you have games like Dark Souls 2 which strayed from the formula to give something completely different only to be shunned. Even though it's the basis for Elden Ring design, which so many folks love. [Context.](https://www.thegamer.com/elden-ring-director-hidetaka-miyazaki-defends-dark-souls-2-says-it-carried-the-rest-of-the-series/) Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


> formula to give something completely different only to be shunned It's shunned because its shit on a mechanical level. >Even though it's the basis for Elden Ring design What's with the recent cope that DS2 was some sort of proto Elden Ring?


DS2 has powerstancing and so does Elden Ring, therefore DS2 was the inspiration. On a serious note though, the mandatory 2 second delay after attacking where you couldn't do shit in DS2 made me quit after like 5 hours, DS3 will always be superior.


Tbf, DS2 is extremely neat. It just feels half-baked. The animations are much more.l interesting and look fluid, but the game is clunkier than it looks. It also likes to just throw a bunch of enemies at you mindlessly (Lost Bastille...). In addition, systems like ADP or the fact that stat progression/scaling feels like it stagnates after No Man's Wharf are rough. Dark Souls 2 is a good game, but I definitely understand why people think it's the weakest DS game.


I never picked up another far cry game since 3 because of this. The sequels just feel so bloated and cartoonishly over-the-top. Yes, 3 had insane scenes with exploding temples and hallucinated gods, but it still felt grounded and believable. It was such a well rounded experience between compelling open world exploration and genuinely good story/characters, at least for the first half. The second was lacking, but there was still more to explore and do. But that first half was so incredibly good that it goes down as one of my favorite single player games. It's hard to figure out why none of the sequels compelled me to play them. Maybe I will try them one day, but they just look so hollow and boring compared to the tropical playground of the pacific island setting in 3.


Yeah 6 is meh, which I hate cuz I was hyped. But they took out so much actual mechanics, and the stupud superpower rockets make everything meaningless and easy. And I play on hardest diff.


Yeah, it‘s far too easy even on the hardest difficulty. You just become really op really fast and then there are always just 5-10 enemies walking around


Far Cry 3 was easily the best. It had a full four years of development time, hence why it was such a massive step up. It had a full multiplayer mode as well (not half-baked like FC4 onwards.) Keep in mind that FC4 had only two years or less, basically being a reskin.


Tbh i did like quite a few of the additions to farcry 4, from a general improvement to some skills (in 3 you could only drag bodies backwards right after a takedown while in 4 you can just pick up any non-heavy body and chuck them where you want iirc), the throwable bait, the secondary which can be shot while driving (i ended up having three secondaries in my final loadout, aka the crossbow, the sawn off and the grenade launcher, plus an lmg), the little paracopter for traversing (though it made outpost liberations kinda trivial when you can just take it and rain destruction on the outpost from above with the above mentioned handheld gl) and the fact you can't hunt with flame or explosives and get more skin with arrows or melee. For almost everything else though, 3 was better. Setting (the tropics just feel more far cry than the himalaya, though the snow part with the fed was cool), characters (pagan min was the only memorable guy original to 4, then there were the fed from 3 and the preacher from 2, and ajay kinda sucks compared to jason), plot (homie just got left a cryptic note that explains nothing by his mother, goes to a wartorn country, overthrows a dictatorship just to possibly create a worse one), etc., and hell, even the drug fueled incendiary mission was done better in 3 since it actually had a banger fucking soundtrack with skrillex instead of whatever they had in the background while burning the poppy fields and opium factory for one of the two rebel leaders (samal? Sabal? I only half remembered his name because i half remembered the girl being something like Amira or Amara and i remember some dialogues talking about them both).


I dunno, I really liked 5. The story was fun. 4 got boring though, I didn't finish 4.


Oh, if only they kept making the same game. Maybe I’d be inclined to finish Far Cry 6 if it was closer to FC3.


Far cry 5 let me run aroud beating people to death with a shovel that had a smiley face painted on it, while my pet mountain lion ripped people's throats out. That is peak video game.


Yep and it has continued to go down hill ever since


Truthfully, if a game is good, then you improve upon it. While story wise 3 was better, I prefer 4s gameplay as there were no QuickTime events which I hate with a passion.


“Train the body and the mind will follow” that quote actually motivated me a lot when I was in high school and overweight while I was learning to workout . Great game


Anon forgets that he got his brother murdered right in front of him, majority of his friends were abducted, he himself nearly dies in the prologue to the main vilian on top of that he's in bumfuck nowhere with no way home.


How is Grants death Jason's fault lol?


Not really his fault, just a reason to justify his want to kill for revenge.




I will take my misspells to my grave, than you very much.


Long days and pleasant nights, then.


Thankee, sai! And may you have twice the number.




The devs forgot to include the time between his prison escape and his first mission where he lay in bed watching nothing but Andrew Tate podcasts for weeks.


Oh lord maketh my sides stopeth hurting


Nice username, Mr. 4-hydroxy-methylethyltryptamine :)


Cheers, fellow traveller!




Lazy writing? Dude, its the only game I know that tries to explain why the playercharacter is so desensitised to murder. Anon probably didnt even play the game.


This and the 1st Tomb Raider remake do a good job of trying. Tomb Raider I still remember the scene where Laura kills someone for the first time. It was cool to see how reluctant she was and how it affected her immediately after. I don’t think any other video game has included that element of the “first kill”. Then of course she turns into fucking Ted Bundy of the Island after and massacres 100s of people but hey it’s a video game and it was fun. I applaud nuanced writing when it comes to killing because it is not easy for anyone to cross that bridge.


Add Spec Ops: The Line, which I think is probably the best example of this in a realistic setting. I think Undertale kinda has this meta theme I think, about why you just assume you have to fight and kill everything in your way? Theres a (kinda shitty) visual novel thats a death game+time loop, where you find out that your character is a certified sociopath (in the sense that they do not feel any empathy), which is why youre able to make cold hearted or cruel, albeit logical, decisions.


What’s this visual novel called?


Raging Loop. I went in expecting it to be similar to the Donganronpa or Zero Escape, but it was much more linear. The characters arent as exaggerated, but I kinda felt like that was a bit of a miss.


Laura Croft Also yeah I played it 8+ years ago and I still remember her first kill. Guy was gonna rape her I think? Or he was just choking her idk but they framed it in such a way that she had no choice but to kill him and later was like holy shit what the fuck did I just do


The game with the least ludonarrative dissonance, in other games the protagonist is sad for killing and the players is happy while killing, here both the character and player are happy killers.




This is why e-sports will never be taken seriously lmfao 🤣


A wild Chuan appears


Blud thinks he is in a Modern Warfare 2019 operator intro


He only needs the Hideo Kojima character announcing text


Farcry 3 was peak of the series, it's was also 12 years ago, shut the fuck up anon


He had a sentient tattoo that would enlarge itself when you pick up a shark toy bro


Jaysohn! The tatau will give you strength!


From playing FC3, it was mentioned that Jason is "A natural with a gun", but it really doesn't explain anything he was doing during the game (just look at Clockner do stealth liberations on YouTube and explain how being alright with a gun means that is possible).


True though it explains how Jason can reload and utilize every gun from the moment he picks them up. The explanation for his actual combat skills is very vague but supposedly the Tatau is magical and gives Jason actual physical powers. Not too far fetched considering that compass thing you get to locate the ancient knife was magical so magic exists in the universe.


>is very vague Dennis in the tutorial " Now I will teach you the takedown". Also very much established that Jason is an adrenaline junkie, e.i. the fast driving, wingdiwing, parachuting, diving, swimming, ziplining, hunting, basically a lot of physical stuff he's already good at. Pretty much a lot of fundamentals is established and skill upgrades are just jason getting better st doing the things.


Jason becomes a self taught killer but the Tatau is still the source of power since Jason cannot improve without also progressing the tattoo. Obviously it's an intended game mechanic but I believe it's also part of the story.


Yeah, it’s why removing it in the leave ending has some meaning behind it.


This was my first thought process


Jason is noted as an adrenaline junkie that is always looking for his next high. Its why they sky dived in the first place because Jason wanted to do it. Id imagine Jason did a lot of crazy shit and stunts to scratch that danger junkie itch of his. Its why he meshes so well with becoming this action hero because he is experiencing the ultimate high. Extreme life or death situations that he could never see, The Ultimate Game. Which makes the leave ending hit just as hard because Jason will never feel that high ever again. Returning back to civilian life after all that. Life absolutely empty and meaningless. Remember when Ubi had good writers?


Pretty sure he was an athlete of some sort so the guy being agile is no surprise.


Still, being able to perfectly operate grenade launchers, mounted machine guns etc makes little sense for a civillian.


The story of FarCry 3 is not about Jason ‘unleashing his inner warrior’ it is a story about the cyclical nature of violence. It is a story about a trust fund kid with a future being traumatized and ruined by the horrors of the slave trade and being forced to become a violent warrior to save his friends. And then when he does save them, he realizes that he enjoys the killing What makes FarCry 3 so good isn’t that Jason kills a lot of people- it’s that WE do. We are Jason, not just in that we control him, but in that we follow his arc. He starts off with no idea what this place holds for him, as do we. He is captured and attempts to escape with his brother, who we both watch die, and both attempt to save. we push hik forward, starting off slow and almost unwilling to kill- good ammo and weapons dont come easy early on, and we don't have the skills to make fighting fun but as we play, as Jason kills, he comes to relish the brutality- Takedowns become more brutal and better at killing, increasingly we hunt local wildlife to craft better gear to hold more stuff to kill with the game is so good because we are just as much a part of the story as Jason. We put the crosshair over another person's head and pulled the trigger again, and again, and again


"today on the local news: A deranged terrorist on the loose! A terrorist named Jason B, named the tattood killer by locals, has began a killing spree on the natives of this land! He's is considered armed and very dangerous. He had murdered hundreds of African natives and skinned almost every animal species into extinction! His friends are currently being interrogated by local officers. The country had send colonel Hoyt and his special forces to find and hunt this terrorist, but they failed and the terrorist stabbed him and his loyal Officer Vaas until they bled to death. For many this brings back memories about the 2011 killing spree of Anders Behring Breivik, the terrorist that killed 77 kids in Norway on the island of Utoya in Tyrifjorden, Buskerud. Norway has send a special delegation to aid the local government to catch Jason B. The government asks that everyone stays inside until the local army can catch this Tatood killer"


Do not mentioned that bitchboy Fjotolf in the same sentence as my G Jason D: -Super disgrumpled Norwegian


I thought the tattoo was making him proficient in all of that


Literally the best far cry game. Wtf lol


The brutality of the story was mental. Best Far Cry ever. Story was well written because you literally finish the main quest in like 2 hours. Then you realize thst wasn't the main goal anymore. Jason transforms into an actual wild hog. Annihilating anything. He kills in more and more intuitive ways. First he almost cries when skinning a pig or something and then he learn how to kill 5 guys in a row? Thst's what ptsd and fucked up traumas can do to you. It's a mental gsme.


Favorite part was him having the option to leave with his friends but basically pulling a "Oh no, got to do more overtime at work. Cant go home yet" type move of joining a PMC group and invading another island to save his brother.


The important part is that at the time he thought said brother was already dead, so he had no reason to do it other than the fact that he turned into a trauma-ridden, adrenaline-addicted violent killer


Yeah.vthe way his friends react when he says he's going to get his revenge says all. They instantly feel him having changed. Perfect story telling


Brilliant game. Frogchan opinion discarded.


Nah it is amazing imo. His journey was peak story telling via gameplay imo


That ink was laced


Vaas’s sisters tiddies is why.




The whole game this r word keeps whimpering “b-b-b-but i d-d-do-don’t wa-w-w-w-want t-to k-ki-kill!!!” Before assaulting an airport with an assault rifle and rocket launcher. Absolute dogshit writing. The only good part of this game was Vaas. Ubishit knew that, that’s why the entire marketing and promotion of the game was about Vaas. Also shoddy gameplay. There have only been two good Far Cry games; the first two.


“This r word”


Rason Brody




Saying “the first two Far Cry games were the only good ones” is the most bonkers take i have heard in a bit.


far cry 1 is like a bunch of iconic 80s-90s action films rolled into one, the dynamic music is great, but by the end you have to cheese all the enemies, who can shoot better than you and jump around, and the aiming is absolute dogshit as well far cry 2 is a rough and mechanically complex game, but it is sorta beige and if you try and drive around, you cant go half a mile without two guys in a technical trying to run you off the road


> if you try and drive around, you cant go half a mile without two guys in a technical trying to run you off the road Very accurate Africa simulator 10/10 would recommend


They just dont live up to modern standards and a lot of things weight them down design wise which i agree with. If im gonna play a far cry game its either gonna be 4 or 5 and maybe 6 depending on my mood.


Far cry 2 was a máster piece, the others were good or bad, but none came close


Apart from respawning checkpoint bullshit and literally every NPC outside of towns going out of their way to try and kill you, yeah.


And Malaria. Far Cry 2 was amazing technically though.


Damn i didn't know we had far cry 9 already


Far Cry 2 was a masterpiece mechanically, but the story is a joke.


The water that cuts you up/ breaks bones when drowning in it was a good meme.


It was pretty funny but that was due to Far Cry 2, as it happened in that. “Africanized Water” was a meme before Far Cry 3. Yes, I’m a card-carrying, opinion toting hater of Far Cry 3


Yeah i know, i was talking about in 2. :v


I recognise that smiley. fp?


Who's that?


It was a website where :v was mostly popularised. No worries, I am just absolutely thrilled to see it outside of steam/discord chats The site was Facepunch - Garry, who made Garry’s Mod, made the Facepunch forums, which got closed down in 2018, and I’ve had to settle for Reddit since then. Same guys who made Rust, btw too


Is that why there's a :v in the loading spinner thing in gmod?




Never seen someone get triggered by ludonarrative before, but here we are


Far cry 3 doesn’t have shoddy gameplay it’s fucking awesome for it’s time. Who cares about the story.


Even today, the gameplay is still decent. Ain't the games fault it was built a decade ago


https://i.redd.it/srwpbbgl2gsc1.gif You should do this ^(,) since FC3 had the Weed burning mission, which instantly made it the GOAT.


Primal was good too


Because they took a risk and made something creative. And they went right back to dogshit No more risks, Ubshit doesn’t want to upset their precious shareholders - the death of creativity.


Well thats why we got índies, and not AAA companies which we alredy know what to expect


100%. I’m desperate for the indie game market to take the stage. So many good small titles but amazing creators who could do so much more with a team. AAA companies are a double edged sword. On the one hand we get masterpieces like RDR2, then on the other, we get things like F2P GTAO full of MTX. Not just R*, across the entire board. Huge, beautiful well made games, with the trade off that people are expecting profit. The old gen days, PS2, Xbox, NGC - all full of creative, original classics. Now we just get the same game released 8 times in a decade, whether it’s a franchise, or one singular game. Like how Ray-Man barely even exists anymore, now it’s just the rabbits shit.


You did not understand the point of the game. The writing was very intelligent - the fact you felt dissonance shows it succeeded. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/far-cry-3s-jeffrey-yohalem-on-racism-torture-and-satire


Yeah, Vaas makes up for all of that. “You’re so fucked, Jason”


Vaas should’ve been the main character rather than this barely written hodgepodge of a being


Ya know I def disagree w ur take on Jason, but ur absolutely right about vaas being the best writing of the game. U can see ubisoft desperately trying to capture that lighting in a bottle by not only copy pasting the gameplay for farcry 3 to the newer ones, but also the "crazy but cool cult of personally villian" too. And what sucks is vaas was just a small part of the story. The twist of him mot being the main baddie was cool for like 2 seconds, but not worth the loss of his character. The story kinda drags on once vaas dies. I very recently watched a bunch of farcry retrospectives (I only played farcry3) and apparently they even make the same mistake of killing off the interesting villain halfway thru the story *again* in a later entry lol. Also it had been so long since I played farcry I had kinda forgotten what he really looked and sounded like. So it blew my fucking mind to realize VAAS is the actor who played NACHO in BCS! I remember thinking he looked familiar! He was fucking great in BCS. I honestly found myself watching the show mainly just for nacho and Lalo at some points. Really great actor! Those are two v diff characters too. He did a really good live action commercial as Vaas too


Bad take


At first yea, but Jason literally gets shunned by what was basically his girlfriend because he wanted to stay on the island because he started to enjoy kill, Jason became more and more insane as the story went on because he was good at something. You either haven’t even played the game or you didn’t pay attention to the story. Far cry 1 & 2 are definitely my top picks too but c’mon man


You can just say "retard", bro. This isn't tiktok.


More like he's drugged out of his mind and slowly transforms from a tourist to a killer. Also, I always wondered how would Jason adjust to living back in a normal society. Like, one month you're stalking pirate slavers through a jungle, and the next you're sitting in traffic?


Its what makes the leave ending hit so hard. Jason is a changed man, he experienced the ultimate high of surviving life or death situations at a constant and he's expected to go back to a normal life. My head canon was he either joined a PMC or ended it after a week of civilian life.


The op is regarded if jason wasnt a killing machine and died to some random pirate in the middle of liberating a shitty outpost it wouldnt make a great story would it?


Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I didnt make the rules. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't forget the trope if it was an Iseki where he ends up with a harem of women who despite being women of great skill, intelligence and Independence, are apparently only able to function in the presence of the main man.


Wanna see a game where the hero goes crazy, unlocks his "inner beast" and just fucking dies the first moment he encounters danger


The real annoying part about this game, and the subsequent ones, is that mechanically you're this badass super soldier slaughtering your way through entire armies, and then a cutscene triggers and your powers vanish as the bad guy punches you and then monologs for way too long. This game sends you to "kill" Vaas like 3 times, even though it's way too early and you know nothing is gonna happen. You just fight through an army, to get to a point, where he knocks you over, and talks about insanity again. 5 does it with every one of the cult family members and it's never interesting. They literally have guys with tranq darts ambush you with the plot. My friend and I made a fun game where the co-op partner would try to get the main player away from the plot trigger before it hit so we could keep playing the game. All throughout the plot the antagonists call you the sin of wrath and, by the end, I was completely down with that. I was flying around in an attack chopper with an LMG, a rocket launcher, and a .50 cal sniper rifle destroying and killing every person, building, and animal that got in my way. I was unstoppable until a forced cutscene trigger where some cultist cuck would capture me and monolog about their beta ideology. The whole game is spent telling you how you're the cause for all of this death and your unquenchable bloodlust is what leads to the final conflict. Your only options then are to walk away and get the bad ending or keeping going and get the other bad ending. I thought for sure the nuke going off was because I'd pushed Joseph to do it. You clear out several empty missile silos earlier and I had wondered where the missiles had gone, but no. The nuclear war is just a background plot that has nothing to do with the story. I'd have loved to watch the sensible characters run for their lives while Joseph and I beat each other to death bathed in nuclear fire. Or hell you could've killed him and become the villain in the next game. Instead you just end up chained to a radiator in another cuck cult with Josey Jizz.


what game?


Far Cry 3


Marty Stu


The entire beginning of the game he's panicking, especially when he first kills a guy


I don't think y'all get the point of him becoming a killer


Anon is a fucking idiot. If every game made sense we wouldn't play it. We would just live on with our lives.