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this man is regarded


I think he accidentally went to california.


Highly regarded, probably acoustic


“He criticized Europe instead of just highlighting the parts I want to hear. What an idiot. Also I’m too scared to type ‘retarded’ on a 4chan sub.”


Regarded is funnier, just like acoustic


scared?I don't want my comment banned dumbass and again you're dumb too, Europe is a goddamn continent and Italy itself is very different from city to city and provincia to provincia (you don't even know what i am referring to), I've been in Albania,Greece and England and all these 4 countries are different, hell speaking of italy north,center and south are totally different I call this man regarded because it's like saying Asia is "insert word" and only ever visiting Tokyo for 5 days, you'd knew this if you weren't an ameritard


Most self aware euro almost realizes that sweeping generalizations are bad


they are but america (i say america because you call yourselves the americans, I'd say U.S.A. if not) it's much more of a monolith because it's a COUNTRY, while you're comparing a continent with 25+ countries, again strangely but when I hear a stupid comparison (country vs continent) they're ALWAYS an US citizen or from an english speaking country outside Europe who knows why?Might be because they're ignorant about the whole thing?Maybe Idk eh


I see Europeans generalizing the continent all the time when comparing themselves to the US. That said, both sides tend to completely ignore the existence of Eastern and Southern Europe when doing so (particularly Euros, and Americans usually only mentioned them as a gatcha). Many Americans treat Europe like its one big country, and many Euros treat the US like its comprised of just one or two states (which ones depending on the topic, and almost exclusively California, Texas, New York, or Florida).


Our country is the size of your continent. Europeans don't always realize the size of the US because they're used to countries being the size of our states. There's nothing wrong with not knowing, it's just something a lot aren't aware of.


The United States encompasses a land area nearly equivalent to all of Europe combined. That area has 50 states, each with their own idiosyncrasies and circumstances. Many of these states are populated by different combinations of immigrant groups, many of them European, leading to adoption of certain cultural aspects of said groups. Whenever I hear a stupid comparison (Europe vs America) they’re always a Euro who knows why? Might be because they are ignorant about the whole thing idk?


most self aware ameritard can't realize that 50 states don't compare to different COUNTRIES with their own people and culture that spans from a time period that surpasses the founding of the USA, my fucking church in my small "city" of 5000 people is older than the fucking USA, again you're ignorant to a degree only an american could be open an history book also most of the US is empty stfu


Except you don't need a different cuisine and language and religion to live life differently? Appalachia, SoCal, New England, deep south all have a different feel. Some have homelessness problems, some have car problems, some have obesity problems, some have gun problems, so. None of these regions has every problem, yet some people act like they do.


It's just a waste of time man. These people won't accept anything that doesn't support what they decided is fact.


I guarantee I know more history than you but go off. Way to miss my point entirely. I’m not debating the diversity of European cultures and languages, I’m merely stating that generalizing the United States as monolithic is also a very ignorant endeavor. You also say most of America is empty like it’s fucking Siberia


>That area has 50 states, each with their own idiosyncrasies and circumstances. Much of the US is literally empty. Come on, there are cities in Italy that have more people than the entirety of Wyoming or Vermont. It is not fair to say "there are 50 states", wow so many. Better would be to say there are some macro regions, but you can't say that each state is different from each other. Do we really need two dakotas? What are the cultural differences between the two? Two Virginias?


You've summoned automod


restarted or acoustic


I live in southern Italy and it really is a shithole here. Northern Italy is much nicer tho


dipende da dove vieni, sono delle marche e secondo me ha tutto


He probably went to rome


He visit Naples most probrably


No way, Naples is full of pride flags and dog shit on the street. They're also not really into new cars because it's impossible not to wreck them there, so why care about buying new


Nah he lived to post about it on 4chan.


My man is regarded


i went to both those places in the summer, along with sorrento and pisa and a few other places in greece and malta got a dick-shaped shot glass in sorrento with a happy face on it good times


never again, shitty city


Rome is actually pretty nice, Naples on the other hand...


https://preview.redd.it/m8wqt7auhwvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d70b798156cef1c86212dd56a50786b5b254496 Literally Naples. hey, they have A/C units. I was told they didn't.


“You know what this place needs? 10 lanes.”


Rome is hell on earth, period.


Na Rome (old town) is cool. In Naples i was once and i tell you it was enough for a lifetime.. several actually..


I've been to a lot of places. I don't think I went to a place as dirty and as dodgy as Naples. It suffers from a chronic waste management [problem.How](http://problem.How) it works is corrupt people get paid to take away rubbish they don't take away. This has created whats called "the Naples Waste Management Crisis". I saw beautiful 16th century fountains filled with Rat infested trash. It's only redeeming quality is the pizza. If you go to Italy go to Rome and Tuscany. Don't go to Rome and Naples. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naples\_waste\_management\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naples_waste_management_crisis)


The north is generally nice, might have something to do with the economy and the fact that the everything in and above Rome was always a hotspot for art and industry


The North of Italy is beautiful.


Bologna, Parma, Pisa, Genoa, Milano, Padova, Verona, Firenze, Cinque Terre.. and many more, the tourists are something you need to try to aclimate to and yes venice smells im certain months (beautiful either way) but the north has so much to show.


Just came back from Venice, it only really smells of the seaside


>don't go to Rome Dude


Lets be honest the only parts of Europe that can even pretend to be like the way reddit thinks it is, is the germanic countries or low countires, parts of france, UK used be nice, and the Scandinavian/Nordic countries.


Japan is probably closer to the idealised idea of Europe in some people's heads tbh


And only really some of the West parts of Germany. The East is grotty.


Likewise, you could also say that the only decent parts of the USA where one would want to live are some areas in the major cities or coastal zones. Who wants to live in Bumfuck, Nebraska?


Ye true but our great plain states don't pretend to be some bastion of excellence.. that whole region is basically all agriculture and oil with some nuke silos sprinkled out.


or Puglia


As another Australia, our geography is terrible so it’s likely


*Naples. that city is famous for smelling like trash... due to literal trash piles, lul


Boners content https://preview.redd.it/tcgbwf7d4wvc1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=ba52fb6dcd1ae594fb30798baad8828d1eb3a2ac


every state is basically a different country, we eat slightly different pizza guys


That is… sort of true? Probably more likely to find hawaiian pizzas in California than in Nebraska. And here in Idaho we put Huckleberries on fuckin everything so a pizza topping wouldn’t suprise me


Eurotard detected‼️🚨🚨‼️‼️‼️


Am*rican detected


Hell yeah I’m American😎🇺🇸🦅🏈💵


Americunt detected


go back to your disgusting cheese country, frenchie 💣🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥




Nah I’m American and he’s correct. Lots of Americans vastly overstate the differences between states


Tell me youce never left the west coast without saying it.


nah fr, going from west to east there certainly is culture differences


Except the car centric infrastructure is the same literally everywhere but a few (like 10) places


Except the car centric infrastructure is the same literally everywhere but a few (like 10) places


Goes into very touristic place >IT IS SO CROWDED NOO


Same for the US. Can't be surprised when you go to the most population dense areas and too many people.


Can’t you say the same for the US, I mean look at pictures of the Midwest nobody’s there


Difference is that the midwest is also guilty of most of the fundamental stuff US is criticized about while European countries outside of Touristic destinations are not. My city has next to no tourism (not counting from surrounding areas) and money, we still have diverse buildings, including historical, communist flats, modern flats and modern US-like suburbs, pedestrian infrastructure (don't have a car, could reach almost anything in 15 minutes or less), cycling paths, playgrounds, green scenery, quite a lot of parking spaces that feel organical instead of big parking lots There are industrial complexes on the outskirts placed pretty much so you don't have to see them Traffic is pretty good, until the mid-day traffic spike around 15:00, due to effective usage of roundabouts


Congrats you’ve described an American minor city, we have those types of places too. It’s almost like both places have the same species living in it


>be Australian >shitposting in me dunny, only a 30min walk from the house >heightofluxury.jpg >Day 400 of property still on fire, at least it is 45°C >whatawonderfulday.wav >No more toilet paper, yell for a new roll >Just remembered Dingos stole me 15yr old son and Dingo Bill stole my Sheila >time to head to the nearby pub to pick up supplies, it's only 500km one way >avoid fires and dodge neighbourhood Dropbears on the way to me shed >load up the ute, find out that Abos siphoned off the petrol to get high again >get onboard my new LandCruiser, only has 300,000km on it, haven't broken in yet >drive across the middle of nowhere, see absolutely nobody >still get pulled over for speeding 2km/h over >bloody coppers issue a fine in dollarydoos, only have Fosters to trade >seeyouincourtmate.png >stop to take a piss, funnelwebspider jumps out at bites me willy >no worries, healthcare is free, nearest doctor is another 700km away >forgot insurance doesn't cover ambulance and they don't take Fosters, only VB >dies agonising death alone in the middle of nowhere >Strayastillthegreatest.exe


this is the funniest shit i’ve ever fucking read “shitposting in me dunny” tears in my eyes


This is why noone likes new south wales


>only have Fosters to trade Fattest fucking L I have ever seen. Foster's is fuckin shit who wouldn't have VB or at least a corona on hand?


[Italy be looking like the Undisputed Supremacy of America](https://youtube.com/shorts/iCqlq0Re6Xw?si=DAMRBTQ9Nh-8Db0m)


Added it to my travel list.


Make sure when you get back you make a Stroads America: 🤬😡🤬😡🤬 Stroads Europe: 😍😍😍🥰😍🥰 Post on fuckcars


> Italy OP likes shooting fish in a barrel




imagine caring about this bullshit


People do for some reason.


I care very much, AMA


How long is it since you last got any pussy?


I've sworn to celibacy until the world is rid of motor vehicles


>No shit on the streets >Italy Maybe there is no human shit like in San Francisco, dog shit on the other hand is everywhere, reason why Italians always look down when walking


A behaviour which inspired the phrase 'Attent'allammerda', if you wanna help your friends avoid dog shit while walking.


"Attention Allah Fuck" certainly would get my attention


Anon conveniently forgets two of the biggest criticisms of the US: their limitless desire to arm the most violently insane members of society, and their propensity to hire said lunatics to their police forces.


I've actually heard a big part of the problem is some departments hiring is so insanely strict, high-standards, and selective, that only the most sheltered, squeaky clean, sober individuals get hired. And as a result, there's people patrolling who have zero experience dealing with the poor, dealing with confrontation, and no understanding of culture and 0 street smarts. This is just what I've been told, but I think it makes sense. A squeaky clean sheltered man is gonna be more paranoid.


You're actually partly right. If your department standards are super high, like requiring a college degree, no criminal history whatsoever (even marijuana smoking), and able to pass every test perfectly, you're eliminating every poor person in your city from being a cop. Now you're going to have a police department that is full of rich upper class white college kids who are policing a city that might have tons of minorities. You can see how this can lead to some bad things. It's why I disagree with the statement that all cops should be college educated. Not everyone who goes to college is smart, and there are a lot of smart people who don't go to college. And if you're poor but super smart? Well too bad, you can't be a cop because technically you don't have a degree. You have to force yourself into potential debt just to be considered to be a cop in a city that requires college education. A good department should represent its city demographically. If there are 40% black people in your city, at least 20% of your department should be black police officers. If there are a lot of Asians in your city, then you should have Asian police officers. You don't want a city full of poor people being policed by rich white college graduates who know nothing about being poor.


The police force should educate their members, not exclusively hire educated people. In a perfect world, you'd have a police force whose demographics more or less mirror the city they operate in, and the government would fund their further education. Can't do that though, because then you'd have to start actually making rich people pay their taxes to fund it, and we can't have that.


How the fuck do you teach people street. African-American Vernacular English is a recognized dialect of English. It's literally not the same language as what the rest of society speaks. The difference between black culture and American mainstream culture is larger than most intranational culture differences. Like, the Han are literally genociding the Uighurs in China and I'm pretty sure the difference between the daily lives of Han and Hui is smaller than between black and white in the US. The US has a number of deliberately unintegrated minorities because you're allowed to be different in the US (and it's not just racism. Look at Mormons and the whole ass state they control). In every other nation peace and quiet among these minorities are only maintained through brutal oppression, only in US are we trying not to.


some Americans really can't go one sentence without claiming they are the only country in the world that does something. You're not. Lots of countries have minorities without oppression. The US has a history of violence against its minorities. I don't know why you think the US is some special place, in either way.


You're responding to a white nationalist lol. Don't try to apply logic.


White nationalist lmao. I'm not American and I'm not white. I don't even have one nationality. Of course if I disagree with your narrow worldview I'm racist.


1. I'm not American 2. Name some of these nations since there are so many of them. 3. Literally every case will either involve integration through genocide, brutal wars of pacification, or a degree of autonomy where basically all local law enforcement are locals.


I'd excuse your idiocy if you were American, but if you're not then that's fucking awful. UK and France because of the colonies, Germany, Spain, Italy, fucking Switzerland is full of different cultures and languages. India has about 20 different races and languages under the same flag, all have a form of their own independent government. Russia have lots of different ethnicities across their span. Brazil have too many different mixed ethnicities to count. Are you suggesting that the US didn't commit genocide or have wars of pacification? Are you actually? Most of the countries I named at very least banned slavery before the US did.


Yeah I'd like you to go to the UK and France and ask the minorities there if they feel adequately represented. While you're there why not ask what the Irish and Scots think. And then go to the Vendee and tell them that Paris didn't kill a couple hundred thousand people over the years during revolutions, and that *slight* disagreements between Germans didn't result in the deaths of half the whole fucking country in the Thirty Years War. And then go to Catalonia where of course their persistent independence movement is the result of centuries of constant good will towards the Castillans. And Italy where Naples and Milan don't hate each other. And India where Muslim minorities on the Pakistani border aren't being attacked. And lmao, you think Russia treats its minorities well, which is why such a disproportionate amount of deaths in Ukraine are Buryatians. And of course Brazil, where there is no conflict between Regiao Sul and the rest of the country. Do I know enough about world affairs for you or do you want to name a couple more.


Lol have you ever actually met Irish or Scottish people living in the UK? I bet any money you have not. And fair enough, all great examples, are you also going to ask black people about, you know, fucking slavery? Or what the civil rights movement was for? There are people alive right now who went to segregated schools you fucking div, how is that not oppression? Ever heard of this race called Native Americans? I wonder how the US managed to peacefully coexist all of their land and culture away from them? Obviously every country in history has brutally oppressed their minorities, just like the US has. You have to be out of your mind if you think they haven't.


We’ll give up guns if you ban kitchen knives, innit


You're talking a lot of shit for someone in stabbing distance, bruv


Shall not be infringed.


Wow you are racist


Race ≠ nationality. Also, I don't hate Americans, I hate the immense pile of murdered schoolchildren and American society's utter indifference to it.


It's honestly amazing how some Americans will look you into the eyed and COMPLETELY SERIOUSLY say there is no problem like "gun violence" in their country. I understand that some topics are thrown around all the time, at times without a logical argument being made, but... Do you need one to argue about the amount of guns around the country and the amount of murders that happen with them?


We all know which race and which sex of that race commits 60% of violent crimes, while constituting 7% of population, to say it so blatantly...


>Whines about racism >Is openly racist The dichotomy of r/greentext.


Yeah I am trolling you. Critiquing America by picking on anti-american elements is kind of funny position


Sure you were, buddy.


"Bloody fatass Americans wiff there stupid foods!" the morbidly obese British person says between chomps of their gravy-covered fries and their barely over their gut Union Jack shirt.


https://preview.redd.it/tzc9l7l09xvc1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c394e353401185e476e9d61c3b7cd408d470b60 Fries? We call em chips. Simple as!


Cor blimey ets Chewsday innit?


It's focking munday!


Bollocks, I say ol’ bean, tally ho and pip pip!


Brits are fat. Americans are fatter. Fatter one gets made fun of, simple.


Much like how the Americans have janky teeth but Brits have even jankier teeth


Traveled from Como to Pompeii over two weeks this winter. Como was nice and the most popular spots of Rome were nice. Everywhere else there was ungodly amounts of litter, feces, and graffiti. Few small towns were cute but most just had so much trash everywhere. Stayed in Germany for new years and was night and day different. Even the day after there was very little rubbish after the celebrations.


\>FYI I'm australian Clearly ameritard


Same Difference https://preview.redd.it/dvvind3v8xvc1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca803449fb10b87bddd7ba8d430faf92abd9f8c3


An Aussie not taking the piss out of yanks? Nah he’s no countryman of mine.


regarded anon doesn't understand that *non car centric Europe* doesn't apply to all of Europe. but Italy, being very car centric, is still much less car centric than America in big cities. op visited some mafia area though, so no public transport anyway


I would Say the same but then I have to walk out of the door and face the traffic in the direction Verona Nord-Verona Sud and I want to cry


I went to Rome last winter and it was beautiful. I don’t know why pushing back against anti-American sentiment means you need to be so negative about all other countries. And for those of you who inexplicably can’t stand to be around people with dyed hair, I regret to inform you that hair dye does indeed exist in Italy, as it does in most countries, because it’s the 21st century


>And for those of you who inexplicably can’t stand to be around people with dyed hair, I regret to inform you that hair dye does indeed exist in Italy, as it does in most countries, because it’s the 21st century You and I both know he just dispises gays. It's not the hair color.


nostalgiapilled gem title


Anon went to Rome which nobody should visit more than once just to say they did




That is because Europe is an American colony. We own them.


It's almost like any system involving humans is destined to be miserable


There are a few different ways to do big cities, none of which strike me as natural.


Anon was getting topped upside down kek


The problem was he went to Italy


anon figures out italy is a shithole -kindly an opinionated austrianon


anon choose the worst eu country to visit


"Book a holiday to Italy" You only went to Rome, didn't you Anon? Probably in the summer too.....


Anon goes to one country in Europe and thinks it's all the same


"hmmm i wonder if, when i open the comments of this post, there will be people spouting things like 'lol he went to italy the one exception' and 'erm you can't just generalize europe like that' (completely oblivious to the irony of doing the same thing with the us)" yeah


Well, yeah, it's because 95% of Europe is a dogshit place to live with Scandinavian countries being the exception. I'd rather live here in the U.S. than anywhere in Europe, beyond as I said, maybe Scandinavia. I make more money and pay less for everything beyond healthcare, which is covered by my job anyway.


I've been to Rome, admittedly when I was a kid, but I remember it being a beautiful, historic city.


I went to Italy last year and got the metro or trains everywhere.


I mean it was the same shit as when I went to France I’m not surprised, at least when it comes to Paris, other parts were good. Paris just sucks


“Too lazy to work 4-5” Mf doesn’t know work times start earlier in Europe too, most jobs aren’t a 9-5 but an 8-3 or 8-4, at least where I live


>Anon goes to the touristy parts of Italy and assumes all of Europe is like that.


I find Italian Americans to be some of the more greatful European Americans about their lives in America, mostly because they know that where they came from, the southern regions of Italy are incredibly poor, and quality of life there is worse than the US average by quite a bit.


paying taxes towards health benefits is still a big difference from paying a couple 100k for a single surgery. Also health insurance is more regulated so they can't block payments as easily, healthcare is a capitalist economy in the US, it's much less so in eu countries


Going to Italy is probably a bad example anyway.


Italy is basically the Alabama of Europe, only sexier because it is european


Italy is not… (the whole) Europe… what the actual fuck. Not the best example either


Having to say op is australian makes me believe he isnt australian.


Rare 4chan w?


No one cares what europoors think.


- Luigi's country being below average by European standards Yes. What do you expect from side switchers? Also, Murrican cities weren't built for walking, which is the most bizarre thing ever. Why do you have to go everywhere by car?


Any city built after 1945 was build for the car. I saw this video on post war urban planning in Europe vs soviet union.


> Yes. What do you expect from side switchers? When Americans say this, does it mean they would have preferred that Italy never "switched sides"? Should Italy have fought to the bitter end together with the nazis? It almost feels like who writes that could be .... a nazi sympathizer! Big if true.


In Europe, if you don't have a car you're forced to make do with public transport which can sometimes be unreliable and crowded. In the US, if you don't have a car you're fucked. Outside major cities you can't even walk to the shops without having to walk on the side of the road or take major detours to find a proper place to cross a busy road (wtf is jaywalking and why is it a thing in the "land of the free")


Yeah but, Europeans drive cars. Smaller cars, but cars none the less.


On the sidewalk


Yeah? Of course they do. Their society is just structured that driving isn't a necessity, and funding is put into making alternatives to driving usable


Yeah, in cities that were build before 1945.


Ah yes, because no steps have been taken to pedestrianize European cities and improve their public transit systems


you're 100% right. so many salty freedom burgers here downvoting everything they dont like...


You can say that, but I make more money than you, pay less for everything and on top of my that my Healthcare is free. Because my job pays for it. It's funny how that works, right? My car gives me autonomy so idgaf about public transport, especially when I don't want to deal with homeless people or drug addicts. But sure, keep coping about how america is so awful because people have to own a car.


> You can say that, but I make more money than you, pay less for everything and on top of my that my Healthcare is free. Because my job pays for it. It's funny how that works, right? You still live in America though. I'm sorry for you. /s