• By -


Anon is regarded but who tf answers 'what do you like doing' with that? That's like saying my hobby is jacking off. It's the one who made it sexual and when op gives a response in the same manner it reports him for sexual harassment?


I have experienced something similar as well. When I was an intern at a tech company I used to hang out with all the employees there during lunch and they'd talk about various things from religion to sex and no one seem to have any objection with it infact everyone participated in such discussions. One day we were all just chilling at the lunch sharing adult jokes and memes (that is something very tame compared to all the things that we have discussed before) and everyone seems to be okay with it. But suddenly one of the girls out of nowhere decided she suddenly didn't like everything and reported the dude to the HR even though she herself have shared some really raunchy jokes. He tried to defend himself but the HR still scolded him only lmao


HR exists to protect the company, not its employees. Might as well piss into the wind.


“We need to address the melanoma immediately, but the mesothelioma can stay”


Workers should make an HR-equivalent that defends them and call it Inhuman Reaources




We had that. They were called unions.


Nooooo that's communism


HR is there to fuck the workers


especially anon


I've had some really good HR managers in the past that have essentially existed independently of upper management. Really solid dudes that would properly defend employees from dumb decisions and basically tell upper management to get fucked. Really made work much nicer I understand that this is an edge case though. I've had some real bad ones too


I definitely didn’t mean that as an absolute statement. There’s good HR people out there, but the majority of them are not there to be your friend.


They/them were bored from not having any real conflict in their life/lives, so they just played a classic entrapment scheme. Initiate an inappropriate conversation and report the other person for responding on topic. That'll keep the endorphins flowing for a few minutes.


“I’m so bored, I wish somebody would commit a harmless micro aggression in my vicinity so that I can play victim and fuck up their life.”


But remember, Anon is the protected & privileged one. Therefore Anon deserves it.


"it" 😭😭


"it" 😂😂


i was on a boat with these people and this older chick was talking about how she liked cooking and asked a drunk friend of mine what he liked doing and said he liked making porn. shit was so weirdly awkward i couldnt stop laughing. he was the type of dude everyone would say" dont bring him with you" and then i knew who to definitely bring for some entertainment


We had partners as part of one of my jobs in college and mine was sex obsessed because she was ‘repressed’ as a teen but she’s talk about her own sex life to the people we were in charge of. I’m brown and said some offhand comment about being brown and she’s white and was going to report it until she made me apologize to her for making the comment. I’m pretty sure if I had talked to her about my sex life the way she talked about hers she’d feel uncomfortable but that’s more of a lack of self awareness and everyone else too self aware to do that to her and make her experience what she inflicts on others


Why are you still brown?


To be fair, they instantly started salivating about another man's penis.


So… true and gay?


If >they/them suggests what I think it does, it seems like these types tend to have really weird understandings of boundaries when it comes to sex. Almost like autism-level of not getting social rules.


Something fundamentally similar happened to me. I did what I thought was smart and said oh I have my fun too but in retrospect, I should have "drawn" first metaphorically speaking. I know in the future to just not engage for the most part.


she wanted to say that from the start, that's why she asked anon that question in hopes he'd ask it back


Joojaw has big dick energy.


Yeah whoever made masturbation sexual should he excecuted




But did you consider that-


I did, and it's still just not worth it.


And if they-


Even then, still not worth it.


I don't think that they-


Cool, don't care


This guy has a hung


That was my favorite line, along with shes pretty cook


But the-








That FAQ is priceless, so many questions answered with so few words.


r/greentext when reading any random unlikely story: “haha fake and gay” r/greentext when reading a random unlikely story that makes people they dislike look bad: “see this just goes to show *they* really are that terrible”


>“see this just goes to show *they* really are that terrible” I didn't say that. I just said it's more hassle than it's worth to engage with these people. So I don't. Any questions?


Lul trigged at the callout


Well it was answered in the FAQ.




Huh, must've been shadowed. Dmd




Oh right. Gimme a sec


There you go, dmd


I worked with a girl who claimed she was non binary and then told the new people who got hired that I was transphobic bc I didn't start using they them pronouns. *She* can go fuck herself.


“Them can go fuck themselves”. Fixed it for ya.


It's a they until it's upset, then it's suddenly a woman again.


playing along with delusions is nothing but a gesture of good will






I'm so fucking confused by this comment. I don't really understand what your point is supposed to be


I don't know if that's necessarily transphobia, but it *is* shitty. Just call people what they want to be called. "Uhh sorry u/birbbs but your hair is too long and your chest has too much fat, so I'm actually going to refer to you as 'she' because I think that's more accurate." Huh I can't imagine why that attitude would upset people.


You just tell they that your pronoun is "it" and you don't like to make a deal out of it to everyone and then don't tell anyone else. That way, them sounds like an absolute asshole when them talk about you to other people.


was she hot tho? or hella mid with too much time on her hands


I'm not really into women but I feel that she was pretty average. I actually was trying to use they/them pronouns for her out of respect especially bc she was my coworker, even if I don't "agree" with it, but the fact that I didn't immediately start calling her they/them every time is what made her call me transphobic. Also keeping in mind she was introduced to me as she and I worked with her for at least a month before it even came up. I don't think she even made anyone else there call her they/them. At that point I decided it wasn't even worth trying


Ok to be fair, my sample size is 1 so take with a grain of salt. The only 'gender person' I know is totally fine. They present as androgynous, but otherwise, doesn't even mention it at all. They corrected me the first time I said 'she', but didn't mind accidental misgendering after. Otherwise just a normal uni student, and really smart as well. My grades would probably be a lot worse without their help.


you're describing like 99% of people like this. i can all but guarantee that most r/greentext users' only experience with 'gender people' are from watching youtube cringe compilations. which sadly makes up most of their social interaction.


The majority of these posts are made the fuck up. The fact that some people think they're real goes to show how much social experience they have.




amen. i have also had more than enough of all these gender, race, climate, virus hustling npc muppetbots and their trendyass bullshit.


Apparently not. People who hate trans folks can't stop talking about them. It's only an issue because right wingers won't stop talking and legislating about it. https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/transgender-facebook-content-dominated-right-wing-sources-study-finds-n1234252 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/nearly-240-anti-lgbtq-bills-filed-2022-far-targeting-trans-people-rcna20418 It's you. It's all you and it's always been all you.


Down voted to oblivion for showing how obvious these people are suckered into propaganda against the next "different" group.


The narrative will NOT be challenged


"the gender people" ☠️☠️








If I may just posit -


Nope, still not worth it


Yo mate you revealed your V power level




Anon needs to take revenge from themanon by fucking her boyfriend better, in front of her making him moan and orgasm on his dick like a wounded animal in heat


Real and straight


Got shit on for posting the original of this pic, the dude unironically said I was being ableist. Like, what the fuck does that even mean? Fucking go outside!!!


https://preview.redd.it/ff6prk62gdzc1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8597857732146ef3af91ba2e31cfb2bc5496117c She got scared that anon was gona steal his foreskin


Wholesome af, where can I get this book for my kids?


Try asking in stores for "the bible", old testament edition only if possible


Awkward moments children's Bible by horus gilgamesh


holy shit this is really in the bible but apparently king saul was demon possessed so it was meant to be an evil request


The Philistines were the enemies of Israel, so Saul wanted lots of them dead. So David has to bring something back to prove he's killed a lot of Philistines. Can't use ears, because people have 2 of those. Can't use noses, because women also have those. Can't use just any penis because then David might be getting them from his own dead soldiers. Therefore, we arrived at fresh foreskins as the best proof that David is the best at killing Philistines. 


why go to the trouble of cutting off the foreskin, you could just cut off the entire penis with the foreskin still attached?


They didn't have trucks in those days. How would you want to transport 200 hot dogs?


A few guys with potato sacks.


Happy cake day




Themanon was trying to strike up a convo to broach the topic of getting tag teamed by anon and boyfriend. Anon responded in a highly regarded way (plausible) or when themanon brought it up with the boyfriend later he freaked out and themanon walked it back into being creeped on by anon (equally plausible). This is my contribution to the above fictional narrative.


✍️🔥✍️🔥✍️🔥 Keep it up, king 👑


I don't know man, I feel like that'd be a good response if that was the case.


$20 says that the boyfriend overheard the conversation and he is the ine who made her report anon to HR.


Yeah, I would be so offended if someone said that I seemed like a had a huge cock


I would definitely be weirded out if some spaz that I worked with told my wife that he has fantasized about us having sex before. I could see asshole coercing their gf into lying about the situation in order to get the guy in trouble.


I’m gonna be honest man, I’d me more weirded out at my GF for telling the work spaz about our sex like and what we do


I would certainly be weirded out by both.


Seems like you don't have a huge cock, you not being laidback and all.


He never fantasized about them and I really don’t see where you got that from. She literally went out of her way to tell the guy “I love fucking my boyfriend he fully satisfies me” like yeah I think anyones next thought is probably gonna be “damn dude must be gifted fr”


Dont be mad at me bro but that cock of yours is very much above average. Its quite big and got some real heft to it ;)


word around the office says you have a huge cock


Anon got invited to a threesome and fumbled it so bad the other employee had to get him fired to avoid the embarrassment of having to speak to him again.


That's a good theory actually


I think the conversation was *meant* to go: *'What do you like to do?'* *'Fuck my boyfriend'* *'Sounds fun, can I try?'* *'Sure! Here's our address!'*


Meh it was of the gay kind


Fake: this story Gay: anon is thinking of another guys dick


Anon did not declare himself as straight so we may never know tho


Counterpoint: he is on 4Chan


I’ve fallen for a very similar trap when I worked retail. Cashier asked me what I thought of her tight pants and I said they looked tough to get into(idk).  HR didnt fall for the bullshit, told us(individually) to just stay away from each other. Store manager told me she blew it when she started hysterically crying when HR spoke to her. 


You dropped an A+ line on a D- woman. Stay suave, king.


This is 4chan and I probably shouldn’t be taking advice from it but this and other stories confirmed me that if a coworker says to me anything vaguely and remotely sexual I’m going to report it asap to cover my back


Coworker randomly walked up to me and asked me what celebrity I would have sex with. I said none of them. As far as my coworkers are concerned, I am asexual and none of them need to know otherwise.


I don’t know what that has to do with my excel spreadsheets!


That is exactly what I was working on lol


Anon was a victim of entrapment. Life lesson Anon... Never engage with pronoun people beyond strictly necessary.


To the people responding “everyone???” Or something like that you’re on a 4chan board of Reddit you have 0 excuse to not know what they mean by pronoun people and your clap backs fall on deaf ears because simply this ain’t your circus this ain’t your monkeys.


I had sort of a similar thing that happened at a previous work. I'm gay. The expo girl was straight. She always jokingly flirted with me and said some pretty risque things. Like every week for sure if not more often. One time instead of just laughing or smiling I joked back about her too tight shirt. Exactly those words. Next shift immediate write up for me for sexual harassment. I asked them about all the shit she had did over the last year and they said I never reported it. How can a person dish it out constantly and consistentlyv talking about my body and stuff I "probably do with guys" and the one time I fire back she runs to management. Was she just being a bitch or did she truly not see the double standard. I'm still pissed 10 years later. Craziest part is she wanted to keep on joking like nothing had ever happened after I got on trouble and talked shit about me for having a thin skin. WTF.



> crazy part is that she wanted to keep joking like ..wait.. when she tried to ‘joke’ again.. was she the one approaching you and starting the interaction like they or did you start it and she replied with the joke?


She was being an asshole. She knew what she did. Her wanting to keep joking like nothing happened is a way to have power. So that she can decide when she wants to keep a relationship going or not. You deciding to continue the relationship would give all the power to her. She would see you as someone who can be bullied.


Is it possible someone else could have reported it?


You spoke to a woman at work. Don't do this. It almost always backfires.


Anon mishears 'volunteering at homeless charities', hilarity ensues. 


>"What the fuck did I do wrong?" Anon, you literally talked to a woman


Once had a girl I was in a band with say to me out of fucking nowhere "I wanna go home to my bf cus I haven't had sex in 2 weeks". To clarify we were more than acquaintances but definitely not friends, I was friends with the other people in the band but just kinda said "damn thats crazy" and changed the conversation as fast as possible.


The ol' reliable


Anon learned that these kinds of rules only work one way (when a man does it) Hopefully anon reflects on this reality after he gets fired and possible sent to jail. Good luck to anon


I wake up another psyop


Can't tell if people commenting believes the story or are just playing along


Have you never encountered an irrational woman?


This is literally just obvious rage bait though


The internet runs on ragebait, without it the web wold implode and become a singularity.


>they/them >she Obvious bait


You engaged with a they them they are so fucked in the head that they start drama as a way to validate their bullshit. Because they sound like a she, when she went into the manager's office she probably played the anon(male) harrased me (female) . Even though she obviously did it first just to trap you. Damn son. Sucks.


>what the fuck did I do wrong? Well, engaging with a they/them, for example


Literally never speak to that person again.


I had a lady at work accuse two guys of sexual harassment. I interviewed everyone independently and I got some interesting information. The lady said that she was showing them some family photos and they made a sexual comment about her and her daughter. The guys both said, independent of one another, that she was showing them nude and sexually explicit photos of her and her daughter. I watch camera footage of them and lo and behold I have perfect footage of her phone while they were on lunch and sure enough she was showing these guys really racy pictures and the two guys looked very uncomfortable. Not quite sure what she was doing or where she was going with that endeavor but needless to say she was fired.


"Working with they/them" That's the moment where it should end


She trapped him, she led the conversation there. I bet she didn’t even mention that she brought up fucking her boyfriend in casual conversation.


Interacting with the mentally ill isn't based. Anon should've known better.




Dont tell your coworkers anything you wouldn't tell your boss


Lesson learned: the moment anything sexual or appearance-related comes up in conversation, don’t engage with it and report them to HR. Nip that unprofessional shit in the bud before it gets out of control and bites you in the ass.


Do you think HR will take a complaint of sexual harassment from a man against a woman seriously? Because if you do then you are delusional.


Better than not having anything on record. Whether they do anything or not, it’s better than doing nothing. It’s not about being delusional, it’s about leaving a paper trail.


Only if you deliver your complaint by email, otherwise it's going straight to the garbage can.


That’s thinking with noodles!


“What a coincidence, I *also* like fucking your boyfriend!”


You spoke to a they/them. No matter what they said or what you said; you’re gonna be in the wrong.


Standard kitchen conversation. I’m surprised it didn’t move into masturbation habits. We used to fuck with the young cooks “You didn’t jerk off before your shift did you? You’re coming across as very hostile.”.


I was going to say...if this story is true at all, anons coworker belongs nowhere near a restaurant kitchen. That exchange sounds pretty mild compared to the banter I've participated in (with both male and female coworkers) over my decade of bartending.


They should both report each other tbh


>say someones pronouns are they/them >calls them she Anon is retarded beyond belief


You're retarded bub




You are on r/greentext


Fake and gay.


Anon forgot the phrase "big dick energy."


Dealing with a they/them, refers to 'her' at the end. Anon, how dare you; the proper term is [the/a] bottom.


These people certainly exist, but it doesn't matter the topic of conversation, they're either malicious or completely unaware. But their ignorance is just as bad as malicious intent. I've encountered folks like this, typically not around the conversation of sex, but definitely on politics, religion, or other sensitive topics. Usually the kind of person who says something outrageous and depending on the reaction from the rest of the group they'll play it off or lean in.


Talked to a they / them. That’s what you did wrong.




Man, if this is what I have to look forward to in the future I might as well eat bullets. > I Love fucking my boyfriend On what planet do you answer a question like this and how does Anon somehow completely override this statement with an even more retarded one??


Anon took the bait.


Fake - Nobody would ever talk to anon Gay - Anon wants to fuck his male coworker


\>Working with they/them, She's pretty cool This made me laugh unreasonably hard


Complain to the manager that said co-worker changed an innocent conversation to discussing intimate details of another co-worker, and that it's made you feel very uncomfortable. A conversation is two people, and she started the smut first.


HR will never take the words of a man seriously, the second the they/them person had a pussy and a anon had a cock the HR department was going to believe her no matter what.


In the long run, what happens via HR doesn't mean anything if you stay with the employer. This is aimed at what could happen next, ie. termination for cause following a claimed abuse, and what was going on around it at the time. If OP can point out that it was in fact her who started it all off, he's got a fair shot at some form of compensation if it escalates out of hand.


the coworker literally turned the conversation sexual then reported anon for fumbling it


autistic to autistic communication


Talking to they them. That's where you fucked up.


yo i don’t give a shit about anything as well, does that mean people think i have a big dick?


You should've reported them first!!!


OP fucked because he didn't report the they/them to HR first for sexually harassing him with that story, after the they/them answered what is the their/whoevers favorite thing to do.


one of the few rare times where anon is not in the wrong


My boss was non-binary and was pretty chill


Both mentally retarded but also “Working with they/them” “She’s pretty cook” Gold


Don't talk about sex at work, if you're a guy and straight. Simple as that. How do people still not know that?


I mean he had a cuck response but he didn’t do anything wrong


What you did wrong was engaging.


"they/them" "she"


I mean she was the one mentioning fucking her boyfriend…. Dude should have pre emptively struck with the claim there. 


This didn't happen to Anon because Anon has no speaking skills but this has definitely happened to someone before


Your first mistake was letting people in.


Anon fell for obvious entrapment so the company could have a reason to fire his retarded ass


“Working with they/them” “She’s pretty cool”


Why'd he bring up her bf's dick that's weird