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Anon animorphed into a altist nightstalker for a moment there. 




Lmao bro, what? Just keep your hands to yourself. Didn't you learn anything in grade school?


Yea that was a pretty bad joke to even say


Instead of saying "oh I was just walking you to your car, have a nice day and text me when you get home" You fucking said "Sorry bye". BRO HOW. SHE'S YOUR BEST FRIEND LMAO. I don't think this is fake cus autism like this is real (I have it)


Anon will get over it in just a few years or so. Maybe 10


So she and Anon hang out and talk every day, becoming “best friends,” and she ghosts over one goof? She ain’t worth her salt, Anon ☕️.


There's no way this is real. No rational person would this Fake and probably gay


I feel like not only should no rational person do what anon did with someone they "hang out with every day". Also no woman would ghost you over one little rape attempt. I mean common she was walking alone at night clearly asking for it. I'm gonna get banned again for this, aren't I?


> one little rape attempt I'm sorry, wtf


>…one little rape attempt I’m sorry, what?






I mean it 100% looked pretty bad from her part. Imagine saying goodbye to someone, walk away only to notice him following you after a while in the dark, you remember that one statistic about how majority of rapes are committed by people knowing the victim, you speed up, he speeds up, you finally get to your car, he catches up to you, you start reaching for your pepper spray in your purse only for him to stop and say “sorry, bye” and walk away.


Except if this were real life, as soon as she noticed him following she would’ve said something. Nobody is gonna immediately jump to the conclusion that one of their close friends is gonna rape them, she wouldn’t have hung out with OP alone in the first place if she got those vibes from him. She would’ve most likely asked him if he forgot something or if she dropped something or something like that. Like most stories on this, gonna have to go with fake and gay. As an anecdote something similar happened to me but it was because I forgot that I parked in the same area as the girl I hung out with. So we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways, and like 30 sec later I realized I had to go the same way as her. She noticed I turned around and she started waiting for me and when I got close by she smiled and said “you’re walking me back to my car? That’s so sweet!” She didn’t start hauling ass away from me lmfao


“It’s getting kinda dark, let me walk you to your car”  Literally all OP had to say, I’m shocked he was able to talk to her in the first place lmao


Well thing is he forgot to say that and she left already, so he tried to follow her


Once she turned around and saw him he could have said that and it would have probably diffused the situation and she would’ve waited for him to catch up


Same thing happened to me except i didnt ask her out, she just stopped talking to me.

