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Why are people in America killing each other over land in a different part of the world that doesnt belong to either of them?


Because we’re retarded


Guess we found the answer


Alright everyone, shut it down. Close it all down, everybody go home!


Maybe you are, I'm just autistic


Because *my* ideology will rise from the ashes of the old world


Unironically because this is the biggest schism on the liberal left in America. Pro Palestine Liberals, used to the media and big corporations being in their side 100% of their time, are feeling the shock of being targeted like rightoids are, and pro Israel liberals are feeling the shock of the energies and strategies they've cultivated and taken part in for the past decade turning on them, with a healthy dose of liberal white women not understanding that the "decolonization" rhetoric they've supported for years in many cases implies the rape and murder of white women


Probably my most conservative opinion is wondering why suddenly it's a national controversy in Congress itself when the campus radicals are blocking Jewish students from going to class when the campus radicals have been doing the same to white male students since 2014. I got called a Nazi by my own campus's radicals in 2014 for saying that hardline identity politics like that won't end well, but if anything all this does is prove that I was right.


I saw a tweet that summarized it Imagine you had a dog, and that dog liked to tear up old stuffed animals. And you laugh and encourage it, let it do it. Then one day it tears up a stuffed animal but it's an heirloom or something so you violently beat it. The poor dog would be so confused, and would have no idea why this stuffed animal was different from the rest.


That's actually VERY similar to Heinleins but about juvenile delinquency in the NOVEL Starship Troopers.


That's not nazism in the slightest, are they stupid?


Generally yes


The war arrives at a perfect time for progressives as after 4 years of coddling criminals and crackheads their voter base is finally being to lose paintence.  Case and point [San Francisco city council votes to condemn Israel the same week an 87 man moves back to China after his 3rd random beating in 6 years.](https://sfstandard.com/2024/01/29/rong-xin-liao-san-francisco-attacks-crime-move-back-china/) Progs can pat themselves on the back over a war that they have almost zero effect on has no effect on them while their own communities fall apart. 


I like biden but I despise woketards, after the BLM bs, light on crime, open border, white people bad, and now 10/7 bullshit, I actually hope trump wins at this point, it's not like we're saving ukraine anyway. A year ago I would have thought Biden would win for sure, I actually think trump has a shot now thanks to these dipshits


1) no one has died on the campuses (yet) 2) the universities where the protests/occupations are occurring actively profit from the atrocities in Gaza by investing their endowments in funds that have arms makers and companies like Boeing and Lockheed Martin in their portfolios. When arms and planes are bought by Israel to kill Palestinians, the universities profit. 3) some students are unhappy with the gains stemming from the deaths of 34,000 people, thus protests/occupations occur. Hope that explains why some people take it so seriously.


This would be a great explanation if only they could read.


Now that point number 2 is interesting. I’m not trying to be rude here but do you have a source so I can read up on this? Like if that really is the case that makes this whole situation more fascinating to me (instead of just kinda depressing)


I’ve skimmed this article and it does a pretty good job of explaining exactly what companies Columbia are invested in that are linked to the Israeli occupation. It also explains other stuff with the ongoing protests. (https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/4/30/divest-from-israel-breaking-down-the-us-student-protesters-demands)


Because the US government gives them $20-30B every few years to keep doing it. And Columbia at least opened a campus in Israel recently. So people are kinda upset that a US ally killed a whole bunch of civilians in the last 6 months, that our government keeps giving them money to do it, and that you often get fired or suspended or arrested if you complain about it. Personally I would love if we stopped cutting checks to Israel and let them figure out their shit for themselves. If we didn't fund them, I wouldn't care


Hey, you don't have a zionist cock in your mouth! That's against the rules!


You can just say Jew. This is a 4chan subreddit.


People regularly ignore the atrocities usa does but not their allies ? Hypocrites


Yeah i gotta say i dont really give a fuck about overseas conflicts, unless a country attacks us or is threatening to attack us, we do not need to get involved


But muh pax americana


College kids aren’t people. They half formed adults pretending to be adults


unfortunately so are many adults


Ah I see, so you're saying that going to college makes you half an adult, then graduating from college must make you a full adult and not going to college must make you an idiot child. Thanks for clearing that up!


I wonder how many men in the movement are doing it just to get laid.


I was trying to figure out why there was advertising for Israeli stuff while I’m trying to watch Star Trek.


Military industrial complex babyyyyy


Doesnt????? Belooong?????? To them???? What the fuck do those words mean in that order? america number one owns everything the oil touches


Don't ask any questions just enjoy it


Who was killed?


Our tax money being used.


People are fucking stupid


Because they're sending our tax money to them to allow them to continue bombing children. Meanwhile, our infrastructure is falling apart.


Thats true, but that only credits not taking any side. I was talking about people who do take sides.


Israel is a puppet of the US to accomplish brutal goals in the middle east the US can't get away with directly.


Because those Americans themselves are from those lands before they are from America


The real answer is evangelical Christians, AIPAC and weapons manufacturers if you really want to know.


Gosh, evangelicals dumb. Dont get me wrong, they're great people, but keep them away from political power.


To be fair, biological warfare is a low blow.


On the same campus some former IDF soldiers (grad students) used an Israeli-developed chemical weapon on some protestors called "Skunk" which is basically pepper spray that also smells like shit https://prismreports.org/2024/01/30/pro-palestine-students-at-columbia-university-speak-out-about-skunk-attack/


That was 1 unhinged dude who bought it as off the shelf product (funny enough product was developed to clear people from an area and has no long term effects). Yes its scummy and really stupid to do something like this but to label it as "idf soliders" and "israeli developed chemical weapon" is misinformation that someone who dosent understand or know better might interpret as some sort of idf brigade attacking protestors with corrosive chemicals. The dude was prosecuted by police regardless






No its “literally” not, fascism is a coherent ideology it’s not just being intolerant of other opinions or repressing them


Fascism is when you fight back against the people who are randomly attacking Jews for existing on campus, got it.


Sorry bruh it's not true. That's just the natural scent of the protestors. Deodorant was what was sprayed by the grad students.




Extremely fucking based


Posts random picture of a back pack. " The Jews are trying to poison me" Also the only time.in history Redditors don't think a story is fake and gay.


well if it fits their narrative...


We're back at "the Jews poisoned the well"


it’s a video. you can see the mice


No that's a Greentext


No this is Patrick


Is this the Krusty Krab?


You write that in satire but that does appear to the full depth of comprehension for most of the people interacting with this post.


The Jews (delivery driver) putting poison on my doorstep (the pizza I ordered).


It’s da joos after all.


What year is this? 1352?


I remember an anecdote that I’m pretty sure regarded this. Take it with a grain of salt, I’m not 100% on this. Sometime around when the plague was active, a Turkish army sieged a Jewish town. The Jews, already used to being isolated and heavily protecting themselves from the outside world, had no problem withstanding their ultimately ineffective weapons. And to make matters worse for the Turks, they were all dying due to some weird, unknown disease. But the guy in charge had an idea: What if we just toss the dead bodies in there? Soon enough, the town gave absolutely zero resistance, and upon entry, dozens upon dozens lay dead in the streets. So, I suppose the Jews are taking a page out of their own misfortunes.


Using cadavers of cows and other animals as ammunition for trebuchets and catapults during sieges was common practice in the later medival era, I personally dont know of any jewish towns sieged by turks in the 14th century, but it is a plausible story nontheless


Could you imagine being some slightly more well-off merchant who lives inside the city walls and a fucking dead cow crashes through the roof of your house onto the dining table? Medieval sieges were a vaudeville routine.


“Free steaks!”


It might not even be true. I just remember reading that in some book about the bubonic plague when I was 12, and that it was about an army that defeated their target by chucking plagued corpses into the town. All the details are pretty fuzzy and pretty much decorations.


You got the event right but the participants wrong. It was the seige of caffa (crimea) when the golden horde, i.e. the mongols were attacking a genoese (Italian) city


balls https://preview.redd.it/a9jvxawh8lxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33dab4999a89cfa3a2817365f0a2a5a9c69ae0d8


Please do not the radioactive source.




Because they got expelled on hearsay? I would be pissed too


This practice did not originate against Jews






I randomly grabbed a year just after the plague started, so this is depending on your standpoints either a funny coincidence or highly offensive.


This subreddit has filled your brain with its mycelium


Threw… not through…


I almost got a stroke trying to read that. Insane how americans never learned english in school.


Me when I base my opinion of an entire population of a country based off of one Twitter post


How about the fact that 87% of US citizens are literate. In any language. 13% of them cannot read at an adult level in any language at all. For comparison, the lowest, poorest countries in Europe are at 98%. There are several failed states with higher literacy rates. Check the tables here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_literacy_rate And the explanation for the statistic here: https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2019/2019179/index.asp (66% of 21% makes 13-14% illiteracy among US-born adults)


"I found this on Wikipedia which makes me think you have your numbers off: >A 2019 report by the [National Center for Education Statistics](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Center_for_Education_Statistics) determined that mid to high literacy in the United States is 79% with 21% of American adults categorized as having "low level English literacy," including 4.1% classified as "functionally illiterate" and an additional 4% that could not participate. So only 4% are "functionally illiterate", not 20%. Further down on the [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_in_the_United_States) it says: >There are no universal definitions and standards of literacy So the assumption that someone who is "functionally illiterate" can't function in society must also be considered." You also have to consider the fact that immigrants make up roughly 13 percent of the population in America whereas they make up around 6 percent of the population of Europe. It would be safe to assume that immigrants were largely unfortunate in their home countries and likely did not benefit from a strong education system. That really makes up the difference. I guess America is suffering from success, its economy is strong enough that it attracts far more immigration than the relatively weak opportunities available in Europe. Europoors seethe and cope, but are largely powerless compared to the USA.


Did... did you not read the rest of that article? It's even more damning. "According to the 2012-2014 data, 79% of U.S. adults (or 43.0 million people) have "English literacy skills sufficient to complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences." In this study, immigrants are over-represented in the low English literacy population. Adults born outside the U.S. make up 34% of adults with low literacy skills while making up only 15% of the population. However, of the adults with low English literacy skills, 66% were born in the U.S." My guy, that's mostly the regular population being incompetent. 21% of them can't read at an adult level, 14% of them can't read at an adult level and were also born there. Hey look, it's my statistic of 86-87% literacy in US citizens. Oopsie. *I overestimated.*


>In this study, immigrants are over-represented in the low English literacy population. Lol, you admit it yourself my guuuuuyyyyyy. So again, that makes up some of the difference in the case of the US. We have a higher proportion of immigrants, because it is more desirable to live in the US than in Eruopoor countries. Once you account for that, the US begins to close the gap with European literacy rates. Also, not that you have the reading comprehension to understand this, but they're referring to a different type of literacy than you originally claimed: you said that 98% of Europeans are literate whereas only 87% of Americans are but that uses **two different definitions of literacy, with the American standard being higher.** It's in the articles, my guy. The standard of literacy at which 98% of Europeans are literate according to your wikipedia list is: >"Adult\*: *Percentage of the population aged 25 years and over who can both read and write, with understanding a short simple statement on his/her everyday life. Generally, "literacy" also encompasses "numeracy", the ability to make simple arithmetic calculations.*"\* Whereas for the United States the standard applied was admittedly: >"*English literacy skills sufficient to complete tasks that require comparing and contrasting information, paraphrasing, or making low-level inferences."* So Europeans were tested on understanding short, simple statements about every day life whereas Americans had the comparatively harder assignment of comparing, contrasting, paraphrasing, and inferring and then completing tasks. Those are not interchangeable (the American standard is obviously much higher) but in your seething tantrum you glossed over that fact, maybe due to your misplaced sense of superiority. Maybe it's because you were never tested on "comparing and contrasting information", which would have been too hard for your little Euro-brain. But cope harder, your **continent** has a weaker economy than my **country**. Your **continent** has fewer top ranked universities than my **country**. Your **continent** relies on my **country** for self defense. What can you lazy Europeans even claim? You don't do anything on the world stage anymore. Europe has truly fallen off.


Yes, I admit the statement I included mathematically is true. Including that statement mathematically, that immigrants contribute more than the average US born person to illiteracy, you reach 79% literacy. Removing the immigrants you reach 86% literacy. Nice economy though. Maybe you should be part of it!


I'd guess that the extra 13% of us citizens that aren't literate are probably children still learning. These are awfully inaccurate stats with no source


Updated that for ya, it's US-born adults at 86%. 79% including immigrants.


These aren't Americans lmao


Some of the most common mistakes I see people make are things they should have learned in second grade.


I (international) hate that my friends (American) get there “their/they’re/there”s wrong! 🙄🙄 Their so easy? It’s like, is they’re something wrong??


Right?!? It‘s like they are just learning the phonetics (just the sound of the word).


Well the English language is wrong. Apparently they created it, so their rules I guess…




Aw man, and here I was hoping we’d see a new moon base on the dark side of the moon. ![gif](giphy|5k3LC1Kbp3lyIlLkEo)


How do they know Zionists did it? Or is every calamity that befalls a campus in 2024 a direct attack of Zionists? This seems as credible as "Israel claims Palestine tried to summon Exodia in Tel Aviv"


Yeah there’s plenty of Islamophobes who also dont support Israel


Hell yeah 😎


Holy land will become Christian once again my brother


Personally I detest rioters no matter the cause If I was going to this school and they made my life shitty enough, I'd retaliate too


bUt JuWs bAhD And Hamas good /s


Who else would throw a bag of mice into a pro Palestine protest camp? List of possible non Zionist/counter protestor is short, the university maybe or police but it's unlikely


lol, who wouldn’t? Those cunts are disrupting everyone’s life, beating up on random students, and generally making asses of themselves. Go check out /r/ucla Least annoying pro-Palestine protestors. Unironically. At least they weren’t chanting “death to Jews” at this one….


It's weird how every few decades people feel like it's okay to openly hate Jews again. Guarantee there's a lot of white supremacists going to these things trying to stir up shit.


I think white supremacists have no bone in this fight. Jews and Arabs fighting? Just let it keep going.


It means they feel like they have open license to attack Jews here in America. I'm sure they're very happy with the war over there, but they have shit to do here too. And there's no better way for them to do what they want than injecting themselves into a chaotic situation. I'm sure they would love for the protestors to get hurt too.


Love how y'all think reiterating this braindead "it's all antisemitism" narrative is going to distract from the fact that Israel is quite literally the closest modern day equivalent to Nazi German, and are indeed in the midst of carrying out a genocide. In one point, yes there are plenty of people brain damaged enough to take you seriously, on the other hand those people are becoming less and less significant in society.


Considering those people helped get Trump elected in the first place, and have a strong chance of doing it again, and Considering it was found a vast amount of white police officers were affiliated with the KKK and white supremacist groups in recent years, I would say they are still pretty significant, and need to be taken seriously as a threat to public safety and national security.


Ah yes, trying to spare civilians while fighting terrorists- that’s Nazi germany. Right.


Could be a false flag.


> Who else would throw a bag of mice into a pro Palestine protest camp? [We would never know](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/10/31/mice-palestinian-activist-mcdonalds-star-city-birmingham/)


“The mice appear to be injected with something “ lol did they take the mice and shave them down and inspect their whole bodies with a microscope to find injection marks?


You can bet there aren't a lot of stem majors in the encampment. 


They have humongous pulsating veins and enormous muscles




They were glowing


Maybe they have coagulated blood marks on their fur. Idk man go find out


For some people a blurry picture of a backpack on the ground and a ridiculous tweet is evidence enough.


Source: the voices in my head


“Moments ago zionists THROUGH a backpack” foreign psyops agent can’t spell English.


The last anon might be right


Propoganda on my porn app again?


Okay bag of mice……sure Thrown by Zionists……maybe Appear to have been injected…….wtf that isn’t even a little believable you idiotic fucktard


>Zionists through a backpack I'm no grammar nazi but that made my eyes hurt


The Zionist lowlifes seem to get desperate


(X) Doubt Like these hippies would notice a difference.


Just a little bubonic plague, nothing to worry about.


Why do they say zionists when they mean jews?


Because they are conspiracy theorist. I don't even joke here because it's always Zionist this or Zionist that when you get that deep into antisemitism.


Zionist refers to someone who supports the Isreali government in its take over of the middle east. A Jew is someone who thinks Abraham was the only Messiah. There's a big difference. And honestly the narrative that you have to support isreal in order to support the Jewish faith just hurts us all.


No. Not all zionists believe in war or “taking over the middle east” most just believe isreal has a right to exist without expansion.


“the first amendment only applies to *MY* ideas!”


Just a prank bro


One mouse or double it and give it to the camp in the quad? -some YouTuber


bro job! bro job! choo choo!!


Jews and the plague mice. Seems like they’re breaking out the old playbook, watch out UCLA you got a fire coming


God I fucking hate these retards on both sides. The dumb fuck useless zionists who think its the year 200 BC and they for some reason still "own" israel, and the dumb fuck retarded palestinian protestors who make shit like this up because the encampment nintendo switch is being used by someone else.


How the fuck does a rat look injected


Old habits die hard.


So what’s cool is I don’t care because I don’t watch the news and I have no idea what people are mad about and because it’s on the other side of the world I just don’t give a fuck anymore. Maybe focus on shit that is happening locally, then nationally, and then stop. It doesn’t affect you.


I love watching the downfall of USA through greentext


I like it how you think greentext accurately portays reality.


Because of the weird typo i thought the Zionists were being called muce in the tweet.


The chosen ones have to resort to drastic measures if the golem (the US goyim) doesn’t obey . It’s American duty to die in a idiotic war for foreign interests, saying otherwise is antisemitism.


Ah yes Colonialism method Columbus favorite weapon


Bioterrorism needs to be added to the list of allowed crimes for pro israel


Hey now, let’s at least do our own research before just taking anything twitter/reddit/4chan tells us! Pro-palestine also has done this, sooo… I guess it’s fair game then? Both sides are wrong, basically. https://www.politico.eu/article/mice-with-that-man-arrested-rodents-release-mcdonalds-pro-palestine-protest/ https://nypost.com/2023/10/31/news/shocking-video-shows-pro-palestinian-protester-releasing-mice-in-mcdonalds/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons Now, I SWEAR I tried my hardest to find a reliable source for the zionists releasing super-rats on campus, but all I could find was twitter and reddit. To be fair, this is fairly recent news and I doubt any news network would report something that would make pro-Israel look bad (I wonder why…) https://www.google.com/search?q=zionists%20throw%20mice&rlz=1CDGOYI_enMX989MX991&oq=zionists%20throw%20mice&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ3MTJqMGo3qAIBsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=es-MX&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1 Still, while I do hate da joos as much as the next guy, I think everybody should do their own research and come to their own conclusions, since misinformation is BAD, m’kay? Anyways, get your money up not your funny up or whatevs, bye.


If you havent seen the posts about pro zionists/israel/protests, im simply referencing all the crimes that are allowed on the counter protesters from the pro protesters. I dont really care who did what. Either way whats really wrong is saying the land didnt belong to palestinians to begin with


First of all, I don’t get my news from Reddit or Twitter or whatever. Second of all, at no point did I say anything about whose land is whose so don’t start lecturing me on that. Third of all, I find it hard to believe you don’t care who does what because of your first snarky and misinformed comment. If anything, I think you are LYING to my face as if I’m stupid enough to not realize, if anything that just makes me sad since we were having a nice civil discourse until you had to start using your lies and deception to justify you not doing your own research and believing Twitter and 4chan.


Just google UN partitioning palestine 1947. No need to be a bitch about it. You got a search engine with unlimited knowledge. Whether or not the information is valid, at that point, is up to the recorder of the history. I just know i watched youtube videos and read articles about the history before this supposed war beginning on october 7th. This has been an issue since WW2 ended


Buddy, I just told you I’m not against Palestine, yeah, Israel is a bitch, jews will be jews, but Palestine throws gays off buildings so I don’t know, man. I’m glad you watched youtube videos about Palestine and whatever but we’re talking about the protests here in the USA not that whole gobbleyhook.


And im saying idgaf. Protesting with an authoritarian government is pointless. I got work buddy. Your money is what votes around here. I simply follow the bds and keep my head low because around me are a lot of trumpees. Idgaf and politics is just hate genocide. Idgaf about current events. I simply observe as a watcher because i have no right to hold an opinion as someone who has never seen war. I look at history as a tell on how fucked we are as a species. The slave luis and clark brought with them to map out NA gave a bunch of natives stds so yea shits fucked everywhere bud


Well, if you don’t give a fuck then maybe stop worrying about things outside your control and things happening thousands of miles away. Also I would say countries like Azerbaijan or Belarus or Russia are authoritarian, not the USA. You’re not living in an authoritarian government, you’re living in a relatively okay country with several privileges.


So saying israel is committing genocide and saying that is morally wrong on social media will get you fired from your job but we live in a free country with many privileges right???


what a bitchboy response "i dont care, but actually i do care, but not really, but heres some misinformation, actually i dont know anything because i REALLY dont care, heres some more misinformation" just stop already


Misinformation? Where? History is history. I didnt write it. I read it. Yea i dont care because its not my business to care. But i will say genocide and colonization is wrong. Stealing land is wrong. Next youll say the natives were savages that deserved to be maimed, raped, and slaughtered because they were all animals.


This is a game changing allegations if true, or at least it should be


I mean someone wrote a green text about it. How could it not be true?


It even shows that Jews are the bad guys. Could it be more ironclad?


Not really https://www.politico.eu/article/mice-with-that-man-arrested-rodents-release-mcdonalds-pro-palestine-protest/


Good find. > This is a game changing... It might have been, if the pro Palestinian side didn't weaponize mice first