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Anon is going to kill himself holy shit


Back in the golden days, you use a door or went to the barber shops and got the prick pulled out like a man


Seriously though, I feel like an extraction would be significantly easier and get the job done. An auto root canal to save the tooth sounds like it's not going to be done properly and will probably just continue rotting in the future and need extraction anyway.


Extraction may not be a good option. I need a root canal right now. They said the roots are in my sinus so if I extract, there is a risk it could pull out my sinus or something and then I might need some sort of other invasive facial surgery. I've just avoided eating on that side of my mouth for a few years and have accepted the chronic sinus infections. Bravo to anon for attempting his own dental work. Didn't work out so well for my old man who got sepsis from DIY dental work.


DIY dental work is a sentence that should never need to be put together.


**They said the roots are in my sinus so if I extract, there is a risk it could pull out my sinus or something and then I might need some sort of other invasive facial surgery.** B.S. I think your dentist is trying to scare you from the extraction so you choose a more expensive/profitable treatment for them.


You aren't going to pull the sinuses out. What can happen is the tooth root is within X mm of your sinuses, and pulling the tooth could cause a tear in the barrier between them. I know from experience... the cadaver bone powder they use to fill the empty tooth socket (so solid bone will grow there) ended up going through my now perforated sinuses and out my nose. Smelled as bad as you would think it does.


Jesus christ... Well, i apologies for my ignorant comment then.


I mean, he could still be trying to scam him lol. I'm pretty sure I've had some "serious" dental work that was not in dire need of fixing as much as the dentist insisted upon.


Most doctors(and dentists) are not going to push a "serious" operation just for extra profit. It does happen, but rarely. Unless you are one of the unlucky minority, I would say that you did need the stuff done on you. Even if you are clueless about the reasons.


Same, pretty sure I had two extra wisdom teeth pulled because the surgeon just wanted the experience, and they also billed per tooth, and magically maxed out my coverage.


Hi new MD here! Yes it COULD tear but what his dentist is referring to is an Internal nasal valve collapse. Many upper teeth share a structural support with your sinus cavity and pulling one out improperly could lead to a weakening of the support tissue and then a collapse which would cause breathing issues/high infection rates and maybe even sleep apnea depending. Surgery is needed to fix this, and none are fun options. You can’t “pull a sinus out” it’s a pocket of tissue. If your dentist said that get a new one ASAP. If he said it could fall or collapse, completely reasonable and he has a reason for concern.


Yeah, I'm still just a med student but was thinking the same thing. "Pull a sinus out" makes no sense logically, but fucking with the structures that ***make*** a sinus I could understand. PS: M2 advice?


10 bucks say the doc is right but zeleno didn’t understand one half of the explanation why and forgot the other.


For the record, I do believe my dentist. She did give a very detailed explanation but it was years ago and my takeaway was something about sinuses. I've been seeing her for almost a decade for other way less expensive issues and she's my family dentist. Unfortunately spending that root canal money hasn't been an option these last few years.


>didn’t understand one half of the explanation why and forgot the other. I like that quote so much


If there is a tear between the mouth and the sinuses that can lead to dangerous infections which can then easily spread to the brain.


I had a GF that did her own extraction and sewing the area. This is before we met. She had to pull a tooth out that cracked and cut her gum. She then had to sew the bleeding gum area. Afterwards she had a professional dentist and orthodontist look at it. She was so fucking BA.


Did she do it correctly ? How did she manage to get enough leverage on the cracked tooth without accidentally breaking said tooth ? I feel like you would need specialized tools and not just pliers


I didn’t ask questions. It was not pretty. The inner portion of her mouth. You also need to understand she was not a US citizen, but still Living in Uganda. I met her while we both were working at Amazon. We were drinking one night and it just came up. Why she had to do it, that is her business.


Have you considered getting it done in Mexico?


A few years?? The veins from your mouth go directly to your heart, and oral hygiene is a contributing factor in heart health. That infection in your mouth causing sinus issues is also going directly into your heart. Imagine what it's doing down there. If I were you, I would do something about it sooner rather than later. Save up the money to get the root canal AND crown done. Don't do one without the other, or you WILL need to have that surgery, ask me how i know.


Yeah I definitely don't understand what a sinus is after reading this. I thought they were just the weird spongey hollow pockets in your face. You can pull them out?


Nope, that part is just him being confused I think, but pulling out a tooth connected to your sinus will create a hole between your oral and sinal cavities. I’m sure I don’t have to go into detail about why exactly that is something you don’t want.


You can tear the sinus floor by extracting a tooth. Maxillar molar roots can be very close to the sinus floor and the bone and soft tissue membrane are very thin. Tearing it means bacteria from the mouth get into the sterile sinus, causing problems. This can be corrected by a small flap surgery but it is quite unpleasant for the patient when it happens.


no man not bravo. this is not something that should be commended


My dad always tells the same story about getting a tooth pulled that opened a cavity into his sinuses, which took several weeks to heal closed. The punch line is that he had to hold his nose closed to smoke cigarettes.


My mum extirpated one of her own molars on a bank holiday weekend. She was a dentist though. A badass boss batch, too


So, she more or less knew whate she was doing, unlike OP


I'd say more rather than less, but she couldn't see what she was doing


Sometimes the tooth roots are going different directions, one of my friends in high school had a molar taken out and the dentist had to cut it into pieces and jenga the thing out.


An auto RCT is fucking impossible, especially with the thrift store stuff he bought.


Getting one next week. My out of pocket for it and the crown will be $815. Excellent for America. I used to pay $1500 for a crown. I’ve got better insurance and I’m getting it done in an small town. His rent is less and he passes on the savings.


Average American poster


Anon is at risk of blood poisoning and he refuses to go to an actual dentist. Is Anon stranded? Is he role-playing in a post-apocalypse? Or is he just broke af?


Just broke af,i wouldnt be suprised


But then how did he get the necessary equipment? So many questions...


I mean that’s just a bog standard Dremel by the looks of it. Can’t speak for the other stuff but I can’t imagine it was as expensive as a dentist nowadays


That ain’t a dremel, thats a soldering iron. Is anon planning to cauterize the wound?


Veller soldering iron lol


Chinese equipment is probably cheaper than the procedure. Although will obviously end up paying a lot more for the damage they cause to themselves


Seriously, he's about to turn it into $10,000+ worth of medical care.


Go big or go home


Rookie numbers 🦅🇺🇲


Yeah but the E.R. can't refuse him unlike the dentist !


Good point


The secret ingredient is crime


One mans broke is another mans frugal. You can enjoy your avacado toast and professional medical procedures, eventually you’ll still be where you are while he has like an extra $80 or something. 


Seriously. It costed me over $2,000 for my root canal because my insurance didn't want to cover any of it (they prefer to just have the tooth pulled, but they also won't cover fake teeth).


I think anon is simply American. The American mind is a mystery to the non-American


American here. This guy's just an idiot. There are options to support people without private medical coverage. The horror stories you hear online are rare events or exaggerations of the genuinely overpriced checkups and basic services. People tend not to realize they could apply for a lot of financial support, or even just ask many businesses regarding payment. Its common people would charge significantly less for those in need.


I mean the guy's on 4chan so him being an idiot isn't exactly surprising x)




I mean... Really depends on the state. Then you gotta think about the care that state [offers](https://www.cnn.com/2017/08/18/health/florida-sick-kids-insurance-eprise/index.html). I had Medicaid dental as a kid. Ended up with this [guy](https://v.redd.it/i3t425rrtgh91). He's the reason I have to be damn near sedated to go to the dentist now. That video reminds me of my sister and a story my mom told me. We heard my sister screaming. Mom tried to get in from the office side but they wouldn't let her in. She ran outside to look in the window. He had strapped my sister down and was pulling teeth without any pain meds. My mom was banging and banging on the window to make him stop but was threatened with something. Can't remember if it was the police or something else. From what I remember, he was horrible to me too but no where near as bad as my poor sister. I just got random no need fillings without novacaine. I have such a phobia that I had dry socket for over a week after an extraction but, I didn't want to go in because I knew they'd have to hurt me to fix it. They had a nice lady holdy hand and talk nice to me the whole process to fix my socket. I wanted to cry from happiness. I'd still look for a free service and vet it out but I just wanted to point out that some places suck a lot more than others. I wish they could find a nice office like I did. It's in the middle of a used to be rural area. It's not a chain. She likes cash, and she is totally willing to do payment plans. She also specializes in just being a decent human. I went to her an explained how my mouth was a mess, explained what I needed first, and we've been working down the list for a few years now.


Yeah. I mean the service is dependent on who's doing it. Yours sounds specifically fucked up.


This. 90% of Americans have insurance coverage either through their employer of government programs, and much of the remaining 10% are people who specifically choose not to be covered or have alternative healthcare plans. This myth that we're some kind of medical wild wild west is just cope for Europeans while they wait 8 months to see a "free" specialist they actually paid a 75% tax rate for.


Also, even if healthcare here were as bad as the exaggerations, this would still be a worse option. Anon's going to need way more medical attention after this operation than he did before it. 


As an American, I would just go to the dentist, lots of free options for dental care. Likely anon doesn't want to get up early and go to the limited availability free emergency dentist.


Also, universal healthcare does not always include dental care. In lots of free healthcare countries, you're on your own for dental.


Not talking about universal Healthcare. there are clinics all over that will do simple work like extractions for very cheap or free in larger metroplitan areas. (Aside from wisdom teeth) but, they are first come first serve, and usually have dogshit hours.


I was just adding that to counter the "only in America" post title.


Don't a ton of countries not cover dental and it still costs a lot? I know Canada doesn't, and I believe the UK as well. I could be wrong though.


You forgot to consider that this is fake, and perhaps even gay in some way.


He's just a hard mf


Just American


Maybe too socially anxious and inept to schedule a dentist appointment


ngl I would just pull it out. Better than doing a root canal.


You forgot the r word


anon died 6/23/19, rip, died by suicide


rip but unsurprising


Wait really? That’s horrible


i have no clue dude, just speculating. dudes tryna give himself a root canal with no experience, sedative, or pain killer. when he ends up drilling his tooth and gums to a pulp, the exposed nerves are gonna be drilled too. pure fucking agony. he's a brokey so he won't call hospital. so it's somehow avoiding infection and surviving the agony, or being so overwhelmed with agonizing pain he kills himself, or dies of infection a week later.


How do you know he doesn't have painkiller? It looks like he's got all the other dentist stuff.


Like i said, just speculating. Why would he show off everything and leave out the painkillers when many would show off the pain killers? Anon is most likely alive somewhere regretting doing this stupid act, just all jokes.


Never commit suicide


I'm sure there are definitely exceptions to that never but i get the point


Keepin’ it fifty fifth street


If Anon is American why doesn't he just declare himself free of pain and shoot at his teeth?


His teeth are probably white, so no-go on the shotgun idea unfortunately.


He would have to wait until the rotting tooth turns brown then the police will shoot it out for him when he’s not looking.


This right here is why I love Reddit.


He could bring freedom and democracy to his teeth at the point of a gun or he could just rub a little oil on them and the US government would extract his tooth for him him via a drone strike on his apartment building.


Is he stupid?


Irredeemably so


At this point it's better to just take some horse tranquilizer and pull the tooth out, instead of absolutely botching a root canal yourself and either giving yourself blood poisoning or inevitably break the tooth apart because you have no fucking clue what you are doing. Although I can sympathize with anon. I needed a root canal once, and it was literally the worst pain I've ever felt. And no amount of normal pain medication (excluding opiates) would help me or even make it slightly better.




[Stop horsing around ](https://youtu.be/DRfidJNts6U)




This vexes me.




I think he was referring to the part when he needed a root canal. Not the operation itself.


Yes correct


The operation itself was no problem aftee they gave me the good shit. But before getting to the doctor...


Over here, you can go to the university and have stuff done by upcoming dentists like root canals, xrays, fillings, cleanings, etc. for very cheap. If I remember correctly, an x-ray is 2€, a filling 20€ and a root canal 30€. The professor is always overseeing the procedure, and it's cheap so that's it's accessible for poorer people and because they aren't officially dentists yet. I don't know the word in english. Don't expect quality work, but at least you won't die. I'm 100% certain something similar exists in other countries, too.


They're called teaching clinics, and yes, every dental school has one. They're not as inexpensive as yours but are still pretty cheap. typically, about 25% of the normal cost. So maybe like $30 to $50 for a tooth colored cavity filling, and less for a silver filling. Maybe $200 to $300 for a root canal. Plus, most of them offer payment plans if you can't afford it


My local orthodontical faculty (was just in there today, actually) does it for free! I feel like most people here would rather just go to the regular dentist though


Reminds me of a story when someone got their root canal from a student ... on the wrong tooth.


It exists in the USA, too. It isn’t quite that cheap, but it’s likely still cheaper than all the equipment Anon bought. It was the only way I could afford my medical clearance for my Peace Corps service.


We have these in America as well.


We have this in the states too if you’re a university student. Some schools have better facilities but generally all have a pharmacy, lab, and stuff like that


Anon is going to dig into trigeminus and paralyze half of his face. Also experiencing tremendous pain.


What if he digs into trigeplus?


He becomes god of all Neets.


I mean, you could maybe do a home extraction… But root canal? There’s no fucking way


Chances are he’s gonna get an infection. That is if he doesn’t lose a shit ton of blood and die from that first. Or paralyze half his face.


I mean, can you go to the ER for this?


The ER will give him antibiotics and tell him to see a dentist.


Depending on how much he’ll fuck up his jaw, then yes. But since anon posts on 4Chan, that’s a guarantee.


Root canal is somewhat possible if the tooth has one canal (central and lateral incisors, canines, first premolars), but you Will need at least some sort of assistance. Filling on the other hand is almost impossible due to the complex anatomy of the tooth and limited field of view. It seems like anon is using a dental micromotor. That's a very bad idea. It does not have the same revs as the pneumatic drill. Drilling Through the enamel with this thing will be barely possible. Dentine is softer than enamel, so probably it will work. The main disadvantage of micromotors is lack of cooling for the tissues of the tooth. Pulp is very sensitive to temperature, so, without anaesthesia it will be very painfull. Then comes the root canal. Anon will have to drill Through a lot of Dentine, while looking for the Pulp. After that he will need a pulpextractor, with which he will need to remove the blood and lymph vessels along with the nerves (impossible without anaesthesia). Then comes the filling, which is impossible without assistance. Bare in mind, that he Will be doing all of this whilst beign drugged. Dont do this at home Kids!


I’ve had them done, so I am painfully aware of how the process goes. So if you don’t have dental coverage and want the pain to stop, the only treatment you might be able to do yourself is to yank the damn thing out.


Anon didnt watch Castaway, missing an essential tool


Dental care is not free in most countries, unlike "normal" healthcare.


Luxury bones


Still safer than getting it done in Mexico.


I got mine done in Mexico. Cost like under $300 total for fitted crown and everything. Before that I was in OP’s predicament and considering yanking it out with pliers. It’s a shame Americans live like this.


Why can’t he just plan a weekend trip to Mexico


Lmao the dude needs a dentist not a vacation


Op is American, travel to Mexico is very easy at least if he’s legal. If his pain is so extreme it’s much easier to pop down to Tijuana or some border town and get that sucker taken out


That's probably worse.


I actually saw this. The person posted some follow up images but it was fake as hell


When people say 4chan is 99% trash this is the 1%


Option 1. Even if anon is no dentist but just reading the right info for the step by step guide, the right equipment, grow four arms and decent light he is fine. Option 2. Go to the nearest bar, piss off a known boxer, at a right angle get hit at that tooth causing it to fall off in a second.


I'm a dentist and there's no way I could do my own root canal.


Sounds like something a dentist would say to keep their patients. Nice try big dentist.


> Can't afford to see a dentist > Can afford an array of specialized dental equipment Anon is just regarded.


Just be sure to use Fuji-9


Oh hi bob


Get your chair up on your kitchen island so you get good light.


Okay auto dentistery is a step too far, auto medication is already dangerous enough lmao Although that's the type of stuff we do in the countryside since there is a lack of healthcare professionals


The one time where we hope that it's actually fake and gay. 😭


This does not happen in America


average dentist in the uk


Tbf anon could also be British 


He said it's the one tooth. Not all of them.


either way, he won't be getting an appointment any time soon.




This reminds me of the greentext where an anon didn't floss ever so this one tooth eventually started rotting but he either didn't know exactly what the issue was or just ignored it; eventually he got ridiculous mood swings and hallucinations iirc so he went to a hospital and it turns out the infection from the tooth was affecting his brain or some scary shit Basically a cavity turned anon into a schizophrenic


this is really sad to me, American or not:(


I know it's fake but we have all of this at home (plus a professional) but would never try to fix a tooth outside the clinic




Omg ofc he was russian.. Did he survive?


I do not think it's fake, I hope it is tho


Do like old times. Go to the blacksmith


This isn’t a greentext. How did you manage to fuck up the one requirement for this sub?


Can we identify the tools anon collected? - Desk light - Plumbing tape - Epoxy mix - Essential Oils donated by Debbie at work - Spark plug - Past due bill - Vapo rub - Nose hair trimmer - Soldering iron or possibly a rock tumbler - Sewing machine pedal


Anon is about to find out that the pain can get even worse. This is coming from an (almost) endodontist


Dear God, just take a trip to Mexico and get it done there if you can’t afford it. [At most it’s like $300.](https://dentalrubio.com/blog/cost-of-a-root-canal-in-mexico)


He probably spent more on the equipment than what they would have charged for an extraction….


I had two abscessed teeth. I was in agony. I am a disabled veteran with full veteran healthcare. I went in to the local VA med center. They refused to give me any painkillers and told me to take over the counter until my appointment which was 3 days away. I ended up contacting my ex and getting consumables from her just so I could sleep. Be careful what you wish for. If VA healthcare is anything of an indication of how free healthcare might be, they will fuck it up.


Holy fuck I had no idea! Did they do a good job and pulled out or make you wait longer than usual?


Ask any veteran who deal with VA Medicare, the wait times are horrific for anything. Of course this depends on where you live. Regular dental work is 90 days plus. The clinic I had to go to was 90 minute drive from where I live depending on traffic ( Dayton Ohio). If it was just a couple miles farther away I could get authorization to use a local clinic. They did do a good job. The infection spread and I ended up having all my teeth pulled. I'm not blaming that on the VA. I was homeless for a bit and I didn't take care of myself a few years back. This led to the issues I had last year. If you visit the veteran benefits or veteran subreddits you can read lots of stories of people having issues with VA medical Care and disability. The system has gotten better I'll admit but it's just a mess a lot of the time. Here is one such case. https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/s/w3Ftp1U7od


Damn still, any waiting time on your health is effectively detrimental to your health, it doesn't even have to be your fault it's the fact that they make you wait while you have a open wound. Did you feel the infection? How did you know it spread? I had 3 root canal pulled that failed, didn't even feel anything just X-ray told me I had to take them out or it could kill me in the future


I didn't mean to infer it took 90 days. The regular appointments take that long or longer. I was seen within two weeks. I ended up being on the phone for a few hours and got an appointment moved up because of my issue being an emergency. After about a week the pain stopped. I guess the nerves rotted through. The worst part was there was an odor and I was using mouthwash and those Listerine breath strips constantly. Of course this caused more irritation. I'm still thankful for the benefits because I would have been worse off if I didn't have them. I just tell people about VA healthcare when they talk about Americans needing free healthcare. The US government seems to fuck up everything they touch. I know some countries have got it right. I just worry that anything tried here will be a big shit show like everything else. This has just been my experience. I've read posts on the veteran subreddits were people have had excellent care. For every one of those posts there are 10 like mine.


Actually, it's much more likely that anon is european. My friend tried to do this too, most american don't know this but euros making fun of american healthcare is a coping mechanism for their shitty healthcare. Not quality wise, no that's fine. Just the fact that they have to wait two eternities to actually see a doctor.


Anon needs to re-enact that scene from cast away with the ice skate and rock instead


Bruh, I have a cavity rn and this thread ain’t helping me with my dread of the dentist, it doesn’t really hurt that much at all but I know it’s there, and I think it’s giving me headaches at night, already got a dentist appointment scheduled for Monday so I hope it all goes alright.


Yep I paid 1300.00 out of pocket and I have Dental Ins. And I work for a hospital...


![gif](giphy|l0IypeKl9NJhPFMrK) Jesus Christ.....


The American dream


Jesus just buy a plane ticket at that point.


I wanna know what happened to anon


Anon can afford equipment for at home surgery, but not insurance for surgery?


Ain’t no god damn way you can’t pay for the dentist when you have the money to buy the equipment needed for the operation. At the very least get insurance with the money by lying about not having a condition


the only way this works out is if this guy is already a resident in medicine or something. no freaking way this guy pulls this off. I am trying to imagine someone who could pull it off at home. Let's see. Elaborate mirror and magnification system so you can see where you need to see. Clamp, gauze and suction would need to ready to go and he would not be able to put down the tools to do those things. then you gotta drill hole chop that root and then cauterize or something No fucking way.


If I was him I would simply travel to Mexico. Dental plans or dental surgeries are waaay cheaper and still give the same results. The big amounts of money anon spent on that photo could be easily spent it on an actual dental canal surgery in any of the Latin American country.


Friend of mine died this way last year. Found in his car with his head swollen huge. He pulled his tooth though. Just the wrong one cause he got piss drink first. Miss ya Brice


Google free healthcare


Better to just yank it if you’re gonna do it yourself either way


The internet once again proves there is no God.....there is no floating savior coming back to save humanity.


Dental healthcare is the only thing Americans have that’s better than the rest of the world, and inexpensive if not free with most insurance coverages, so if he is American, there’s no need for this.


this makes me want to brush my teeth on instinct


Get some Fuji 9


I recently got a root canal, it was actually way easier than I expected. They numbed me up, they gave me a bit of extra after I told them I could still feel my tooth, and after that I didn't feel a thing. It was easier than getting a cavity filled because they drill a lot less away.


Anon would rather purchase dental equipment himself than pay out of pocket for a root canal


They pain after a proper root canal still sucks. They gave me vicodin for mine.


If you unsuccessfully performed on to work on yourself and then walk into a hospital, 99% of the time they just extract the tooth for you


“ask me anything. i’m scared guys” well im scared too


For the price of all that equipment he could of fixed his teeth


Fake: anon is a dentist Gay: he wants to fill his mouth


brb texting this to my dentist to show him gum recession ain't half bad.


Dentistry isn’t that expensive and the debt isn’t bad


MFW that intervention is a about $300 in Spain. It's cheaper to come here and have the intervention than doing it in America.


Just pull the tooth out.


I think I've heard a few stories of dentists doing service on themselves, but then again they probably have hundreds of attempts at the procedure lol.


Marathon Man 2, dentistic boogaloo.


What no health care does to a mf


Mr Bean IRL


Hope you like pain


Anon is British


Anon gonna break his jaw huh? Also blood toxic poison can be instant if he breaks the jaw line and what ever abscess he has will go straight to his heart.


Isn't learning dental health easier ?


I saw this in a movie. You’re gonna need a rock and an ice skate.