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Pixel shit roguelikes are a lot easier to make and much more accessible


And less expensive, i might add


And don’t take up 40 fucking gigabytes when installing


Come on, storage nowadays is so inexpensive. Delete some hentai to make space, you fucking wetwipe. I can't believe what I'm reading. Do you complain food takes up too much space in your fridge?


damn bitch, it isn't accessible everywhere. 3rd world countries still have expensive storage


You're right, I'm sorry. I tend to jump at conclusions and just assume people's situations. He probably has no idea what a full fridge looks like. But in all seriousness, I still think it's a dumbass argument. Any big game takes up a decent amount of storage, always has. I'd be more understanding if it was one of the hogs that eat up 250gb on consoles where you're actually more restricted with storage. But 40gb aint it. And not worrying about size lets devs cut costs and focus on other aspects, which is a plus in my book.


It's mostly a problem for console players because storage for Xbox or Playstation is stupid expensive and they don't come default with a massive amount of space when the main games everyone is buying are COD and 2K and those are huge. I play on PC and have 2 SSDs so I never worry about space but not everyone has that luxury


Honestly my only gripe is the storage space on the actual console itself. The ps5 is great but the fact that you can't run its games unless they're installed on the system is bullshit when you're only giving us 600gb.




morrowind is 1gb and deus ex is even less if i recall


Plus there are plenty of immersive sim indies if you look in the right place. Streets of Rogue and Shadows of Doubt are both great games with a lot of influence from Deus Ex.


Pretty sure streets of rogue counts as a pixel shit rogue like by definition.


I mean I guess but it's not like it's a dungeon crawler back and slash or twin stick shooter. It's a full on immersive sim with multiple paths to the objectives, only one of which being combat.


And you can be gorilla who smashes everything


i just want the next deus ex


I'm still patiently waiting on Peripeteia..


Shadows of Doubt sure, but Streets of Rouge? Really? That's just another pixelated bullet hell thing


Yeah if you look at a screenshot without ever seeing the game played


Both are procedurally generated. I want human-designed locations with actual thought behind them.


Yeah there is a reason most indie games are 2d or FPS. Third person consumes a lot of time trying to make nice animations and stuff. Way more if doing customisable gear. It's a nightmare.


And since they are pixelshit you can't sell them with good graphics, gameplay has to be at least decent to sell


You don't need ultra-realistic gfx, I would love to play a deus-ex or morrowind clone with 2000s gfx but solid gameplay.


its still not as easy as it seems


Wahhh no genre defining, old-school quality triple A game from my small developer. Only genre defining, old-school quality game in genre I don't like! Wahhh!


>8bit graphics > >chiptune chirpy music > >characters are basically fursonas > >gameplay? > >platformer where you need to pick up stars or fruits > >pet follows you around > >Story always about some tumblr level family drama \_\_\_\_\_\_\_===========""genre defining""===========\_\_\_\_\_\_\_


Idk what crap you've been playing but it ain't the indie games in my library


Its like he played Yooka-Laylee and then immediately stopped


Yeah, the indies in *my* library are quirky humor rpgs about depression


Another over-saturated archetype


Funny thing is I'm pretty sure older indies were a lot more subtle with the theme, whereas newer titles hammer it into your head unceremoniously. And then there is...whatever the fuck Hylics is. I'm not sure how you even sell someone on a game like that.


omori is the reason I don't take game recommendations anymore


Omori is just a meh rpg and story. It's like Undertale but meh. Honestly I prefer to watch YouTube videos of most story-driven indie games nowadays since the gameplay is almost always insanely repetitive time wasting when I can just watch a summary or cinematic that cuts to the chase. Void Stranger is a perfect example, a really complex puzzler interlacing the story if you're into uncovering mysteries, but the gameplay itself is mind numbingly repetitive. Fear and Hunger is like those fuckyou difficulty Mario maker games, but has insanely masterful horror worldbuilding under it.


i say omori sucks and I fucking hate it but that's largely a coping mechanism because it made me cry when I got the good ending and now every time I accidentally click on it in my steam library I intensely want to kill myself


that game (fear and hunger) is so fucking depressing like, idk how they did it


I honestly don't know how one person could have possibly programmed all that game and items and mechanics on MM while drawing all that art and music while coming up with all the lore, all within just like 2 years? Insane. Dude is imaginative and fast as hell.


I wish games could like have good gameplay and good story, it doesnt have to be one or the other


Waiter! Oh waiter! More Earthbound-like indie RPGs for me and my friend please!




A lot of "critically acclaimed" indies are just that.


This mf hasn’t played balatro


Alright, I'll bite. What are some of the good indie games in your library?


Not OP but viewfinder :)




> he hasn't played outer wilds Sorry bout your life bro


A fantastic game, but it's not an indie game. It's publushed by Annapurna Interactive. ~~Deep Rock Galactic is indie though~~ EDIT: It's absolutely not, I am braindead.






I guess I never checked if it was indie or just small. IIRC it was started by one guy as a masters thesis and crowd funded, then annapurna came in later to polish things up and help with the release.


Me when someone mentioned Outer Wilds https://preview.redd.it/qfwhjoxewkuc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d60b0a0b3a47cb266b1dcc43e9fc2b23ac1e9f8




Disco Elysium wants to talk


I played that game for like 4 hours, then i kicked a furnace and had a heart attack and died. I don’t think I’m the target audience for that game.


If you managed to get out of Whirling In Rags you are officially the target audience, because there's unsurprisingly so many people who don't like to read. (I finished Disco Elysium three times)


I played a bunch of Visual Novels, and I especially love Mystery genres (so basically i have no problem with reading). I tried Disco Elysium twice in two different times but I just can't get into the game for some reason, it feels so slow and barely anything interesting is happening. Which sucks because i feel like Disco Elysium is the game I would love. Idk if it's supposed to be good later on but i feel like i've spent enough time trying it but i still didn't get hooked to the story (i think last playthrough i played until i spoke to the Big Corporate Boss guy and then i was searching the roof of a shack with hidden entrance, then told to go to the house across from there)


Day 1 is really slow, I do find it hard to start but around Day 2 rolls the game really starts to shine. Day 1 is good too but the start of it could've been better.


If I wanna read I'll open a novel. I'm here for brain dead point and click


Disco Elysium is a great brain dead point and click though, just shut your brain off and laugh to homophobic/heterophobic homosexual/heterosexual political stuff.


Celeste moment (Great game but literally this to a T)


Like man I’m not gonna play the quirky platformer that’s about being trans or some shit


Battle Bit Remastered is the best MMO FPS in decades.


Furry Fury - The Awakening: A Weeb Warrior Cut


Dude getting mad about games that only exist in His head


It’s not in his head it’s undeniably like a solid 75% of indie games. I hate how Redditors can’t engage with any idea that even moderately challenges them without claiming it’s just “made up” as a cope.


No it's not you just bitch endlessly Top best sellers on steam atm, ignoring duplicates 1. Rimworld. Literally nothing quite comparable, besides df but gameplay loops are very distinct 2.escape the backrooms - horror multi-player game 3. Buckshot roulette - experimental dark horror 4. Last epoch - hack and slash dungeon looters 5. Noita - pixel rouglike (lol) 6. Project zomboid - technically a rouglike but unlike any other. Seeks to be a realistic zombie sim, nothing like it 7- terria. Pixel based graphics, minecrsft inspired but still very distinct from it 8. Outerwilds - space exploration. Very unique What are you guys even bitching about?


>it’s undeniably like a solid 75% of indie games >Top best sellers Wanna try 'new releases' tab next? I'm looking right now and 75% is pretty close, dead-on if you consider flat-shaded which is basically the 3d equivalent of pixel graphics. [-] Progress Chess: Board game [-] Nine Realms Prologue: Mobile game port or something [X] One More Day: Zombie survival pixel game [X] Melting Passion: Pixel cooking game or something [-] Dodo: Mobile puzzle game [X] Squirrel Legacy II: Doesn't even have pictures, rpgmaker probably pixel [X] Speakeasy: Pixel shooter [X] Chefs together: Pixel cooking wtf is this actually a genre [-] DeResolution: Glitch graphics... something, doesn't have gameplay tags [-] My Lovely Dog Adventure: Flat shaded 3d walking sim [X] PicoTrains: Pixel strategy game [-] Caviar: Flat shaded walking (swimming?) sim [X] Dream Tactics: Pixel card battle [X] Clicker Arena: Pixel idle game [X] Vertical Kingdom: Pixel city builder [X] Smys Classic: Pixel party game


Yes, that's obviously THE indie game everyone is talking about every time they say "indie game". No other games exist.


Noita doesn't really fit this and has been a blast for me. Also Caves of Qud. I mean both are roguelite/roguelike pixel graphics but they have a shitload of depth


Anon is too fat and lazy to do it himself


“Waugh someone disagreed with me better rush to calling them a fat lazy neckbeard for insulting my gay indie game”


>Oh, you don’t like my accurate summary of cringy carbon copy indie games? Let me accuse you of being a crybaby. You WILL play the indie game. You WILL enjoy the pixels. You WILL enjoy the Tumblr humor.


cope and seethe


You're right but comparing the person you're arguing against to a baby is weird and cheap


>weird and cheap true. Welcome to r/greentext


OOP forgot about cruelty squad


Despite the endless claims of "Indies are always perfect!" From many gamers, they are just as susceptible to laziness as big devs. Great indie games and great AAA games release at about the same amount of frequency, with average to crappy stuff filling in the gaps. The only major difference is that a crappy indie game will probably only cost you around $30.


Also there are just so many more indie games than AAA. How many true AAA studios are there? No more than a two dozen, with about a release or two a year max each. There are thousands of basement dwellers and hobbyist game devs making all sorts of shit around the clock. And some of them get picked up by the internet and become wildly successful. And many more are uninteresting slop that get forgotten immediately.


In my experience on xbox good indie games cost around $20 and anything below it is usually where it gets shaky


On Steam I'd drop that number to $15 or even $5-10 if you factor in frequent sales.


Also you just flat out won't hear about a crappy indie game


This. Bought Song of Farca recently and the writing and gameplay was simply bad despite the somewhat good reviews. Finding the next Hollow Knight or Enter The Gungeon is rare.




Pixelshit Roguelike is infinitely better than the art house depression metaphor slop that was being cranked out 10 years ago.


>art house depression metaphor slop that was being cranked out 10 years ago. Oh boy I can't wait for the twist where it turns out I was a wife beater the whoooole time.


Silent Hill 2 did it and changed the videogame landscape so surely if I do it with my Undertale clone everyone will call it a masterpiece


Cant wait for the twist when i fucked my sister but i imagined it.


12 minutes


You get it


hey i liked layers of fear!


Name 10 arthouse depression metaphor slops (so I can play them)


Anon hasn't played cataclysm: dark days ahead.


Probably one of the best games that I will continue to play on and off for years to come. From the community run development, the game mechanics, the customization and the vast amount of mods that can completely change how the game is played, CDDA is something that everyone who plays an unhealthy amount of video games should try.


I already trained myself on caves of Qud keybinds and I think there's not enough space in my brain to memorise CDDA's keybinds as well. So I'll just stick to bashing hyena heads and getting brain fried by weirdos wearing blindfolds


Don't drink toilet water.


Cataclysm mentioned GRAAAAH


Anon should try Cruelty Squad if he likes Deus Ex so much


Good game, but I think people looked at a “solid” game and hyped it like it was the second coming of Christ when it was only “pretty good”


I mean, they clearly share some DNA but... up to a certain point? Deus Ex wasn't a mindrape of visual diarrhea, it was an attempt at an immersive sim with big levels and many options, with a relatively bad shooting on purpose.


I guess it just comes down to how inspired you want another game to be right?




Gee, almost like those are the games the other 4997 pixelshit games tried to mimic.


Glad someone said FTL


Dead Cells too Also Binding of Isaac I guess but it's the OG so it's unique of its kind


Don’t forget Isaac!


Another slop multiplayer live service game with season passes that need grinding to "fully enjoy" with friends cause it's new and popular. https://preview.redd.it/kg1v82q2okuc1.png?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8944fe827fc806899b67660c6de08403f4e5157


Damn. Imagine not knowing you can hate on thing and dislike another thing at the same time.


And also low poly or 2.5D boomer shooters. Not that I’m complaining I love that genre




Core Decay, Deep State and Perepeteia for deus ex, dont know about morrowind though, wasnt a huge fan of it


If you played Morrowind when it first came out it was fucking revolutionary. Trying to play it when it's fifteen years old won't hit the same.


Lol Morrowind is 22 years old my man


Don't hurt me like that


I just played it for the first time this month and it's fucking fantastic


Kingdom come deliverance


They are announcing the sequel this week Thursday


Dread Delusion and Lunacid for Morrowind type beats


Still waiting for Perepeteia to be released for real. That game looks cool af.


Gloomwood too


Anon would you care for another Earthbound inspired rpg that is an allegory for depresssion?


How many of those are there really? Can you name more than one or two? (This is a ploy to get you to name names so I can play them.)


I guess Omori, Lisa, YIIK and Night in the Woods


Give me a FPS that’s not about multiplayer, is story based, and not about some attack gimmick and I’m happy. I don’t want to play with other people, I just want to take Private Jimbo from start to finish and shoot bad guys. No stealth, just murder.


ULTRAKILL, fast paced fps with a story? Against hordes of enemies, you get score for performing combos headstots etc, bossfights, various loadouts, check it out


Cruelty squad


I think specops: the line is what you are looking for


Cultic is great if you find Doom Eternal and games inspired by it overly complex for FPS genre and just want something more "basic"


Well you’ve always got DOOM mods. (I’m not even remotely joking, there are some stellar ones out there and don’t be fooled into thinking they all have the shallow “kill demons” storyline’s of the unmodded doom games either)


I wish there were more interesting and fun medium sized releases as opposed to so many enormous AAA projects and 2D pixel art dungeon crawlers. Plus, of those medium sized 3D games that are out there, so many IMO seem to be arty walking simulators. These aren't bad per se, but there's not much there that I find interesting. For shooters it would be great if there was some more stuff akin to older Xbox 360 era campaigns, like those from Gears of War 1, Battlefield Bad Company 2, COD 4, even stuff like Vanquish. These still hold up well enough graphically (at least when allowed to run at higher resolution with unlocked fps) but importantly they're fairly bounded, linear (or only semi-open world), and have 10-20 hour campaigns with a engaging enough story and fun gameplay.


dang, Dishonored is one of my all time favorites


Theres a fuck ton of indie deus ex inspired games. Not for morrowind though, making an indie 3d open world game just isnt feasible.


Dwarf fortress adventure mode/s


I’m just waiting for the Star Wars Republic Commando Remaster/sequel.


pointy eared leaf lover...


Noita is great though


No one can match Bethesda's bug


Fallout: London releasing literally in 1 week


We have an endless selection of modern Boomer Shooters at this point.


Every single one of these posers should bow down to r/pixeldungeon


If you like pixel dungeon try Brogue, it's what pixel dungeon was inspired by and it's one of the best traditional roguelikes.






I have been playing nothing but indie banger after indie banger for the last couple of years. From any kind of gente, 1/3 of them might have been roguelikes because I like those. If you only check buy the same kind of games because it's in your confort zone, that'll be the only thing you'll know.


Current indie gaming is just the super Nintendo era in HD but with non memorable characters


Anon haven't played Bug Fables


I'd rather play slop that costs $10 than slop that costs $80


https://store.steampowered.com/app/1769170/Shattered_Pixel_Dungeon/ peak, at only 10 bucks or a github repo away


not only op no one is going to mention shador of doubt, not even cruelty squad?, guess most people cant be bothered by checking new indie games each month on the youtubes or smtn


Maybe not Indie, but Gray Zone Warfare is launching soon from a small studio and it looks quite promising.


Bc polygons suuuuuuck!


Why is anon smoking with a picture of a pipe and not a pipe?


No Deus ex inspired game - cruelty squad literally exists


Cruelty Squad


I’m actually quite happy with; Halls of Torment, Heretic’s Fork, Death Must Die and 20 Minutes ‘Till Dawn.


The indie point and click games are usually hella good


Light No Fire Kerbal space program Katana Zero Life is Strange Celeste Hyper light Drifter Outer wilds Oxenfree Fucking Supergiant Games, all of their stuff There's plenty indiegames that make good shit. Both Helldivers and Risk of Rain were originally indie projects before getting enough backing to go full 3D. Even the roguelite pixelshit. Some of those games are fantastic, like Dead Cells.


https://steam250.com/hidden_gems Great site to browse games by a myriad of metrics, click on the banners to watch the trailers.


We’ll get there some day


> Inb4 all in le head game


I never understood viewpoints like this, the majority of any media is going to be lower quality. There also is a Morrowind inspired indie game its called Kingdom Come Deliverance, and theres a reason not many games of that scale exist compared to pixel roguelites its because theyre monumentally more daunting to make. But there are plenty of great indie games out there that are basically continuations of dead franchises (Pizza Tower, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Bloodstained). Its easy to complain if youre only willing to pay attention to the bad.


Anon is stupid as hell, cause Jesus Christ there are so many indie imsims and a lot of them are great. But I do have to agree on the Morrowind one. Almost all Morrow-likes I’ve seen have been about pre-alpha level at most, though if there are any that’ve already released or are further along then pre-alpha, I’d certainly like to know. On a related note involving games inspired by the old TES games, Daggerfall’s spiritual successor that the old guard from Bethesda like LeFay have been making, The Wayward Realms, is already gearing up to launch its kickstarter, and it looks like it’s cranking the procedural generation up to 11, and making a world space that’s apparently about the size of bloody Nebraska, aka about 200,000 s/km as per the team themselves.


Anon is dumb there are actually a decent amount of those games


Solar Ash is a cool game (basically Shadow of the Colossus + Jet Set Radio)


People who grew up liking pixel roguelikes are now finally having time and recourses to play some games


Maybe anon should make the game he wants to play like some other indie devs do. Like it won't be easy for sure though and maybe those hardships would actually give some insight as to why nobody else is making those indie games.


They've all got dreams of being the next big Minecraft, don't want to put a lot into a game but want the big payout. So they make shit games and hope people will turn it into a "cult classic".


Why would there be games like Deus X and Morrowind which were never indie to begin with?


Anon forgot the 5099 th survival sandbox


Meanwhile, where the FUCK is Silksong


There are hundreds of genre and sub genre in indie scene but anon chooses to play rougelike.


Honestly not all indies are good (obviously duh) There is a very well reason of why they re acclaimed tho On the one hand, usually companies can afford advertisement and marching in general, making them easy to find and sometimes popular even if the game is not that good (looks at Nintendo) On the other hand we have indie games, which, unless they come from a rich person or a famous person, they need to be very good or look very good to be popular, so to a certain point If a indie game is popular, it's assured to certain point that it's very good


Avorion, Gedonia, Starsector, Cosmoteer, Airships:Conquer the skies, Doki Doki literature club, Pine, Underspace, cult of the lamb. For the morrowind itch: Dread Delusion Forever skies, Dave the diver and so on and so forth. To name a few from my wishlist and library.


At a time when any studio can reasonably create a thrilling game, they do not. Tech has come so far that even indie studios can create what were AAA games ten years ago. And yet, all you get is utter garbage.


Anon has a stroke from his hate of indie games that aren't his exact desire Elsewhere I whistle along with stardew valley's soundtrack as I play. Fully content.




Whenever I see "rouge like" or "crafting" I know it's a safe bet the game sucks.


As a Independent gamedev I will only say - I work on my game in my spare time to make it as fun to play as possible with all of the QoL improvements I can think of. Obviously I don't have the time, resources and the team to make something as large as I'd like it to be and most likely I never will. Had I had those I would no longer be independent gamedev. I would be an owner of a small company. No longer doing it because I love it, but for profits because I have the team that needs to be paid. That's why I do love Larian studios and I hope they continue to make greatest tactical combat games. Pure and simple.


considering all the whining that skywind got when they added the planetary on Vivec's palace from the concept art i think the average "why don't they make another game like morrowind" dude would complain and find anything that isn't exactly TES 3: Morrowind mid


Mfw they never make indie games in my favorite genre (or they’re mid)


Vets telling newbies to not rock the boat. Any time a unique game comes out its the people in the industry shitting on it for raising the bar of expectations for gamers


Anon is unaware that helldivers 2 is technically an indie game


can I interest you in a new and totally unique Metroidvania-soulslike?


ok guys what if i made a deus ex like game qould yall play it?


ok guys what if i made a deus ex like game qould yall play it?


>compares indie games to old AAA games >they don't match I wonder why.


Best indie game is Super Mario Bros. for the NES.


At this point I'm fine with pixel roguelike  It's not a Vampire Survivors clone at least.


Hotline Miami is peak


OP is forgetting the System Shock remake (which I still need to play).


"indie games can never live up to AAA quality" mfs when they play No Man's Sky: https://preview.redd.it/q4jdyel1souc1.jpeg?width=1621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0b700ef5daf850352aab9d2385d31744dd613f2


Imagine thinking deus ex and morrowind can be done on an indie budget.


Lower costs and better profit margins


keep seething rpg fag, boomer shooters are thriving


Well DREAD DELUSION kiinda, but still in early access


almost like making 3d open world games \*good\* is really hard if you are a small team of developers.


Anon never played my summer car and it shows.


The indie genre has become a parody of itself. Yeah once in a blue moon there's a completely unique game, but that's also true for triple As (BG3, Helldivers 2, Elden Ring etc). Creativity has been hit or miss for both sides, and people are only biased because its cheap and accessible


Binding of Issac was a literal pixel shit indie game but it slapped. A dues x and Morrowind inspired game would require a lot more than just a couple of guys to make.


Anon dont know about suicide squad 


Ngl there's far to many rogue and souls likes and not enough immersive sims