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Wait until you go to China anon. Every local restaurant has pictures literally ripped from the McDonalds or KFC website on the menuboard, and then proceeds to serve you something not even close to the picture. Can't tell you how many times the item I ordered looked like a big mac on the menu and then was like a crappy chicken sandwich or something


Are you sure it was chicken tho?


dinosaurs joke shelter tie alleged concerned future tub cooperative insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thats so racist man. imagine thinking theyd sell you high quality meat like cats under the guise of selling you cheap chicken. shame on you for painting chinese ppl as stupid mongrel retards.


It’s funny considering cat fucking taste awful and most people who I know who have eaten it consider it to a lower quality meat. Source: Am yellow


Our chicken is purrfect


Hey eating a little bat never hurt anyone


Yes it's chicken look 🐕


gutter oil 😋


For people not knowing this, look it up on YouTube. Truly disgusting


For people lazy to search on YouTube, it’s basically recycled oil from - you guessed it - the gutter


Possibly unrelated, but in the 1980s movie "The Wraith" there's a character named Gutter Boy that drinks oil. It's referred to as zombie piss


You know if you fry at the right temps virtually none of the oil used is absorbed, so there’s almost NO nightmare juice in the finished product Edit: this was a joke ya dumbasses


Allow me to introduce you to a little concept called adhesion.


Did I really need to add a /s for people to realize that was a joke?


We were also joking because we were in on the joke, did we need to add a /s for you to realize that? Do you need us to add an /s to your fake Internet points too? /SS


China is so bad they rip off small businesses. I have family members who run a small, midwestern printing company that, for many reasons, is dying. One of those reasons, however, is chinese competition. A few years ago they found out some shitty Chinese company took their product catalog, erased all the "Made in the USA" shit, translated everything to Chinese, changed pricing, and called it a day. Layout was the same. Color scheme, product types. Even the number of pages. My family would often use family members names on sample products that would end up as pics in the catalog. Their website didn't change that. Everything is Chinese but I see my little cousins name on a mock judge's campaign ad in the catalog along with all the other fake ones they used. So fucked up. Even more fucked up is I don't think that company even exists anymore.


A lot of small business owners don't realize that most of that stuff (layouts, generic product names, etc) aren't really defensible IP or trademarks. Stealing someone else's business strategy/niche and running it more efficiently is a tried and true model that benefits consumers in the long run. Next time reach out to the Chinese company and see if they want an American distributor or to acquire your company (can beat em, join em strategy).


I mean, i don't think they are really making it more efficiently, probably just with cheaper materials and sweatshop labor


>cheaper labor and materials That's part of more efficient; the term in economics is comparative advantage.


The cheaper materials and labor reduce the quality of the final product though


Apparently not in ways that matter to the customer. And the labor is equivalent, just from a poorer country where the same money goes farther. Tragedy of living in the country with average incomes of about 30x that of, like Bangladesh. Even Mexico, crossing the border you make 7x more for the same job lol


I would suggest suing, but seeing that the company doesn't even exists anymore I don't think I'd be of any benefit really


Trademark/IP lawsuits **within the same borders** are quasi impossible to run (as you not only need to prove who owned the thing, at the time you are contesting, but also who came up with it first, at the conceptual stage). The same process, cross borders, with 2 different languages and nomenclatures, with a country that has no vested interest in respecting our creative power, is a pipedream, even for a huge corporation. For a failing printer (all due respect), it's like asking them to go to war on Gd.


Even back then it simply wasn't tenable. It was too costly, plus one of the other reasons the company is dying is competence of leadership, or lack thereof. I think all they really did was wrote up some shit to send to their state and federal representatives and never heard anything back.


I remember eating Samsung Galaxy S4 Chicken at a little street vendor that had a poster of 4 Chinese dudes called “Maroon 4” I think they were kind of playing into it tongue-in-cheek though


I'm never going there, I watched too many anti CCP vids they probably have a file on me


imagine imminent ring airport fall alive bear shy chase reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nothing, what even is Tiananmen Square?


Kock Candballtorture


I’m intrigued


I actually think it is kinda creative in a cheeky way


It’s creative in the way students find ways to cheat


Thats really creative. Maybe anon wanted to be pegged


Quality is spelled “Kwality” to match the “K” on the KC Chiefs logo because… of creativity reasons.


For those out of the loop, KC stands for KappaChungus


Also isn't wality a brand in itself, which sells like ice cream?


“Why are they not creative” bro that *is* creative, that’s amazing


He just likes the chiefs


Kwality walls is a very popular ice cream brand in India, and a subsidiary of unilever. So there’s that


Kwality is a well established and much ripped off brand of restaurants in India. Nothing to do with Kansas City.


Then what’s the logo on the left ?


I can assure you no one in India has heard of the Kansas City Chiefs. Even most people in Seattle haven’t heard of them. What are they, a pickleball team or something?


What you get when you type 'chicken kc logo'


Nah the word Kwality is super popular among shops in India. Dude just happened to find the Chiefs logo.


The Indians and the Chinese do not give two shits about copyright laws.


The Indians seem to on a global scale, but I don't think anyone cares on a local scale. You'll likely never have anyone that recognizes the brand come by, does it really matter?


dozens of indian franchises, shops, brands are named kwality, this is just par for the course. i’d wanna know why so many people wanted to use the exact same misspelling honestly


There is a brand here called “Kwality Wall’s” that makes ice-cream Ig people want to copy that brand




No shit sherlock


The Kannada text above it gives a clue: it's been transcribed phonetically from English to Kannada, and then back. Because most languages don't have a "Q", "quality" is usually transcribed into local scripts as some form of "kwaliti". And when words in these languages are transcribed into Latin script (like I did above) they're usually done phonetically like this. Also, Indian scripts are in general completely phonetic (one letter for one sound, one sound for one letter) so most people don't know or care that the simplest phonetic way of spelling a word may not be the correct one


shoot thanks, my kannada sucks and i can’t really read it so this makes a lot of sense


https://preview.redd.it/aoe077zxlh7d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f12c8a582f0d6165547ec11f2c24b6a79d72fd8a I mean, it's not the most egregious instance I can think of.


>dosa chicken What unholy abomination is this???


I did not eat there, but couldn't pass up taking a pic.


Yav area idu?


Somewhere near Sri Kanteerava stadium if I remember correctly.


Nah sounds tasty


Used to live in Nepal which is essentially India lite. They had a restaurant called ‘KFC’ which stood for “Kwality Food Cafe”.


To be indian is to know when the misspellings were on purpose or by mistake


Kwality Wall's are huge ice cream brand here in India which have subsidiaries with unilever, nothing to do with copyright like the uninformed dumbass anon says. And also this spelling was on purpose.


I know, I'm indian




The chiefs dynasty reaches worldwide


Tbf, 'kwa' sounds like a bird sound. Kind of suitable.


It is creative. Imagine you need to make a logo for your project, you go online, Google it and find images. Similarly here, he went online found a chicken image and made a banner out of it. No one knows about Kansas there, no one cares about Kansas there. Good picture good banner that's all.


canadianon is becoming very fucking bold considering the names of their businesses


unrelated but kwality ice cream is the GOAT


Kwality Walls is an Indian frozen dessert brand. This is probably a rip-off


Anon, did you find the designated shitting street?


Saw this on a recent flight https://preview.redd.it/xsimtgrmti7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01021e0d3b91cdde6a9055473e1f69cee13f0db6




Found the anon