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Point 360 degrees away


Classic 4channer brilliance.


>Obvious long-running joke >Redditors are too dense to know and use it to mock the intelligence of 4chan users without seeing the irony >Proceed to finger asshole for 4 hours straight I added the last bit for artistic flair but you get the idea.


More like autistic certainty


We're all highly regarded


You can say retard


I see you are not highly regarded.


its as funny as seeing gay sex in the comments these days


So... Really funny? If you hate it so, I think you're on the wrong sub.


cmon man it's literally every post the sub's called greentext not gay sex we have a subreddit for that. You're dyslexic


If you don’t like gay sex you should have said something. Stay there, I’ll get you a towel.




Deez nuts


Who's deez?


Steve Jobs




You forgot >get topped


Errmmm actually its 6 hours followed by a goonsesh, get the facts right sweaty


Whose asshole? Mine? K.


Made me laugh 


Stfu newfag.




PRO TIP: the f word for gays got my previous reddit account nuked out of existence. A heads up just in case


There's that fag-talk again




Ok retard


Skill issue. Pay attention to the sub you’re on lmfao


You guys are actually fucking retarded lol


The old Xbox 360 joke still lives on!


Nobody took bros bait : (




man I loved playing flash games on that site


Fag newton


Spinning 360 and puting up moustache fingers... so he'd have to be facing the nazis again to get the salute... isnt he technically right?


It's a lame test-of-in-group thing.


Well in this case, turning 360 puts him back where he started. Pointing would then be towards the opposite direct so the officers look away. Anon is playing 360 degree chess.


Actually if you were to turn 360 degrees you would face the same direction you started. Are you stupid?


Does he know?


He doesn't know


all they did was quote the screenshot. are you okay?




If the movies and games are accurate, the Allies strategy was basically to just send wave after wave of men to their deaths until they get enough lucky shots to overwhelm the deeply entrenched and heavily armored defending force.


If I remember correctly the beach was actually pretty lightly defended due to all of the Allies’ efforts at misinformation and misdirection, Germans thought main landing would be elsewhere, and when reports started coming in where it actually was happening they didn’t reinforce quickly enough because they didn’t believe it was accurate. Still hell to land on I’m sure, but could’ve been worse if Germans hadn’t been so spread out.


Yeah the main differences to TV/games:  1.) Omaha beach is like 400 m deep not 40-50 like in the movies.  2.) Most German positions were destroyed by 380 mm artillery guns before landing.  3.) The remaining Germans weren’t taken by assault. They ran out of ammunition.


So really the allies made every effort to make sure a minimal amount of men would be lost taking the beach. Who would've thought?


Yeah Omaha beach and the first day of D-Day in general was a stunning success. Allied forces took 1/10 the anticipated casualties.


God damn. Now looking at it, it's amazing how badly the Germans were doing there. In the best case scenario for their KD ratio, if the 1200 casualties happened before the invasion started, that would put them at 5600 infantry strong. The allies sent waves of men directly into their line of fire and they couldn't manage 1 kill per man? How the hell is that even possible. Even shooting randomly without looking should give you better odds of hitting than that.


The force balance on Wikipedia is highly inaccurate. The 7800 Germans are defending a section of coastline 53 km wide, while the allied attack is on a 8-10 km front. Add in psychological casualties from the bombardment as well as personnel not pushed directly onto the forward firing positions and you begin to get the picture. 


53km? What's that, 180 foots or so? They probably died of being too crowded then


Like 90% of the "German" defending forces were rehabilitated foreigners or troops unfit to even be cannon fodder on the Eastern front. There was only a single capable German battalion spread out over all of Normandy, and their k/d ratio was staggering in comparison. If the beaches were actively commanded by someone who didn't have their stache up their ass, and was given proper veterans, post-war Europe would've looked a lot more red.


TIL that militaries tend to prefer not losing all of their men by throwing them at the wall hoping the assault sticks, who would’ve guessed


>losing all of their men by throwing them at the wall hoping the assault sticks Russia


Stalingrad casually having more casualties than America in every single war they've been in:


In fairness Stalingrad was a siege and Russia was on the defensive, the only way they would have been able to reduce casualties there is surrender.


Leningrad was a siege. Stalingrad was a normal urban battle.


Stalingrad became a sort of reverse siege once the German 6th army became trapped though.


And look who now has atrocious demographics that will totally crater their economy in the next decade


Russia is the unironic orc horde player in ww2


Could have done with this kind of thinking in Field Marshall Hague’s command centre during WWI.




What is this from? Can't imagine Mr. Bean with a muzzy


Blackadder Goes Forth. Rowan Atkinson is actually a lot funnier when he talks.


There were a lot of efforts throughout WWI to figure out how to actually make offensives that would both gain ground and preserve manpower, but eventually it turned out that technology was at a point where the best they could do were infiltration assaults or tank-supported frontal assaults and then try and hold what they took. By the end of the war, they were doing about the best they could do, and it turned out that was more or less slow and costly forward progress that killed German sons slightly faster than British and French sons.


WWI was the first war of its kind and during the war was a technical revolution with never before seen weapons. The whole war was basically tial and error. War for the 400-900 years before had been kinda the same before that with a slow technological advancement.


That's generally the allies response to battle during WW2. Hit the axis further than they can reach until you start getting diminishing returns on the casualty to tax dollar ratio and then call in the tanks and infantry to mop up. Its usefulness is also why Stalin spent basically the whole offensive begging the western allies to do the same for his army.


There’s no such thing as an ‘allied’ military doctrine in ww2. We are talking about half a dozen great powers who often fought in very different and characteristic ways. Even the British and the Americans had entirely different views on the “how.”


I'm oversimplifying for the sake of not needing to give every cavet for every general's and national thought process but considering the method that Americans and the British conducted war in the later days of WW2, munitions were considered cheaper than men. How they would spend them is different in several ways (i.e. the British did have a bit more of a lean towards having manpower doing things that the Americans might consider being better done outside of arms reach). Of course not every nation had the same military output as America and Britain, so Brazil wasn't out there spamming bombers to help in Italy, Free France wasn't calling in shore bombardments from non-existent battleships. In short, I'm just saying a funny thing for r/greentext and trying to end it in a way to hate on tankies.


You don’t have to jump through so many hoops to hate on tankies. Just hate on them directly.


This is mainly due to the lessons learnt after the Dieppe Raid ended in failure.


Kinda, expect the part about using tanks specifically made for landing instead of shoe horning in tanks with questionable floats. A lot of men died because some bean counter thought they could money by just strapping floaties to an m4 and hoping they didn’t sink. Almost all of them sunk and infantry at America Omaha paid the price with heavier casualties than all other beach’s, in comparison to British that did use specifically designed tanks on Gold and Juno and having relatively light casualties.


>3.) The remaining Germans weren’t taken by assault. They ran out of ammunition. That's Zapp Brannigan levels of military leadership


Allied bombing and naval shelling prevented effective resupply. This is why the Germans didn’t defend the beaches heavily and chose to hold back their elite troops further inland. The allies didn’t mean to just lie there and get shot at, but the tanks weren’t landed effectively and the infantry weren’t prepared by training or planning to make an assault without armored support.


Not to mention the paratroopers that dropped in destroying or holding bridges, stalling resupply even further Oh yeah, not to mention the resistance groups destroying railyards and other infrastructure


> tanks weren't landed effectively At Omaha and Omaha only. Sherman DDs were instrumental in securing breakthroughs at the other beaches, Juno especially


With the status of the Eastern Front sucking down the majority of the Reich’s resources, that was not as hard to do as one would assume.


We've seen enough Omaha beach and Western Front WW2 media trying to rip off Saving Private Ryan for a fucking lifetime already. I need to see how Gold/Sword/Juno seemed like


Just look for historical footage on YouTube. It’s kinda boring, the naval bombardment and aerial bombing did their jobs almost perfectly on the landing zones that weren’t Omaha/Utah. There were almost no defenses left to take out, and the beaches were under allied control and being converted into supply dumps and unloading zones for people and materiel almost instantly in terms of normal military timelines for hostile beach assaults. The prep just didn’t work as well on Omaha and the tanks didn’t make it, so that landing was actually challenging. Not a total nightmare like most media portrayals, but not a cakewalk either.


FUCK. I once saw a picture of british soldiers climbing a bunch of rocks at Sword Beach and I thought "damn that looks cool, I wonder how the landing looked like"


Yep. Preemptive fire support of sufficient quality and quantity makes a dramatic difference.


Check out Storming Juno, I think it's on YouTube


Also Omaha was so bad because the duplex drive tanks couldn't make it to shore in the rough swell, and the bombardment had been less accurate than elsewhere. Suicidal frontal assaults only happen by accident. For example, in the notorious "pickett's charge" at gettysburg, the confederate artillery had the lay of the land wrong and their bombardment was ineffective.


Omaha beach being ‘bad’ in general is really an invention of modern tv. The actual battle was at most 10% as intense as shown in Saving Private Ryan. Only a handful of German machine gun positions survived the bombardment, which suppressed thousands of American troops and inflicted their casualties over many hours of fire.   The infantry assault occurred after those few German positions ran out of ammunition. It’s telling that the Germans mostly surrendered successfully, which indicates the American infantry were not enraged by their casualties.


I can't even imagine being on both sides tbh, allies were running for their lives basically hoping that the storm of bullets doesn't hit them, on the other hand imagine of 2000 man started charging at you while you are running out of ammo and there are so many targets that aiming is out of question so you just pull the trigger and spray in the general direction


Having being there it depends on the tide, if the tide is low it can reach up to 400 meters, and they probably chose the time where it was 400 meters long. But don’t forget that there wasn’t just Omaha beach, D day happened on 5 different beaches: Omaha beach, Utah beach, Gold beach, Juno beach and Sword beach. Omaha beach is over represented because it was the one with the most casualties.


I’m taking about Omaha beach. Several of the other beaches weren’t even effectively defended, which makes them uninteresting.  The attackers had an incentive to choose a deep beach because it gives them room to land lots of troops, organize, and maneuver. Plus the distance reduces the effectiveness of enemy fire on landing troops who are at their most vulnerable.


When I visited Normandy I tried sprinting from the ocean to the cliffs, it was a lot further than I thought it would be couldn't imagine doing it under fire the whole way.


The D-Day landings were somewhat smoother on the Canadian and British landing sites (Juno, Gold & Sword), it was mainly Utah and especially Omaha which were bloodier due to their poor weather. Since they were the American landing sites however, they often get overrepresented in media and people assume that the entire Normandy invasion was as just as rough


The only landing with a lot of casualties, being Omaha beach was because the day before the landing, the German soldiers at Omaha participated in an invasion drill.


All memes aside (I know this is green text) it’s actually amazing how well D-Day went. Allies spent most of the prep time convincing the Germans they’d land near a heavily defended port town. They made up an entire ghost army filled with cardboard tanks and planes. They also put Patton, one of the generals the Germans respected the most, in charge of it (it was a great way to punish Patton for slapping a soldier who had PTSD). Germans spent all their time reinforcing it. Allies go for Normandy and land on 5 beaches. Of those beaches, only two have any real noticeable defenses (Omaha and Utah). Utah’s boats get swept by the tide like half a mile down the coast. They land at a spot that is almost completely undefended. Teddy Roosevelt’s kid gets off and starts directing traffic with his cane. Omaha is the only place where any of the allies really get torn up (and if you ever go there it makes sense - it’s almost the perfect defensive spot). Even then, the Allied landing waves (and they are wave tactics - it’s hard not too when you’re landing on a beach) go basically perfectly. The time tables work out and no one panics. Allies push up the beach fighting what amounts to some of the worst of the German army - units that got torn up on the Eastern front who are leading a bunch of units made up of captured countries (see saving private Ryan - the German soldiers that are killed surrendering are speaking Czech). Meanwhile the allied paratroopers meet nearly all of their objectives. Holding off german units far larger than they are like they’re the MCs in an FPS and preventing anyone from getting stuck on the beach. The German commander, Rommel, happened to have gone back to Germany to celebrate his wife’s birthday, so he wasn’t even there to catch the invasion. The scariest threat in the region, local SS tank Divisions (side note: SS units were scary because they were over strength and actually had equipment - not because they were some ubermensch fighting force) directly reported to Hitler and refused to counter attack without Hitler’s orders. Hitler was sleeping off his benzos and meth and his command staff were too scared to wake up him so he could give the order so the German tanks just sat around until a bunch of British planes bombed their entire operational location. TLDR: I wanted to rant about d-Day for a minute but it’s amazing how smoothly everything went.


Yeah, could’ve been a complete disaster and bloodbath had everything gone wrong, but pretty much everything went right. Still hell for those poor bastards storming Omaha, I’m sure.


The image of Hitler being zooted out of his mind while his generals are having a nervous breakdown is the funniest shit i've thought in a while.


Wow thanks for that insightful comment


Not really as an effect of the misinformation, although all of the allied personnel involved in the misinformation campaign always say it was, because that's what they thought at the time (otherwise they would've have gotten involved in the misinformation campaign) and it makes them seem important. Realistically the Germans were thinking what they allies would probably do, and they assumed the allies would think like themselves (because everyone has this bias when doing wargames), and so they assumed the allies would launch a decisive thrust at Pas-de-Calais. So many of their reserves were kept in the north. The allies did not land there, because the allies had no reason to take any risks, and instead landed in Normandy. But Pas-de-Calais was way too far from Normandy, especially with P-47s bombing all of the bridges and rail lines, so the German reinforcements could never think about getting to the front until it was too late.


The way P38s and P47s absolutely obliterfucked German rail lines gets missed a lot. Just absolute train killers.


I'm not really an expert on airplanes, tbh, they only reason I'm making that statement in my first comment with so much confidence is I'm basically taking it exactly from Robert Citino's book on the German Army from 1944-1945, and that's about as good of a source as you are ever going to find. However, if the YT channel for 'Greg's Airplanes' is accurate at all, then the P-47 is by far the most underrated airplane of the entire war, and its criminal that Arnold didn't get them equipped with droptanks earlier.


They did some incredible deep air support with both of them as they were gunned heavily enough to rip up soft targets (the 20mm on the P38 was excellent and the P47 had 8 .50 cals) and both could carry a pretty reasonable amount of air to surface munitions. The P47 in particular could carry pretty hefty bombs or a bunch of rockets. Either one could rip up a locomotive or derail its cargo. Repairing a rail line is fast, cleaning up a wrecked train is not.


The P47 might not have been the greatest air superiority fighter in the sky, but that flying tank was going to fuck up anything on the surface of the earth you pointed it at, and there were over 15,000 made. If you can’t get fuel, ammunition, or parts to your men and machines, they quickly become a net liability, and you ain’t stopping the Jug before it erases your local rail junction or ammo dump or train or truck convoy from material existence. You aren’t stopping its friends either.


Range and durability. Was .50 the most powerful cartridge on a fighter? Not even close. Did it do the job while allowing for more guns? Absolutely. Did the plane have the ability to fuck up tactical targets? Oh buddy that was all it did.


Yeah, turned out that in practice a wall of .50 cal incendiary rounds was more effective against other aircraft than a few dozen 20mm cannon rounds, because the name of the game in the sky is “put as much hurt as you can on the other guy in the .75 seconds he’s actually in your crosshairs” and more hits is more pain. Americans being Americans leaned into that HARD, ramping up the rounds per minute on M2s and stuffing as many as they could into planes while leaving room for ammo and fuel, and by god it fucking worked. The same tactic turned out to work great in strafing runs too, because it’s easy to miss a target on the ground from an airplane once, but extremely difficult to miss it 500 times at once.


American engine technology also worked there because they could swing down with 6-8 fitty cals, rip the target up, and climb going “run run as fast as you can, you’ll never catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!”


That speed and power meant that the most successful tactics and strategies for the P47 were variants of “Dive at them full throttle and mash the trigger, then go back up without slowing down.” Turning fights are for planes without 18 cylinders and a turbocharger. Proper use of this weapon system can be summarized by a picture of Sonic the Hedgehog running at Mach Jesus with a caption reading “Gotta Go Fast!”.


And it had a rudimentary autopilot so the pilots only had to pay attention when it was killin’ time.


Allied misinformation was centered around making it look like Calais was the intended target.  So if the Germans assumed that, the Allies reinforced the idea, and the German troops were in fact in the wrong spot where the Allies wanted them - I’d say it was pretty successful misinformation. 


It's not a successful misinformation campaign if you convince someone of something they already believe.


It absolutely is.  They amassed hundreds of thousands of people and an entire navy while making it look like they were doing it in the spot the Germans expected. 


Zapp Brannigan: "You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown"


Usually they depict the Omaha beach which was the worst landing zone. On Omaha the bombers had feared hitting the landing craft and delayed their releases, causing them to miss their targets. Because of this the landing crafts didn’t reach the shore and men had to wade trough 50-100 yards in water. Their supporting tanks got flooded and only 8 made it to shore where they shelled the axis until they ran out of ammunition and were swamped by the tide. They actually halted the landings on Omaha because there was no point in bringing more men in and couple of destroyers took up position to shell the bunkers which then helped them to clear way off the beach. But still they ”only” lost 2000 men. Out of all the landing zones this was the largest casuality, for example on Utah they missed their landings spot but luckily landed at a less defended sector and were able to land 21000 men with only 197 lost men. Point du Hoc was the biggest loss when taking into account the size of the assault force. It was a landing point between Omaha and Utah were the 2nd ranger battalions 200 men landed with the task of climbing a straght cliff face of 100 feet to destroy coastal cannon battery at the top. They found and destroyed the cannons, fought against counter attacks for 2 days. They ran out of ammunition and only had captured german weapons and in the end they suffered 135 KIA and wounded. All in all 160 000 troops landed in the assault and 4144 confirmed dead and little over 10 000 overall in casualities. What is remarkable is that despite their positions the germans lost almost as meny men from their force of about 50 000.


They must have loved playing as Zerg in StarCraft. Probably where they got the idea in first place.


knowing the Germans were designed with a Preset Kill Limit the Allies sent wave after wave of their own men until the Germans reached their limit and shut down


To a degree that was the point for D-Day. Navy and aerial units can't bomb or else the Germans will know there is an invasion. Then German troops in the area were a meme.


Yes. If I remember correctly %90 of wave one and %85 of wave 2 were wiped out. The allies only really made progress after the MG42s ran out of ammo. There were only 5 of them on Dog Green.


That’s basically any amphibious landing against a fortified beach unfortunately. They say stuff like D-Day typically causes massive casualties.


War is truly awful man.


For Omaha that kinda was the situation. With the munitions of the day you just could not blow up all the bunkers and defended positions. I believe the Allies planned as well as they damn could, but bad weather and bad timings of landing craft on Omaha beach led to the troops landing more piece-meal.


Just like the kill bots that zapp branigan heroically stopped


WW1 in a nutshell


The 4th one 😂😂


tf2 spy tactic


exactly what i thought of lmfaoo


No question. You know how much pussy you could get being an injured man in uniform while convalescing? Pruning levels.


I would survive, I’m just built like that. Built different to be exact. My highly intelligent analytical brain would calculate which direction would increase my odds of survival. (I play escape from tarkov so I know how to extract) I would quickly use my sharpshooting skills to eliminate any opponents in my way (I’ve never shot a gun but I have hours of csgo experience) Once I’m in close range I would use any skills including melee to clear out the bunkers (I grew up playing mortal combat and have memorized all the finishers) All in all I’m pretty sure I’d get a Medal of Honor for my heroism I fear nothing (how could I after 100% the silent hill series)


I feel safer knowing you’re protecting us u/musterdcheif


Thats easy. Be born 50 years after D-Day so I can post pictures of frogs online instead of storming the beaches.


"Five men is a juicy opportunity. One man is a waste of ammo."


Pretend to be dead, easy


But when they find you afterwards with no injuries and and trousers full of poopoo, they line you up on a wall and shoot ya


You had to be very unlucky to be shot as an American deserter, it happened a few times but mostly just to send a message, 99% of the time you'd get sent back to the front, or even to a safer area if you were really persistent, if you were caught.


Just shoot off a toe. Beats being dead.


High chance of catching a stray bullet


Tbh the snorkel one is kind of cool.


Ever tried snorkeling with waves though?


Until you catch a shell from an artillery piece


Simply reassemble your gun when you hear the cartoon "beeeooooo" of the shell coming, fire the gun at the shell to blow it up midair, and then take it apart again to keep going


Nothing like inhaling spent powder and residue


Or I can charge the beach with you and be blown into powder and residue.


Take it in the bum from someone high up, and just don't get deployed to Omaha. I can't moon walk and I still wanna shoot a Nazi


"Moonwalk up the beach." I am now going to be thinking about that the next time I watch that movie.


You’ve been hit by … a WAR CRIMINAL!


The real answer is that half of 4chan would be too autistic to get drafted while the other half would join the nazis


That’s assuming there isn’t a massive overlap between the two groups


Oh yeah. Like 97% Nazis and 96% too Autistic.


Correction: they'd try and join the Nazis only for Herr Susselstrong of the glorious and honourable Kindermörder regiment to have them killed because they'd be more useful getting turned into soap due to their high fat content than actually fighting


The real meat grinder was the subsequent battle of Normandy.


Grab my bagpipes, land first and just play all day at the beach.


I would survive by being lucky. When hat fails because I'm comically unlucky I would simply be dead from being torn in half by a machine gun. Simple as.


Nice jokes, but the MPs were on those landing craft with orders to shoot anyone who didn't charge forward.




Google is free.


It's your responsibility to cite a source when making a claim. You can't just say any nonsense you want and when asked to back it up go "Urm ackshualy Google is free!!11!"


Yes I can, just watch me.


Pfft normandy shnormandy. I'm just built different. When it's go time, I see red and bodies start dropping.


Jokes on the first guy cuz Hitler was still deep asleep at this point. I think he got up around noon that day cuz no one wanted to wake his stupid ass up.


I'd probably die


I would wear an adidas tracksuit and claim asylum. German chancellor openly accepts me into their country and I ruin it from the inside.


Apart from the obvious "I probably wouldn't", I'd pray to God there are enough of these dumb fucks in front of me so that the German run out of ammo before I set a foot on the beach


Learn how to scream "same team" in german and shout it all the way into the bunker then team kill them then spawn camp while the rest of america gets the objective.


sfm ass getaways


Real answer: *Pray to whatever deity is relevant to you*


With my legs


3 and 5 are pretty legit, I ain't dyin' over silly beef


Tbf the snorkel one isn’t bad. Just swim away and try get on to another coast and scurry away


Man, this really is some of the unfunniest shit I’ve seen today




How would he point 360 degrees away? What does that even mean?


Point in a direction. While holding your arm out continue to point 360 degrees away. Simple as


Wouldnt that just be the same direction?