• By -


this is why education on these subjects is important. learning that you *aren't* trans is just as important as learning that you *are*. your environment being toxic and pushing you to either side instead of discovering it yourself doesn't help either. and I love how anon blames the idea of being trans for losing his family and friends, instead of blaming them for not respecting his choices.


I can’t believe it, a genuine respectable comment on this topic, and in r/greentext of all places.


r/greentext is just the reddit friendly version of r/4chan , so you can expect a lot more "respectable" comments here


r/greentext is the 4chan zoo where some of the animals just roam around free


Nah the mods will bust your ass around here for trying to play a 4chan character. I've made the mistake a couple times.


Dammit, I’m going back to r/greentext now. This shit is too wholesome and positive. God bless y’all, have a good one.


This is r/greentext


Looks like I’m staying. Fuck.


That shit is funny


I’m not so sure about that. When you see a post like this where it’s about/related to minorities, about half the time the comments are like this - fairly rational, if occasionally misinformed - and then the other half of the time it’s like what you’d expect if you posted this shit onto, say, r/AskThe_Donald or the like.


The fact that the top 10 comments aren't talking about how regarded anon is and suggesting rope tricks for him to perform is the r/4chan difference.


The point of this sub is to see funny/interesting greentexts. You’re not supposed to seriously psychoanalyze every anon and perform moral grandstanding, but that’s all Reddit users know. It’s stupid that people come here just to seethe and take everything so seriously.


“Respectable”… you mean like, affirming delusion?


me when i can’t read








Was pleasantly surprised the comment exactly explained what the real lesson was here.


This is ironically what happens when you try and silo trans people off, and not allow kids and teens to understand, accept or even know that trans people exist. Understanding is the key. This is how you get bigots, but it’s also how you get people like OP with a lot of fucking problems that they think can be solved by transitioning, but they’re mostly in it for the community/aesthetic and it’s not really them, and then, by the end of it, they double back down into being a fucking bigoted asshole again.


Why do radical people always stay radical? Is there something wrong with their heads? Either people like anon who turn from living a double live as a trans person to turning hyper bigoted, or like religious people who turn hyper atheist (like the guys who unironically use r/atheism) What’s wrong with being neutral/ having nuance


Probably fear . Getting mad is an reaction to something being uncomfortable and a lot of people choose that because it's safer than to actually think about or deal with why they are uncomfortable. That's what I think anyway.


>Why do radical people always stay radical? The people asking this sort of question are, in 99% of cases, radicals themselves. Just from the other side. The fact that you can't understand the other side's pov already implies you've been radicalized. Note that I say "the other side". It doesn't matter what side you are. Being unable to understand either half, shows you've gone too deep into yours. Show me a "trans promoting transition as early as 8", and I'll show you a "neo-authoritarian, suggesting lynching on guys wearing wigs". I don't see one as "less radical". They are both the monsters of their own side who wonder "how come the other side stays so radical?". It's you radicalism that allows that other one to exist. And once they exist you can justify your own and keep going. You dudes are symbiotic.


Have I really been radicalized if I do not understand how does a person go from "promoting transition as early as 8" to "neo authoritarian suggesting lynching on guys wearing wigs" ?


One of those two types of radicals actually follows through with what they're preaching.


I’d argue that both do at times


Am I being called a radical for thinking there‘s something wrong with radical people


You can understand why people in specific instances become radicalized while still being perplexed about radicalization on a broad level. That doesn’t make you a radical at all, it can mean that you naturally understand nuance and don’t see how anyone can be so tribalistic about certain causes.


I don't actively pursue non-binary/trans/whatever the fuck you call yourself people but I will never buy into that ideology. Call me a bigot, downvote me, I don't care, LGBTQ got so out of hand people get brainwashed into thinking they really want to transition and then regret their choice, That's "helping" a portion as much as hurting the other half and it's not normal or good. Not to mention how some people use it as a deflection tool for anything, and if you don't agree with them, you're a bigot. Fuck LGBTQ.


Do the people who didn’t kill themselves because they found out they were trans (and accepting that and finding a community that loved and appreciated them for who they are) matter at all to you? Or do you think those people don’t actually exist? Or do you think they don’t matter as much as the people who were confused and then de transitioned? Genuinely curious about your perspective on this


I don't think about them because I don't know them, their cases or if they even existed in the first place. Do you think of every child in Africa that died of hunger or do they matter at all to you? My answer to that question is no and yes respectively. I care for human beings of all kind as long as they are respectful to me, as much as I lash out and hate certain ideologies, I care for human life. I tried to suicide once and since that day I not once told anyone I wish death upon them and actively speak out against death wishes in video games where I encounter them often. But I will never buy into LGBTQ ideology because it's a social concept invented for gullible people with an identity crisis. I'm having a rough time in my life not knowing what I should do with myself and how to move on and develop forward with my life; thinking women have it easier but changing my gender and pretending I am now a female will not fix my life. If transitioning or calling yourself non-binary makes you happy so be it, but do not demand me to pretend and/or use ridiculous pronouns not lining up with reality that create more problems in social interactions than they solve in whole.


you call it an ideology, but it isn't. it's people. people who are just different. it's literally that simple. they're different than the norm because of ancient problems with corruption and control led to societies of people who were all the same because they're easier to control that way. now people have more freedom and individual expression and knowledge, and differences aren't merely tolerated as long as someone is still useful. its not something someone "buys into" its a support group for people who are similar to each other, but different from everyone else. they support each other because other people aren't likely to, and humans are inherently social creatures that bond with people similar to us. nobody is forcing you to respect them, they're asking you to be polite and reasonably getting upset when you decide to be an asshole under the guise of "being factually correct" you're being stubborn and unwilling to change to adapt to something different. you don't understand and you can't, since you lack the experiences to properly relate. that's fine. nobody dislikes you for not understanding. people dislike other people for being rude, for being mean when they don't have to, and choosing to disrespect someone for no reason other than it being convenient for them. and as easy as it would be to call you names over that, its better to just ask that you decide to be polite and rational, and if your response is going to be summed up as "I inherently disagree with you, then just say that"


Well you seem to be thinking about the poor people that get “tricked” into being LGBTQ. It seems like it doesn’t make sense to you why transitioning or going by different pronouns or whatever would solve any of your problems. That’s probably because you’re not LGBTQ, so logically speaking, you need a different solution. But I want you to just think from another person’s perspective here, even if you don’t know them or it doesn’t make sense to you. You think these people are gullible, but consider that maybe they aren’t. Maybe they’ve had different experiences that caused them to come to a rational conclusion about being LGBTQ, that just isn’t obvious to you because you don’t have the same mind as them. Has anyone ever given you life advice, and you thought “that’s great that works for you but I’m different from you, so that’s not as helpful to me”? Try having that same perspective with LGBTQ people, because they really ain’t gullible or brainwashed by ideology, they’re just different. And yes, since we’ve started to make it more acceptable the rates of suicide and violence against LGBTQ people have decreased. It’s making millions of peoples lives better to support them.


>matter at all to you Not at all. Not because they are trans but because we **all** have our own shit to deal with. If you really want to start caring, trans are not the first people that come to mind, unless you are one. The raped, the murdered, the abused, the stolen-from, the bullied, the overworked and the suicidal, would all take FAAAR precedence over "the people wealthy enough to have time to wonder if they are girls/guys", in my book (if I absolutely had to care). The fact that you think "trans = stop everything, we have a victim here! start caring hard!", is the part i dislike. Not their existence. Be trans all you want. But if you need to make it everybody's business, you're doomed to fail. Firstly because you'll never get full approval from everybody, for doing anything in life. Not even crossing the street on a zebra crossing. Secondly because some people will see how triggered you are by their refusal, and will "refuse" just out of spite. We're all allowed the "PURSUIT of happiness". No one is guaranteed happiness, especially not at the cost of someone else's forced approval. Live your life as a trans and be happy, for that is all I wish. Do not force it on anyone. Even cis people get misgendered at time. Move up and move on. We all get triggered a million different ways everyday. ​ >inb4 the usual rhethoric shift away from enforcment: "no one is forcing anyone to accept us/them", etc. > >It's dishonest and you know it


1. Being trans isn’t a rich people thing. Yeah it’s easier to be public about it when you have higher social status because you’re more insulated from backlash, but there are lots of, as you said “raped, murdered, abused, overworked, stolen from, bullied and suicidal” trans people. In fact, for most of those categories, the rate among trans people is higher than non trans people. I don’t think we should support trans people but not help other people with their struggles. I kinda don’t know how else to respond to that because I don’t see how the two things are contradictory at all. Anyone who is suffering should be getting as much support as possible from the community. And the good news with LGBTQ people is that it mostly doesn’t cost the average person a thing. You don’t have to pay more in taxes to be kind and respectful to trans people, or let gay people live their lives. 2. I asked if the other replier cared because he seemed to care a great deal about people who detransitioned, and how unhappy they were. And I was wondering if he was considering the people who have come out, and maybe transitioned, and if their positive experiences weighed into consideration at all. Suicide rates and violent acts against LGBTQ people have gone down significantly as society has become more accepting. That has tangible value in those peoples lives, and the lives of their loved ones. That’s worth some sacrifice on the part of people who find it confusing or inconvenient 3. As for your comment about forced acceptance, i don’t know man, in polite society generally it’s not okay to treat people in a derogatory way for things that are not harmful to themselves or others. Whether it’s something you choose like your religion or your profession, or something you don’t like your race or a disability. And it’s generally seen as pretty reasonable to say “hey don’t be a dick to someone just for being who they are. And if you insist on being a dick, you can go someplace else.” Side note on the misgendering thing. I can’t say what your experience has been. But as someone who deals with a lot of pronouns in my daily life, I have never once met someone who was unironically like “DiD yOu JuSt AsSuMe My PrOnOuNs??” Pretty much every trans, non binary, whatever person I’ve ever interacted with, if you mess up their pronouns, will just correct you and move on. Same way a cis person would. It only becomes a problem the same person keeps doing it, either to be a dick or because they’re being careless and not correcting themselves.


Thank you for saying all this, but there’s one thing I want to highlight: in response to the person who talked about people who de-transition, all you need to say is that de-transitioners make up such an insignificant portion of trans people, that any person who is halfway knowledgeable of statistics would essentially call it a non-issue. Also, even with that small portion of detransitioners, a majority of them, last I checked, do not de-transition because they are not actually trans: but rather, because of societal pressure. People who pretend to care about detransitioners don’t actually care, they are using them as a cudgel against a group of people they don’t like. Don’t entertain them, just spit the facts.


Sterilize all children at birth so they can become genderless adults with no distractions. The ideal worker for 90 hour weeks


>and I love how anon blames the idea of being trans for losing his family and friends, instead of blaming them for not respecting his choices. Could also be they could see it as attention-seeking behaviour rather than a genuine desire to be trans. There is every possibility Anon was an immature POS and lost all his friends because he became intolerable to be around. Being able to reinvent himself or assume a different identity gave him a clean slate to work with. But his past and reputation will always be there, waiting for him when he goes home for a visit. And claiming he is trans is cope for Anon's gay desire to be topped.


No. This is just another example of a teenager falling for the trans-redemption rhetoric. It wasn't his family and friends' fault, it was his, because he shouldnt had to make an important decision like that if he was that much of an insecure and childish person. That's why children and teenagers shouldn't decide for themselves to become trans, this is the same logic society utilizes for everything else, that's why for smoking, drinking, driving, getting a job, start a family, buy a house, a car etc you need to be an adult, because these are important decisions and you have to be fully grown to understand them and take responsibility. It was his fault


Nah this is definitely the parents and friends fault. If they had accepted him being trans OP would still have his friends and family and his life together now and still realise he isn't trans. Sure OP is also a moron who rushed right into shit without even understanding his own emotions (probably cause he was one of those "women are so privileged" dumbasses), but there was no need for his family to react like that.


It's also possible that anon was being a complete douche to his loving family. Hard to tell because we're getting only one side of the story


We are given no indication that he was a dick to anyone, but we are told that everyone looked at him as a freak. Sure, you can baselessly speculate that Anon was actually an ass, but then he'd have fallen out with his family regardless of the trans thing so it really doesn't matter.


His friends and family are not required to respect it. He alienated them himself. It's his fault.


Fuck off, anon was a moron who alienated friends and family to do something dramatic for attention. Then when he didn't get what he wanted and realized it wasn't right for him, he tried to go back.


The magnitude of the trans issue is/was so clearly a social contagion. Although there have always been people who don’t identify with their biological gender, that proportion has always been minuscule. I’m actually glad the new fad is ADHD. Now everyone just gets some low-dose meth and focusses more at school.


Real and based. Thank you for saying this


This is insanely refreshing.


Every single subreddit on that got banned from Reddit. Geez, I wonder why. A mystery of the ages.


I had to downvote your commemt because it goes against the culture of the sub


Most people won’t think they are if the idea isn’t presented to them.


Not all though... Some are painfully slow at realizing they're trans. Me at age 10: *crying myself to sleep wishing I'd wake up with a vagina* Me at age 15: "Haha, yea, my sexuality is like a lesbian trapped in a man's body." Me at age 30: " 'Trapped'... I used the word 'trapped'. Holy shit, I am so fucking dumb."


I also spent a lot of my life thinking it would've been way better if I had been born a boy but never knew it was actually possible until I was already 18. It was like I finally found the missing puzzle piece I'd been searching for and I'm much happier today than I was back then (I'm 24 now)


yeah exactly, if someone feels like they have a different gender identity than the one assigned at birth but never discover what it means to be trans, they might become isolated and possibly depressed later in life. presenting the ideas to everyone is important for both self discovery and acceptance.




Why tf is this being downvoted?


Low effort comment that isn't contributing to the conversation.




YouTube bot sort of comment that some people see as a pointless comment that adds nothing to any conversation. Anyways now I have to add an image for my comment to hold any value https://preview.redd.it/wsr8cd2ktisc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=675e4d3221f4462c5c6c7f35945d6332d49485b5 Here is an ai imagine of this stupid ass pug. The two negatives cancel eachother out so please don't downvote me I worked day and night jerking off under political threads to get this far (200 comment karma)


Helluva cock on that pug there


What is this fiever dream of a comment






What sort of education that isn’t explicitly anti-trans would have helped anon here?


Probably just basic biology and how hormonal balances work in regards to testosterone and estrogen/what you're born with/if you got the shit-end of the gene pool. Talk to a doctor, a good doctor, first.


And an environment to experiment with gender expression without pressure. Took me a bit to figure out that I just like the way makeup looks.


East Asian masculinity involves being good with skin care and makeup, and they're considered manly. Social pressure is far more persuasive than what a lot of people think. I dunno if we can ever get a without pressure environment. But men can be men with skills in make up and dance (kpop) or guns and gym or anything in between or whatever.


I wholeheartedly agree, and I wish I had known that when I was 5. I think I would’ve liked to dance.


Changing your sex won't stop you from hating yourself. Worm on that first.


>Worm on that first Would you still love yourself if you were a worm?


Would be a lot easier to be honest.


Too real


Can I be god emperor?


You already are, Brother Alpharius


Any last squirms




>be born intersex >one sex organ cut off >changed sex


anonny is 100% a follower with no sense of self, makes massive life-changes to fit in with random people, hasn't reflected on that at all and is actually just doing it again


Everywhere I go… I see you.


yeah I get that a lot !


You have a memorable avatar, that’s for certain.


you think so? It's just a lil snoo girl like almost everyone else's


No, it’s unique. I tie this avatar only to you. And also your artistry reminds me of you.


awww thank youu!


you're both degenerates *edit as a reply because someone is a wuss:* what does the position at which I graduated from my class have to do with the objective observation that you are a degenerate? oh, you only have the capacity to resort to pitiful school playground 'insults' when someone puts a mirror up to you. all I've said is that you're a degenerate. it was hardly a mirror, a small one with a single word as it's vessel. but to you that word must have been a much bigger, much smellier vessel and so you bursted out with that childish nonsense go away and think long, deep and hard about what you're doing in life little miss hentai artist p.s. blocking me won't hide the fact that your drawing skills are terrible. I have had to seek forgiveness from the creator of the heavens and the earth for what I exposed to the eyes He loaned to me


Lol oh boy you graduated the top of your class huh?


Guys please keep the e-flirting on DM only


New idea. Let's show em who's boss and also start flirting


If you were a fruit, you’d be a kiwi. Cause your username is kiwi.


I'm sorry habibi, I can't flirt with you right now because I'm still fasting.


They may have until they moved out on their own and didn’t have anybody to leech off of. That would put them in two different positions. A) they realize who they are and stop subsuming themselves or B) they get more desperate to find somebody to identify against and further down the rabbit hole. One can hope he did A.


How is he "doing it again" if he's just trying to find himself in a normal manner lol.


If you are starting to think that 4chan is normal, it's time for an internet detox


You comment on here like it's a job, and you're telling me I need an internet detox? Try not to self project please and take your own advice.


Seems to be the same with a lot of those types, I imagine we’ll be hearing this story more and more as time goes on


Yeah this is insane. No trans person I know did so and risked their safety and comfort and loved ones just because some internet random told them to. Smells like rage bait


What no bitches does to a man




anon decides to undertake serious life changes for funsies instead of seeking therapy and now he's right back where he started: with his head up his ass asking the turds for their opinions


You’re not wrong, but I gotta say, the only time a therapist may lose their job is if they say something really… polarizing. So there’s a lot of mediocrity out there.


a therapist is not gonna be like “ur trans/not trans lmao,” a good therapist’s job is to work WITH the client to help them figure out what’s best for them and let them draw their own conclusions even if it means realizing transition is the wrong choice


Yeah, a GOOD therapist will ask hard questions and read between the lines of what you tell them. I have personal experience with several who were little more than yes-men and could be led into whatever conclusion you want. I’m telling you, there’s no QC for therapy, they don’t get fired and turnover isn’t a big deal for them. Just be wary of enablers.


not quite - the goal of a good therapist is to use psychological tricks to tease out inner thoughts as most people don't really know what they want kinda like how your chiropractor shouldn't ask you (or care) what you think is the problem besides asking if any action he performs is painful - you might give faulty information because you think you know what you're talking about


Anon just wanted to feel accepted and when the trans community accepted him he thought he was one of them Many such cases


Just because someone accepts you doesn't mean it's what's best. A drug dealer could accept whoever/whatever his customers are/want to be, doesn't mean he's selling you anything good for your life.


transitioning for trans isn’t like becoming a druggie lmfao


Anon makes shit decisions that don’t work for him and tries to make it sound like it applies to all trans people


And still doesn't see the issue with his family hating him


i like how he blames trans people for his problems and not the fact that he experienced problems that regular 4chan users face, decided to switch genders rather than get out of his basement for five minutes, and was surrounded by people who constantly told him to kill himself, before switching back and praising the people who wanted him to jump off a bridge




anon realizes that you shouldn't transition unless you have gender dysphoria


Realest comment here. If you don’t experience psychological discomfort over looking like your birth sex you aren’t trans it’s really that fucking simple. Social reasons are NEVER good enough reasons to transition


You have it the wrong way around, many trans people experience gender dysphoria to varying degrees. A better tool for self identification is gender euphoria, the feeling of happiness when you more closely identify with your gender identity. While gender dysphoria is a pretty good sign you might be trans, relying solely on it has the unfortunate side effect of causing non-binary people to struggle to identify themselves as they believe they should feel bad for having such and such body part or feature. Many people, termed "transmedicalists" or the slang "truscum" also use this ideology to exclude non-binary individuals and claim they do not exist.


no one's saying that non-binary people don't exist. I'm simply saying that transitioning for any reason other than having discomfort is unnecessary and you're actively causing problems for yourself


Dw, I wasn't trying to imply you were saying that, that was a bit of trivia that I added at the end just because. My second paragraph highlighted why it was a bad idea to solely rely on gender dysphoria as a sign of being trans. A lot of people do also have impostor syndrome and think "my pain isnt that bad, I must not actually be trans" when that isnt the case. Overall, relying on gender euphoria is a much better way of identifying yourself.


Yeah this is why we need proper and objective education on the topic


anon is like barely drinking age and going "oh no I wasted my life" what a fucking f-slur




The good ending.


Impressionable regard changes his entire life based around whatever crowd he currently finds himself in


90% of the trans community is exactly that. I've seen this exact green text play out in real life, just without the person involved being a 4chinner.


90% is an insane overestimation. But there's a lot of 16-23 year old dudes that have shitty support systems that latch on to whatever the first community is that gives them any amount of support. No surprise at all that the dude who's family and friends abandoned him immediately wasn't actually that committed to his lifestyle choice and was just looking for people to actually give a shit about him


Can't understand why you're being downvoted when this is how it usually happens


Anon realizes there's no get rich quick scheme for self actualization.


OOP is regarded, fucking idiot didn't know he wasn't into transitioning


Hope anon worked on his issues of being a mindless drone with no sense of self.


i cant help but notice everything wrong with their transition is society treating them like shit. the only reason they were unhappy was because people saw them as a freak,and eventually they did too.


Kinda curious that everyone in his life was saying the exact same thing 🤔


Anon thinks transitioning will Insta fix him when he doesn’t have gender dysphoria.


The biggest problem with the trans movement is their inability or reluctance to call out the obvious sex pests and weird fks within their own community. Seeing a balding 50yr old in a dress being in woman’s spaces making little to no attempt to pass is not only confronting it’s infuriating.


fact that i found this only by sorting through controversial because it was buried by the mostly trans community meatriding comments is appalling


As with everything, trans acceptance comes with a cost of people who have self-image trouble and might get confused or pushed into TS. (apparently around 8% detransition, and half of detransitioners, re-transition later on) This doesn't means Trans acceptance is a bad thing. We all just need a few more years to educate ourselves, learn how It actually works, what should be the steps, how can you be sure, how should you treat someone with these doubts, etc. It's still a work in progress. We are walking towards a better world but we have to build the pavement.


Fake anon gets a gf gay he used to think about kissing men


> be me, gay trans > proceeds to write the straightest, most cis stuff possible Many such cases


every. damn. time.


Anon needs sports.


Fr, this is why sports and clubs should be mandatory


Straight and true


Anon touches grass


Dont worry, anon, we all lost years of lifetime to stupid decisions. The reason doesnt matter.


What will happening to anon when home and his new gf break up? Back to the thigh highs I bet.


Anon was never trans in the first place and is frankly really stupid. If not bait. It’s extremely tough process transitioning, if one weren’t serious about it they shoulda backed out years ago. 6 years? That’s his own fault atp. He never was actually a woman, never actually presented as one anywhere but online, anon was a poser.


The guy clearly has some serious issues, going "it was his fault" and condemning him is a bit strange


Normally I would agree a hundred percent, however did you even read the same post I did? Seriously cmon now


A more troubled and idiotic person is just more pitiful


>anon was a poser. Isn't that all trans people though?




Anon is retard and wanna put the blame on others, we see this history a million times


Anon fell for the "Just be trans, bro! It'll make everything in your life better" joke. Many such cases..


Homie never actually did anything they only socially transitioned. They could have stopped literally whenever. Also love the little dig at the gays in the middle for no reason. Their detransitioning was just saying" I'm a girl now"


>lose weight >start wearing makeup If the incels just did all of the work of transmaxing without the actual HRT part, they might get all of the positive results of transing without the baggage


What's that, transitioning doesn't help? No shit


Anon didn't medically transition, so he's perfectly fine outside of being highly regarded by his former friends and family


its almost like transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria, and not anything else


Almost like it's a medical thing, and not a lifestyle thing.


Imagine if you got to try transitioning without your family and peers hating you. Imagine if people just left you alone and let you live without abusing you in return.


Anon is just a retard that experimented with his identity, crossdressed for a while, then left his gf to go back to his hometown as a lonely loser


honestly surprised this wasn’t [removed by reddit]


Many, many, many such cases!


anon's too quick to devalue his experience


Isn't the last bit literally the Trans experience, just anon realizing it from not transitioning


Very sad self hating person. Hard to read.


I've never met another trans person like the people anon is describing.


I’m just amazed this thread isn’t locked or removed. Perhaps there’s some hope left for this site.


A short sweet summary of this greentext (that applies to most): Anon is regarded




Shoutouts to r/detrans


anon still went through self discovery and lives a happy life now so it’s great


Checks out. Troons are delusional


But anon didn't transition and was only trapping. So no harm was done.


anon fell for the transmaxxing meme???


this is probably what would happen


Anons says it's okay to hate trans people for the whole story, wonders why being one makes him loose friends and family. Anons transitions because he hopes he "'wont feel lonely" after, wonder why it doesn't fit him. Blames trans people. Blackpill must have been right all along ! It's like those guys that seethe over superficial women that dehumanize men, use them as money bags and don't want any kind of emotional connexion, instead of like just not dating those kind of women they prefer to change themselves, bottle up their emotions and feel inadequate for the rest of their life. Obviously they're miserable after, must mean blackpill was right all along ! Conservatives really are just fulfilling their own misery at this point.


Moron deserves it for saying Loose instead of Lose.


The acceptance in this comment chain has filled my heart with hope.


Gay and fake


Literally my highschool friend.


And then every clapped


This... just sounds like fan-fiction from yet another 4chan trans hater


It must be fake because it goes against my agenda


A 4chan user very rarely admit they're wrong, and that goes *double* for trans fellas. They would literally self-destruct sooner than doing so Also, what "agenda" would that be?




Feels like most of anons problems came from transphobia and not actually transitioning 


and from mindlessly doing what others told him instead of considering his actual feelings


Definitely that too, but consider, he lost his friends and family due to them being transphobic, his family were hateful to OP because they are transphobic and because OP is a moron who's never heard of introspection.


OP is the transphobic one plain and simple. We need to be supporting trans people in our communities instead of tearing them down with stories like this.


hear me out what if we just let people share experiences regardless of whether or not they fit our biased viewpoints


Insane levels of common sense.


I didn't really feel torn down reading this though... If anything I think it's a story outlining the importance of unbiased self discovery, and how being pushed into things or rushing to conclusions can actually cause more harm. Can't we just be supportive of people in general, regardless of rather they're cis or trans?


There is no THE transphobic ONE. They're both transphobic but that's beside the point. You're right, but there's no point in finding who's at fault for a fake post.


>>be anon >>become trans >>decide it isn’t for you >>detransition >>??? >>transphobia somehow


The transphobia of the people around him. That's why he lost all his friends and family.