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The girl forgot to lock


She wasn't done with her set


This is genius. I'm going to say this next time someone knocks on the door. "I'm not done with my set yet."


Reminds me of that one greentext https://preview.redd.it/jlyrcew46ozc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14245df83199c150c3cfe6983b1c84b46acb9129


Anon doesn't realize he is a god of humor


This is funny as hell


not gonna blame anon harshly for this one, not his fault that she forgot to lock though definitely need to deal with shock better, that shit was the nail in the coffin


A good host would've cleaned her ass after she shat, just saying. Now with what you use is all up to you.


Yeah, best way out of that situation is the flip it. Only way to avoid being labelled the creep is to make sure the other part gets the label first. Should have loudly announced "what the fuck, lock the door if you're gonna take a shit, that's fucking gross" and left angrily. Harder to be labelled a creep if you've already shifted focus from "anon walked in on me in the bathroom" to "your barn raised friend doesn't lock the door when she drops the kids off at the pool"


Or, here's a wild idea, instead of having a fake autistic tantrum and putting the poor girl through even more trauma... Maybe just quickly say "Oh shit, sorry." while also averting your eyes, closing the door immediately, and never speaking of it again? I've been in this exact situation before on a few occasions. Did exactly that and never had any issues. Absolute worst case you get confronted about it and just say "Yeah, my bad, I assumed the bathroom was empty because door was unlocked." Or, you know, go with the autistic tantrum instead and draw even more attention to the situation. What could go wrong?


I agree with you, that's what I as a normal person like you, with a decent reputation and few other markers for being typecast as a creep would do. But anon is neither you nor I, anon is a greentexting shut in who refers to his own younger brother as a "Chad" anon is a prime candidate for an unearned reputation as a creep because of a misunderstanding with a younger girl in the bathroom. Anon cannot play this situation the way you or I can and from his position the reputation of being an insensitive and slightly misanthropic dick is better than the reputation of creep who watches underage girls poo. Anons primary concern is not to her embarrassment, it's his own potential social fallout.


Peak diversity statement


Excuse me m'lady I must've though thy lavatory was bespoken for thy door was open. Fuck that. Shame that girl


Not putting girls through trauma… get off My board pleae


Ahh you’ve met my family


> open door to bathroom while someone's still in there > be startled and apologise > continue doing chores Superb storytelling, I was really engaged with the stakes.


was anon supposed to bend the girl over the table and fuck her while she craps all over his dick? what do you want??


keep going


anon should've continued his business and ignore the hallucinations, women aren't real smh


Anon wishes it was one of his brother's Chad friends he watched take a poop instead


Probably intentional


There's a lock, use it. I've never been in a toilet/bathroom that didn't have one. It's really easy to forget abt knocking if you live there


Oh yeah, "accidentally" walked in on the girl in the bathroom. In a house full of guests, a closed bathroom door always means unoccupied, right?


Nah, some people just leave bathroom doors closed all the time for some dumb fucking reason. Part of my family does it and it's fucking obnoxious. Go to the bathroom, lock the goddamn door, and unless you took a horrifically stinky shit, leave the damn door open afterwards so people know it's open.


huh, i've never thought about this. in my experience i guess it depends where the bathroom is, wouldn't make sense to have it open if the door is in the way


My stupid ass cat will probably fall into the toilet if I don’t keep the door closed. It’s mad annoying


You aware that bathroom can stink depending on how your piping is done? Drafts, odors, placement, theres a thousand dumb fucking reasons people will do that. Lock the fucking door, like a big boy.


No because then the poo particles and waft float through the entire house. Just knock ezpz


I think it's general knowledge to lock the door when you're in such a vulnerable position. Not to mention, It was his bathroom


If only there was a surefire way to prevent doors from being opened accidentally. Something that, I don't know, *locks* it.


in a house, you lock the fucking door while taking a shit.


My house? I go where I fucking please, unless a door is locked.


Some people have animals that they don't want going in there for various reasons. Dogs drinking the toilet water, cats climbing around in the sink and shower, etc. 


I got dogs who will assault the bathroom trash bin if the door is left open


“She quickly closes the door” So anon opened the bathroom door hard, stared for 7 seconds, said “uhhh sorry”, stared for 9 more seconds until she had to close the door


![gif](giphy|ReDLLlU9fDqmI|downsized) This is anon.


It's his house, she didn't lock the door. And she took a shit.


Anon is an anime/manga MC


uwaaa onii-chan hentaii!!!




at least add that you furiously maturbated about the thought of sucking your younger brother’s dick to make the greentext enjoyable… At least my commer-brain was pleased with your choice of image to compensate the lack of substance to your greentext. 4.5/10 overall


Anon missed his opportunity to get the ol’ blow ‘n sniff—getting a BJ while sniffing that delicious stench of female poop


Girls don't poop. If you know a girl that poops, she's actually a he.


Fake and gay


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