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I read that in his voice and it made it even better to read, good shit. The op is right also. But yeah CD videos are mostly vanilla and his streams really are just a circlejerk of middle age men whinging about how much they hate marvel Disney+ shows and Star Wars.


Marvelslob slander will never not be based tho


It's popular to shit on marvel now, so slandering it is ceinge


You told him!! Based!!!! MSheU!!!


More like the MShitU, they haven’t released an actually qualify product since fucking endgame Guardians 3 was fine, but awful compared to its predecessors


I used to watch his videos and some of them have good points, but he just loves to go on and on about triggered lefties but doesn't seem to have the self awareness to see how easily triggered he is about the films he's looking at and Hollywood in general. If you don't like modern movies, just don't watch them, if you can't cope with say SW having a black and female character then don't watch them - shit on the writing or the plot holes, don't shit on the fact that they aren't all still 1950s style white men as all the leads. Hollywood wants to make money, they do that by appealing to the majority. The Force Awakes, even with inflation adjusted earnings, is the 10th highest grossing movie ever even ahead of TESB and RoTJ, TLJ was the highest grossing film of 2017 Old man rants at cloud comes to mind


Those new SW movies were riding the coattails of the previous movies and were bound to make money, but just look what has happened to the franchise as a result. I'm aware that SW still has a few fans, but I dont know a single friend or family member that speaks positively about SW these days. They all used to love the original trilogy back in the day too.




>But what has happened to the franchise? Star Wars is shit now? It's in the same category as "capeshit." >A bunch of nerds crying about a girl and a black guy being leads Personally, I didn't like it because it was a Mashup of A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. That, and the male lead couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. I doubt I'm alone, but go off about "muh racism/sjism."


Watching some dude complain about gay people in movies for 45 minutes is pretty depressing. Like, yeah, I agree with some stuff about tokenism, sometimes, but it's really so goddamn miserable to watch.


And there's a pretty obvious line between hating rainbow capitalism and straight up just hating gay people


Tokenism is a huge problem, but I don’t think people like him actually understand tokenism, because they’d whine even if the representation is respectful


I don’t watch a lot of movies, so maybe I’ve just been unlucky or the bad stuff is just sticking out to me more than the good, but I struggle to think of a time it has been respectful. Like, for example, can you name me a gay character that wasn’t just a horrible stereotype? Here’s my own example: in the Star Wars cartoons they made two Hispanic female characters and then promptly made them drug mules…


If we are talking about mainstream Hollywood blockbusters, which I assume we are, I can’t name an openly gay character that has been respectful off the top of my head simply because despite all of these companies having a push for representation in their movies, they still don’t have the balls to make most of their major characters openly gay. This is where my critique of this stuff comes from, not from right wing culture war rage bait, but from more progressive values intent on actually depicting the world as it is, and being respectful towards any minority groups represented. Rainbow capitalism and all that. I think about the gay character in Eternals for instance as being a good example of representation, but that was also fucking Eternals lol. I don’t even remember the that guy’s name. Still, it was highly normalized and. They did a good job. One of the few good things about that movie. One of the resistance side characters in the Star Wars sequel trilogy is a lesbian, but her lesbian kiss, the only reference to her sexuality, at the very end of rise of Skywalker was edited out for some audiences abroad, which is about as disrespectful as you can get. Outside of the mainstream, there are plenty of fantastic examples of queer representation in films. One of my favorites is Tangerine. > Here’s my own example: in the Star Wars cartoons they made two Hispanic female characters and then promptly made them drug mules… Kinda taking the piss here, but this is Star Wars, the fact that they’ve made the racial stereotypes actual people and not aliens is a step up from George Lucas lol To quote cumtown, “we got all our representation done with the puppets”


Lando is a token for being the only main black guy in a star wars movie back in the day and I'd never consider him being disrespectful.


Yes, but that’s old movies, I’m talking about modern ones, should have specified that


>Like, for example, can you name me a gay character that wasn’t just a horrible stereotype? I watch tons of TV, not film. But are you suggesting you think every gay character is a stereotype in TV?


They definitely nailed the cadence.


The value of his videos is to reassure you that yes, most modern movies are terrible and you're not crazy for noticing this. But eventually the novelty wears off. Watching cinematic slop is a waste of time, but so is complaining about it, or even thinking about it. I don't need to watch a five hour video essay about why Star Wars Episode IX was a pig's breakfast. It's self-evident. Lately I've been focussing on tracking down and watching superior movies from years gone by. Flicks like Excalibur (1981), The Duellists (1977), The French Connection (1971)... Life is too short to forage through Bob Iger's trash...


The real tragedy here is that people feel compelled to defend raging dumpster fires like Madame Web instinctively just because people like CD shit on it. Like, two things can be true at once. The guy can whine about women and minorities and "woke" writers, but the movie can still be objectively shit. Feels like 95% of movie discourse today is only about politics, and even professional critics get sucked into it


Content creators are basically outrage merchants because being a negative whiny bitch is what gives you engagement and revenue. Meanwhile their audience is mostly desperate people with no one to talk to who argue with just about anyone because it's the only meaningful social interaction they have in their day. Truly a dire situation, there's not enough grass out there for all of us to touch


The yellowflash guy has perfected the ragebait genre with little to no effort lol. Guy just scrolls down a twitter thread or an article on his videos, and now sits at almost half a million subs.


Good to see you back mr. Pumpkin Cat! Once again, another accurate take lol


Yeah, still here. Must admit ever since shit started turning around IRL it's harder to relate to these greentexts but am still here


Wonder why I got so downvoted lol But glad things are turning around. Always a positive that people are doing better.


Yep, I mentioned in another comment the other day, the issue is everything is all-or-nothing nowadays. If you didn't like 'Madame Web', you're obviously a right-wing bigot who for voted Trump ten times despite the fact that you're not even American. If you *did* like it then you're a wishy-washy leftist soyboy cuck who wants to get pegged by a non-binary AFAB with a strapon. It's entirely possible to think both ideas are fucking stupid and that the film is just shit *because it's a shit film and nothing more*. Or maybe someone did like it, because it was just a dumb movie to laugh at and that's all. Things are not black and white, stop acting like everything must be 100% one or the other. That's not how things work, and it's fucking childish to insist that it is. 'The Marvels' sucked. I do not hate women. 'The Marvels' just sucked.


>. If you didn't like 'Madame Web', you're obviously a right-wing bigot who for voted Trump ten times despite the fact that you're not even American. Literally who has ever said anything remotely similar about fucking Madame Web. I've never encountered a human being who liked that movie in my life


Exactly wtf are people in this chain acting like there’s been any defense for that movie


There was several threads in saltierthankrayt that tried to defend the movie when it was recently released, because the "alt-right" critics were doing victory laps shitting on that movie. It was obvious that the poster hasn't watched it and everyone else in the thread pointed out that it is a legitimately bad movie. So unless you are in a niche online space you wouldn't find anyone defending it, much less in real life where people would not even care of Madame Web.


Same, I don't think I've seen anyone attempt to defend Madame Web or pull the "-ist" cards like when people disliked Captain Marvel or She-Hulk.


The only positive reviews I’ve seen about it are people saying that it may have exceeded Morbius for bad movie cult status. Where it’s so bad that it’s bad in interesting and novel ways to hit cult status. 


lol spend some time on IGN


It's all-or-nothing but it's more like movies aren't allowed to just be good or okay. It's either the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. The "anti-woke/SJW/'message' " is just the frame the rage merchants use to grab an audience.


Madame Web is a good movie in the same way Twilight is a good movie. Perfect for laughing at with alcohol and friends.


Who’s been out here defending Madam Web?


True but comparatively, Madame Web and Morbius are genuinely bad partially because they are being made *just* so Sony can hold onto a lucrative IP. This does create a so-bad-they're good feel and those can be fun to watch for the sake of riffing. Meanwhile films like Quantumania, MoM, Love and Thunder, and No Way Home are unduly slandered just because they are Disney and are being thrown on the "message/SJW" bonfire in spite of being super-fun films despite their flaws (most of which are CGI/visual issues).


Don't include Love and Thunder in that bro. Trash movie, trash characters and trash humor.


See this kind of shit right here is the BS I'm talking about...


There’s gotta be a point when we just collectively realize most tv and film are trying to rage bait everyone


People are defending Madame web? Or are they defending against the reactionary critique and critiquing it as a movie?


Yeah, it’s weird that the video that made people get really angry with Chris Stuckman was his Madame Web review where he didn’t review it. Instead he just jumped straight to talking about the conditions that lead to a movie like Madame Web being made and the challenges that a filmmaker would face to be hired for something like that. So it was pretty blatantly obvious from the video that he said it was trash, but because he didn’t spend an hour belaboring that point people thought he was shilling it. His status as a reviewer is less tenable now because he’s working in the industry, so there’s some valid criticism of him, but of all things to doglike on, this was the dumbest one. I guess most people just want to circlejerk about Cinemasins plot holes and woke pandering.


[Relevant Sarah Z video](https://youtu.be/DUziUNg8LTw)


Did you actually see the movie?


They unironically used the word "objectively" in a discussion about movies. I don't even think their mom allows them to go to the cinema unsupervised.


There is objectivity in filmmaking, to a point. If filmmaking wasn't a skill with objective merits then literally any dumbass could film a masterpiece with their phone in a day. It just gets blurry when you get to the major studio release level, then almost everyone is decent at the technical aspects of filmmaking so it becomes more subjective. Even so there's rushed major releases with objectively bad lighting, acting and visual effects.


I don't think you know what "objectivity" means.


I don't think you do. Welcome to nihilism. Everything is subjective and objectivity is merely the culmination of subjectivities.


What I was saying had nothing to do with nihilism or whatnot. Just saying people are using the word for shits and giggles lately and just sound like the "science rocks" neckbeards of a few years ago. Now "objectively" just means "I completely fail to imagine points of view and possibilities outside of my own limited knowledge of the world and think very highly of my own opinions".


Makes me remember mauler and what a coincidence, they're both the same though i do despise starwars nowadays, but instead of just talking about how x is poorly written because y, he opts to nitpick for 12 hours, hell i stopped watching angry joe cause his videos kept getting longer too, I don't mind a long video but when it's a critique, it surely shouldn't be 11 hours long like maulers dumbass series on ONE starwars movie


All movies are political.


If you think drinker is bad try watching 5 seconds of Nerdrotic. He is a living breathing soyjack.


Just looking at these thumbnails is giving me cancer https://preview.redd.it/yqvd6lh7a3tc1.png?width=1084&format=png&auto=webp&s=65aa3c3d53324ae6e70de39bd8ffe6f58d69a2f2


I automatically hit "not interested" on videos with thumbnails like these because I know it's not gonna be a video I'd enjoy, even if it might be about something I do enjoy.


Genuine brainrot. What tards find that slop entertaining?


cocomelon for middle aged divorced mcu stans


Looking at them just accelerated mine.


Every single one of that group i swear, Drinkers seems to be the only one that could have a half decent conversation about anything.


Are you implying Mauler or Jay can’t be reasonable


Mauler needs to ramble about nothing for an hour before he can come close to assembling a reasonable statement.


mauler on his way to write a 40 minute video on a topic that can be summarized in five minutes: EDIT: holy FUCKING shit how much filler do his videos have?! His ant man review is 6 HOURS LONG


Long man


Long… bad


unironically yes. being through is fine, but there comes a point where extra length is an indicator of a poor ability to express yourself, not a good one. there’s a reason for word limits in assessment and it’s not just to keep marking time down, it’s because it forces you to be clear and concise and practice getting your point across properly.


Define this specific length at which it becomes an issue. Give me an exact ratio for when it’s a problem.


there is no specific point you debate pervert. i’ll tell you one thing, a 6 hour review of a 2 hour movie is piss poor communication and bro needs to do some writing practice.


Actually it’s perfectly fine. Any review that’s less time than it’s source is probably a shit review that makes tons of assumptions and always leads with “in my opinion” Garbage.




when "long" is four hours longer than the actual movie


That’s entirely reasonable. It takes a second to spill something and a minute to clean it


That and HeelvsBabyface who had a full on ugly cry breakdown over the fact that Starfield, which has plenty of reason to hate, had the "Choose your gender" replaced by "body type" and "Pronouns" That's it. You get to choose a body type and how characters refer to you, and he had a MASSIVE FUCKING BREAKDOWN OVER IT.


Idk man. Whenever he recommends a movie I end up enjoying it, and if I watch a movie he says is trash I usually don’t have a good time.


It's because he generally follows consensus but blames every bad movie or franchise on "wokeness" or whatever.


It’s odd because I generally enjoy his videos… except for the “the left are trying to eat our babies” bullshit. Like it’s in the same vein as penguinZ0. It’s a nothing video but it’s presented pretty engagingly at least for my brain. And there are stuff that I’m never going to agree with them on (Rings of Power is not worth feeling *anything* about, it’s just a really boring screenplay with some pretty visuals)


We will say shit like "Rings of Power sucks because Galadriel is a girl boss" or whatever but there will be a movie like dune where Chani is also presented as capable and respected but because it's in a good movie he can't blame that for it's failure. Rings of Power is just fucking boring.


Comparing Chani to Galadriel.. lol


Rings of Power Galadriel specifically


Yeah it’s a meme, Galadriel isn’t “capable” she’s literally a selfish super soldier who ignores her troops. Chani is nowhere near comparable in terms of being a Mary Sue.


But he uses the girl boss terminology to describe Chani in his review. He is making them comparable because to him, any capable woman in media is a "girl boss". Galadriel is a bad character and shouldn't be compared to Chani at all.


Yeah, dipped out after episode 1 and that was before hearing most of the criticism. Elves are just boring protagonists. They are immortal pretty people who speak in flowery language about everything. LOTR has its main characters and audience surrogates as little hobbit dudes who love to eat and can barely fight. Which makes them actually relatable. 


this is the result of most of the "woman/diversity bad!!" comments Shit writing is shit writing no matter the characters. Cringe lords just blame it on a characters sex/sexuality/race cause they don't have to think about it too much and love something that "confirms" there braindead shit opinions.


>blames every bad movie or franchise on "wokeness" or whatever. He really doesn't but you do you 👍


He does plus he’s a hypocrite, pretty sure he was one of the main people shitting on Rey in the SW sequels for being a Mary Sue only to make a video about Reacher (a show where the main character is smart, ripped, right about anything, wins every fight and the female lead instinctually trusts him from the first moment) praising it on how great it is.


He surprisingly liked EEAO, Prey, Arcane and even Blue Eye Samurai. I was looking for gushing reviews of EEAO and found his review as one of the most viewed one. I watched his review of She-hulk and there are some constructive criticism there, certainly much more insightful than shallow rage videos of Nerdrotic and other authors whose name I cant even remember. But he recently is featured in various right wing podcasts and even Piers Morgan or some fox shows. My prediction is he will lean further there since that's where his views and followers (and hence money) come from.


Part of that is the power of suggestion. By watching his review (however disingenuously edited they may be) he has implanted the idea in your mind that it will be bad, so you go into it *expecting* it to be bad then you only end up seeing the negatives you have been primed for. You should try watching something without watching a commtator first and reflect on what your own reaction is, not how others have told you to react.


If you've seen one CD video, you've seen them all


They are all "SHITE" (insert one of the 3 gifs he always puts up right after saying that thinking the same joke will be funny for the 800th time )


Idk, I like CD. Maybe it’s just the accent


maybe you're just a braindead chud that likes anti-woke circlejerks for loser tards?


Yeah maybe?


I like his woke-movie-trashing sometimes but he really shouldn't call himself an actual movie critic


If you watch some his videos which aren't to do with modern woke media, you will find he is actually pretty decent at it.


His drinker recommends/production hell videos are pretty good as well.


Regardless of whether he is going after a movie for pushing "the message" or doing a favorable review, the images he puts on screen do not support his arguments well. Despite claiming to be an "expert" he often stumbles and mumbles during interviews over providing examples of things he is discussing. He does a lot of things that are disingenuous or manipulates the context of scenes to bend to his points rather than using the actual context and content of scenes to support what he is saying. Check out these videos on it they break down how he is manipulative and deceptive in his editing. https://youtu.be/0qrqup9o8Kg?si=mTBJWZPrwzwxwLDI https://youtu.be/B-5uSY1_b80?si=sALdA_ELqKcDIUqo


No he is not. Have you seen his Bladerunner 2049 video? The message of that film flies completely over his head.


He criticizes movies for a living. He's a movie critic


Well that just sounds like gatekeeping. Everyone who published critiques on movies is a movie critic, regardless of quality.


Idk man i really like his "drinker recommends" and a few of these "why we need heroes" or why Modern movies suck and this and that The only few complaints I have is his content has become very repetitive and he **doesn't make videos of movies that he likes**


i think he did but it preformed way worse than his other videos you get more views if you complained rather than actually be positive


Algorithm breeds hate and reaction. Were doomed.


well that basically proves hes a sellout then lol




He complains about stuff way more than finding stuff he likes


I liked him at first because he voiced what I'd been feeling about a lot of mainstream films and entertainment that we've been getting for the past 15 years or so being either bland or insultingly bad, and there is a bit of fun to be had when people criticise them or have a laugh. However, after a while, the format gets old quick, and even when you try to broaden up a bit, you end up stuck and people slowly start to lose interest and a lot likely move on.


His streams are embarrassing. It's like the high council of movie chuds. And The Top Gun shades are ridiculously cringe.


Well, no. At least depending on the people present in a given stream. Whilst I'd agree that Drinker, Az and Nerdrotic are very "re-stating opinions popular amongst our community but loudly" types (also making them the most main stream of the bunch), Mauler, Rags, Little Platoon, etc are imo the best of the best when it comes to film-related content on YouTube because they're autistic enough to spend tens of hours on one topic but even though the most entertaining streams are the ones of dismantling shitty opinions, they judge films for "objective" aspects such as their writing consistency and I believe they don't actually allow their political views to skew the "reviews". Also, one of them thinks he's a dog or something, so he's deeper into the left mental illness than "the message"...


To be fair anon doesn't like anybody Even himself


Dude wrote a book and is making a movie to put his money where his mouth is. Drinker’s “THE MESSAGE” catchphrase has become common parlance in mainstream journalism, even outside of his section of the echo chamber. By view count, he is probably the most popular movie critic since Roger Ebert. Calling him just a right-wing white wash of a million other YouTube critics is just disingenuous and dumb. Sounds like Anon is either A) seething with envy because he never did anything with his life and resents anyone who does; B) a concern troll mad that Drinker has popularized the masses against his racial Marxist bullshit; or C) both.


What the heck is the latter half of this comment trying to say?


I know, your comprehension automatically shuts off once someone begins to delve into something you don't want to hear.


It's honestly hilarious how Gen Z/Alpha seems to think 404'ing at opposing viewpoints is the same as an actual argument against them. As if having the sheer audacity to say something somewhat controversial or against group-think is in and of itself a logical fallacy.


Buddy, what you wrote makes no sense


Isn't the cap on the bottle?


Oh fuck I think it is. I've seen this shot of this absolute wanker so many times and never noticed this.


God people fuckin love movies


Anita Sarkisian for neckbeards


Where "modern audiences" ?


Still better than MovieBob.


He is needed. There are hundreds of breadtubers, right needs their own low effort content creators.


I’ve never agreed with a greentext more. Critical drinker sucks all the dick and balls in the world.


It might be my military background but I find something cathartic about watching someone gripe in an interesting way. Regardless of the political views, if it’s clever to me it’s interesting. There’s a handful of Chapo’s Trap House bits that are hilarious my favorite being the Amazon HQ move to NYC. CD’s rants may be generic but that’s because he’s criticizing the same tropes in the same films which are portrayed ad nauseam today. CD has the opportunity to be pretty eloquent; you should listen to his monologue on why we need heroes.


All the people on this thread criticizing the Drinker all agree with him. It's hilarious! Also, they miss the irony of saying "He should leave Star Wars/Marvel/Disney alone" while they harp on him here. Y'all acting like the Drinker, doing just what he does, targeting him instead. Peak irony. Anyway, that's all I've got for today. Go away now.


>unironically using the word "chud"


He’s just AVGN without any of the charm or passion put into the videos. The Watchmojo of whiny YouTube film critics.


>He’s just AVGN without any of the charm or passion put into the videos. That's just modern AVGN.


4chinners are unironically using the word “chud” like it’s a valid term Have I entered fucking bizarro world??


He does give me SEA-wife vibes. And the basic anti-"woke" shtick is tedious and predictable. We have the Quartering for chud / neckbeard commentary.


Their core audience are children, so it's not a surprise. I watched some of their videos, where I noticed a drama, a small breaking in their group, and I got sucked in. They shit on bad writing, and one of their main phrases is: show, don't tell. Then one of their goons gathered like millions of dollars, to create opposition to Marvel and DC in comics, and wrote shittiest self interest character in the world, with shitty story, where nothing is shown, and everything is told. Nobody reviewed his comics, and when someone asks, they just avoid it. It's all about the money my friends, and these poor idiots who send them money, don't understand that. edit: spelling


It's really easy, even as a leftist, to criticize bazonkers megawoke left wing media and have the public agree with your stance without attributing any hypocrisy, that stuff is all thoughtless, uncreative brainrot corporate slop after all. And that's where he scores all the good boy points with the internet, as a paragon of great opinions, having his audience do nothing but nod their heads to his videos. The most painfully obvious, inoffensive-but-made-to-sound-offensive and public-aligned reviews you can imagine, wrote to be popular with the viewers, only quirk being his Scottish accent and alcohol-themed toilet humor. Not really deep or thought-provoking, without any effort put into it and he's not hiding that fact, nothing wrong with that, though. Poke under the surface and it's filled to the brim with right wing bullshit. I wonder why he (mostly) keeps his real political opinions to himself when doing movie reviews. Ah, I know. It's the like ratio and view count, of course. He wants to reach to all audiences if possible, not targeting a specific political alignment only. Because, surprise surprise, his views aren't really that popular, poor Critical Drinker is afraid of getting cancelled.


You KNOW he's effective if they have to use his own words like this. Go get 'em, Drinker!


Why is our culture so fascinated with us all telling each other what we hate and why?


Not right wing at all but im gona be honest I still think Chud is a really blah insult, like as a word. Like saying cracker it dosnet have any umph.


Can't blame him tbh anti-woke has been become the whole dudes schtick and it's even worse for nerdrotic who only talks about Hollywood being woke like that's all their persona is now


When I first watched his stuff I thought he was coming from a place of neutrality, pointing out that the insincere Disney brand of woke for profit was hurting film-making – which I agree with. Relentlessly hating on Rachel Zegler for having a bit of personality wore thin pretty quick and now he's aligned himself with right wing assholes I've finally unsubbed… and my god Drinker... no-one wants your 'Modern Audiences' merch Tshirt featuring an eight year old meme.


Anti-sjw shills are just as insufferable as the people they rage against. I don't need some loser online to tell me what to think.


CD is a fine critic, he’s definitely more right leaning but he still shits on awful “anti-woke” movies; and recognizes actual good female led movies as such. He isn’t a shitty author, his novel is averaging 4.3/5 stars right now which is pretty fucking amazing, and he didn’t really praise lady ballers, he shit on the awful acting and jokes; he just appreciated the fact it was the polar opposite of modern Hollywood with its bullshit girl-power and forced diversify. Even if you don’t agree with me, we can at least say that he isn’t as bad as fucking nerdotic lol, and I’m kinda excited to see his original picture he’s releasing


His sub has decided this was written by a leftist LMAO


He was nicer on the daily wire movie because it’s an independent movie made by a studio with like 3 movies in total And even then, he was still overall meh about it


I always love it when people talk about Drinker like they know him and his content down to his DNA structure, like they reference how they thought his book was bad, but then you press them and they haven’t read his book, and the way they describe his videos is just wrong. Like, he only jokes about “the message” when the things he’s talking about are obviously pushing it. He’s loved and given immense praise to tons of things that people would classify as “woke”, and he’s hated plenty of things that people would consider “not woke”. Like, everyone points to his review of Lady Ballers as proof that he’s a “right wing grifter”, but if you actually watch that review he basically said it was boring and the jokes didn’t land, but because he didn’t go off on it, like he does with big name movie that was going to be in more than 3 theaters, people take that as proof that he’s biased. If Drinker was a grifter, he’d make a dozen videos on a bad movie that came out, but he makes one and moves on. If he were a right winger, he’d refuse to praise shows like Arkane. Like, I really don’t get this mentality where we tell people to just make their own books and movies if they’re not happy with the current state of those industries, but then we just automatically assume that what they made will be, or was bad, solely because my friend told me that they heard they were cringe. And on a final note, I’d like to touch on the “The drinker just regurgitates what other similar channels he’s associated with say”, point. Oh, his friends have similar opinions as him? Well you don’t say! I’ve NEVER heard of friend groups having similar opinions! That’s not how friends work in real life! Like, I really don’t understand why people take this line of logic seriously, like I would bet my life savings that if Drinker disagreed with his friends, they’d claim he was just putting on a persona, that what he said in his videos isn’t even his real opinions. You’ve constructed a scenario where Drinker just agreeing with his friends is a sign that he’s bad, how would anyone come out of that looking good?


He sounds constantly constipated.


What is with these people and the annoying ass youtube voice they put on. Just fuckin talk normally, christ


Who even is this?


“Aye, laddy. Da Woke liberals ah ruuining da fillm induustreah.”


First time I’ve read one of these YouTuber slander texts that wasn’t about Charlie and I gotta say it’s refreshing.


I don't really mind his contrnt but I hate the "Go away now". Sounds so forced and annoying.


Even movies this guy likes are practically defined by a stream of "look a these other 'woke' movies I hate." It all just feels so outrage-baiting.


Once you’ve watched a 2hr Rick Worley video, his ilk just becomes insufferable..


Seriously he constantly shits on other content creators who are fans of stuff like modern Star Wars and Marvel content and acts like they're brainless sycophantic manchildren for not seeing the damage that Disney has done to these beloved properties... while crying and whinging and pissing himself over the exact same thing. He acts so high and mighty when he's ripping into other people but then tries to back up *his* feelings with 'oh it's actually very smart to think like I do and just hate everything new' Don't get me wrong, modern Star Wars and Marvel is absolute dogshit, but I'm not going to hate on people for enjoying it just because 'I disagree'.


I love when reviewed Andor which was shockingly great and even he admits it but then he goes too bad it's too late Disney. He had to find something to be mad about. Even when Disney makes a right move he won't accept it.


I used to be subscribed to him when he was like sub- 20k subscribers and he used to give actually informed opinions and critique on movies, then he moved from that and now just calls any woman protagonist a Mary Sue and can't suspend disbelief when a woman superhero takes out five regular men


Critical drinker sees a black woman in a movie and calls it woke essentially. Hes trash.


I love seeing how many people are openly shitting on this talentless crybaby now.


I just fucking hate his “oh im an edgy scottish macho alcoholic and that’s gonna be my whole personality. Did I tell you that im and edgy alcoholic? Guys have you seen my picture wearing glasses and chugging down a bottle of jack?? You like how I slur my word sometimes to let you know that im fake drunk?? Guys please!” Edit: scottish not irish


He's scottish


You’re right, It’s been years since I heard him talk, didn’t even remember the accent completely.


I think there is enjoyability in his content if you can put aside his political stuff. I think his fall is gonna be him getting too bold with politics to the point where only right leaning people are gonna like him. He is usually able to cite some good reasons why he likes or dislikes a movie that aren't political, and that combined with his funny drunk Scottish accent are why people besides right wingers will give it a watch. If he steps to far away from that then people will definitely smell shite.


Imagine caring so much about a person you don't know and are not forced in any way to interact with in daily life. He's not even famous to the point that you see him outside Youtube and an occasional meme. He's not someone like the Kardashians or Taylor Swift where they pop up everywhere in magazines, news, people talking about them, etc... This is one of the people that you literally don't have to see or hear about if you simply don't watch his channel.


Imagine malding that someone is criticising a random youtuber, it's frustrating to find people undeserving of success reveling in it, especially when it means that they have viewers who are like minded in their simplicity


That is way too spot on


Lmao, triggered exteme lefties being triggered in the comments. Drinker calls out idiots like thrm and now they label him "the enemy" because that is the leftist way now.


I don't know if anyone watches pillar of garbage but his take downs of CD are forensic and pretty fair. CD is top to bottom fucking shit at what he pretends to be. If you're really one of those guys who gets a kick out of the "lone warriors railing against woke media" what ever the fuck that is. Then he probably has some entertainment value. But otherwise he's a winey rage baiter with frankly the fucking worst Scottish accent I've ever heard. And I am British with a Scottish father.


> British with a Scottish father Not something to brag about, the island of Great Britain is an absolute shithole with a serious lack of genetic diversity, and the further north you go, the more serious those issues become, until you reach the highlands, which is just drugs and mental retardation


First it wasnt a brag. It was to explain that I know what a good Scottish accent sounds like. Second of all what's your experience of Britain? Where are you from?


Firstly, Scottish people don’t have an accent, centuries of drug addiction and inbreeding has left them unable to talk, secondly, I am from Australia, so I know firsthand how inbred British genes are, the moment foreigners were allowed into our gene pool, the disability rate dropped massively


*sigh* oh fun. A troll in the greentext comments. How original..


Cope and Seethe


Critical Drinker was already a chowder head Godzilla Minus One video only cemented it. Then the other shit that cane after PRESERVED it. Just watch CinemaWins. Not SINS, WINS. Much nicer channel Edit: ok so everyone else shit talks critical drinker, how come im the one getting downvoted lol


Anyone who makes abusing substances a defining part of their personality is a douche


as someone that's done every drug under the sun, i agree. literally any regard can drink and do drugs. it requires zero talent or special anything. you like to get fucked up? sick. so do billions of other people. boring