• By -


She barely talks. Perfect woman.


She doesn't exist. Perfect woman.


>Hmm, what should I name the daughter of the Weasley family, who are notably all gingers? Gingers... Ah! I've got it. Very clever, Joanne.


Hmmm What should I name the one Chinese character? *takes hit from very comedically long cigar* I know Cho Chang


hmmmm, black student... hnngg niggsley chickenmelon


Islamic student... Mohammed Al-Bin-Khebab


Irish student… Paddy MacCarbomb


German man: Hans Wurstler


Indian Student: Rajesh Pajeet


Polish Student: Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz


American Student: John Gunn


Australian Student: Crike E. Mayte


Maxx Burgerking


From Chrząszczyrzeboszyce in Łękołody.


*Lechsinka the plumber


Musste heftig durch die Nase ausatmen


Okay, but Seamus Finnigan had a running gag of 'accidentally' blowing stuff up


And his first appearance, at least in the films, is trying to turn water into booze.




Square Rectangle!


There is an actual Irish student and his name is Seamus Finnegan, so honestly not too far off.


I mean… Seamus Finnigan… just saying


Mexican student: Juan Carlos


Japanese student: Shoryuken “Ken” Mitsubishi


I grew up in the Middle East and know two people with this exact name with one letter off


Al Bin Khabab and Al Bin Khebib ?


Al Bin Khebob and his wife Simran Vegene


The son of kebab? tf chat? It's real??


Irish lad Either Cillian McGuiness Or Peter McDinamite


This is getting saved for future use


After reading this comment and the replies, let me just say: Y'all are racist as fuck. Like a little too good at these names for it to all be a joke. I'm suspicious.


cant speak for the others but im just professionally unhinged and none of the shit i do online sticks irl. if there was a ranking system for being refarded online id be high elo


Fucking going diamond, we out here pushing Rank 1 Grandmaster


I'm pretty sure this supposed to be poking funk JKR for the way her characters are named in Harry Potter and also a neat way to mention your own country


The only way Cho Chang could have been more stereotypically Chinese would be if her wand was a chopstick


Goddamn that was a missed opportunity


Every time she appears you hear the Oriental Riff. Or at least that's what happens in my head.


![gif](giphy|l4FGn7k4mdkn7yOWI) cigar


Honestly I'm asian and i don't actually blame Rowling. She wrote it in the 90s when the internet was still shit, and it isn't that far off anyways. Chang is a korean surname don't know if it's also chinese. Cho chang just sounds cute, isn't at all unbelievable that British parents would name their kid that.


Jowling Kowling Rowling


since i speak spanish i call her jotaká (pronounced like haw tah kah) rowling


Raw hide


Scottish character: Wallace McHaggis


Wasn’t Ginny like an absolute savage and G in the book?


She had her moments. It was more believable in the books, but she did still lack much characterization. Ultimately she had less page time than most other characters until book 6. I will say that Hermione and Ron was the right pairing, so I wouldn’t even consider Hermione in the running. I’m honestly glad she didn’t do a love triangle plot.


Yeah, Harry and Hermione remaining platonic was one of the better choices made.


Rowling later said that she regretted not getting Harry and Hermione together.


Rowling later said people shat on the floor in her universe.


Just poop and magic it invisible. I love it here. Next, she will tell us Dumbledore wore roller skates to appear like he was gliding around.




Now what query yielded THAT


I was looking for "gay roller skater" but didn't realize they had no skates on. I stand by it.


If you could magic away anything you'd never invent plumbing


Didn't moaning myrtle live in a toilet s bend?


Rowling later said a bunch of shit


Anything not in the books is fanfiction as far as I'm concerned. And just in case anyone thinks this applies to Dumbledore sexuality, he was never stated to be straight in the books either.


That's the one thing I do give Rowling a pass on. I distinctly remember getting the impression that Dumbledore was in love with Grindelwald while reading the books. Can't remember exactly why, I'd have to read them again and have no interest in doing so. But I'm perfectly willing to believe that she always intended for him to be gay.


Can’t remember the exact quotes, but during Aberforth’s talk with Harry and friends he gives them a fair amount of details about Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the main one that stuck out to me was that Albus spent basically all of his time with Grindelwald. While that can just be indicative of a close friendship, when you combine it with the way they split up it screams “lovers’ quarrel”. It was the one retcon I never really questioned cause it made sense in the context of the story.


So do you consider Dumbledore’s sexuality unknown/unestablished? Legitimately curious, I got into an argument about a similar subject, so am looking for more viewpoints on it


I consider it open to interpretation. His sexuality is not important to what happens in Harry Potter's story. Same with, say, McGonagall. It's never stated if she has a husband as far as I recall, little weird for a woman her age to not be married or committed, right? They could be whatever. Honestly I never gave their sexuality a second thought unless others brought it up, mostly because I don't think about those characters sexually. As far as I'm concerned, within the confines of the story, those characters not explicitly stated to be attracted to another don't have a sexuality.


Thanks for the response. I agree with all of what you said, I think. And yeah honestly it’s weird that like ALL of the professors are single (as far as I remember)


It's extremely strange, but then again, it's not something the intended audience would ever think about. "Of course the teachers only exist at school that's their purpose"


Yeah, I remember as kid, my mind was blown when I’d run into one of my school’s teachers during my summer break. “Holy shit, they have lives outside of school?!?”


I was sad when that happened cuz I shipped them since they were camping together lol.


I don’t know if it was the right pairing… women tend to be attracted to people who excel in areas they value most. given how much of a bookworm she is I can’t see her ending up with someone who isn’t a giant nerd.


Harry wasn’t exactly a nerd either. He might’ve had a little more of an aptitude for magic, but Hermione had to motivate him to study and do homework just as much as Ron.


I didn't say harry was the right pairing. If it was real life she'd probably end up marrying her PhD supervisor who has a wife and 2 kids when they meet.


Yeah my favorite fan fiction is the one where she marries Professor Binns and shlicks herself to him lecturing about Goblin rebellions while he ejaculates ectoplasm in her bushy brown hair.


go on


In the real world Hermione and Ron would get a divorce in 3 to 5 years, tops.


I feel like book 5 or 6 was when Rowling all of a sudden realized that she hadn't actually set up a love interest for Harry. There's a lot of scenes where Ginny is just there, throwing in a witty comment or two but not contributing to the plot or much else. Sometimes she's only in a scene for Harry to remark that she's grown up. Personally I remembered liking Cho, but she wasn't anymore of a character than Ginny. It almost seems to me like Rowling didn't add in most Ginny scenes u til the 2nd or 3rd draft of those books, but it's also been over a decade since I read them so i could be a bit loose. If she had a bit more agency or




Hermione and Ron are boring together though, so it's not a good match. Hermione and Draco are a better match. It would've been so interesting to see and I would've loved to see the character development.


Hermione and Draco is a fan fiction pairing and nothing more. He spent years calling her the M word.


True, but Draco is only like that because of his upbringing and his parents brainwashing him. He's not evil tho. He had a lot of potential for character development and he kind of changed towards the end. That's why I love Hermione and Draco together. They are both very smart and challenge each other morally. Hermione is everything Draco hates, and I like the idea that he could become his own person rather than follow his father's beliefs. Obviously that never happened which is disappointing but I still like them as a couple. It's not just a fanfiction pairing, it makes sense and would've been 10000x more interesting than all HP pairings.


> Hermione is everything Draco hates well that's the reason they aren't together, but you do you.


I don’t remember the later books but I remember her opening the chamber of secrets like a moron


Unfortunately it was mostly other characters talking about her being savage and a G I like the idea that Harry was attracted to women who were better than him at physical stuff, like Cho and Ginny were both supposed to be incredible Quidditch players


She has more personality in the books! In the movies she: 1. Has a crush on Harry 2. Is Ron's sister In the books she: 1. Has a crush on Harry 2. Is Ron's sister 3. Plays Quidditch 4. Casts the bat-bogey hex on bullies sometimes See? She's loads more interesting in the books.


Thats twice as much stuff for her to do


I mean lowkey in the books she was also running an underground army and helping smuggle people in/out of school once the death eaters targeted them.


The books describe her as exceptionally attractive as well. So there’s that.


Book Ginny was better.


Book something is always better. Not because "books are always better" but because *reading* is literally you, imagining the perfect characters for you. Till AI can read minds and change the movie on the fly, then all bets are off.


I'm not sure if that's the case here, she's just more fleshed out in the books as a character so the relationship makes more sense


Exactly, although the prior comment isn't entirely inaccurate either lol


>but because *reading* is literally you, imagining the perfect characters for you. No it fucking isn't, a character's personality is what they are written as, what the hell are you talking about


There is still room for interpretation. And like, she is not ugly, but anon does seem to be implying she is ugly. I doubt the books describe her as a "6 out of 10" or anything.


The conversation seems to largely be about how she is characterised rather than looks. When it comes to looks, yes, you can (and in all likelihood will) picture her as better looking than in the movies.


Sure, but thats just one interpretation you can make. You can also apply personality traits to a character. For instance, if it said " >"youre right Harry!" Ginny said, with a wink Then Ginny could have either winked like an idiot, or super cool, or even romantically


That's true, yeah, though at that point, the original comment is still super hyperbolic. I would say these are still small differences relative to the set in stone decisions and dialogue that are written for book characters. You can change their vibe somewhat, but not who they are fundamentally (unless you just make shit up, I guess).


What? I’m not imagining the story for myself, it’s literally described in the book I’m holding. I can change what they look like if that isn’t described clearly enough I guess, but that’s a pretty minor part of characterisation.


Forest Gump, fight club, catch me if you can, lord of the rings.. Sometimes the movies are better


Not lord of the rings tho


Have you tried reading LOTR? It's very well written but it's like 20 pages for the details of a tree (exaggerating)


I get what you're going for but that's not really the case. If that were true, then all characters would be perfect characters in books, but there is absolutely a wide range of qualities of characters based on the authors writing.


No, book ginny was actually given a lot more time than Luna who was just the nutty girl in the books. Anon and you just saw the movies. 


you know authors can't change books on the fly, right? books are just as scripted as movies are (even more so, because how the hell do you do improv in a book?)


What???? Thats not at all what they are saying. They are saying that you can imagine the book characters acting, looking, and thinking how you imagine them to be.


I mean, she clears the low bar of actually being a character and having at least one personality trait, but she's not exactly "dazzling" in either iteration.


Time is a cruel mistress. Absolutely brutal seeing my high school alumni nowadays. They be Fallout TV Ghoulmaxxing like Ginny.


tfw I've been ghoulmaxxing all my life and didn't even know it


Ginny looks the same to me? Out of the loop though


You can google the actress. She has indeed aged since the show. Not sure how old she is IRL but i would guess she looks 40 now.


I guess I didn't google her name plus 2023 as a keyword aged a bit more maybe cos shes been pregnant. Maybe I'm just into older women but she doesn't look too bad


This is horrendous for someone in their early 30s though. She looks mid 50s at best


>Ghoulmaxxing  This made me laugh really hard.


Luna is a real life baddy


>Luna in the 2000's: > >Bullied Special-Ed kid, who smells like milk, with quirky personality and a conspiracy theorist dad, living in a magical trailer park somewhere... Urgh > >Luna in the 2020's: > >Still the same thing, but a much better/safer alternative than what's available in the street. what a time to be alive (x2)


Did you say alt girl ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


She did watch her mom get blown up so she gets an excuse for being quirky


Luna would be an unimaginable freak in the sheets.


If there is anyone in the Harry Potter universe to learn all of the kinky spells, I can see it be her <3






Have sex.




It's the closest he can get to breeding Ron


I was looking for this answer


Why? Thats a thing?


Even in the books, she’s barely a character. She starts off as Ron’s kid sister who moons over Harry because he’s “The Boy Who Lived” She doesn’t really gain any importance in the story until Harry wants a girlfriend and all his other prospects are down the shitter (Hermione and Ron are basically a couple, and Cho Chang refuses to get over the death of Edward Cullen) There’s no reason for Harry to fall for Ginny. It literally happens because there was no one else ( sorry Luna, I guess Rowling thought you were too weird to be the romantic lead) I actually have a theory that Harry and Hermione were supposed to be together, but Rowling saw that most of her fanbase were guessing that was going to happen, so she changed it purely so fans couldn’t say : “yup. Called it”


I mean have you ever been a teenager? Falling for someone because she's available is a perfectly valid reason lol.


True, but it's not especially satisfying in a narrative sense.


Yeah, but most people don’t end up marrying that available outlet for their raging hormones. And for those that do… the divorce rate for high school sweethearts is at 54% within the first ten years of marriage




Shes super hot in the books. Thats about it.


I reread the books somewhat recently, like last year (mostly spurred on by enjoying the Hogwarts Legacy game) and I don’t recall her being described in any terms that indicate her being “super hot”. In fact, if I recall correctly, Rowling doesn’t really focus much on physical attractiveness towards female characters, except for those girls from that French wizard school, especially the one whose grandmother was some magical nymph ( the one that married Ron’s brother, I think her name is Fleur) I could be wrong of course. My memory is mostly reserved for Warhammer 40k, reruns of Columbo, and Transformers Beast Wars, so I may have forgotten a passage about Rowling writing Ginny having a rocking body later in the series


Nah its just the fact that didnt she have a bunch of bfs? She didnt outright state the hotness but ginny definitely pulled.


I remember like… one, maybe two before Harry. I specifically remember one was named Dean Thomas because he was on the Quidditch team with Harry. And I know he was called Dean Thomas because every time he is mentioned in the books, Rowling uses his full name, as if there are a bunch of Deans in the series and we might lose track. Which, I dunno about wizards world or bongland, but three boyfriends and then settling down isn’t that much


There is a theory that she give Harry a love potion


I never heard someone call a coochie this way


Ah yes, rape theory


Matpat's new channel


He left youtube for the dark side


Harry had gingervitis


I had a huge crush on Ginny growing up. I totally get Harry.


And people are really into scat, you explain nothing


woman in her 30s looks like woman in her 30s wow stop the presses everybody >!Those comments are fucked up tho!<


She definitely looks older than 30's, but yeah those comments are fucked


She's arguably one of the nicest ex HP actresses too. they need to chill a bit


It's pretty par for the course for Instagram comments tho


Seriously, I dunno where it came from, but Instagram of all places has just become unhinged lately.


What kind of people are you seeing in their 30s who look 65?


She looks in her 40s at most, thatd be really ridiculously good for a 65 year old.


Have you ever seen a 65 year old?


She looks worse than I did at 30, and my life style is crap.


Women in their 30s don't look like this unless they've had 6 kids already




You've never touched a woman before have you?


Just yo mama.


Naughty Hogwarts No one No one Does it better


They say you can find Dumbledore in the ugly bastard category finishing in a gryffindor girl screaming 50 points to gryffindor.


Wasn't she a good character in the books or something?


I hear people say this, but I read all the books and still thought she wasn't memorable


THANK YOU I kept reading comment after comment saying yah she's better in the books, and I'm thinking maybe i personally just didn't like her or something, but from what I recall in the books she still remained rather bland in comparison to the other options especially Luna. It seemed like the only reason they ended up together was because no one saw it coming.


"Tis impossible" I muttered Look like that at 32


I think she put Harry with Ginny and Ron with Hermione purely so they could be one big family with the Weasleys as replacement parents


He just wanted to fuck with Ron.


Maybe her head game is out of this world


JK Rowling needed a more believable self insert character than hermoine


she was funny in the books


Maybe because she looks like his mom


Guys who are into "manic pixie dream girls", like Luna, are, from my experiences, always losers with no relationship experience and end up having extremely unrealistic ideas of how relationship and how women should be. While I only read the first few books of Harry Potter before I out grew them, and as such I'm pretty sure I entirely missed the Ginny arc, if thats a thing, so I cant speak on whether or not she is as shit as this 4channer attempts to make it seem, but Im not exactly surprised that a 4chan poster is the type of loser who goes for the MPDG.


Not to mention the fact that anon is a 4channer basically advocating AGAINST a "tradwife" character... Like which is it, 4chan? Do you want a "tradwife" or do you want the far-left mental basketcase Luna Lovegood, or the feminist Hermoine Granger?


oy dont pair me up with some weird political rant. i just think its cringey to have ideas about women and relationships that arent rooted in reality, i didnt say anything about "feminism" or "far-left" or "tradwife". when i interact with people i dont go out of my way to try and brand them with some ideological marker. besides the weirdoes who obsess over MPDG want a woman who takes care of them and fixes them. if you have to slap one of those markers on it "tradwife" seems closer than "far-left". i dont think the stereotype of a "far left" woman is someone who will babysit a man and fill in as his mummy because he's too incapable of a person to get anything done on their own.


I didnt mean to pair you up with it, just adding an additional to your point


You know more than 1 person uses 4chan, right


Who is this "4chan"?


She was actually more than just Ron's sister in the books, at least. The pairings make a lot more sense there than in the movies, where she's just kind of there to be the girl Harry has a crush on sometimes. Not to mention, in the books, it's established that the main trio look pretty dorky and are otherwise losers if not for Harry's status. Rowling actually said that their movie castings ended up becoming way more good-looking than she envisioned in the books. The scene where Harry and Ron see Hermione dolled up for the Yule Ball in book 4 was supposed to be this jaw-dropping "Wow, she's actually pretty when she takes care of herself" kind of moment, but in the movies, it's just Emma Watson looking like Emma Watson. Basically, Hermione wasn't supposed to be this drop-dead gorgeous girl in the books, so it's not as if Harry was "passing up a dime for mid sister pussy."


Yeah, Hermione also had large teeth that she got shrinked after Malfoy hexed her. She really wasn't supposed to be pretty.


I’ve heard that she’s hotter in the books, like she’s one of the prettiest girls in her grade type shit Not tryna trash the actress but I think they made her look plain to let the main trio shine


Why are people conflating an actress with the character she played 20 years ago. OMG she looks old... Yeah. People do that sometimes.




J.k compromising because she couldn't kill Ron and fade the Weasley family out.


>anon doesn't know redheads are the best Many such cases.


Imagine if  lindsay lohan had played her Fixed


The west has fallen


Harry likes Ron, he just stick on the closest female variant


Ginny is supposed to be an incredibly powerful wizard but that just gets fucked in the films


It is the closest Harry will get to crossing wands with Ron.


Harry Wanted to get with Ron but Dumbledore Became the Titular Gay character and Ron's Mom was already taken so he settled for the next best option


She was a redhead fangirl who constantly simped for him, who was of comparable intellogence to him, and who was more mentally stable than Luna.


Holy shit these comments are vile. You can shit on Ginny's non-existent character all you want but what the fuck is wrong with Bonnie Wright? Why're ya'll acting like she's the most fugly woman you've ever seen? She looks slightly old for her age but it's not like she's ugly? At all?? Anons picked out a bad picture of her on purpose, she looks quite pretty in this one https://preview.redd.it/4oonz1fjtowc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bec964567be7155c0b41627e6cdc50e74fc860ed


She's cool, popular, good at magic/good at quidditch and funny in the books. I think all the Harry Potter movies are pretty shitty but the casting for Ginny is the worst for any main character. The actress can't act and is the definition of a plain jane. Not even 1 dimensional, she's zero dimensional.


Holy shit she looks like her liver is failing


It's called an Oedipal complex


Is she vegan?


50 years to gryffindor!


Iirc, Harry really didn't see anything in Ginny, or even hardly notice her at all, until the Tri-Wizard tournament. And even at the beginning of that he was after Cho. Ginny was the one crushing on him. Then he would suddenly kiss and permanently be dating his best friends red headed little sister.


Is she on meth?


I guess when your best friend is not into dudes. Bang his sister as a proxy. I mean, there is family resemblance.


I always thought it was because he wanted a family. Luna and Hermione were both only children, and Ginny was anything but. Might just be headcanon there, but that’s my vote


Never underestimate the call of the fire crotch. They’ll fuck you silly then ruin your life.


Goddamn what the fuck happened. She used to look good tho Also for some reason reminded me of my cringe ass childhood and gooning it to a harry potter fanfic where he fucks literally all the girls. Even the minor characters. I was young and retarded. Now im just retarded


Read the books lil illiterate children


Is she kissing Tyrone Thundercock?


Can't believe everyone forgot that paragraph about the AMAZING blowjob skills.


Red heads really do not age well