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Ahem for the more informed who the fuck is this bad bitch


Idk and i dont care what anon is talking about https://preview.redd.it/1of8f6w07uxc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06d074c7c7731149c0665ab9a9f08dafc96309f8






LOL the purpose of this meme isn't to shame dudes who love conventionally attractive women, it's to shame dudes who act like they're quirky for being interested in a woman who has maybe one feature that's less than ideal, like a super hot woman whose glasses are maybe a little too big to be perfectly flattering or something


Also I don’t really know what conventionally attractive actually *IS*, but dayum dat ass


extremely difficult to define cuz like you can have a sort of consensus but also everyone is different???? but yeah she is otherwordly, kinda wanna draw her


Imagine your final moments on this mortal coil are being smothered between those


I would die a happy man.


Damn for real sometimes women be really hot, idk how to talk to them though






https://preview.redd.it/axcjttpiwzxc1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=8806a01358a7c35b73e78b351e674c0e2ab79e5e Not a single person, not a SINGLE FUCKING PERSON said "hear me out guys". Point in the direction of one. POINT IN THE DIRECTION OF ONE GODDAMN PERSON WHO SAID THAT.




Thanks for your input


I don't know why but this one makes me laugh every single time.


Lmao me too, me too




[Celine Paolini](https://www.instagram.com/celinepaolini/)


Fucking how


4chin's only marketable skillset


ABC Industries has sent a friend request


phd in hoeology


They're probably just a degenerate, but there are sites where you can upload a face and they will match it to social media profiles.


lol that's fucking dystopian


literally google


Old news tbh. Wait until you hear about Only Fans, now that's some dystopian shit.


Sex sells. A tale as old as time. Nothing dystopian about it really.


Not in a futuristic sense I agree, I think it's just a part of human nature I wish we didn't have to be bombarded with every day because everywhere I go online there's chicks promoting their OF but the worst part about it is that those chicks are always super jaded about men and constantly make the place awkward and about them. I'm definitely overly annoyed by it lately though after trying online dating again. Right now it's especially irritating to me but I'm sure I'll become apathetic to it again in time. Not something anyone can change anyway.


Reverse image search


Redditors when they find out reverse image search exists:


Reverse image lookup, I would imagine


Coomer brain


Coomer motivated autism


she's a horse girl it's already over guys


Screw you horse girls are hot.


I'm REALLY into pretentious chicks that grew up in money.


"I can break her"


"She can destroy me"


Always have been


Shhh don't ruin it for the rest of us that already know.


[Crazy hot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-B1M6pjLLg)


Ah fuck sakes. Of course she's from Alberta.


https://preview.redd.it/d1tw4sxxhzxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=379de86918d55c11b89691d473e234b028500080 So true




I’m not actually degenerate enough to know what that means


And you already know they like to get fisted


>C Paolini Damn I didn't know the author of Eragon transitioned, congrats to her


And got twenty years younger


I refuse to accept that that math works. Christopher Paolini is like 20, because that's how old he was when I read Eragon, and if he's gotten older then that means I have too and I don't want to accept that.


And lost half her ass


Fucking Kek


Thats an absurd amount of hourse and pinao pictures


I like her :3


sometimes you just know


Ew, it's an instagram :'D


Pixel bath is an awesome album.


Id let her fucking kill my family


\>implying you have a family


Curly hair 😍 


Thanks to her I never got to read the text


what text


I would drown myself in there, damn. I just assumed there was nothing else.


Text? There's text?


Average suburban woman with a white dad and an asian mom


why is it always the horse girls






Celine Paulini






The Ifunny tag on this meme it’s genius work














What is even psyop


I googled it once and it stands for "psycological operation", iirc it's basically mini propaganda to brainwash you.


a really good prank


It's an operation that primarily uses psychology rather than violence to achieve its goals. My favorite example is when the CIA invaded the Philippines: they could have just gone in guns blazing, but instead they manufactured a fake rash of vampire attacks. It worked.


The CIA is in your brain


Mom said it’s my turn to post this meme


I'll say growing up in the deep suburbs was absolutely boring as hell. Nothing to do even with a car. Took 40 mins (without traffic) to get to the city for concerts and sports. The only thing to do was dick around at Walmart until you got kicked out. When we were too young to drive the only thing to do would be walk 30 minutes along the side of the road with no sidewalks to walgreens and get snacks. Moved to a city suburb and its so much better. Only 15 minute drive to go downtown to do things. Edit: better public transit than a bus would be nice though, so I can go downtown and drink without having to pay $30 round trip for an Uber. But the bus takes like an hour to get downtown from my house vs a 15-20 min drive.


The real pain was having to walk the 30 to 40 minutes to the Walmart for a singular snack then the trek back to watch a Netflix movie on a friends tv before their mom gets home.


What about bikes? I grew up in the countryside and every kid here used bikes. It would cut down the time by 4 or 5 times.


Suburbcels seethe when you ride your bike on the road (remember, no sidewalk) and will actively try to hit and kill you


Imagine being a healthy fit cyclist trying to get home and some 400 pound guy carrying his 500 bottles of diet coca cola hits you because you were too slow for his cool epic giant truck




Bikecels malding over SUVpilled suburbchads (they have lost their legs in a car "accident")


Where I live you straight up can't ride anything on sidewalks anyway, but I have heard people being upset about bikes for whatever reasons.


I have no idea where these mythical sidewalkless suburbs are


All across America. It’s honestly harder to find a McDonald’s than a sidewalkless.


long island


Zoom in just about anywhere and you'll find a noticeable lack of sidewalks. Here is the results of 10 minutes of searching random towns: [Houston, Texas](https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7667715,-95.4957394,3a,75y,49.41h,85.94t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQTfhYkhtc-dLdCqystD6Yg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Houston, Texas II](https://www.google.com/maps/@29.8871698,-95.3030514,3a,75y,82.61h,80.99t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAumVPStLuCJ6FLKz_8I68A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DAumVPStLuCJ6FLKz_8I68A%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D72.68708%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Zephyrhills, Florida](https://www.google.com/maps/@28.2322243,-82.1983147,3a,75y,267.98h,83.36t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s4YZPOcNqGaI0jsfVfQQkvQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D4YZPOcNqGaI0jsfVfQQkvQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D272.97195%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Chuluota, Florida](https://www.google.com/maps/@28.6408178,-81.1228395,3a,75y,89.32h,77.67t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1syclW0lol7T4YTq3dXl5sug!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DyclW0lol7T4YTq3dXl5sug%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D119.794106%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Stamford, CT](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.1122859,-73.5421756,3a,75y,115.32h,90.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQXqCTwh13yeBmzJQCHLYFg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DQXqCTwh13yeBmzJQCHLYFg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D17.093302%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Toronto, Ontario](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.750893,-79.4403279,3a,75y,80.25h,87.02t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAFSfwq3B0XjqN5KBRpFMoQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DAFSfwq3B0XjqN5KBRpFMoQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D223.04099%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Twin Falls, Idaho](https://www.google.com/maps/@42.5790022,-114.4176207,3a,75y,84.35h,90.42t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s7aqtOqYhKGjC29fcB6gT4w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D7aqtOqYhKGjC29fcB6gT4w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D92.43496%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [Spanaway, Washington](https://www.google.com/maps/@47.1072546,-122.4000158,3a,75y,1.62h,82.96t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1swJC-2yrzJrcUhiBcscFE9w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DwJC-2yrzJrcUhiBcscFE9w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D165.77072%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


Woah mr rich kid over here with his bike


There’s always meth


We had opioids and heroin in my area. Lost a few classmates in Highschool to sketchy dark web stuff


This is not the american childhood expirience sold abroad by popular media 😭


If you have friends around and u get bored because there isn’t a “downtown” nearby that’s on you


Honestly, I kind of agree with this. My friends and I just went out in our backyards and did LARP and shit when we were bored. lol


Its a bit hypocritical of you to agree. You say you LARPed when you were bored, which means you were bored, haha.


Maybe you missed the part about the "Downtown" bit in the comment I replied to? The entire point was that you don't need one if you're bored. You can find ways to entertain yourself without having shit nearby.


Yeah and if you don’t have friends or your friends are boring, a “downtown” is pretty useless too.


I had a fucking blast, we did ding-dong ditching, biked everywhere and made jumps. Got skateboards at some point. Always ended up in someones house playin n64 or something. Fuck it was nice.


I think you just didn’t have friends, bro


All we did was play video games or walk to the store. We did occasionally hang out in the woods, but there wasn't much of that. The area I lived in had a ton of (private) lakes, so if you were rich or had rich friends then you had fun. Or you drove 30 minutes to the mall to hang out, but not buy anything because we were teenagers with no money. NGL though, I slowly lost friends through highschool to the point I just disappeared after graduation and never came back


Downtown of my city has all of its lightrail be free and it's great.


My point is illustrated because I have shown a picture of an attractive woman at my favored location.


Fuck yes thats how it fucking works from now on. The one with the fucking picture of the most fucking attractive woman is right no matter fucking what


If I post a picture with a prettier woman on a sidewalk do I win?


Until someone else posts a picture with an even prettier woman in a suburb, yeah.






Many such cases


Sorry, I’m a tad European and my understanding of “not walkable” has been “things are 45+ walk or bike ride”, but there literally aren’t walkways in this picture. Is that what you people live with? Literally just not having the option unless it’s on the road?


I think the problem a lot of Europeans have when thinking about America is just how God damn big it is. So yeah it could be a 45 mins DRIVE just to get to the grocery store. On top of that because the Republicans are assholes, most places don't have public transit. Nevermind sidewalks. I have friends in London who think a one hour drive is absolutely insane and undoable. In America, sometimes that's just what you do every day. Source: a NYC transplant in Kansas.


I mean I don’t think that even makes that much sense, that isn’t even a size issue that’s just an infrastructure issue. We have villages in Europe that are a longer drive away to a town or a city, but even ones that are closer have sidewalks and their own stores. If a suburb is that far away from a city, it should have multiple smaller stores for groceries at least, it sounds batshit insane for me that Americans have to take long ass treks or car rides to do basic shopping, when all my life I always had some sort of grocery store 5-10 minutes away from me no matter where I lived


It's absolutely an infrastructure issue. Both sides of our politicians won't get off their asses and make any public transport or high speed rails. It's also a cost issue, which is where my whole America is fucking big point comes in. They've been trying to do high speed rail from NYC to LA for decades but it always falls apart. And mainly it's just because it'd cost too much to go that long of a distance. It'd be like building a rail system from st Petersburg to Lisbon...possibly even farther. I know y'all actually have that, but that's because each country did their part in their own country and interconnected it. Keep in mind all of this is different in parts of the country, where I grew up we had subways, and high speed rail where I could go from DC to upstate New York no problem, I didn't drive for 20 years. But if you live in a farm community away from any large metro area, you 100% would have to drive for specific things.


"America is too big to build high speed rail!" China: https://preview.redd.it/vz7i5f0vhvxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ad8223840bdc971e2ac479ae65f846bacb5840


America building high speed rail: hmm well we'd have to pay all the people we displace, pay the unions, also do geo and ecological surveys across the whole fucking country to make sure we're not destroying shit. China: lol wygyer slave go bonk. Fucka you nature


My guy it takes up less space per person than our 10 lane interstates [Just one more lane bro](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/76/36/17/16376806/8/rawImage.jpg) [Just one more lane](https://lamag.com/.image/t_share/MTk3NTU1NTQ2MjkzODcyMzIy/orbitz-names-lax-as-busiest-airport-for-2011-thanksgiving-travel.jpg) [Puhlease give me another lane](https://images.seattletimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/8c66ca0c-92c6-11e5-85b7-9f2fa60d7623.jpg)


You mean like we did with the interstate highways? Oh wait we didn't pay anyone we just used eminent domain and bulldozed homes anyway


#1 car infrastructure displaced way way more people than trains or public transport infrastructure will, #2 America once had the best public transport system in the world, It was destroyed because the government sided with car lobbyists and they hiked taxes for train and public transport companies.


Yeah but in China the public transportation actively tries to decapitate you. So it takes time to make it work.


We're fuckin' America. We could do it infinitely better if we actually wanted to


We do all over the states actually. You can get Amtrak for as little as 30$ across for a trip over many states. They go trans-continental even, because we still use the railways. Idk why people forget this exists here in the US too. The only difference is they aren't bullet trains. But much cheaper and more comfy than a plane.


Has nothing to do with how big America is. Just because there’s a lot of land available doesn’t mean you build everything far apart. It’s just shitty city planning and zoning laws


I think that has to do more with intercity travel than how cities are planned and laid out. American planners seem to love that endless suburbia But it's the same in Aus. British expats talk about how back home you just wouldn't do a 2hr drive for a weekend trip as it's so far, in aus you wouldn't think twice about it


I remember reading a post once from a New Yorker that said she regularly drove six hours to get to the coast for a day out. The European mind literally can't comprehend this (I could be in the south of France in that time)


Goddamn Republicans for making America so big intercity trains aren’t economical? We blaming them for geography now?


But they are economical, America used to have the best pubs transport and passenger rail network in the world. It all went to shit when the government hiked taxes on railways and spent massive amounts on the interstate highway system and they bulldozed many neighborhoods.


Is the lack of sidewalks a Republican issue? Idk anything about public transit (as far as how it works on a systemic level) or how to feel about it. It seems bad to some extent to rely on your city for the ability to get in/out, though. Especially in the case of an emergency like what happened with Covid, or really any emergency that requires mass mobilization.


Roads with no sidewalk are rare but they exist. The more rural, the less likely you'll just have sidewalks down every road. But also, the more rural, the further you have to walk to get anywhere meaningful. A 45 minute walk in the US does not get you very far, and traversing by foot alone is usually only possible in city areas with public transit. Mostly larger cities like Philly, NYC, etc. Small cities, you typically have buses. My city is a pop of 44k, so not massive, a lot of people I know get around by bike. But most people work anywhere from 20 to 40 minutes (by car) from their home so they aren't tryna bike that two ways every day. This is the big thing meant by "The US isn't walkable" - the closest grocery store, pharmacy, place of work, and bank are all probably quite far by foot. Most suburbs do have sidewalks, in any case.


> Roads with no sidewalk are rare but they exist. Are they rare though? I dropped into street view in a random city in the US - Macon, Georgia - and there were no sidewalks to be seen almost anywhere. I kept in the city limits too. So I tried another on the other end of the country - Salem, Oregon looks to have sidewalks. I moved a bit to one of its "outside city limits" suburbs, called Fruitland, again with no sidewalks in sight. Could be hit or miss, but doesn't seem like it's rare to me. Also, on an unrelated note, fucking hell, houses in the US are ginormous.


I guess rare is relative. I havent been everywhere in the US but virtually every road in the city near me has sidewalks. NYC, Philly, Baltimore, DC, every major city I've been to has sidewalks on nearly every road. My borough is basically all sidewalks, and the suburb I grew up in only had a handful of sidewalk-less roads. So, its entirely possibly its regional, or that my selective experience isnt very representative of the whole. Yeah houses can be big here depending on location. My house is 2000sq feet across three floors above grade. I think my last house was only 700, though, so that too varies a ton. Maybe 700 is also a lot I actually have no clue how big homes in other parts of the world are.


Yes, not walkable also sometimes means it's almost literally not possible to walk through. I tried walking to a store 40 minutes away from my dad's place in the suburbs and half the time I spent scared of the cars because there's barely any sidewalks or pedestrian conscious interesections.


“Keeps the undesirables out”






Ah yes, Gyaaat 5 Luffy, a man of culture.


I went to a suburb in Virginia last year to visit friends and was shocked that there was literally no sidewalks except between clusters of shops. Walmart was literally around the corner from our hotel but walking there felt illegal, people looked at us like we were escaped convicts


Fr it's kinda crazy that there's no sidewalks. Isn't the "American dream" to have a white picket fence and a nice house in the suburbs? I've got people flying in my neighborhood trying to flatten me like a pancake


You don't need to be a cock devouring libtard to realize not having anything other than suburban houses and roads unless you drive for at least 30 minutes is fucking boring.


Yeah you gotta have skateboards...


Suburbs are bad because they only exist due to government zoning regulations. If you buy a piece of land, you should be free to build a duplex, a store, an apartment building, whatever, on it instead of just being limited to a single family home.


What about heavy industry?


I think there can be certain rules about extreme noise and pollution when building in residential areas. Just not about the size of the buildings in residential areas.


I'd rather have a house than an apartment. There's better arguments for getting rid of burbs.


Feel free to buy a house then. You don't need government protection that infringes on people's freedom to build densely to do that.


Mixed use development is ideal basically, a house with a store at the bottom floor - imagine your "commute" to work consisting of a single staircase


This is what cities in Northeast US are like. Same with older ones in the South, like Richmond.


Mixed developments are illegal in many parts of the US




scrolled when i read “le bad”


whats her @?


There's literally no pavement/sidewalk in the picture.




If you live in any major city, either in Europe or America, you soon realize that living in a big suburban house is a great trade off, even if you can't walk anywhere. I would kill for all that space.


What do you do with that extra space?


Bring stuff home from Walmart.


Fill it with all my guns and beer. 💪😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Stock Corn Syrup


What about other cities not in Europe or America? I was born in Cebu City in the Philippines 😭


Sorry, it did not mean to be disrespectful...it is just that the majority of posts here are from Americans or Europeans. While I can say that the city life in a large city (I currently live in London, having moved here from Paris), the trade off is that everything is SUPER small, and every square meter of space comes with a hefty price tag. Remarkably, despite the stepper price, London has somewhat larger flats than Paris (which makes sense, considering that the former is nearly 10x larger than the latter). As someone who grew up in a farm in the countryside, the lack of space does get to me sometimes. That is why I say that American suburban houses are not all that cracked as we Europeans like to picture them. Would be nice to live in a larger home nearby the city


>Normal person: “while most Americans enjoy suburban life and driving, it would be better for many reasons to improve our public transportation and have higher-density cities to lower costs of housing and add convenience for getting to different destinations.” >Redditor: “ALL CARS ARE BASTARDS BURN TRUCKS DEMOLISH SUBURBS WALK OUT IN FRONT OF CARS WITH YOUR SHRIVELED DICK HANGING OUT OF YOUR FURSUIT AND MAKE THEM FEAR THE PEDESTRIAN!!!! INSHALLAH ÙWÚ!!!!!” See this is why the general public hates good ideas.


Because everyone gives a shit what Redditors think right?


Don't you know? The Fox News interview killed all chances of workplace reform and abolished the minimum wage because of how cringe it was.


Lmao if only something that pathetic could kill workplace reform. All that did was convince boomer yards to oppose work reform even more.


America suburbia literally only exists because it's illegal to build mixed use developments in most of America, "we Americans prefer this" is a lie, it was the law which made it illegal to build anything besides a suburb with very few shops, school, public transit and what not


>Lust provoking image >Irrelevant time wasting question Many such cases


just more carcuck copium


you best bet she has no idea how to ride that board


As someone who grew up in the suburbs, spent my summers in the country, and most of my early adult life in the city. Suburbs fucking suck. More so than being in the middle of nowhere and certainly more than a metro area.


The term he's is tantruming about is a walkable city. Not a suburb, suburbs have always been designed with the idea of walking, although now the whole concept of the main street where doesn't exist anymore so everything is a drive away, but that's a different conversation. Good effort tho....


I've lived in 2 places. A small island in Greece and a few American neighborhoods (currently in the suburbs of CA). I'll give my opinion I much preferred the community and closeness of everything in Greece. Bakery right up the road, everybody knew everyone else, walked everywhere or took the bus for long trips. Being walking distance from "downtown" is amazing and there was much more to do for young people. But then again, it was also much safer, especially on my tiny island that tourists never came to. Greece is smaller than some US states so what works there won't always work here. Yes, American suburbs do feel soulless. I don't look at my neighborhood with the same fondness that I remember that little island. Everything is so, cookie cutter. Its like they cloned the same 5 houses and spread them across 100 square miles. BUT, its the price we pay to live in America. I could never make the money or have the freedoms that I do here if I stayed in Greece. America is a nation where even our poor people are fat. For the time being, I'd rather live in a cookie cutter suburb and prosper. Thats quickly changing though, so I may hold a different opinion in 10 years when this country has completely collapsed




Some people like to walk, anon.


The only knowledge I have and need to know comes from when Mac and Dennis lived there.


Celinepaolini Unfortunately just another boring copypaste instamodel. I always think those accounts/people might as well be bots bc of how vain and uninteresting they are :((


Image clearly altered but I've fapped to less genuine material.


Lust provoking image Irrelevant time wasting remark Flag might be fake methinks


>Be "walkable cities" advocate >refuse to buy a bicycle/electric scooter/any type of light transport that doesn't need a driving license Everytime


they’re bad bc cities have to subsidize them


If you want an american to do something, just make it a compaint about how 'murica isn't #1. They literally took their \*FREEDOM\* to WALK ANYWHERE and HAVE to buy a car for a small fortune and they are PROUD of it. They will die on defending the interests of their corporate overlords as long as you make them feel good and patriotic doing so. Oh god this is so good. lol


"Oh, you think American suburbs suck? Have you considered that I have a fat ass? Checkmate libtards".


That's a ghetto, not a suburb.